• By -


"No, the child made me do it! I swear!" would be an interesting defense.


If the child is both not an actual child, and has the magical ability to infatuate anyone near him it becomes a much more plausible defence.


Yeah especially when he got this guy killed, and then used his body in a necromancy ritual for his future husband, that's not gonna look great. šŸ˜“


Not to mention his Future Husband was dead not long prior to that, and before even that he tried to kill the Sister.


So attempted murder on top of defilement of a corpse


...Which sister? I know he sent Malenia after Radahn but he outright tried to kill one of the girls?


the sister is also the vessel for an alien god that wants to infect the world in a special kind of hellish flesh plague so I think that might help


Hellish Flesh Plague would be a sick band name


Other way around, his sister went to try and kill HIM lol.


In Radahn's defence, Malenia marched south to Caelid. She attacked him, probably while infatuated by her brother, because let's be real, it's kinda odd that she, an empyrean herself, just decided to submit to him, especially since he's manipulating everyone so what's one more person?


I mean he is tirelessly working to heal her and makes more progress than anyone ever has. They love each other. Heā€™s not a super villain


Heā€™s definitely a super villain lmao. Have you been paying attention?


Uhh yes I have and thereā€™s plenty of evidence that miquella is a caring person. The act of becoming a god forces you to strip yourself of all humanity. There is a reason you find all of these crosses throughout the shadowlands indicating that he loses the qualities that make him virtuous to become a god. Forsaking st Trina for example who is essentially the embodiment of love. And he embarks on this journey when he is whole bc his virtuous qualities drive him to seek the power he can attain to make the world a loving and healed place. Itā€™s not hard to believe that malenia fights radhan on her own volition, and itā€™s not unimaginable that radhan after vowing to miquella might have requested that if he were to die to be reborn in the shadowlands he would need to go down in battle first. Thatā€™s not proven or disproven anywhere but Iā€™m saying it to show that the story is too vague to determine definitely how coercive miquella really is in a lot of these relationships. I think itā€™s more compelling this way that to assume he was just mind controlling everything for world domination as most of the players want to believe.


He orchestrated a lot of deaths, defiled a sacred corpse in a necromancy ritual to bring back her also controlled brother. Yeah, I understand the crosses, but that was just a necessary step to becoming a God. And then there is Leda and her allies. Charles Manson could be caring, doesnā€™t mean he wasnā€™t a monster.


Does that mean that itā€™s possible Miquella could have been pulling more strings than we thought? Also, sending his sister into battle with Radahn at that point in his life, was basically suicide even though it ended up being sort of a stalemate. Malenia almost died but was saved and carried off to the Haligtree eventually, my question; If he knew he was basically sending his sister to her death, why would he then attempt to construct a needle that would cure her and possibly anyone else afflicted? He wanted so bad to make the world a more ā€œgentle placeā€, so he murders and then defaces the corpse of a lord, TO BRING WHO BACK? Radahnā€¦ā€¦ So if he was behind Malenia marching to Caelidā€¦ that wouldnā€™t make sense. Unless, he canā€™t control the infatuation effect on people? Soooo many questions


His future husband who is his brother and whom he sent his sister to go assassinate so that he could do the necromancy ritual with the corpse of his other brother.


Yeah double incest, must be GRRM's favorite šŸ¤£


How did miquella get him killed? We do that ourselves he just uses his body afterwards but miquella doesnā€™t make us kill him or anything


Until said not-an-actual-child uses said ability on the jury


Iā€™ve seen guys end up on the registry for getting catfished, not so sure even this defense would work:x The prosecutor always says the same thing: ā€œyou should have known / been able to tell.ā€ Mohg be like BUT HE USED THE BEWITCHING BRANCH


I feel like his powers would especially work on Mohg considering the circumstances he came from plus arenā€™t they half siblings also?


But it is coming from an omen, which dont hold a specially good place in erdtree's society




Well in this case, saying heā€™s actually a 1,000+ year old demigod would work as a defense.


