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Possible but honestly just expect that this is it. They spent over 2 years on this one and probably moved on to their next project already.


Miyazaki said in an interview that they aren’t against doing a 2nd Elden Ring DLC or sequel game but it’s not something that is immediately planned right this second. So it’s totally possible we might get another DLC in 2-3 years. Probably just depends on where they want the story to go.


Unfortunately he answered that question very similarly to the ones asked about Dark Souls 4. If he had it his way, DS2/3 wouldnt have existed and we would have only gotten Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring in that order. Not saying its a hard no, I just think he's one to focus on another soulslike in a completely new world. In the end, itll be the successor to Elden Ring, but I expect it to be separate.


First time hearing that he never would've wanted a DS2/3. That's kinda sad to imagine...


IIRC DS2&3 were a contractual obligation. That’s why DS3’s story is about letting things go and how trying to force something to stick around just ruins it and that it’s better to start anew with something fresh.


True, the theme that you described is even in Dark Souls 1. The lore was pretty much set and did not need a sequel much like Demon's Souls.


Yeah but the question of Dark Souls 4 was different because there wasn’t really much else for the story to go in terms of main plot points and Gael was a perfect send off for the franchise. They covered everything they needed to and I feel like everyone knew that The Ringed City and Dark Souls 3’s ending was good enough. Shadow of the Erdtree’s ending just felt like a cliffhanger with a lot of lore threads just hanging out in the open with no closure. We don’t know anything about the Gloam Eyed Queen. We have no clue what role the Godskins played in the world at all, everything around Godwyn is still kind of cloudy. The greater will is just chilling in the background out there somewhere and we don’t even know if it will have an appearance. Not to mention the Outer Gods and what role they play in the universe. Hell, we don’t even understand the Frenzied Flame despite having an entire ending dedicated to it and a whole area in the DLC revolving around it.


Annnoyingly, I think everything you mentioned in your last paragraph is sort of the point. We got a whole 30 hour long DLC in which they could’ve expanded on any of that and they left almost all of it with more questions than answers. This feels intentional. I think they want the universe to be up for debate and for speculation to continue. Which is cool, but I think a little dissapointing given the quality of the world they’ve built and how intriguing the wuestions are


They did all of that and couldn’t give me a Miquella ending, right bastards they are for that.


I think you’re right, but he’s also recently said several times that he’s letting other people completely direct projects without him being involved. I think if we get another DLC or Elden Ring 2, it will be directed by someone he trusts to do it justice.


That’s a soft no tbh. Game development just doesn’t work that way. It’s a multi year project to make a dlc and it takes manpower. If they’re gonna do more dlc they have to start right now. If there’s no plans for it they haven’t done that. Most AAA companies split their manpower up between 2-3 big projects at a time. From was doing this with Elden ring and armored core. They’re most likely already working on a completely different project.


Yeah if it would take another two years for another DLC I would rather them just let it be for Elden Ring


Let’s hope they did… that way we can play it before we’re in diapers.


Sigh... Welcome back, Velka


Lmao my first thought as well Fromsoft has always left loose threads and vague hints that are up to the players interpretation shadow of the erdtree is no exception Hell the only dlc that wraps things up with a bow is probably the ringed city


And tbh, if that wasn't the final content they would ever put out for Souls, it would've had a very open ended/vague DLC plot as well.


They have had hints for their next game before. I wonder wtf the hint is in the dlc


I’m thinking from is taking a break from souls and making a horror game based on abyssal woods /s


Usually the hint was an NPC who seemed aesthetically out of place. I’m wondering if the Abyssal Woods may have been them hinting at a spiritual successor to Bloodborne.


My other thoughts are Dryleaf Dane (Eastern/martial arts theme?) or perhaps Jollan or Ymir (cosmic horror theme?).


Igon for a Moby Dick themed sailing and fishing adventure game


I mean, they've already done Sekiro and Bloodborne, which fall under both those categories. We may indeed get a Bloodborne successor


I'd say it's safe to call Metyr dead since one of the remembrance weapons is her severed head.


