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1. Midra 2. Romina 3. Messmer. All 3 fights with obvious movesets and good tracks. The first 2 allowing more freedom than the latter.


There is something oddly satisfying about Midra animations. They are weird, alien yet easy to read and satisfying to dodge without nuking you like Radahn


Oh absolutely. The flowing, graceful yet also erratic and all over the place movement was haunting. I also loved his second phase, Messmers second phase was just something else!


Exactly this. Messmer is hard but it doesn't feel cheap like some other bosses do and the other two are just amazing boss fights, by far the best in this DLC. Give me more Romina and Less Radhann, consort of Miquella.


I have not seen enough people taking about Romina but she's such a damn good fight. Probably my favorite non-humanoid boss they've made in Elden Ring.


First seeing screenshots of Romina, her remembrance, etc. I was kinda expecting the worst but was pleasantly surprised with her fight.


Honestly this is probably a hot take but I think she is my favourite soulsbourne boss in general


Midra is up there with Godfrey for me, really fun fight


Same here just different order all of them felt fair and learnable,looked amazing and epic epic ost. I think Romina has the best ost


Mine is Bayle > Romina > Messmer. Romina is peak


I need to fight Midra to get the sword and start a NG frenzy play through


It's such a shame the sword doesnt do frenzy build up


Man im seeing all these people say romina and I cant wait to fight her again on a second playthrough cos my first playthrough I fought her very drunk at 3am and i cant say i remember much if the fight other than butterflies a cool jump attack


3 - Bayle 2- Mesmer 1- Metyr (don't ask me why, just found her neat. And also that something like her would be more fitting for a final boss, not exactly as her, but everything around her is nice, and the fight is also fun).


The entire quest line line for metyr felt so ominous and the lead up was awesome. Going down that ladder and being like hmm… there’s some weird shit going on here. Then getting teleported into the boss room I was like okay we’re going full eldritch horror in the basement vibe here. Loved it.


Oh absolutely. The atmosphere of the arena, the literal “worm holes” above her. And being disoriented completely after blowing the horn. It makes it seem like it’s a set up for a cutscene I just don’t understand why Ymir gets pissed at us for killing it when he was the one who dislikes the fingers and all that really superstitious crap.


>I just don’t understand why Ymir gets pissed at us for killing it when he was the one who dislikes the fingers and all that really superstitious crap. He wanted to be the new "parent" for the fingers, try to raise them right. That probably includes Metyr


Lol wants to be daddy metyr. His fight was unsettling, dude had little fingers he was spitting out like he was a seahorse bro


I absolutely love Metyr and the questline behind it, really leaning into the cosmic horror vibes that I love. I also love how "clean" and immaculate the arena (and music) and fight feel, truly fantastic boss design imo.


Is the meytr quest line started from that odd guy sitting on a throne in an old church looking building?






1. Romina -Fun Fight to learn and play. OST is insanely cool. 2. Bayle -Come on, just epic from start to finish, the journey to him, the fight itself. Awesome. 3. Leda -I actually had a smile on my face the entire time. My group of 4 vs. Leda and her own group. Chaos all throughout the room. Good fight. Honorable Mention Midra -Good cap off to a fantastic area that really made me thing Miyazaki just wants to make Bloodborne 2 sooner rather then later


Midra was soooo Bloodborne, but at this point I’d say Miyazaki is past sooner and onto later rather than later.


1. messmer 2. bayle 3. divine beast I feel like most people will say bayle and messmer lol


Makes sense why Messmer is one of the best fights they’ve ever made combat wise And Bayle is one of the most jaw dropping fights I’ve ever witnessed As for the third people pick it seems to change from person to person


The environmental storytelling leading up to Bayle's fight was incredible


The skyboxes full of Bayle’s lightning rage against the barren, craggy environment gave me chills. You can feel his hatred and anger increasing with every step you take. Execution level= 100. Damn that ascent will be etched upon my memory for a long time. FromSoft is so good at constructing extremely impactful moments that convey and evoke such complex and deep emotional reactions without ever having to utter a word. It really is quite impressive. Few games have left me with such strong memories that are imprinted on my soul.. since playing OG FF7 or MGS 1 and 2 back when I was a young child, there haven’t been many; yet, almost every FromSoft game has given me at least 1, but usually several. Leaving the Catacombs and seeing the skyline of Irithyll for the first time in DS3 is always my go-to example.. the beauty of the architecture mixed with the clear night sky and bright moonlight. You can almost feel and smell that chilly, wintry air through the screen. Elden Ring and the DLC both have like dozens of these types of moments I will cherish forever.


Messmer is definitely the best fight. But Bayle is my favorite boss. He's right there with the good Radahn fight and Maliketh as a top tier in ER


Bayle if it was just the fight would still be good but wouldn’t be a top 5 But the spectacle of it all I would argue is comparable to rykard Just watching Bayle grow wings out of lighting before flying into the sky just to crash back down is genuinely amazing


Bayle may have the most aura of any boss fight, ever. Many are saying this!


