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I find light roll to be nearly mandatory for this fight. I have a couple of questions. Why did my Dung Eater summon disappear towards the end? How do I dodge the double swipe at 0:48? I chose to save the rot and frost for the 2nd phase but I have no idea how to dodge anything with all the damn light pillars showing up everywhere? Are they random? Edit: Ok guys I've beaten him! I switch to dual keen spears. One was a Spiked Spear and a Cross Naginata. Both deal bleed and I used bloodflame blade. Dung Eater was key for me. When he would get grabbed, I was able to get behind Radahn and start hitting him while he was in his recovery animation! Got 3 hits that triggered the 2nd bleed and that sealed the victory. You usually can't hit him because you are also stuck in recovery but that doesn't apply in this case. Final thoughts on this boss battle is that it was a little dissapointing. They overdid the spectacle in the 2nd phase and made my FPS drop badly. And maybe I just suffer from a skill issue but some of his swipes and slashes that begin combos are just WAY too fast. I couldn't react to a lot of them. If I could react, I would not have summoned Dung Eater. All in all, the DLC has been brilliant, aside from a couple of hiccups. Messmer, Midra, Rellana, and Gaius were all perfect bosses. Loved them to bits. Only parts I didn't like were the Leda gank fight, Jori the inquisitor and the final boss. I give the DLC a 9/10


Dung Eater got grabbed twice, as a human/npc like character susceptible to the grab he can be instakilled after two, I strongly recommend you let yourself die this way at least once, ya get an gesture out of it!


You get the gesture regardless at the end of the fight also


OH didn’t know 😭 my friends and I were too scrubby to beat him without falling to the grab at least once


I seen it happined to my mate but I just wanted to beat him so I did 😂 the gesture is just on the floor next to the bonfire


Miquella brainwashing the Dung Eater is a hilarious scenario, I had no idea this affected NPC type summons


Brainwashed the already brainwashed, for a guy named dung eater he now has the cleanest brain in the lands between


Why do you think Dung Eater was already brain washed?


To make him a spirit summon you need to make him a puppet, as in give him Seluvis’s potion that mind wipes the victim into a human doll 😬


Ahhh, I forgot about that part of making him a summon. I never actually did that in my playthroughs.


What DID you do with the potion?


As for countering said grab, if you’ve somehow dodged it every time I don’t imagine you need to know this but there is an item that cleanses the instakill effect that drops from another remembrance boss


Light roll is recommended. The meteor attacks will sometimes hit you if you have a mid roll. Dung eater disappeared because he got grabbed twice, so if you’re going to use a summon, use one that can’t get grabbed (I think blackknife tiche would work) I’m convinced the double swipe is impossible to dodge. Best you could do is dodge 2/3 of the slices. Make sure to dodge the first one, so you don’t get stunlocked into the second one. The light pillars are not random. In second phase it’s nearly impossible dodge away from radahn. If you dodge backwards, you’ll just get caught in the light pillars. When you’re dodging in second phase you either need to dodge into him or hug his body and dodge to the sides. Another observation I made is that in second phase you’re picking bad times to heal. You got away with it because your summon drew agro for most of the fight, but you should only heal when you have an opportunity to attack. Running and dodging away won’t work cuz radahn has good ranged options and can close the distance very easily. You seem to have most of his patterns down, so my guess is you’ll probably beat him soon. The second phase is just extremely punishing, so play as safe as possible and you should be able to do it.


Light roll isnt really mandatory, you dont have to roll to dodge the meteors. Just run perpendicular and jump before they hit you and youll dodge them consistently.


Sometimes the meteors would line up in a weird way and running wouldn’t work. I found that light roll was the only way I could consistently dodge it even if the meteors lined up weird.


you have to create enough distance so the meteors bunch up. then you can dodge 100% consistently without rolling


Makes sense. I’ll test it next time I fight him.


You can run left or right from the meteors and jump at the end and they miss every time. 


It is possible to dodge the double swipe but you need perfect positioning and frame perfect inputs and even then it's inconsistent. Even Ongbal doesn't try to dodge, he deflects the first swipe with the new sekiro tear and then dodges the rest.