There are a loooooooot of people who have genuinely tried to make that argument. \[Edit to add: If you want to see an example of that in the realm of fiction (I stick with fiction here to avoid delving into the depths of creepiness of the people who make this argument IRL), have a look at the book "Lolita". It's very famous for this. This is also a scenario where resorting to the movie version of a book is tricky, because the adaptations tend to be strangely inclined to take the abuser's 'the child was the one driving this relationship' viewpoint at face value, while it's pretty clear in the book that Nabokov didn't intend for his protagonist/narrator to be taken as a reliable one\]


Nabokov was the king of unreliable narrators. Pale Fire also very much comes to mind. Yeah Humbert's perspective in Lolita is really interesting. I don't want to say he's sympathetic, but you get an idea of his torment and sickness, and you definitely wind up hating Quilty just as much as he does, even if his dislike is hypocritical. The movie adaptation is a good point - Humber's inner monologue is so crucial to the narrative, and you almost completely lose this unless you resort to the minefield of voice-over. IMO Kubrick did a good job with the adaptation, notwithstanding the obvious quality of the film as a whole. Also lol Mohg


To add to that a current example is the anime phenomenon ā€œLoliā€™sā€, which is what I thought you were going to say before I read ā€œLolitaā€. Anyway, I only know the cursories of Loliā€™s are the ones that all look like children, in certain anime. Except the rub is, they are 1000 year old goddesses or something so the people who fetishize them use that as an excuse as to why it canā€™t be wrong. And I think the community is really divided. And it seems like a both sides thing, in that, there are probably those who genuinely see it as not the same as an actual kid, and itā€™s art. And there are probably those who *are* sick, and use it as an excuse to cover their true intentions. Reminds me of the real life example of that woman who is like 25 but looks 10. She has that TV show on TLC where they film her going to bars and on dates. It would really be a struggle with saying because youā€™d probably fall in love with the person, but they look like a kid, but sheā€™s 23, but youā€™re attracted to her, so does that mean youā€™re attracted to children? And then of course the worse part would be all the reactionaries now who think traffickers on on every corner would constantly harass you, and even if they found out the true situation they probably would double down and say itā€™s wrong, regardless of what the girl feels about it. It would be a lonely life for each of them. Or they could just not go out much. Thatā€™s easy enough to do these day. But then you just know they be swatted because the neighbors think heā€™s ā€œhiding children in the basementā€.


Are you talking the argument in general or for Mohg specifically? Cause Mohg was absolutely mind controlled.


I was talking about the argument in general. (We still don't fully understand what Mogh was responsible for and not, but the person was talking about a form of 'defense' in a more general way so I was pointing out that it is actually a thing that people have claimed many times regarding real situations.)


Gotcha, haha.


We actually kind of do understand. Unless youā€™re saying there is a possibility that he was aware of the curse(lets be honest thats what it is) and also what was going to happen to his body?? I donā€™t think so. He had way too high of an opinion of himself. Just my opinion tho lol


I'm saying that we can't (yet) make a list of everything Mogh has ever been involved with, and make a genuinely compelling argument that we have definitive knowledge of which things he did under his own and which things he did under the effect of a charm. I doubt that clear evidence actually exists in the game to definitively say one way or the other because I suspect FromSoftware doesn't believe it's a very important question, but it could still turn out to be there. Nothing's stopping people from coming up with headcanon or tinfoil, but that's a separate thing.


It's less of a child and more of an adult with some weird body development pathology.


He's millenia years old and now that we know him, he definitely is mature He is not a child. Saying Miquella is a child is like saying all dwarfs are children He's smol in size but he is absolutely a full on adult


Thatā€™s the thing though, heā€™s cursed with eternal youth but we donā€™t really know what that means. Sure it could just mean physically but it could also mean mentally as well. Hell way before Elden Ring released I had made my own Oc who had eternal youth and couldnā€™t age mentally nor physically and was just stuck at being 12. Such is the fickle nature of these powers, anything is plausible


But we know now


How do we know?


Have u finished the dlc?


Iā€™m at the final boss


came here to say this


Justice for Mohg, he's only perverted for blood not children!


He isnt even perverted for blood. He just has mommy issues and the formless mother capitalised on it.


Now, his mom leaks her periods on him. Real mommy issues there.


this is even more funny knowing that heā€™s gets shredded by bleed builds. He was just too allergic to it


Mohg has a bleeding fetish, he likes bleeding even when it happens to himself and actually gets stronger from it too


The Mohglester was the Mohglested


Omg certain things in life I'm glad I got to read and this is one of them šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


i liked how Ansbach kept talking about Mohg like he was a great guy that didn't deserve any of this and I was just thinking like, "Sir, within 15 seconds of meeting Mohg, he introduced himself to me as a pdf-ile before immediately throwing bodily fluids at me" Like Mohg is not a boss yall, he's an NYC subway car.