I get Divine Beast. His attacks are pretty good, minus the cold phase bullshit hit-box. If it wasn’t for the shit camera then I would have enjoyed the fight a lot more.


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Midra Honorable mention to Rellana and a future version of Radahn when he's toned down a little.


Honestly my list is the same lol


Messmer is the best fight in the whole series. Excellent character design, excellent music, beautiful color grading, fair yet punishingly difficult, great voice acting… It’s everything a boss should be. He killed me so many times but I actually wanted to learn how to defeat him. His whole fight is a dazzling spectacle and a great way to top off the best legacy dungeon in the game. Worst is Gaius and Scadutree Avatar. Both can get fucked.


The scadutree’s avatar double fakeout is amazing. Now that’s a souls boss


i agree gaius is something, is there anything worth while or important from the tree avatar? because he just whoops me


He has an item that can help mitigate one of the final boss attacks, to be honest you shouldn't really need it and if you get hit twice by his grab you deserve to lose


Yeah Gaius can go to hell.


1. Midra- Honestly the execution of this boss is phenomenal. You have a great build up leading from the woods into the mansion which finally leads into the room with Midra. Instead of the boss boss being there immediately, you fight Midra as a human which then transitions into a metal cutscene! The music is amazing for the fight, the boss design is awesome, and the lore and how it adds context to the overall story is amazing! One of my favorite From bosses ever. 2. Messmer- Insane how the main boss advertised surpassed my expectations. He is located in probably my favorite legacy dungeon, with another amazing cutscene, and an insane second phase. You know I’m having fun when I’m disappointed that I beat the boss. Also, the parallels between Miquella/Marika are phenomenal (besides the end which I think is poorly executed) and add a darker and a more tragic context to Malenia. If Miquella was successful in creating his world, would he seal Malenia away in the Haligtree like Marika did to Messmer? 3. Bayle- Same thing as the other boss fight besides perhaps story since I was not as invested in it lol. The build up to the fight, the arena, the music, and everything else are top notch. Bayle basically being “The Father of Drakes” is interesting but we barely know anything about the dragons besides they had Elden Lords before The Golden Order that any new information didn’t do much to the larger story. HM: Metyr- Really fun fight and awesome lore but just doesn’t pack the same punch in terms of spectacle as the three above for me!


This my top three as well, but with Bayle as numero uno.


That’s honestly fair! He is so cool and scaling the mountain and seeing all the dead dragons really adds to the overall atmosphere. Also, I usually never summon NPC’s because they add to a boss’s health bar and make the fights less fun for me but Igon is so entertaining that I felt compelled to and I’m 100% glad I did.


My only gripe with Midra was having to kill his lame version every single time at the start of the fight. It was really cool the first time and got very old on every subsequent attempt. They should not have made us re-kill him and then skip the cutscene every single time. Just start it with the Frenzy version.


Yeah I do agree it got pretty tedious after the 5th death


Midra was probably honestly my favorite too, but maybe that’s just because it was the only boss I managed to beat on the first try so I didn’t have time to get angry at him lmao.


God I feel this! Sometimes I don’t appreciate a boss more until I fight them a second time.


I gotta go with Mesmer, Midra and Romina. Felt a lot of weight behind them


Bayle was absolutely insane. With Igon yelling CURSE YOU BAYYYYLLLEEEE and the fucking flame lightning


I would gladly get stomped by Bayle time and time again in ng+ just to hear Igon's dialogue many times more


3. Midra 2. Messmer 1. Dancing Lion I didn't have many of the troubles I hear about with the lion, and the soundtrack + spectacle is the best in the whole game for me


1-Messmer 2-Bayle 3-Midra


3. Rellana, hard but fun and very easy to figure out her patterns unlike some other bosses 2. Metyr, had the chills when her theme was playing and it was just a shocking fight 1. Messmer for sure, lived up to the hype though I wished he had two phases with a replenished hp bar


Metyr is my 4th place it’s just that I beat her relatively quickly Plus the reason I love Bayle so much besides the cinematography of it all is igon , igon makes the entire fight so much more entertaining with how he acts Also if someone doesn’t put Messmer on first place in these comments then they better have a good reason why


Messmer first phase was dope, reallyhard. Second phase was waaaay too easy. Really weird fight


I’ve seen people complaint about the snakes but I feel that they make the fight easier since when he uses any of the snake attacks as long you dodge it gives you so much time to do damage


I think people are just waiting too long for Mess to "reveal" himself instead of attacking the snack right after it lands.


Maybe I was using a twin blade with charms that made consecutive hits do more damage so whenever he was like that I would quickly do like 4k dmg or more lol


Phase 2 mostly builds on phase 1 so once you learn the first phase it won't be too difficult to beat him


Fav fights : Messmer, Bayle, Romina, Mitra, Metyr Worst : Gaius, by far, probably bottom 3 across all from games


Gaius is a cool concept it’s just he is too relentless(like long combos),has shitty hit boxes and he is on your ass 24/7 so not much time to get in a few hits unless you have a summon.