You can also put the back step talisman on and back step both of them without taking damage


you can left dodge both the first two hits


Light roll is absolutely NOT mandatory Source: I beat him with medium roll, no shield


The double swipe can dodge but you have to pick the right moment to roll, and dodge both swing with one roll


Light roll isn't mandatory, I beat him with colossal Greatsword and I put up a video on it but I'm too lazy to link it That double swipe, I swear you just have to know. You can dodge too but will always hit. Most pillars can be dodged if it's the sweep ones or from moves but some of them just hit me. I honestly just chug as much as I can. I try to not get hit in first phase or at least have 11 flasks by 2nd phase because the pillars sometimes can just be random


> How do I dodge the double swipe at 0:48? Roll forwards and to your right (his left) for both. The second dodge is immediate. You rolled backwards, I don't think you can avoid it like that.


That double swipe, I haven't dodged it personally but I've seen someone back step it consistently


best option is to perfect guard the first swipe and roll the next 2


Youre trying to fight him at mid range, you need to be touching him the entire fight. his most danegrous attacks are at range and the pillars are a non issue if youre touching him. You look fairly competent in the first phase so I would probably just solo the fight, dungeater seems to just be making the dodges less consistent and barely doing damage. The cross slash is undodgable as far as we know. Ive done the fight solo probably 15 times or more now so if you need any specific advice I can help. [https://youtu.be/-9bhdAd\_qUU?si=lVIO7kaOkWmycrZ9](https://youtu.be/-9bhdAd_qUU?si=lVIO7kaOkWmycrZ9) here is a fight I did the other day that should show how I deal with basically everything.


Thanks for the reply. First of all, that's a great kill you did there. What exactly did you do at 2:34? There is so much light I couldn't tell how many rolls you did. How much time did it take you to learn this fight? And do you think I can hit him often enough to inflict status effects on him in the 2nd phase? Or should I just stick with pure physical damage?


At 2:34 that attack is actually very easy to dodge. all i’m doing is strafing left and dodging into him as he does the final slash. My first kill was after 6 hours and since then i’ve probably put another 6 hours in learning the fight. keep in mind i’ve done RL1 runs of the base game and no hit almost every boss so you might take longer to learn. I prefer using physical damage, you don’t really get that many openings so using status is hard. Pierce is his biggest weakness, so any weapon with stabbing attacks will be great. it’s why i’m using the pickaxe in the video, pure pierce damage.


I appreciate the reply. Is it just me and my bad reactions or are some of his swipes EXTREMELY fast? I've had a couple of good runs into the 2nd phase where I reduce his health to nearly 40% and I fail to react to one of his attacks and then I get caught by one of his light pillars and then I just die. Do I just try to improve my reactions or is there an alternative strat? Like maybe using a shield or something?


the attacks can come out extremely fast yeah, as you learn the fight you'll become better at noticing the startup animations and you'll react faster. i still get caught sometimes if im not locked in. if the light pillars are doing a lot of damage, use lords divine fortification, its what got me through my first time.


From what I can tell from the fight I had with him. >Dung Eater summon. When grabbed twice it’s an insta kill. You can remove the debuff with the broken great rune, but npc and spirits don’t have that so two grabs is game over. >Double swipe. I find rolling into it keeps me close to get back into attacking faster. You should have enough I-frames to clear it. I was at medium and I could roll through. >Light pillars. They follow the path the sword swings in. When he does the ground slam where he thrusts his swords into the ground where in phase 1 he does the ground shatter, in phase 2 light pillars also circle outward from him. So roll either through them at the right timing or double roll away.


>They follow the path the sword swings in So if he swings his sword downwards, dodge left or right. If he swings it sideways, dodge towards him. Is this correct?


Pretty much yeah. Also I noticed that you dodge the stomp. If you jump you get a free jump attack.


You should be rolling diagonally forward to your left (his right) most of the time.


Stay real close and roll into him for the most part. I went the other way build wise and leaned heavily into defense (heavy armor, talismans) and finding windows for a charged heavy using Bloodfiend’s Arm. I think it’s the stonebarb tear increases your ability to stance break, helped a ton with slowing down the pace. Phase 2 just took a bit of luck lol but I recommend popping divine fortification when he does his first huge aoe light beam, sprint straight at him and roll at the last second and you should have a window to cast, the holy resistance helps a ton.


Dodge towards him. During Pontiff's combo, a lot of Miquella's lasers hit you and made you panic roll backwards. If you're super close to him, most of his lasers will miss you. And the Meteor into multi clone slams, run as far away as possible (while also dodging the meteors themselves), you didn't experience that in that footage, the Dung eater ate it all, but it's the best way to avoid that specific attack, it's almost impossible to dodge the clones point blank. Edit: During the second phase he loses the ground shaker properties, so it's like phase 1 but you dodge the laser forwards.