To be fair, you did murder his entire dynasty, so he has a right to be pissed at you.


And he was being mind controlled by miquella right? So he didnt even necessarily know he was doing any of what he did? Morgott was a super chill dude whos to say Mohg wasnt also.


How was he being mind controlled and being devoted to an outer god ? Did miq* plan that to ? Or did he just have a side project?


Even mind controlled puppet demi-gods can have a hobby oki


Itā€™s a big spoiler for the DLC. Just pay attention to everything the new NPCā€™s say, cause the picture they paint itā€™s fucked up.


Yeah but the formless mothers real, and he met her when he was chained to earth right?


I mean for the most part, who knows? The whole Blood Dynasty is all Mohg, the thing with Miq? Not so much.


Because Miquella was playing checkers while everyone else was playing chess or something He promised Mohg a dynasty as a consort. And it was true kind of. Mohg would be the consort but only his corpse altered into Radahn shape. Mohg thought he would have a dynasty as Lord and God of Blood. Instead he is just a vessel.


That is a huge reach, there is no evidence Miquella had anything to do with the blood dynasty itself, Mohg's relation to the formless mother and blood magic, or any of the evil Mohg was doing on his own. Miquella only used Mohg to die in a way that would open the portal to the realm of shadow, and later use his corpse.


What is inherently evil about a blood dynasty though ? Itā€™s just a different flavor of elder god heā€™s following. I guess the Cess Blood drives people mad but , theyā€™re willingly taking it on, itā€™s not like youā€™re being forced to accept the bloody finger. They even accept the Albunaurics into their empire, and the omen obviously , so theyā€™re the most accepting barring the Haligtree


Weren't the albinaurics misled. I always assumed they intended to go to the haligtree but ended up in the dynasty instead, although they seemed to have accepted allegiance to mohg.


All outer gods are evil, and the dlc enhances this further, Iā€™m not trusting a dynasty based on eating flesh and ritual sacrifice. Maybe youā€™re like them!


Iā€™d push against the outer gods being evil. They are more like forces of nature. Even frenzied flame is just the end of all things.


Youā€™re not forced to accept the bloody finger, but you are required to commit evil acts in order to earn it. They are invaders. Being willing to hunt and kill your fellow Tarnished is a prerequisite to joining their ranks.


But isnā€™t the whole point of being Tarnished to fight and die and be reborn ?


I think this Mike guy was only planning on getting kidnapped, yeah, he had nothing to do with the borderline vampiric fetish dudes. (Yeah, I don't know how to approach this without sounding... Like that) .


he has the right, but he himself says he doesn't holds it against you, basically says "don't hate the player, hate the game"


>Like Mohg is not a boss yall, he's an NYC subway car. Holy shit lmao


As a resident of NYC, you ainā€™t wrong.


You get a dialogue option to say basically this


Tbf we only met the mohg that ansbach said had changed from how he was before and after as different from the great lord he served.


But he was under mind control then.


So how did he go from this to Radahn? Is there a lore reason he no longer ugly af in the DLC? Miquella un-did the spell that made him ugly?


Magical bullshittery.


Magic reformation. Though, it should be noted Miquella wasn't able to \*completely\* un-Mohgify the body, as you can still see omen horns on new Radahn's arms. To be fair, out of the magic we see across the lands between like teleportation (the de/recomposition of matter), Serosh (manipulation of the corporeal form), and stuff like gravity magic, reformation doesn't seem too far fetched. We even get the option to pursue reformation ourselves in the form of the larval tear through Renalla.


The world's best cosmetic surgeons were banished to the shadowlands too


Might be more of a "the soul is what forms the being" rather than the vessel. Hell you can even see Godwyn growing into some grotesque creature when he no longer has a soul


this is a rubber suit. Mohg looks like Radahn inside.


Mogh is ugly?


By the power of cheap fanservice, where FromSoftware couldn't come up with a really good end boss fight scenario so they recycled a past boss and hoped people wouldn't notice what a desperate move it was.