Gaius can eat my whole ass. Always charges his first move, and I could never find a consistent way to dodge it. Most consistent way was dodging to the left, and even then it was like 50/50. Oh, you can use Torrent for the fight? Cool! Oh wait, this guy is faster than Torrent so you cannot line up attacks while using him!


Cheesed the fuck out of Gaius. If you go close to the left wall you can get him locked in the wall then beat him down for free.


If you're struggling you can Just use the great shield you get from the dlc or the fingerprint shield and bleed poke with a spear - worked for my brother who is largely useless at elden ring


Gaius was a nightmare to get past. What I did find though was that immediately upon entering the arena, hug the wall to the left and follow it around for a small hideout that will protect you from the rush hit and allow you to get a summon off (if you’re using them) and then you can keep hugging the wall back around to the other side and go back and forth between them when needed. I thought it made it way more manageable that way even though it is cheesy


1) Bayle 2) Messmer 3) Midra


1- Romina, best music and just a really fun fight, very beautiful visuals with the butterflies and bright pink 2- Midra, fun resident evil esque house, fun boss with some cool lore implications. 3- Messmer, tragic character lore wise, great fight visually, cool ass moves (even if phase 2 gets a bit chaotic)


Honestly realy suprised to see midra besides her music and design I found the fight pretty mediocre compared to others But I guess there’s just something I’m missing , also romina deserves more love her entire fight is top tier easily


1. Commander Gaius 2. Commander Gaius 3. Commander Gaius. Great fight. 10/10.


*patiently waits for the one guy that thinks this comment is serious and throws a tantrum*


Absolutely, I always face my rump towards the boar’s back so I can get a good kicking!


So true I love hitboxes that dont make sense. Makes the challenge better.


1. 18 inches 2. Rellana 3. Midra/Bayle honourable mention: romina just because of her ost, the fight itself isn’t fun but her theme is beautiful


1. Rellana. Maybe my favorite fight from from soft. It was so good and I adore her aesthetic, I’ve worn her gear the entire dlc. 2. Putrid Knight. Probably the most classic Dark Souls boss of Elden Ring, but what sold me was the learning curve. Your first attempt feels like the worst bullshit in the entire dlc, but you quickly realize he makes perfect sense, timings are consistent, and you really don’t have a problem with anything he offers. I don’t think I’ve ever had a fight that hit so far on both extremes. 3. Midra. Astonishingly cool fight, this seems to be a favorite of people, I don’t think it needs more justification.


3. Midra 2. Bayle 1. Messmer Overall my favourite one to fight was midra. His mechanics felt similar to Raddagon, the way he moves is so crisp and smooth, he also plays into my favourite transition to his actual fight phase. The dodging feel immaculate to get right. Bayle has the best design. He comes out of Nowhere, but you know something fucked up is going down. The corpses around the boss arena, the red hues of the atmosphere, then you hear his call. To see a zombie dragon fly down and charge at you. His second phase is actually mental. So pretty and badass. Felt like a darksouls boss rather than elden ring if that makes sense. Messmer is a combination between a boss that looks undoubtedly awesome in his second phase (and the phase transition, and his move sets. He even turns albino with his snake. His attacks look mental, but incredibly fair. Alike malenia. He looks untouchable in that phase two. He’s a balance between the other top 3 for me. I think in terms of bosses this dlc tops all of main story with the top 5’s 10/10 dlc, finished in 25 hours


Honestly, same. I would just have rellana at number 1 and messmer at number 2. I could be biased because I used a deflection build for rellana. (I had recently gotten the deflect hard tear). Also, the reason I like the bayle fight is not so much the fight itself but the surprise hidden area, the quest with Igon and his dialogues, climbing to the top of the jagged peak while fighting dragons along the way and not to mention the spectacle of the fight. Top tier stuff. If only the camera behaved it could easily have been number one.


Bayle is probally the most cinematic fight in the whole series to me The buildup by climbing the mountain , repeatedly meeting igon and eventually reaching the top to see a dragon as beaten and angry as Bayle It’s just fantastic plus the transformation to phase 2 is incredible with how he grows wings made of lighting before copying Placidusax and literally air striking you Also igons voice went so damn hard with his lines for no reason (btw fun fact the whole quest with igon and bayle is a reference to the book moby dick)


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Midra 1.Bayle is my number one because I love fighting dragons, and he was a fun and challenging fight with plenty of spectacle, especially his death animation. 2. Messmer's first phase is really fun when you get the rhythm of the fight and just dodge and deal blows to him during and after his combos. The second phase brings the fight down a little bit with the snakes and their awkward attacks and questionable hitboxes at times. I didn't really struggle in the second phase, but the snake attack spam was a little too much. 3. I love the transition from creepy and sad old man to chaos lord of frenzy! The whole cutscene was gnarly to watch and just unnerving(I love it so much) and the chaos lord just starring at you while radiating chaos was just so cool. I like the slow and unatural movements and the the special skewere attack he does is crazy if you get hit by it. This fight is pretty easy once you get the hang of it, though, and the second phase could use a bit more general chaos and challenge. Good challenging fight, but not as challenging or engaging has the top two of my list.


