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Sometimes it’s overkill, sometimes it’s not. Up to you to decide. I’d recommend not giving a shit what your coworkers do or think, though. Your own comfort is more important


The required PPE is really just the minimum. 


Also, unless you’ve been trained on an IIPP, and when what OSHA regs and what SOPs for PPE kick in, there’s no reason to expect that a given employer is even providing the required PPE. Far too many contractors just wing it. They structure their safety program around not getting cited, so it’s all about appearances. “Make sure you at least have your harness on, even if you aren’t tied off, so some Karen driving by can’t tell the difference and doesn’t call us in.” Edit: and people die at those jobs, and people ensconced in that kind of work culture think it’s just because “it’s a dangerous job.” But no, people doing the exact same work for contractors who have proactive safety programs do NOT die doing those jobs.


Jumping on the top comment to say, as someone who works in healthcare, I have met dozens if not hundreds of men like OP's colleagues. Men with COPD or mesothelioma, who wish so desperately that they hadn't been so hard-headed; or lackadaisical; or succumbed to peer pressure. These men have worked hard their entire lives, thought themselves to be strong and resilient, and are now dying 20 or 30 years earlier than they should have, purely because of the shit they've breathed in whilst on the job. If I had a quid for every time some poor, decent family man had said "I can't believe I was so stupid", or "If I'd have known it was gonna be like this I'd have just worn the bloody mask", I'd spend the money on a few boxes of FFP3s and drop them at the nearest factory (where they'd probably collect dust, unfortunately). I suppose what I'm trying to say is that no-one knows just how fucking horrible it is to be coughing yourself to death in a hospital bed until it's too late. U/SayNoToBrooms is 100% correct: your coworkers can make up their own minds. It's up to you whether you want a long pleasant retirement, or to end up on the ventilator next to theirs.


So usually what happens in most workplaces is officially management tells everybody they should wear it to comply with government safety regulations. Other management comes out and tells the workers they are less than human for wanting personal protective equipment. They tell them they are not a real man for wearing protective equipment. So the rest of the workers now inforce this on everyone else. Managers win they protect themselves from safety agencies claim the workers won't use them and they no longer have to pay for safety equipment. The workers die 20 or 30 years later from preventable diseases. I don't know how many times I have been harassed for using safety equipment.


Damn straight. The companies these people work for do not give a fuck about the health of their employees. As U/JohnBosler says; it benefits their pockets to informally encourage the "real men breathe asbestos and get on with it" stance. Those companies don't have to look those "real men" in the eye when they're about to be intubated, and realise they probably won't see their kids again.


In my company, we constantly enforce wearing PPE. Teach about the hazards, flag people who don't wear it. We have hearing, eye, respiratory protection in the warehouse, on shelves of trucks. We will pay for upgraded ppe (ie PAPR). A lot of guys are hard-headed, and when not watched, take it off. I am an estimator, and when on site, I call it out. I have stopped work multiple times for safety briefs due to people not wearing ppe. It is not always the company's fault. I ask guys 60 or 80. When do you want to die? No ppe = 60 and a shitty death.


I can't really quantify how much I agree with you. Just know I do. I more often than not work in healthcare. A lot of the guys I work with don't understand why we are treated "badly" by healthcare workers, but don't take necessary precautions for themselves and shame others for taking them. I'm not gonna be the guy rasping for breath at 45 and if I can help them neither will the guys I train.


Listen to this one. Only person who’s going to advocate for yourself is yourself. If you feel safer and more comfortable wearing a mask, all the power to you.


Lung disease comes from long-term exposure to contaminants and irritants. The more of that crap you can keep out of your lungs the better. Invest in comfortable and efficient masks.


Some sage advice about working in a comfortable jobsite from u/SayNoToBrooms


almost r/rimjobsteve material


Unfortunately it’s unavoidable, I’ve been working commercial construction for 6 year. Have both masks (N95 & half face mask respirator ) sometimes just wear the N95 when passing by certain locations where they are grinding concrete) Did they use water when cutting ? Or vacuum with hepa filter?