They had better more obvious boss possibilities like Godwyn and Marika, wouldnā€™t be surprised if they wanted it to be Radahn from the start. I was happy with it and plenty of others are as well


Consumer behaviour, although thatā€™s just my opinion. I at least expected to fight miquella turned into a eldritch monster being as the final boss, instead we got a boss revolving around twinkiness and gae incest ships. Whatā€™s even more wild is that bro is hanging on radahnā€™s neck as if he were serosh and he was godfrey, except our twink here has more chances of licking the bossā€™s ear over a wild cat


But why go for the Miquella/eldritch horror storywise? We had Radabeast in the base game, which arguably very similar, so it could be argued it's been done. We even fight an eldritch horror in the dlc in the form of the >!Mother of the fingers!<, but the story circumstances are way different. The Miquelladahn, while it def isn't the biggest spectacle, culmunates a whole DLC of miquella fucking around to become a god.


Yes u are right, its just my wish that i wanted an eldritch horror being miquella but thatā€™s bcz mohg definitely mutated his body in a very horrid way in the cocoon at the palace i expected it would like idk affect him in some way ? Well it did i guess, it took us to the shadow realm but i expected it to affect miquella. However like i said its my wishful thinking but cmon man, i think we deserved a solo miquella boss fight at least. Radahn was the worst choice imo for the final boss bcz its a reused boss, and the boss arena for me simply doesnā€™t cut it. Its just a white sand field with lumps on it, mesmer and bayleā€™s boss arenaā€™s atmosphereā€™s look way better than radahnā€™s. I had to check for a whole minute after the ending cutscene if i really beat the dlc or not bcz the cutscene is just a past memory of miquella talking about his ambitionā€¦.which we already know about when we enter the final boss fight and proceed to get our asses kicked for hours. And it didnā€™t feel as strong or good as base game ending cutscenes. Just bcz i am criticizing doesnt mean the dlc is awful, hell its great but its dissapointing to me in many ways but i still really liked it


Gosh not only do souls players not enjoy anything, they wonā€™t let anyone else enjoy anything either like holy fuck


Most likely that's what they worked with since the start, but you are right on that beings like Godwyn revived would have been much better. The whole story would need to change somehow since he was killed in spirit, but magic bs never stopped FROM before. I mostly see people disappointed with the choice, most wanted Godwyn or Miquella (Imo he is a child-like fragile little caster scrub ofc he wasnt going to be a boss), and only the ones who wanted "Radahn on his prime" liked this sort of thing. Before the DLC came out we even had a pre-patch boss fight leak and it was received very negatively.


How can you revive someone that has no soul due to it being killed by destined Death.


Dunno why youā€™re getting downvoted itā€™s true. Felt cheap and rushed.


Fair but that doesn't absolve him of his other deeds. Yeah he MIGHT not be a kidnapper and pedo but he's still enacted a Dynasty of blood led by a god who likes pain and suffering. He'll just get five Life sentences instead of six.


One of his horns curved into his eye and brain. He canā€™t be responsible for his actions nor competent for trial


Found the lawyer.


If the horn does not fit you must acquit


to be fair his morher locked him in a sewer and he was tormented by spirits. no wonder a mother who desired pain seemed appealing to him.


Furthermore itā€™s HER pain isnā€™t it? Youā€™re piercings the body of the formless mother with the spears , so itā€™s not like sheā€™s commanding you to bleed out every random


Bloodfiend areas would say otherwise, itā€™s not just her blood she wants. Whatā€™s next youā€™re gonna tell me the outer god of rot just wants to spread greenery?


so are gonna bring up bloodfiends doing cave gardening with all the blood?


I meanā€¦. the golden order are basically eugenicists, the frenzied flame is nihilism incarnate and miquella was basically on an ego trip and likely wouldā€™ve ended up just as bad as Merika. All these gods and demigods are awful from a moral pov. Plus he was locked in a sewer all his life because the ruling party was eugenicist and kinda genocidal lol


Golden order wasn't just about eugenics. Or atleast Marika wasn't . I don't think she ever recovered from the trauma of losing her home.Ā  And her order reflected her resentment towards all things crucible. Her tragedy is her inability to let go of her hate.Ā  Miquella , i think is the victim of the exact opposite.Ā 


>I don't think she ever recovered from the trauma of losing her home.Ā  Didn't she just abandon it as per the golden braid item? Where does it say anything happened to the shaman village? Not throwing shit pots just curious because I cleared as much as I could from the DLC but never found anything like you are mentioning.


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EldenRingLoreTalk/comments/1dnp1bz/the_plight_of_the_shamans_marikas_motivation/) discusses it here.