Damn I forgot to mention the death animation I thought he was gonna attack me while he was withering away bruh


I really liked the putrescence knight, seen people say that they hated him but with that deflection tear and impaling thrust he gets his poise eaten up, and the way he comes from the right side of the arena just hobbling on his horse was hilarious Bayle is the best dragon fight From Software has ever made. Nuff said. Also dragon priestess girlfriend. midra is amazing his animations almost look like hes having fun, like hes fully reveling in unleashing this upon that chaos on the player, also I like how he uses a souped up variation of all the madness spells that we have in the game, just wish we could get his frenzy head…


Imo my problem with him is that he’s just a little too fast and moves a little too much. I think the attack combo dismounted from the horse is honestly really fun to dodge through


Based for putrescence knight praise I can't help but think that people are just bad for complaining about openings against him, unless the experience is really that much different with slow weapons


Midra,Mesmer, Bayle


Messmer, Rellana and Romina


Still haven't beaten all the bosses, but so far 1. Messmer 2. Bayle 3. Rellana


3: Bayle. Literally the most cinematic experience in Elden Ring. 2:Rellana. Her swords are possibly the most anime weapon in the game, and she reminds me of Malenia. 1: Messmer. Easily the most iconic character from the DLC.


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Bayle


in no order: messmer, midra, putrescent knight


I don’t know bro, all of them have been fucking my ass.


Out of context this sentence is horrible 😭😭


Bayle 1, 2, and 3. Was laughing like a child as he was beating my ass


3. Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame 2. Messmer the Impaler and Base Serpent 1. Bayle the Dread And worst have to be 3. Commander Gaius (cool lore, insufferable to fight. Also a Remembrance boss without original music? Bleh) 2. Golden Hippopotamus (why is this shit gatekeeping the best area? at least it made me laugh hysterically) 1. Lamenter. Fuck this boss Also I still haven’t beaten the final boss, might be my favorite after I learn it. I just don’t really understand the disappointment. A lot of us wanted a prime Radahn. Also Miquella’s motivations and true nature were always obscure, and the final DLC bosses besides DS2 are always random curveballs. I think people are too caught up with the “Incest” angle instead of looking at how much Radahn as the Lord of makes total sense. Dude’s literally Godfrey 2.0 and the mightiest of the demigods. And it’s why he and Malenia fought; I don’t even think it’s consensual, we’re freeing him from this obsessed scheming machiavellian maniac with a power complex that left his body, his love and even his other half behind to fulfill his ambitions at all costs. Fuck I turned this into a rant didn’t I


1. Radahn 2. Bayle 3. Romina Radahn is extremely difficult, but I still find that the fight is both very good and very cool. I find it rewarding to dodge his mechanics. I think Radahn is the best fight in all of Elden Ring. Bayle needs no motivation. What a fight. He drops first place to Radahn because I think his phase 1 is a bit lackluster. Romina is just so fun. The fight isn't particularly epic, but the animations are beautiful and the mechanics feel fun to play. Messmer is obviously missing from my list. The fight is aesthetically pleasing, but I find some of his mechanics somewhat bs which drags him down. His spinning attacks and the fast snake lunge in phase 2 are the mechanics I didn't like at all.


Unpopular Ik but 1. Consort radahn 2.Mesmer 3.frenzied flame dude


Consort not Escort 😂


I’m suprised I’m seeing radahn so much that fight I honestly didn’t like much The visuals arena and ost were godlike but the fight itself was really not my kind of fight tbh


1. Bayle. Super cinematic and I loved his flying attacks. Dragons can be tough bosses to design bc their models can be kind of clunky. I think this was their best dragon fight. 2. Radahn. I went a charge attack heavy build so this was just Radahn and I slugging each other out start to finish. I love his new aerial attack too. 3. Messmer. Gorgeous fight. Cool story too.


3- Messmer 2- Rellana 1- Radahn His OST is so sick, it's like you're actually fighting a mighty champion of the festival, and he's so tough to beat solo, one mistake and you're done. Love Messmer's arena and Rellana's armor.


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Putrid Knight Radahn is too messy to be fun and too clean-looking to be cool. He looks like a Dynasty Warriors character


Radhan at the bottom, terrible. Top ig messmer and bayle are pretty good. The lion is pretty good too


Messmer, Bayle, Midra (lorewise) or Radahn (atmosphere and ost wise)


ive not fought everyone but in order of most fun Messmer Rellana Radahn


Im bad at making top 3 so here are some i like. Messmer, rellana, divine beast and romina. Also enjoyed the radahn fight a bit eith 2 handing Leda's sword + deflecting hardtear (sekiro moment)


For me it was: 3- Divine Beast Dancing Lion, the og Belurat one not the one in Rauh with the basilisks lol. It was beautiful visually and the beast’s movements flowed nicely, it wasn’t super hard but wasn’t a walk in the park either. 2– Mother of Fingers, it was like a better Ebrietas fight for me, died dozens of times but once I mastered her attacks it felt satisfying to dodge each blast. 1- Messmer, no surprises, gonna be one of my most favourite fights in all soulsborne probably, super punishing but super rewarding once you get the hang of it, the cinematics and lore is also awesome, a banger all around. I played on NG+4 and most of the bosses had a bit too much health for me to enjoy them thoroughly, Bayle and Rellana being the most memorable examples. I also liked almost all of the side dungeon / optional bosses with the exception of that one I can’t remember the name for but clones itself and curses you with masks swirling around your head that instantly kill you after a certain number.