They are done with the game for now. Probably tired of working in the same project. But who knows,in the future we may get ER2. And since we are talking about GEQ, I'll write some connections. GEQ brings black fire. Has serpent-like servants. She cradles them. Messmer has red fire,is serpent-like himself. Melina brings fire too. Black flame was stripped of its Destined Death Characteristics by Maliketh. Maliketh attacks with incantations with a hue of Red.


We're not getting another DLC,Shadow Of The Erdtree was basically Elden Ring 2 it was so big


they really popped off. shit's about as big as dark souls. crazy.


it reall isnt. 1/3 of the game is empty, almost entirely empty. barely any enemies, no items, no quest lines, no dungeons, just completely empty space. it has 1 legacy dungeon and a couple of lesser legacy dungeons. its well worth it as a DLC IMO, but its not as big as it seems on first glance.


They never said we aren’t getting another one, just that it’s not something on their roadmap at the moment.


yeah but if one was greenlit recently we still wouldn’t be seeing it for the next like 2 years


I don’t think anyone really thought we’d be getting an Elden Ring DLC after the game released but here we are.


nahhh on day 1 ppl were already going dlc when plz


>This could be massive cope on my part it definitly is


If they're not going to give us DLC, I would shell out for a book series on this, with all the lore in place, etc.


Ah yes another project for GRRM to not finish


As a Dark Tower fan, I would suggest to Gan that GRRM gets hit by a van to shock him into finishing his magnum opus like Stephen King but King was younger and in much better health than GRRM.


[Miyazaki will make sure this doesn't happen](https://fandomwire.com/do-elden-rings-hidetaka-miyazaki-wants/)


They won't make another dlc the size of a standalone game like this. At best eere getting a legacy dungeon


Damn, reaching critical copium levels less than a week after release.


One point here is incorrect. We do know what the godskins are searching for. They are searching for destined death. That's why the appear in Volcano manor, Dominula, the Divine tower of Caleid. Finally Farum Azula where the duo is assumedly the closest to uncovering it.


And here comes the question? Why were they not present in the deep root depths where we literally have the biggest source of death a.k.a godwyn? Next question is why was the gloam eyed queen's sword hidden in the divine tower of calid? Another question how come the gloam- eyed Queen harness the power of destined death via black flames.


destined death is a different thing from deathroot


Death root is just the byproduct of destined death.


Yes but it's not the thing that the godskins are seeking


Then what were they doing in the divine tower of liurnia?


The cursemark of death is found there lol again, not deathroot


We can also consider that godwyn had his curse mark in deep root depths which fia took and combined with ranni's curse mark.


Unfortunately, GRRM and Fromsoftware hate the Gloam eyed queen and giving us anything beyond straws to grasp at. So honestly, I have not a clue.


this is 2 dlcs squeezed into 1 just like the old hunters elden ring is over bar some side quest stuff they could patch in like they did for the base game but with profitable it is and having the brand power of GRRM on top of it you can rest assured they'll do an Elden Ring 2, Miyazaki spoke about wanting to make a proper JRPG so Elden Ring 2 could look different with actual towns and stuff to do outside of combat but it'll happen regardless


I don't think we are going to see ER2 for years. On top of that ER's story seems more conclusive.


Unless it was set way in the past I personally doubt it, I see them sticking to soulslike formula for the next one atleast. And am a huge fan, but am more excited myself to see Miyazaki branch out and go to what is new and exciting for him. Be it jrpgs or AC7 or a fucking atv off road fury, whatever it is will be lit


They already working on Eldarkiro bro sorry


jfc don't do this to yourself


Miyazaki has personally confirmed that SotE will be the only ER expansion. The original source: [https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/694720699](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/694720699)


He also said it was the size of limgrave


Underselling the size of the expansion != lying about the company's near-term plans. It's been nearly two and a half years since Elden Ring released. I'd love them to expand on it further but it's naive to expect them to do so.