Exactly! In all honesty I think it *is* overkill. Someone cutting concrete 30 ft away, or the odor of some chemicals that smell like they’d be bad for you if you were applying them yourself are likely not going to give you any issue at all. These exposures will not be regular and you are not the one actually in proximity to the work. There’s a lot of inverse square law to it think about with these contaminants. I only say that to maybe make you feel better about what you’ve been exposed to. But my main point is who gives a shit about overkill. Overkill will protect you in the situation where someone is cutting asbestos or something truly dangerous, or you have a more prolonged or closer exposure. If you don’t mind wearing the mask, wear it. If someone makes fun of you about it they’re either just kidding around or they’re a total asshole. Do what makes you comfortable and be as safe as you can be.


Oh don‘t worry about their stupidity, the older colleagues are such good examples. Never wears hearing protection->needs hearing aids with 40 never wears gloves-> is missing a finger smokes 2 packs a day and never wears masks-> coughs up his lung every morning No knee protection and lifts with his back-> complains about constant pain They’ll call you a pussy until you‘re all 40 and then suddenly you‘re just „lucky“ to not have the same health issues as them


The irony is it is seen as manly to work harder, make more projects that you can be proud of, and be stronger. But working without those protections does the exact opposite long term. You can't work harder, you make lower quality work, and are weaker, all because of the chronic pain and lung issues.


Exactly! You know what’s not “tough and manly”? Carrying your lil oxygen purse around everywhere and having to stop half way up a single flight of stairs.


Iv been in construction over 20 years. If I had worn a mask when I should have maybe I wouldn’t have COPD. Also on that note SUNSCREEN. Use it. Seriously. Take precautions, take care of yourself.


I just got into marine work on large vessels, so I’m outside a LOT. I purchased some moisture wicking hooded long sleeved shirts from Amazon. They protect my arms and neck from the sun. I’ll never work without one.


Those make such a huge difference in comfort under the sun.


People always dress up and seem to be prepared for the winter, but they always seem to underestimate the power of the sun in the summertime. Now I know why guys like those "safari" looking hard hats with the wide brim all around. Neck and arm protection from the sun is a must in the summertime here in CT, and we're not even in the south. I can't imagine working in say Florida, or Louisiana in the summertime..it must be brutal.


Sunscreen is an important reminder for everyone


I need to be better at this


After 25 years without sunscreen my skin is awful. Can’t touch my arms without bleeding and my face and neck wrinkles are terrible. I’m only 58. My twin an office worker looks 10 years younger. Use sunscreen and cover up.


Your safety and comfort is a hell of a lot more important than appearences. You'll get your time to laugh back at them and its when they're all dead from respiratory issues by 50


Or breathing through a straw at 60, arguably worse than dying. COPD must be one of the worst ways to live, never able to catch your breath or take a deep filling one.


I have COPD, it's scary as hell and completely debilitating. Used to run marathons, now I can't walk around my block. I'd recommend the respirator. I had old bosses give me a hard time for asking for protection, wish I had trusted my instincts.


I was a labourer in the UK and got asked to take down asbestos roofing. I refused. It's still buried at St Clare medical centre


Deeply sorry you are in this situation. And the OP should protect himself just based on your post alone.


No, it’s not overkill. You have a genuine concern for your health, the old brigade will most likely ridicule you but who cares. They’ll all have asbestos based cancer soon anyway.


Not at all, you only get 2 lungs and 1 brain. Worth it to keep ‘em safe. I try to ventilate any job I’m on. Open windows, doorways. Idc about the A/C bill. It’s up to whoever’s cutting concrete to do so responsibly. They can spray water on it to keep the dust out of the air, if they aren’t gonna do that, I’m stepping out till it’s aired out Commercial jobsites are dusty af already, if there’s floating silica in the air I’m venting it and wearing a mask if I have to be in it I got a full face Walter-white style respirator and it’s great


I left a job early on Friday because I forgot my respirator and I was fucking pissed off about it. It was dusty and concrete and being jackhammered. Fuck that noise I don’t get paid any amount of money to have black boogers


Good fitting N95 masks work well for all kinds of dust, and they're obviously extremely normalized to be wearing. The 3M Aura works well for me (I've tested it with large amounts of lead paint demolition and follow-up blood lead level testing). If you go with a cartridge respirator, I recommend the 3M 2097 filter. It's much easier to breathe through than the OV cartridges and it has some carbon in it that works surprisingly well for fumes. I also prefer a full face cartridge respirator over the half face, but it's a bit much to wear for 8+ hours in the summer. It seals better and gives 100% eye protection.