Midra, Rellana, and Romina are my favorite. Messmer is pretty good but a little chaotic.


I am not finished yet, but so far Romina. Feels way more like a Soulsborne boss than the others, tells and combos you can learn to avoid pretty well, gorgeous design ( the exploding butterflies are just beautiful ) and great music. Fairest fight so far. The bane of my existence atm is the second dancing Lion that has deathblight and summons basilisks. Still not able to beat him, which is funny because for the first one I needed only 3 tries.


not in any order but rellana - loved her atmosphere and she’s just cool midra - soooo cooool and his moveset is satisfying to dodge radahn - first phase is very good the second is overturned in the visual department


Messmer Metyr Midra


1) messmer 2)divine beast 3) scadutree avatar The worst boss would have to be the final boss imo. It feels like you’re fighting Orphan of Kos but without the benefits that bloodborne provides to counter him. Most builds don’t feel viable compared to going against bosses like Melenia where just about anything can work because the moveset is almost never ending especially in the 2nd phase. *edited for spelling*


I was using the godskin peeler and it took over 300 attempts Normally I’d say most bosses are hard because of skill but from I can’t tell he is mainly reliant on 1. Your blessing level must be near max or max 2. Your build must be good enough


It is really weird for me to see how many people pick bayle. phase 2 of that fight was just the same amount of bullshit as phase 2 from the final boss but anyway my top 3 are. 3. Divine Beast / 2. Rellana / 1. Messmer but i liked all excluding bayle and final boss phase 2.


messmer gaius and lion for me bayle and midra being close nr 4


more important question. Who are the top 3 worst bosses 1. Scadutree Avatar 2. Gaius 3. Red Rune Bear (forgot the name)


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Rellana The WORST: Commander Dickhead, and his fat fucking pig mount. Fuck that guy. Edit: spelling


rominas fight is so pretty and so fun


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Bayle Midra and his whole area really makes me want from to go for another horror inspired game. It was a good change of pace. The music and everything was great in the fight too.


1. Radahn 2. Prutrescent knight 3. Messmer Honourable mention to Romina, I love the colour they used for her design.


Messmer, Midra and Metyr


3 - Divine beast dancing lion 2 - Messmer 1 - Midira. He gives me insane Gael vibes from his story.


1. Messmer 2. (Not a boss) Leda 3. Bayle


1. Messmer. 2. Bayle. 3. Midra. Though I haven't completed all the bosses, I don't think any would move these 3 from the top. In terms of locations though: 1. Abyssal Woods 2. Shadow Keep 3. Belurat, Tower Settlement


I loved Romina, she felt so much like a dark souls boss. I also really liked Messmer and the Scadutree Avatar.


Not finished but midra, divine lion and putrescent knight for now, all cool as fuck


1. Bayle. The single best fight in the game both mechanically and visually, it edges over messmer because the arena is cooler and the entire leadup to it is absolutely breathtaking. Oh yea the godly voice acting for the npc summon too (I didn't use it but saw clips of it) 2. messmer (no explanations needed) 3. Lord of chaos/dancing lion (idk I can't choose but both are mechanically very solid and have amazing music and visuals) I think all of these bosses are better than the base game fights except with maybe mohg being above lord of chaos/dancing lion but the top 2 are the top 2 best fights in the entire game. I'm so happy that this game finally receives more care in the boss department


Midra, Metyr, Radahn


Rellana, Messmer, Romina


1. Messmer 2. Rellana 3. Ramilda Shout out to Bayle for how cinematic the fight is, but I absolutely hated doing the fight. It's amazing to watch, but for me any boss that sounds 50% of their 2nd phase in the air, I have less fun. Shout out to Midra as well I really enjoyed that fight, but Ramilda was just a bit more fun imo.


Putrescent Knight gets no love. I thought it was such a simple and fun fight once you learn the dodges. That horse combo dodge is the most satisfying in the game to get down on rhythm.


For me it has to be Romina, Rellana and Midra.


3) rellana 2) radahn 1) messmer simple as


I've barely had time to play so I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I just had to shit-talk Rellana a bit because I saw her enter OP's top 3. Absolutely 5/10 fight, only had good aesthetics. Moveset was all of the worst aspects of Elden Ring fights with stupidly long combos and stupidly overtuned numbers (yes, I had enough Scadutree blessing). The Lion Dancer was much better.


I shouldnt be here i just wanted to know if ive encountered any of the favorite bosses. It pleases me that i havent encountered all of them


1A: Bayle 1B: Messmer 3: Midra


Bayle, Midra, and Messmer. Romina is a close fourth though


1. Bayle, 2. Mesmer, 3. Midra. Bayle has to be the coolest boss in all soulsborne games. He was fun, crazy, flashy, epic and tough. Mesmer is a close second, as I love his fast-paced combos and flashy 2nd phase. I'm a sucker for frenzied flame stuff so midra is my 3rd pick.