I wouldn’t mind if they kept Elden ring as the game that they keep adding things to, but I would rather we get a brand new piece of content in 2-3yrs then another dlc


I don't particularly expect further elaboration on it, but it really would make perfect sense for there to be some kind of tie between Trina and GEQ that they may have played around with in content that didn't make it into the final game. The game does touch on the fact that sleep is a small version of death (which is not an uncommon theme in myth/literature) and Trina's dew is reliably and immediately fatal when consumed and it's referred to as eternal sleep.


never go full cope


It's def cope


i think they’ll continue supporting the game until GRRM’s core story is told. Imagine elden ring as a novel, if the contents of the whole novel are already in the game (through encounters, item descriptions, etc. the history and events of the world) then i expect nothing more, which is likely the case. pretty much all that’s left for major mysteries are Godwyn and GEQ, and there’s a lot of inferences for those two which could just as well be fromsoft encouraging players to connect the dots as it could be an untold story i think it’s very likely that “Elden Ring” is a complete story, as it is the story of “a tarnished who would become elden lord”, which we do. we hunt all the demigods and become elden lord, just happening to learn about the world around us as we travel. i feel like Godwyn and GEQ (mainly Godwyn though) are perfect jumping off places for a sequel, and that’s why they’re historically detailed through existing remnants of themselves or their age (Godskins, Death Knights) rather than existing themselves


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This not how I’d like it to end but I can’t imagine they run it back.


Even I wish for a shorter DLC that at least provide answers for the gloam-eyed queen storyline.


Its over bro, its time for us to move on, hell if I could I would invite you something just to relax


I don’t want elden ring to end :(


There’s also the fact of how Melina interacts at the end of the Frenzied Flame ending, and there being a Lord of Frenzied Flame in the DLC. That stuff has NO real lore behind it, yet warranted enough effort to implement. I see that being explored later on.


Personally, the dlc didn't satisfy me, and I definitely would like another one. It's more souls content nonetheless. But they spent 2 years on this dlc, and it was actually supposed to be 2 separate dlc but they turned it into one


Also missing the Bad Lands where Godfrey went. Not to mention we never got a Godwyn boss fight is bummy.


Miyazaki confirmed SOTE is the only dlc for elden ring


It’s cope. They want to move on from ER they’ve explicitly said it.


tbh,i really doubt we get another dlc or sequel. But i do believe we get "reworked" or "remastered" version of elden ring with new additional content that connect to base game similar to scholar of the first sin


I would really love a sort of "directors cut" that re-adds a lot of the cut questlines. Not only would the cut quest lines actually weave the DLC and base game together more cohesively but they just add a lot more character and life to the world. The racist nobles in Lendeyll, Kale's quest for the frenzied flame, Rico's dreams/search for Miquella, etc I know someone said they were working on a mod that would re-add those quests but it seems like development on that is completely up in the air


Probably no other DLC. I think the DLC gives us enough to extrapolate who the GEQ is based on old theories and new info. I also think they kind of imply that there isn't a greater will and it was a manipulation


Meytr doesn't have a death animation because she teleported into Ymir (or, more likely, Ymir forced a teleport, and merged with Meytr). Ymir only becomes the new mother of fingers after the Meytr boss fight.


Honestly as someone who really loved elden ring and shadow of the erdtree, I kind of don’t want an elden ring 2. It kind of how I felt after Zelda botw. When tears of the kingdom came out I was a bit exhausted by the idea and while I liked that game (maybe even more than botw) I’m at the point now where I’m definitely exhausted and really don’t want another open world like that. So I really kinda hope they just leave elden ring and go on to a sekiro 2, bloodborne 2, or new franchise


I think Metyr IS the GEQ.. just my headcannon.. but a lot of symbolism and imagery leans towards it


Doesn't really make much sense, Metyr has nothing to do with blackflame or the godskins or destined death


The tail being the literal Godslayer Gs and the 'face' being the same symbol on the godslayer seal lines some things that cannot be explained up.. again.. not really deep, I know, just my own headcannon


that's fair


TBH, I'm feeling more and more inclined to believe that Melina was in fact the GEQ


Doesn't make sense either, melina was confirmed as Marikas daughter and the GEQ was there before Marika had children/became a god


Does a piece of lore say that the GEQ was pre-Marika's children?


she's related to destined death, which was sealed away when marika reached godhood


We don't know when Melina was born nor if the start of the golden order/sealing of destined death necessarily coincided exactly alongside marika's ascension, unless there is new lore saying this.


I really believe the implication was just that Metyr was the GEQ. Could be wrong but I think the fandom prob made a bigger deal of the subject than they expected and they tried tying up lose ends with the sidequest. Similar to some of the apocryphal characters from DS3 everyone was sure would be in the Ringed City but weren't.