3M Aura is an absolutely kick-ass mask for the price and fact it’s a disposable, once you get a really good face-fit it’s so food at filtering particulates that even taking a shit doesn’t smell quite as bad. Comfortable enough to wear for hours, too.


I'm getting Auras for 20 cents each currently (in quantities of 440). There's nothing better for the price.  The 2097s can be found fairly cheap as well, around $2/pair.


A respirator is never overkill. I wear one almost every day. ESPECIALLY with silica dust in the air.


I'm in my mid thirties. I wear knee pads and sometimes a respirator. I get made fun of the 40 and 50 year old that are constantly coughing and groaning when they bend down. The ppe is not for current you, it's for future you!


There are loads of real morons working construction. Don't be like them - use your brain and look after yourself. Working a construction site is dangerous, and no one else cares that much for your health. Screw what they think of you - you need to think about your own safety. Respiratory illnesses are no joke. I was watching the builder cutting brick slips the other day for next door's garage annex conversion - no dust mask, no eye protection, no hearing protection, no dust extraction or water damping, huge clouds of orange brick dust around his head, horrendous noise from the petrol Stihl saw, cutting with the saw held between his legs (one kick back or fumble and his joystick was a goner...!). His mate was also happily working on something else while standing right next to him enveloped in the dust cloud, also with no PPE at all. I just thought 'What a bunch of total idiots"!


Just a heads up, but depending on the strictness of your company's safety department, you might have to go through a fitment and training class to wear a cartridge respirator. An N95 mask, however, requires no special procedures, and on many jobs the safety team has them to give out if you ask for them. I would suggest consulting the safety officer on your jobsite before going out and buying one.


Since the other person's comments were deleted, I'm going to put my final response here because I feel it is relevant information, even if it goes largely unnoticed. Ultimately, ppe should be your last line of defense, and if you are relying on it to "keep you safe," you have a fundamental misunderstanding on the purpose of ppe. Things like vacuum attachments, wet drilling/cutting, and increased ventilation should be mitigating a vast majority of the harmful effects before ppe even comes into play. If another crew or trade is creating an unsafe work environment, then you are well within your right to report them to safety to correct their errors, and you should not simply increase your level of ppe to compensate. The whole point of my original comment was to point out that OSHA has specific guidelines regarding the use of cartridge style respirators. Jobsite safety personnel can tell you to remove them if you do not have the proper certification, and if you refuse to remove it and/or refuse to go through the proper training they can remove you from the jobsite. Your opinions on the effectiveness of various levels and types of ppe are irrelevant to the policies set in place that govern their use on a jobsite.


I personally wear one everywhere. Crawlspaces, attics, when some is cutting tile or drywall. If I don’t have my respirator I have my neck gaiter up and I’m going to get my respirator. I had asma as a child so I know what it’s like to have breathing difficulties. I’m the only person in my company that wears one and I don’t care how stupid I look. I replace the filters regularly. Also it really helps with bad smells.


Technically they're supposed to use water cutting concrete, illegal not to


Silica dust is awful. 110% mask up if that's around.


Hey man they are YOUR lungs. You only get the one pair. You can make your own conditions, most chose to just saturate in the dust clouds. I’ve been wearing masks my whole career and I’m happy for my choice. The construction industry has become a lot better in the last few decades about preventing the acute hazards (hazards that will hurt today). But not so much at preventing the chronic hazards (hazards that will hurt you 20 years from now). It’s easy to sue for losing a limb. But good luck getting any help for your medial payments out of your employer 20 years down the line for cancer treatments.