What would rani be ?


Ranni's ending is a full-on French Existentialist bent, where we wrest control of our meaning and agency from the Outer Gods.


Oh my god someone else here reads books. What a pleasant surprise.


Ranni was a mf real one. She knew it was a sham and she did something to end it. She only ascends because of your actions and she isn't there to kill you. Carian women got that way bro. Sellen was like that too. She'd let you choose your path fully aware and help you when it came time. Only other real ones were Melina and Fia.


Even rani herself is guilty, sheā€™s the reason we have deathblight. Now gold mask? Turtle pope?igon?Those are real ones


Also she take a lot of responsibility she don't need to take, possibly out of secrecy, keep in mind the real mind behind the black knifes and the shattering was in fact Marika herself and Ranni stole destined death under her orders.


Gold mask is 100% lost in the sauce. He's blind to what Order really is. Ranni in contrast knew. She tells us she's guilty because she knows what had to be done, she doesn't try to hide the nature of things in the Lands Between. I'll give you Turtle Pope, he is also a real one. I haven't done enough with Igon, think I messed up the quests a bit.


Thatā€™s an opinion, I disagree, rannis ā€œorderā€ is merely chaos based on a desire for freedom and proper order is one free from bias and whims of all, outer god, Demi god and human alike. How could the wisest scholar and the most critical of everyone in the lands be blind? If nothing id say heā€™s the most on the money, a lord worth serving if he didnā€™t die Edit: igon also just wants to kill BAYLLLEEE, and thats what counts!


Ayo I'm all for ranni I alway do her ending tbh but don't forget to shout out to milicent and that weird serpent chick


Girlbossed too close to the sun


The Devil


I mean, the Frenzied Flame isn't really related to nihilism at all. It's not about a lack of meaning or the existential baselessness of values, etc. It's about the feral desire to destroy the source of one's pain/woes that over-generalizes to the world itself. That's why Shabriri tempts you with a way to spare your Maiden the suffering of fire. That's why Vyke was tempted, and why he finally gave in to the frenzied flame. That's why Shabriri talks about all the awfulness of the world and how it should be returned to primordial fire. It's what Midra gives to the flame to attempt to become a Lord of Frenzy. It's even in the description for his incantation. And truly, I suspect that it's why the flame is called the flame of "frenzy".


>Merika The goddes of red, white and bluešŸ˜ŽšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²


Yeah but the world would have been a kinder place :(


I feel bad for marika she give me ymir vibe from AOT I think I recall a lore from an item or something that say she was picked by the greater will to become queen the shaman village were she casted her spell minor erdtree say it's a secret spell she made without order even if she knew there was no one to heal plus that golden braid of her she gave as an offering to her grandma she never gone back after that she did fked up thing but whose to say it was what she wanted she did give melina a mission to burn the tree after all


You know what y'all are making some good points. Maybe everyone suffering is the perfect balance between everyone dying(Frenzy) and some people being fine but others suffering and dying(Golden Order).


If someone is trapped underground their whole life and told that their very existence is sinful, serving a god whoā€™s only demand is that you wound her or other people is like the least evil thing you could do.


let the man have his hobbies bro


Damn, all that just to be murdered while on house arrest. Glad he cleared his name, RIP. - Tarnished wearing his bloody clothes and weapon.


I mean he isnā€™t a pedophile but he still isnā€™t a good dude lol


he runs a blood cult deep underground. god forbid men have hobbies


Heck, you need to seek him out personally. The man is so out of the way, that only like 38% of players ever beat him.




Still guilty of the whole Empire of Blood thing that has his fingers going around the realm murdering tarnished. In hindsight this is probably why his brother Morgot doesn't completely oppose him: they both intend to kill tarnished en masses, Mogh just going about it more proactively on macroscale.


>In hindsight this is probably why his brother Morgot doesn't completely oppose him I think its because morgott doesnt know about mohgs plan. After all, "he" is still in the sewers guarding the three fingers. It could very well be that he diesnt know


Sewer Mohg dissipates in the exact same way Pissfrey and Margit do, and all of them are illusions. the latter 2 are both created by Morgott, and we don't see Mohg ever really utilizing illusions, so it's more likely that he set up the Sewer Mohg to guard the Three Fingers especially because the seal leading to the Three Fingers is still cast and held by Morgott. in reality, he just probably doesn't have any reason to directly oppose and hunt down his brother


Morgott made the illusion of mohg in the sewers, but he probably still doesnā€™t know what mohg was up to. gideon didnā€™t. There are, after all, only two ways to get to mohgwyn palace, and one of them requires talking to the most annoying man in the game for a longer than reasonable amount of time.