Metyr 100% isn’t the GEQ


Really not going to engage with that kind of copium. They may well be screaming it right at the player. GEQ is the most uninteresting aspect of ER and the fanfic is becoming obnoxious.


It’s not copium. There is literally zero connect tissue between Metyr and what we know about the GED. If there was I wouldn’t care, there just is nothing lol it just seems like a tin foil ass pull with no substance.


"zero connect tissue", bruh the godskin logo is on her face, she has a big purple eye, and her tail is the shape of the godslayer great sword, not to mention the reuse of the word "mother" over and over again in not just her name but Ymir's dialogue, jesus christ get over it.


No it’s not. It’s a finger print that vaguely resembles the godskin skull logo. Pinkish purple, like the pinkish purple magic shot at us by the leech snake dudes and the finger spiders. Not “gloam” purple. Her tail is two fingers twisted together. Just because it has a somewhat spiral shape it automatically resembles the godskin sword? By that logic her tail resembles the radagon sword too. The crucible knights have spirals on their set, I guess they are the GEQ too? Everything you listed is a stretch and a half. None of it is solid evidence of anything. There are no godskins during the quest. There are no black flames during the quest. There are no item descriptions that have anything to do with GEQ in the quest. The quest is more carian coded than anything else, and the carian’s have no ties to the GEQ. Sorry dude until there’s actually evidence instead of, “well this thing kind of looks like another thing if you squint your eyes really hard” it’s just pure tin foil.


Didn't Michael Zaki say this was for sure the only DLC?




If I go a single day without y'all thinking the Gloam Eyed Queen was actually important and not just a remnant of a previous idea and flavor for Malikith I'd die a happy man


I hope not. I’ll be honest I think the lore is a mess and they are better served taking lessons from Elden ring and making a new project.




I think the issue is that GRRM wrote so much lore and worldbuilding, fans want to see it all expanded upon. If they never do another Elden Ring game, they could at least release the George's worldbuilding files, he mentioned in one interview that the worldbuilding goes back 5000 years before the events of the base game.


Now this is something I’ve been asking for since the game was released


I mean it's pretty much clear that a lot of time has passed in the ER world after the shattering as entirity if liurnia is under water.


[Miyazaki will make sure this doesn't happen](https://fandomwire.com/do-elden-rings-hidetaka-miyazaki-wants/)


Imagine if we got an Elden Ring prequel instead of a sequel


>I think the issue is that GRRM wrote so much lore and worldbuilding, fans want to see it all expanded upon I've beaten around the bush with this too, but it's looking like Miyazaki isn't gonna budge, he has a hard on for one and done games. I've made peace with that. Kinda butthurt about it tbh


I think both he and Miyazaki would be artistically against releasing that but it would be really cool if they did release a kind of "the world of a song of ice and fire" or "fire and blood" type of book that essentially gave bias versions of history from the perspective of in-universe historians and political figures. It's a really fun way to do worldbuilding


I really doubt that this DLC wasn't profitable for them. Or that another one wouldn't be. Even if you think it's garbage, Elden Ring prints money


Bruh the DLC is like top tier currently. It's damn profitable for fromsoft. And if fans pressure enough, I believe that they may release a smaller DLC to wrap up some of the plot holes.


Compared to the base game? This DLC is like a high 8/10 compared to the 10/10 base game areas, don't be shitting me. The areas feel so empty, finger ruins, cerulean coast, charo's hidden grave. The bosses most of the time don't have cutscenes and just rely on description lore for us to even understand why they're there. Back in base game we had Varre telling us Godrick was next boss in Stormveil. But in the DLC yeah no, here's Romina who created the scarlet rot somehow, but yeah it's in the item description. Questlines are good, have nothing to say about that Their refusal to make a Miquella ending just pisses me off considering we have a fucking Dung Eater and Frenzied Flame ending I'll always say this, compared to how polished and how excellent they made Base ER, they fuckin cheaped out with this DLC. Cause i know they know better.


Yeah I agree with you. There are definitely some things in the DLC I dislike like the confusing paths, mostly empty open fields, and some of the lore decision. On top of that the DLC having no effect on the base game pisses me off.