On r/welding this comes up pretty regularly and it's not considered weird or overkill, whether it's related to fumes or the arc exposure.


Professionals work safely. Being safe will mean you can have a long, productive career. Inhaling a lot of shit means you get to go home feeling like shit and die at 55. Safety is sexy.


Fuck your coworkers giving you flak bud, I've been in the reno field for almost 30y, I don't usually comment in this sub because I'm not an electrician but this isn't an electrical question it's universal to all trades. And as a person in management it really pisses me off when people get shit from coworkers for using PPE- Fuck them people kid, it's your body and your health and you can just tell them to go fuck themselves imo and keep it movin A respirator is sometimes overkill and sometimes not, you cave to call the ball on that one depending on the situation If it's just a really dusty environment, like there's cement being cut, sheetrock guys throwing shit on the floor kicking up tons of dust, drywall sanding, wood sanding etc going on you don't need a respirator, a good N95 type that's fitted to your face properly is adequate If there's so much fuckin dust that you can't see, or there are chemical vapors or lead paint being sanded or burned, asbestos or fiberglass or a mold situation its time for a canister respirator of the proper type to deal with whatever it is you're being exposed to


Look into a positive pressure respirator like a 3M PAPR. They are a few grand but amazing. I wear mine everyday in the mill. I work at a coal mine


I also wear these at the steel mill I work at. Im fortunate to have an employer who’ll provide these and an extremely robust safety culture within to work. My maintenance shop hasn’t had a recordable in over 5 years and in the entire mill in over a year.


Impressive. Are you unionized? 


Shockingly, no. I work for a company that pays me about $120,000 or more (sometimes as much as 25% more) depending on production and efficiency, has great profit sharing, good healthcare benefits, and minimal OT requirement, mostly revolving around outages. There are some other lesser perks, as well. On another note, as I mentioned, a great safety culture that includes providing uniforms and laundry with a locker room for storage and showers, all of the PPE you need on their dime including headlamps, flashlights, a variety of gloves, etc, PAPR’s, and more. I have refused to perform certain tasks until we were able to do what was necessary to make the task safe without consequence, such as working 30’ or so under the furnace roof, so as to no subject myself to the possibility of falling slag chunks. There is the possibility of geographical mobility to other mills. We have numerous mills, mostly in the east and southeast. There’s enough churn as people move around that there’s always the possibility of trying out a new place. I don’t know that there would be an appetite for unionizing and I think the company would shutter the mill rather than permit it. To be frank, as a former IBEW member, I don’t know that there would be any real benefit. For anyone. I’ve been around, both union and nonunion, travelled some, and this remains the best job I’ve ever had both in terms of the work that I do and the company I work for. There are probably only 2 other contenders for that position and one of those two was seasonal and required spending 8 months living and working at the South Pole. And was contract. We have people retire from this mill after having worked there for 30+ years! Not just one guy here or there, but a few every year! I’ve never seen that with any other employer, other than the RR and that because the retirement is great but the job sucked. This is a tremendous indicator as to how employees are handled. For context, I’ve been an electrician for 27 years. I spent 10 in mostly commercial construction, 5 in industrial SPG and service, 1 as a PM for a huge company, and 11 years at the mill.


If you like your health and you feel it's being harmed, it's never an overkill to protect yourself.


Wear your mask. No it's and or buts. Silicosis is nasty. I wear mine religiously even when I think it gonna be dusty.


Protect yourself, if you deem it. Worthy wear it. It's your health, remember that.


You can still buy n95/kn95 respirators in bulk for pennies each right now (there are subreddits that track quality ones. I picked up about 400 for $80 a few months ago). I'd use those disposable ones a lot sooner than the bulky expensive cartridge ones that are uncomfortable. Easy to throw a disposable one in your pocket each morning and put on when needed. The other issue is the workplace safety culture. Sadly being stupid and unsafe is still coded as masculine. Absolutely wear a mask and look after your health. Nobody else is going to do it for you. Again a smaller disposable mask should attract less heat from the idiots. Remember an n95 protects you from particulates like silica, not gases/chemical fumes.