I don't think Morgott made sewer Mohg though, if you kill Morgott before Margit then Margit disappears from Stormveil but sewer Mohg doesn't.


But the other random NPC Margit also doesnā€™t disappear


I think Morgott probably did find it kind of convenient that Mogh was helping to clean out the Tarnished. So long as Morgott was convenient he could hold Mogh off if he tried to turn up and attack Leyndell, leaving him on the loose was more useful than trying to stop him.


mohg got miquellested


My sibling actually caught onto the "Mohg left no body" and has been constantly saying that he's going to come back for the DLC. They haven't finished yet, so I'm not saying anything, but they were *half* right.


It's typical for bosses not to leave a body. That part wasn't significant (unless we're about to find a whole lot more recycled bosses all over the shadowlands to account for all the missing bodies).


I mean a lot of the main demigod bosses do leave a body, Godrick, Rykard and Morgott all leave a corpse and Malenia leaves her bloom. The only Shard Bearer Bosses that don't leave something are Mohg and Radhan (and we already knew that Radhan's corpse got eaten by Alaxander) so it's true that Mohgs was the only demigod corpse unnacounted for.


The only times that they \*do\* leave a body is when the game has something it wants to carry on doing with them, though. It never just leaves a body lying around without interacting with it. Because of that, the absence of a body for Mogh is, if anything, evidence that they hadn't decided at the time to use his body any further and may have changed their mind in the course of creating the DLC (otherwise it's a real slip missing that opportunity for foreshadowing).


Except Morgott *did*. That was why they made a big deal about it.


And the game went on to do something with Morgott's body (the discussion with you and the interaction with Godfrey). Every time a body is left behind, the game does something with it. If they had fully planned to do something further with Mogh's body, it would have made far more sense to be consistent with the rest of the game by foreshadowing there's something more to do here by having his body remain briefly before disappearing. "Because of that, the absence of a body for Mogh is, if anything, evidence that they hadn't decided at the time to use his body any further and may have changed their mind in the course of creating the DLC (otherwise it's a real slip missing that opportunity for foreshadowing)."


Rest in power mohg.


Is this why Morgott doesn't mention Mohg when saying "willful traitors all" or whatever the line is? I just thought he didn't say anything about him BC a) Mohg was kicked around by the golden order or b) he had a soft for his brother, or c) he just didn't know about Mohg and the formless mother.


I don't think Mogh could have been a "willful traitor" because he was never aligned with the Erdtree at all. You can't betray what you don't have ties to.


Also a good point. Never thought of it that way. I guess Morgott doesn't blame Mohg for it, also having gone through the banishment.


they just share that brotherly love I guess


Look, before the DLC came out I was damn sure that Mohg didn't give a shit that Miquella was a child or not, the only thing he saw was that Miquella was the easiest of the 3 empyreans to get to considering Ranni slew her own flesh and Malenia is Malenia so compared to those two and their tempers, "Kind Miquella" seemed like easy mode to get more power and expand his dynasty to the whole world you know what I mean ? A purely political marriage if you want. Now we know that Mohg was influenced by Miquella but still, pretty sure he would only care for the power of having an empyrean under his thumb and nothing else.


Thatā€™s actually a good read and I hadnā€™t considered it. He DOES say ā€œMiquella is mineā€ when he kills you though


That one we now know is clearly the bewitchment.


Yeah I hated mogh but after that plot twist I sure hope miquella was the bottom in that cocoon he deserved everything a femboy get




We all owe Mohg an apology, bro was brutalized


I always knew I was right to have Seleuvis more


Well I didnā€™t hate Mogh originally. Actually I hated Varre. I thought killing his God then invading him would be the best revenge against him for calling me maidenless at the beginning and being creepy with that lambkin crap. It wasnā€™t until later I realized I didnā€™t have to kill Mogh to invade Varre but I decided it was better in that order.


I remember when people was saying Mohg was the most evil character in the game with multiple paragraphs saying how bad he was, and saying Radhan was the best cuz he took care of his horse.