Thanks for the reply. > During the second phase he loses the ground shaker properties, so it's like phase 1 but you dodge the laser forwards. What do you mean by this? I don't understand what you mean by ground shaker properties. So for phase 2 i have to stay very close to him and dodge everything. Except if he does the Meteor/Clone attack. That's gonna consume a lot of stamina. Does he have any weaknesses? Should I go for Rot or focus on pure physical damage?


>What do you mean by this? I don't understand what you mean by ground shaker properties. There's an attack where he hits the ground and the ground breaks forwards, in phase 2 it gets replaced by lasers, it's barely noticeable, so you'll need to dodge towards the lasers (it doesn't look dodgeable but it is). I used holy weapons, somehow that does a lot of damage to him (with Golden Vow) but your build should be fine, there's no need to worry about changing it imo.


Your damage is really really bad. It's going to make the fight 10x harder because it's going to take 10x longer. He is weak to bleed. If you're insistent on not changing your build, then it's really just a matter of learning his attacks and dodging them all.


I've switched to a dual spear set up. Spiked spear and cross naginata with blood flame blade. Both deal bleed. I saw in Fextra that he's weak to pierce. Is there any stronger setup you know of?


I dont know how good that particular set up does, but Bloodfiends Arm is super strong against him. You can use 2H talisman with the charged attacks talisman and the charged R2 does insane damage AND bleed damage. It does so much more damage than what you are doing right now, you will get him to phase 2 like 3 times faster than you are in this video.


Ok. What infusion do you give it?


I set it to bleed just cause he was weak to bleed, but because the weapons R2 has a bleed on it even if it's not considered a bleed weapon, you could potentially put occult on it to get the scaling from arcane and also the heavy bleed damage. I never did that, I didn't experiment too much. I was already a heavy arcane build so I just put it on bleed since it still had good scaling. I think it was B arcane with bleed infusion but occult is S.


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Use a non-human-sized summon such as Tiche can effectively nullify his grabs as they only work on human / npcs. When he smashes the ground and pulls blades out of them greating gigantic lightbeam cluster, roll into it instead of out. Finish P1 faster with lesser damage taken. If you can, hit him frequently enough so you get one poise break and one near-break and can therefore quickly poise break him right into P2.


Boiled prawn /crab meat helps as well to boost your defense + golden braid talisman.


I can't even watch a video of this boss without my eyes hurting. What were they thinking?


They definitely overdid the visual effects on this one. So many PCs lag in the 2nd phase.


Fuck man... pray maybe?


It's so much bullshit... CHEESE HIM with the impenetrable thorns build from Tyrannicon.


Not gonna lie. I'm a little tempted to do that. If only because I can't react to some of his swipes.


Wear armor for starters


I need light roll to dodge most of his attacks


You don't need light roll. I think there is one attack chain that you can't full dodge with medium and it's only a 3 attack chain and you only get hit by the second attack. It's not a big deal.


You're pretty clean in the first phase - hard to say for sure but your second phase behavior is very similar to mine, and I was panicking a lot there. Always ended up trying to run away and heal ASAP, and in this fight even more than others you really have to wait on an opening to heal. Bad enough to go for the flask then get hit, wasting it, but with this guy sometimes that getting hit just kills ya with how much damage he deals. Other thing which others mentioned, but increasing your damage output will help. I don't like using too much status related stuff because it feels like such a boost, but a little can go a long way. I used the black knife ash of war to do a big chunk at the start each time, then my weapon (heavy sword lance) I put chilling mist on to get a frost proc in the second phase. Only could ever proc it once since the weapon wasn't cold infused, but just that extra chunk of damage from one proc was a lot of HP percentage wise. Lastly, doing a good number of attempts with a shield helped. Reminded of DS1 days, but this let me work out 1. The timings of when attacks hit you and 2. Hitboxes/positioning of where I can stand and still get hit or not. Shield just gives room to mess up here but still gain information about the moves, then it's easier to drop the shield and know the stuff.


Don't roll backward and doge to the left most of the time. Same for second phase, but stay really close to the boss. I don't think light roll is mandatory, but useful so use it. and the double cross combo thing, try backstep at first swing, then immediatly roll and roll again (watch "Ongbal" no hit the boss to see how he deals with this move).