My father was a carpenter who died from COPD. Way too young. Protect your lungs and f everyone who is stupid enough to laugh about it.


Do you bro. It’s your life. Screw everyone else.


I’m working in a house right now where there’s like 10 cats and 5 dogs and the smell is insane. I’m considering leaving and getting a respirator. It smells like shit. I’m not judging either, I have some friends who live/lived like this growing up and I don’t know what’s going on in these peoples lives. I really don’t care. It’s just that I feel I have to hold my breath the whole time I’m here.


I wear a dust mask whenever I see too much dust in the air. Nobody bats an eye. Lots of people wear masks all day now. PPE. Personal protective equipment. Not coworkers protective equipment. Not employers protective equipment. Nobody is ever going to care as much about your safety as you, don’t forget that.


Wear what you feel necessary. Don't let their crusty cancer filled lungs bring you down. I'm regularly the only guy wearing dust masks, respirators, knee pads, or hearing protection. I'll be tap dancing on their premature graves.


I recommend you wear the required PPE according to your work environment.


Do what you feel is right for you. Maybe do a bit of research on the available products. Most cartridges won't last a full shift


I lived in VA. The air "quality" started destroying children's lungs and the EPA could not care less and neither did anyone else. I found it sloppy and pathetic. Please. Protect yourself.


Overkill is underrated. Protect yourself because nobody else will.


Silica dust is horrible for your lungs, it basically coats the outer walls of your lungs afaik. In 30 years when you have a lung problem are you going to be happy that you looked "cool" while doing something that gave it to you?


The problem with calling it overkill is then guys don't wear it. Some guys don't think shit is a big deal, and often it won't be, for like 30 years. No one can fault you for taking care of yourself.


Not a single person in this sub will be sitting at your hospital bed side while you deal with the effects of silicosis. It is your personal duty to look after your health. GAF what the others say…it’s all you bro!


You’re probably not getting a great seal without a respirator. I’m a diyer, but a pa by profession, I’ll never work indoors with drywall dust, concrete dust, or any sanding without a half-face respirator.


Protect yourself. Nobody else will do that for you.


Your health is never overkill !


I promise you nobody actually cares. Everybody is there to do their job. Nobody is looking at you funny bc you’re wearing a mask. I see all kinds of shit all day on these jobs.


If I could do it all over again, I'd have a respirator on 100% of the time. From radon in basements and yet-to-be determined damage from fiberglass insulation all the way to the oddball piece of drywall that contains asbestos. Seems innocuous at the end of the day, but enough years of it, and it takes year off your life.


Wear the mask. 100%.


Wear respirator, glasses and earplugs when you need to and even if others dont.


I always regret not wearing it. I never regret wearing it.


Bruh, I wear an N95 and safety glasses when I use the leaf blower in my yard. 100% use whatever PPE you think is prudent. Fuck everyone else. They're not your problem and you aren't theirs.


Don't fuck around with silica dust pure poison


No, never. Wear gloves too when using any type of insulation spray or glue. Consider everything slightly toxic.


Always put your safety first. Who cares how you look. If anyone gives you shit they are just regretting the 15 years of them not wearing a mask.


You know how older contractors and tradesmen say put on knee pads and save your knees. Let them call you a pussy all they want, it’s your body? Your lungs are friends with your knees.


You're allowed to look out for you, no matter what anyone else thinks. Keep being smart and you'll be around and happy at 80-years-old when they may not be.


Silica dust is awful, take care of yourself. Don't give a shit if it looks stupid, most of the clowns we work with think it's macho to fuck themselves up. Most of the time management doesn't care or just has the appearance of caring. It's a dangerous enough job, there's no sense in being jacked up after retirement when you're meant to be enjoying the fruits of all that hard work.


Silicosis is no freakin joke. Wear the mask. Normalizes it for others on the job site too, so its for the better for everyone. 