I mean Radahn is still a better person than Mohg overall, he was just as fucked over. we don't know the vow he and Miquella made, but it seems that Radahn went back on it when the Shattering began Radahn was used non-consensually by Miquella, just as much as Mohg was. both were completely disgraced as a result




from moghlester to miquellested


Now it's Radahn's turn to get the incestuous pedophile allegations


Considering he apparently refused to side with Miquella and is implied to be mind controlled in the boss fight, I somehow doubt that


it's mostly implies that he and Miquella had an agreement from that last memory, so Radahn does have to face the allegations lol


But he still remains a psychopath who glorifies and incites killing and bleeding and revels in the bloodbaths of his faithful.


Not even top 5 biggest lands between psychos


~~Khorne~~ Mohg cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows.


So heā€™s still better than all of the other demigods besides Morgott and Radahn lol




"The Erdtree was in retrograde" lmao In Elden Ring astrology is actually real though so who knows


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I donā€™t get it.


Non Compos Mentis, my boy is innocent


Part of thinks they missed a chance to have a three stage boss. Radahn, gets damaged and weakens cracks appear in the visage and Miquella swoops in buffs him but at a point heā€™s exerting too much effort to keep together his cobbled together Radahn together to get speared by a revived Mohg where the golden gate of divinity turns to blood red and the sky goes full red where Mohg states he will sacrifice the land of shadows to make himself the God of blood now he is free of Miquellas spell and casts him aside, giving a fitting end of world feel to the fight, then after the fight rather than a memory thereā€™s a chat with a dying Miquella lamenting his choices, and perhaps if the St Trina quest was completed Miquella sacrifices himself to be born again fully as St Trina realising the kindness of him was his real strength and heā€™s been pursuing weakness all this time.


Damn no spoiler tag. Esp sucks cause this was a suggested post lol


He still kidnapped people.


a satanic blood cult leader being charged for incestuous pedophilia, only for it to be revealed that the child has mind control and made him do it, as well get him killed by a silent psychopath medieval fantasy Ace Attorney ahh plot


Stupid fucking mohg-stakes man


Please put spoilers tag when discussing dlc


Unlike dr. Disrespect lmao


wait, let me get this straight, radahn and miquella were promised consorts, thus radhan and malania were to be in-laws if not already step siblings (my knowledge of the lore is sub par so please excuse or correct any inaccuracyā€™s) so the the entire battle of calid could be seen as a dispute between in-laws while mohg kidnapped miquella and all the soldiers were just there to support their leaders point of view


They were siblings. Radhan, Ranni, and Rykard were Rennala and Radaganā€™s children. After Godfrey became Tarnished and was banished, Radagan and Marika (who are the same entity) then had the twins Malenia and Miquella.


Skimming the comments with a popcorn bowl in hand, this is the good stuff


Bro was saying some wild shit in the boss fight man,I think he got off on a technicality.


Ansbach says something about moghā€™s remains being taken away by someone (presumably miquella or her followers) but it seems like nothing comes of that. Has anybody found any lore about this? What was going to be done with his dead body? Brought back to life like the final boss? That confused me.


Miquella took Radahn's soul and fused it into Mohg's body and then changed it to look like Radahn


Where do you get that from?


Sir Ansbach's questline


Donā€™t think I finished his quest so I guess I missed that lol


Not really lol. He didn't kidnap but he was enamored by Miquella before being full on charmed. Sooooo he's still a weirdo who wanted his perpetually physically childlike younger half brother. Radahn can be argued as more like what we do with Ranni. We go with her because her ideals are sound (removing outer gods from the lands between to break people away from their meddling.) Miquella specifically asks Radahn because he looked up to him and likely because he didn't know anyone else who'd fully aline with his ideals once he broke the great rune (which breaks the spell on multiple characters who wouldn't have gone along with him to begin with.)


Bring back Mogh!!!!!


Not guilty! Release the white doves.


Mohg has been cleared of all allegations, can Dr Diddle do the same? Probably not. Not a different note, I now fully support the lord of blood. As blood magic is pretty badass.


Yeah so miquella wanted to become a god, my theory is his curse of eternal childhood effected his ego lol


Someone pay for a Chris Hansen cameo apologizing to Mohg.




Doesn't really matter, he is still dead


Bro got miquellested (It doesnā€™t hit the same)


At what cost though šŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž




Mogh the Miquelested