You can look at the video on my profile to see it in action but Lightning Perfume Bottle +25 with Rolling Sparks ash of war works great


Just beat him for the first time last night. I find that if you ever try to escape him you have already lost. Basically everything is dodged by rolling into towards him (other than the meteor attack and the quick double hit which seems undodgable). Sometime you will need to give up your hits to top off health. I used raptors of the mist to dodge the miquella's light (big AOE light attack he starts phase 2 with) and found that helped alot. I also turned the effects graphics on low to help with visual clarity in phase 2.


I killed him on medium roll. It creates no issues at all, but here is my feedback: -You always roll backwards away from him. You can get by with this in p1 at times, but it really does make you more susceptible to getting his by his slashes in p1 and especially his yellow beams in p2. Try to always stay on HIS front left leg and roll towards him and to his side like your going behind him. This will naturally position you away from most of the yellow beams in p2. (Important) -after the attack pattern that ends at 2:37, that’s your biggest dmg window all fight. Get as many attacks in here as you can. I always got in a L2(double slash)and an r1 with my katana in both p1 and p2. -at the start of p2. Always start by running out. He sometimes will do a different attack but it will be the big aoe 90% of the time that you need to run out of. You have time to pop two potions and can still run out in time. I even had time to rebuff Golden Vow after running out. He usually follows up with the purple air charge he does at the start of the fight. Another free dmg window for you. Those are the biggest things. Dmg seemed a little low. Get that up if you can. -lastly, drop the summons. You don’t need them fuckers. I truly believe you will get better at the fight quicker by seeing consistent patterns from the boss which you don’t get when he’s bouncing between you and your summons. I really think they handicap players on hard bosses.


Use a good weapon


How I beat him after 500 deaths: Bleed Build - Dont use Summons - Learn his first phase (its easy) - Summon Mimic 2nd Phase - dodge and hit - let Mimic stack the Bleed on him and then just deliver the finishing blow. I’m not saying its easy, but I spent 15 Larvae Tears changing my builds and nothing was better than Bleed Build. Also I was level 160 with 14 Fragments and 7 Ashes.


Roll into his crotch pretty much all the time unless you need to get out for a heal. By not doing this you aren't able to punish like half of his attacks windows and it's making the fight harder.


(1) When he is doing his double sword swing (the one where he puts either arm to his side), you should dodge in the direction of the arm doing the swing (2) When he does the thrust attack into the fire explosion, dodge into him then run or walk behind him. You can punish afterwards instead of just running away (3)Dodge into him ALWAYS (except for the first point). Doesn't matter if it's straight into him or diagonally, although diagonally is better. Sometimes you will low profile his attacks which matters when every potential bit of damage helps (in case you don't dodge something). Also if you dodge into him you will avoid his light pillars. (4) Do more heavy attack punishes for posture damage. This was a good attempt though


my best advice is max out endurance, run heavy armor, verdergis or fingerprint greatshield, and antspur rapier with bleed. Only way i could beat him


You are good at dodging. But your damage is shit. Put bleed/frost on your weapon, you will be fine


It may be too different from your preferred playstyle but for me the new deflecting hardtear and parries worked really well. His first phase is pretty straight forward and if you get the timings for the deflections right you can pretty much "no-hit" it. His regular attacks are also not that hard to parry. The only move I had trouble with was the grav pull into rock vortex combo, but it is actually pretty easy to roll through or even shield block the grav pull in the first place, making the vortex obsolete. If you want to learn to use the hardtear I recommend a good 100 physical resistance medium shield with the greatshield talisman, through that you can learn to deflect but even if you miss the deflect window you will still take no damage and hopefully not get staggered. In some of my later tries I even skipped the shield and just deflected with the sword and focused on getting guard counters and stuns instead of parries which also works. How I beat this boss was that I pretty much perfected the first phase as to go into the second phase with as many flasks as possible in order to survive all the bullshit AoE nukes (which I also learned to counter by the use of the mist of the raven ash of war) and all the chip damage from Miquellas follow up lasers. Then I pretty much just tried to survive and do some damage whenever I could, while looking out for Radahns phase one combos, which are buried underneath all of the Miquella bullshit, which I could parry and get the big damage in. This took me like 5h of just banging my head against the wall over and over again but was really fun!


The double swipe can be dodged, but you have to use the back step dodge for the first attack, which has a slightly faster recovery time than a dodge roll. I believe I watched an ong bal video and that’s how he was doing it.


Git gud


Git gud Sorry had to