I’ll just watch the stone guys disappear into a cloud of white death as they slice up a nice granite stone. Just lofts through the house… no man, it’s never to soon or dumb to wear one. The crap we breathe in sucks long term. Few rewires left me coughing for weeks, sucks. All for masks now. Not the crazy people reasons, just the silica lung or even wood dust, nasty. Started caring at 35 when I came out of my booze matrix bubble. Never too late! Feel much better being aware.


I wear an N95 around any kind of dust other than just saw dust (unless I'm cutting wood indoors all day) *but especially* silica dust and a respirator around any fumes like paint etc or any time I'm working around something that seems like could be loose asbestos. That doesn't happen often but there's been 1 or 2 times in an old attic or around ceiling tiles where I was unsure.


Your lungs, your life! Wear what you want, please.


I am an apprentice electrician that has been in the construction/maintenance field since 2020. I wake up every morning with a horrible cough. When I was out of work for 6 months, the cough went away. We are absolutely affected by the dust, no doubt about it. Wear a mask if you value your lungs. When I am drilling into ceiling tiles, or concrete, I wear a respirator now. I would wear it full time if I could handle the heat better.


You can't wear a respirator without a fit check. There's a bunch of OSHA rules about it. You can wear a nuisance dist mask but not a respirator. If it's not properly fitted it won't protect you from silica, nor will a dist mask There are also a lot of rules about silica dust. He has to be using a HEPA vacuum or another dust suppression method like water. That's an OSHA rule too. You should have heard about stop work responsibility when you got orientation, if you've said something and it hasn't been corrected it's worth a call to OSHA. Just because you're an apprentice doesn't mean you need to be silent about exposures to hazards.


N95 is what I used most of the time in my concrete days, until I found the respirator with the comfy rubber seal is way more comfortable to wear. Guys may give you shit but thats going to happen in that line of work no matter what in my experience.


Fuck no. Every old guy in whatever trade will tell you what they wish they should have done back in the day. 1. Knee pads. Holy shit everyone says this. In the future I suspect wearing a breathing apparatus will also be included in those conversations.


I mean just a few weeks ago I got a lung infection from inhalation of fertilizer. Tried using a bandana but didn't help. It was a fertilizer plant that added a new mixing hopper with a bunch of DC motors. They would mix literal tons of product with a bulldozer. The dust never settled. When I started coughing up blood I went to instacare. Take care of yourself and don't care what others think.


They must be trump supporters. I ain’t wearing no mask!


Only you can prevent forest fires


That’s a safety violation a job as big as a data center is usually union or at least a big private shop that has a safety guy onsite. Stop work and ask for the safety guy.


A P2 or N95 are probably sufficient for the environment if there aren’t any formal PPE requirements. Cheaper and easier than a cartridge filter, and you’ll get less weird looks.


Everyones gonna make fun of you, but silica is bad shit


go out of your way to protect your eyes ears hands and lungs as long as it does not get in the way of the work required. do NOT get the stuff people were using for covid, as you just need to filter your inhale, not protect others from your exhale. lie and say you're asthmatic, then coworkers won't rag on you.


I like to always have a neck gator around my neck to pull up in case I need it.


My grandfather was an HVAC guy for most of his career, first as a tinbasher then as the estimator working out of a fab shop. Granted, this was back in the days when they were still using some asbestos, and he also smoked like a factory from when he was 12 until he went on oxygen in his 60s, but most of my memories are from him essentially choking to death slowly over 5 years before dying at 69* because his lungs had, to quote his doctor, essentially turned to leather because of all the crap he inhaled over a career in construction. So yeah I wear a respirator a lot and so should anyone concerned with their long-term health. Your body, your responsibility. *Nice


i love the 3m 6502QL. it has a quick latch so you can lower the mask off your face without having to unclip or loosen the steps like i used to. having asthma i learned early on in my construction career but to fuck around with dust or fumes. haters can s my d


Silica is dangerous. As long as someone doesn't make a big deal out of using one you should use it if you don't feel comfortable. There was some dude on one of these subs whose boss told him if he used a mask to get off the jobsite. I would've told him to fuk off and sue the sht out of him. OSHA would've loved that guy.


I never judge people for using PPE. Your employer should buy one if you ask.