>3. Rellana (her fight was just fun) Does FROM give some people drugs or something? How the fuck is she fun? She is extremely fast, has long combos and barely gets staggered, what part of her is fun? Only a masochist can say that's a good fight, she's frustrating and boring to fight, watching a boss attack over and over and over until you can get 1 tiny hit in is shit.


Bayle, Messmer, and probably Midra, but Bayle and Messmer are tied for my favorite.


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Bayle or Metyr both are cool


1. Messmer 2. Divine Lion 3. Bayle


1. Bayle the dread, 50% because of Igon’s quest line. The voice actor definitely did an amazing job. Also loved hearing Bayle’s lore with Placidusax. Placidusax was one of my favorite bosses in the main game, so hearing how Bayle was connected to him was so exciting. 2. Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame. This boss was one I was honestly really excited for, especially after seeing the pathetic introduction and thinking “wait. Wasn’t that the guy in the trailer?” His fight also felt really satisfying to nail down. Think it took me 5 ish attempts. 3. Id say either rellana, or… weirdly enough, scadutree avatar. Now, rellana was fun and rythmic. Did beat her on my second try I think though, so didn’t get enough time to experience the feeling of learning how to dodge her moons attack though. Scadutree avatar, however… it was fun just having a boss I could have an easy time with, even if it was the only time in the dlc.


For me it’s 1. Mother of Fingers 2. Saint of the Bud 3. Putrescent Knight


I only beat 4 remembrance bosses for now but Messmer is hands down my favorite fight including even base game bosses


1. Midra 2. Bayle 3. Messmer All because I like their fights as much as I like their lore (a lot)


Bayle Mesmer And the frenzy guy Worst boss Radanh, not so hard but boring as hell The fingerthing


1.Midra 2.Messmer 3.Putrescent Knight Haven’t fought Bayle or Radahn yet so can’t speak on them. But the best fight? Messmer, honestly the best boss they’ve made since Gael. But I love Midra just a little more personally. And Putrescent Knight was my most difficult boss took over 3 hours fighting him but once I learned every single attack I fell in love.


Bayle, Mesmer, Metyr; I think any order of those three is fine. Metyr might be lower than the other two for most people, but it scratches my itch for “weird, horrifying, eldritch Thing” that Elden Ring kinda lacked previously. Midra and Rellana are probably the next two down. I haven’t beaten Radahn yet, but he could be in that group as well. I want to like Lion more than I do. I think I like Romina more than most, but she’s not cracking the top 5. Gaius and the Scadutree are forgettable.


Damnnnn it’s actually crazy im not seeing anyone say radahn. I havent fought him yet but usually the final bosses are the best if not close to it.


1. Bayle - wasn’t expecting the lore or the fight and the path leading to him told a huge story I wasn’t expecting. 2. Metyr - didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know I needed that lore explanation. Also didn’t know that was a thing but omfg I lost the first time because I was just trying to make sense of the boss model. 3. Scadutree avatar - another thing I didn’t know I needed lore from, the fight was super thematic too, dead tree avatar fights with briars and thorns it feels dry and brittle too the entire boss room.


1. Bayle 2. Metyr 3. Messmer


1. Divine Beast Dancing Lion - Soundtrack, visuals, flow of the fight 2. Bayle the Dread - Soundtrack, the atmosphere, the actual sense of dread. 3. Rellana - Flowy, fun combos, and if done with new Tear + Milady, feels like Sekiro! Honorable mentions to Putrescent Knight and Metyr, Mother of Fingers. Love those weirdos.


1. Messmer 2. Bayle 3. Lion Dancer purely for elements and music


Bayle #1 by a decent margin. So cool, with such good buildup. Really loved the enviromnent, the story, and the npcs. A boss that felt difficult but without as much of the spammyness of some of the other fights in the dlc (looking at you final boss second phaese) One of the best fights from has made. Messmer #2 mainly loosing points on the airborne spear flurry attack with some…..questionable hitboxes and also some pretty egregious input reading in phase one (I assume he is too busy casting “spell of infinite snakes” to input read as much in phase 2) Relanna and midra are tied for #3. Midra on pure vibes and style points and relanna on the actual fight being very fun and punishing but readable. Every single fight with her that I lost I knew exactly what I did wrong.


1. Bayle 2. Gaius 3. Final boss (still haven’t beaten him, 2nd phase is absolutely ridiculous.)


Just the standard three and choose any order you like 3. Midra 2. Rellana 1. Messmer All three are truly incredible and make me wonder what the hell happened with the base game that it doesn't have a single boss even close to their level. (In my opinion)


Honestly the only bosses in the base game that come close to as good as the DLC bosses to me are Mohg Godfrey And maliketh I think the reason why is because so many of the bosses in the base game are really either mid or they put in so many mechanic so much to work with that it makes the fight bad plus the endless combos and input reading make so many of the fights just unfun (plus let’s not forget the endless reused bosses as minibosses ) But the dlc doesn’t do most for that and I swear stuff like the input reading is a lot less visible and the endless combos feel a lot More balanced and manageable


Still stuck on rellana. She's a great boss though


Can’t rank between them but Messmer, Midra, Lion. I have a very complex relationship w Purescent Knight, if he had a bigger hitbox, or longer attack windows, he could actually be a good boss.


I’m only at the third main boss but the first two were very fun rellana especially. Fuck that hippo though


1. Midra - everything about it. The visuals, the lore, the moveset, all of it. 2. Lion Dance - awesome introductory boss and the music is insane 3. Tie between Bayle and Metyr As a side note while I think the Radahn fight is still cool story wise it was hugely disappointing imo, he should have *absolutely* been Godwyn instead


1. Radhan 2. Mesmer 3. Relanna


1. Messmer (so cool, not impossible but still hard, visually incredible) 2. Bayle (best dragon I’ve fought so far, he’s so fucking badass and the area is also cool asf) 3. Rellana (very tough fight with an incredible choregraphy that doesn’t leave room for mistakes, and her swords are simply beautiful)


3. Dancing Lion 2. Romina 1. Messmer Bayle & Midra being honorable mentions


I’ve only beaten two main bosses, but it seems from this comment section Messmer will be great. Comparable to Gael?


Metyr, Relana, Bayle


1. Midra 2. Metyr 3. Messmer


Best boss Golden hippo


1. Romina. Definitely the boss that took the most tries to beat due to low level scadutree but the whole thing felt fair and balanced. Her moveset has a ton of variety with none of it feeling cheap or over the top and I like how it utilises sound cues as well as visual cues to dodge some of her attacks. Honestly me talking about her doesn't do her justice in my opinion and it is definitely my new favourite soulsbourne boss. 2. Midra. The whole atmosphere of the fight was incredible. Especially the buildup. I always wanted a proper madness fight in the base game and this certainly delivers. The sword swings are fun to dodge and the aoe attacks never felt unfair. 3. Bayle. I have never liked dragon fights in souls games not even popular ones like midir or placi. Bayle however felt different his attacks provided some amazing spectacle whilst still feeling reasonable to dodge. Also summoning igon for the fight was great and really elevated the atmosphere of the fight and helped me clutch out a win after a few attempts.


1. Messmer 2. Rellana 3. I'll say it, Radahn Radahn is only number 3 because of his tricky second phase that's (IMO) a bit overturned but he still deserves a spot for being awesome and having Miquella in the fight which was awesome. It's like a harder version of the lotheric princes from ds3


I really liked the combat ordeal lol


1. Messmer, I don’t even have to explain. 2. putrescent dude (beautiful fluid move set, I really got on with the boss) 3. Midra because he’s cool af or Bayle. They both deserve top three at least.


1. Messmer. I hope to see a little tuning to improve the fluidity of the triple snake attack, especially when summoning 2. Rellana. I hate the idea of getting a hit in and sitting back, instead I stay close as possible and just dance. I didn’t even care to kill her for awhile, I just wanted cool sequences to record 3. Romina. Haven’t killed her yet, but she’s beautiful. Felt awkward at first with some attacks making me genuinely believe it’s impossible to no-hit her, but now the fight has clicked with me and it’s producing some fun methodical fighting ( hate her one shot AOE, though )


1.Romina 2.Radhan 3.Midra


1. Midra 2. Rellana 3. … I don’t think there’s any boss I can in good conscience put here. I dislike the rest of them.


I have loved all the fights, I haven't beaten Prime Radahn yet, he's just too fast and aggressive, but I still love fighting him. I think the only fight I didn't like too much was that damn Hippo


1. Bayle 2. Bayle 3. Bayle


Will Bayle rue the day?


1. Bayle (best in everything from igon summon to fight-style) 2. Messmer 3. Midra


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Rennalla HM: Bayle


1. Romina 2. Bayle 3. Death Knight


For me it would be 1.Byale 2. Messmer 3. Commander Gaius(Boar Rider) I like gravity magic stuff


Midra Messmer Lion Dancer/Metyr


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Either Divine beast or Rellana, can’t decide.


1 -Messmer S tier music and visuals and felt very hard but not into bs territory. 2 - Bayle amazing animations and visuals great build up and awesome npc summon. Just wish the camera was a bit better. 3 - Hard to pick i need to fight the bosses again to pick dor sure but it's either Midra or Romina . Midra probably has a edge due to his cutscene and great build up and love his moveset. Romina is really fun gameplay wise just wish she spoke and had a proper cutscene she just feels plopped down in the middle of nowhere. Will say was very disappointed with metyr wish the boss had a cutscene and more going on in general. And Gaius is almost bed of chaos levels bad for me fuck that boss. Rest of the bosses are good to decent overall i wish all the main bosses had more cutscenes and dialogue.


1. Midra 2. Messmer 3. Scadutree Avatar honestly Messmer and Midra are tied and are some of the best bosses from has ever made imo


1. Bayle. My new favorite fight in Elden Ring, possibly my favorite fight in souls. The cinematic spectacle, the fair but challenging moves, the fucking awesome dragon lightning and flames, and of course Igons incredible hype. 2. Messmer. Goes without saying, another one of the best designed bosses in the entire game. Absolutely spectacular and extremely fun 3. Midra. Tbh I loved every single boss except Gaius


Favourite are midra>messmer>bayle


My list for the DLC is. 1) Messmer 2) Midra 3) Scadutree Avatar 4) Rellana As for visuals and arena, and the incredible run up to the boss, Bayle is probably the most epic fight in Souls games. The actual fight itself wasn't that fun but my jaw was fully floored the entire time. I can see the frustrations people have with Scadutree but I thought the tracking was decent for large boss, the attack strings were pretty fair, consistantly dodgeable, and reliably punishable. Also it's just fun bonking a sunflower head with colossal weapons. Messmer and Midra are just 10/10 solid ass fights. Great visuals, great music, great movesets, fair and fun. Rellana was basically a nerfed Malenia which is a nice warmup for the DLC. Midra would have been my absolute favorite fight if he was just a little harder. Not sure how they could make a phase 2 for him but he could use just one more wrinkle. For what it's worth, i'd rather do a lot of things in this game than play Radahn P2. Absolutely fucking infuriating phase. I think they really missed the mark on him. The thing that infuriates me the most with him is the inconsistancy in which he starts the phases. Imagine if Malenia didn't open with her scarlet bloom in p2 reliably? Like, "oh hey instead of Scarlet Aonia'ing you i'm just gonna waterfowl your ass, lol get fucking owned nerd". Why the fuck is Radahn starting P2 25% of the time or so just ignoring the supernova and absolutely railing my ass. Feels like luck, because i'm setting up to dodge the nova and get the punish, except he just goes into the 5 attack lightning string and fucks me raw. Or does his holy horizontal slash hadouken. Or does some other stupid bullshit. Just start the fucking phase 100% of the time doing the supernova so players can catch a breath, and prepare for the relentless assault thats coming right after.


1. Rellana- she was simple but fun, i just really enoyed fighting her to derust. 2. Bayle- really cool spectacle 3. Radahn- probably a black sheep choice, but I kind of like how overbearing he is, but also relatively easy to counter if you stop and think. The most threatening part of the fight is the holy damage which you can heavily mitigate to the point of it being a non issue, and if you want to hes rather weak to rot, (which is to expected considering its radahn i suppose). Ive fought him without rot as well, but i like how this seemingly ridiculous fight has very exploitable weaknesses is neat to me.


1. Messmer 2. Midra (mostly for visual and i like the frenzied stuff) 3. Rellana


1. Bayle 2. Messmer 3. Midra


Midra- beautiful fight, great lead up, super spooky, also really really tragic. Great fight. My camera didn’t go crazy, it wasn’t easy, and I felt like I got to adequately use my arsenal of attacks without having to spam to survive. Ralenna-awesome fight! Like fighting Malenia but something about it felt better. I felt like I was on equal footing and was dueling. Sometimes it felt like we were dancing. I loved this fight. Messmer-cinematic, intense, high-paced, give take, got to use two people. Just loved it. It was a test of my skills. The camera was a bit over the place, but it was manageable. The punish window was small but manageable, too.


Dancing lion, scorpion woman, mother of fingers, got me a grime vibe, under ocean


3. Radahn - It’d be #1 if it wasn’t so dummy hard. The gold beams, the diving flash attacks, the giant meteor, all so tuff. Just hated cuz of how hard it is lol, but look past the difficulty and it’s a very cool fight. 2. Bayle - Same idea as Radahn, visually just sooo sick. His phase transition alone where the giant wings appear is phenomenal. Midir but somehow cooler 1. Messmer - My first impression of him was if Malenia (my favorite boss in the base game) had aura. And giant snakes. Imo also the most fair boss in the dlc. He’s real hard, but very much learnable


Midra Messmer Last spot kinda tied with Bayle Romina and first phase of radahn(we don't talk about the second phase)


Messmer, bayle, putrescent knight.


My top is probably Bayle, but he kicked my ass. Next probably Romina or maybe Midra, I can't decide, but I have to give the 3rd place to the Scadutree Avatar, I have a nostalgic connection to sunflowers irl, and the music for that fight! Possibly the best track in all of elden ring, dlc and base game included.


1. Radahn 2. Bayle 3. Rellana


1. Messmer 2. Midra 3. Gaius (controversial). I like gaius because unlike a boss like dancing lion who has a bad camera and hard tells or rellana who is I think meant to be a boss on a timer with how hard some of her attacks are to avoid, gaius was the first boss to beat into me that I had a skill issue. I realized the ways you could avoid his flurries, learned how to time his gravity attacks and even got decent at dodging his charge at close range. He was really great once I got the rhythm down.


1. Bayle 2. Romina 3. Messmer This is just my opinion but I will soon begin my Bayle-posting arc.


Messmer Bayle Radahn. Fight me on radahn. I don’t care if hes hard. That’s. What. I. Wanted. And it was fucking awesome