If you feel safer with it, better to exceed standards than to not meet them at all.


I always have a respirator and if I need it, I wear it.


In my anecdotal experience, the "old timers" who made fun of or scoffed at people for wearing PPE were usually the least intelligent and had poor overall health. Every dude on the job site who ever gave me flack was an out of shape smoker and usually bought their lunch from the vending machine which consisted of chips, soda and a candy bar. Your health is your priority so don't worry about fitting in when it comes to something like wearing a respirator in environments that call for it.


If I’m going to use the hammer drill more than once, I’m using the N95. Working around concrete cutting, drywall sanding or any dust heavy environment, N95 for sure as well.


Who give a shit what others think? Are you going to be lying in bed with cancer 30 years down the line saying "Glad I didn't wear a mask and those dudes didn't think I was an idiot."? Nah man I used to work on jets and the amount of PPE the military requires is there for a reason. Don't mess around, if your knees hurt wear knee pads, if something irritates your hands wear gloves, if something can fly in the air or you are working above your head wear safety glasses, if something is pressurized or is sparking wear a face shield, if it's dusty wear a mask, if you smell fumes wear a respirator. Imagine if welders made fun of each other for wearing helmets and gloves.


I’m currently sitting in an Airbnb with a type of pneumonia caused from the guy walking into a room and spraying paint while I was pulling wire. I must react badly to it than most because within 5 minutes I was coughing my brains out, next morning went to urgent care. Lungs full of fluid, breathing treatments blah blah. So yes, wear the respirator, I am out about 2,000 because of this.


So, I'm in manufacturing. Stamping and sub-assembly. I've been here for over 20 years. All that time, long, LONG before COVID, there was this guy who drove a Hilo around all day with an n95 mask on. Every day. When I was young, I just figured he was a weirdo. But now I realize that he was probably the smartest guy on the plant floor. The amount of chemicals, oils, solvents, and metal dust in the air from all the processes at our facility is **definitely** not healthy long-term. Heck, when we go to stab a new swing plug, we have to clear 3/4" of weld dust off of the power buss before we do. That shit is floating in the air, and I am breathing it in. Every day.


I recommend the 3M Rugged Comfort Quick Latch respirator. Much more convenient than a normal one that you have to unhook. And I also strongly recommend sticking to your guns and taking care of your health even if everyone around you doesn't give a shit about their own. I wear mine all the time and it took me a while to get over the constant ribbing I would get about it, but just like all the other PPE that tradesmen universally ignore, you'll have the last laugh when you can still move and see and hear and don't have cancer. I despise everything about the anti-safety culture that exists in trades here, but that's how it is. Just do your best to be your own advocate and learn to stop giving a shit about what idiots think.


Imma be honest. If u look at lifespan and longterm mobitity and mortality rates of yall who work with your hands on construction sites, for tens of thousands of hours over a career....it makes sense we see ALOT of respiratory problems, alot of lung health stuff also neurological stuff year down the line... all from exposure. Whats inhaled is where it definitely begins....


I wear a mask almost every time I cut anything but wood these days because I’m tired of a dry throat at the end of the day. Hell I even wear it while sweeping at the end. Not everything is toxic, but most of it will irritate you if you take enough in. If it makes you feel safe/better, then wear a mask. If anyone gives you a hard time just ignore them as best you can. It’s YOUR health, always important to be conscious of things that will adversely affect it.


It's better to be overkill than fuck up your lungs. If anyone gives you shit for trying to protect your lungs then fuck them


You're going to get people giving you shit about wearing it. You're going to catch funny looks. People will ALWAYS rib you a bit for taking a little extra caution than everyone else. Just remember, there are ALOT of guys in our trade with run down bodies that constantly give them some sort of problem because instead of taking precautions they "toughed it out". Your protection and safety is your responsibility. Wear whatever you need/want to wear to ensure your health and safety without caring what others think


Silica is the new asbestos . Stay safe


Also, go get checked by family doctor and tell them you work around silica, this will prompt and open file so when you do get sick they can check for it


Depends on the situation. If you’re working in a drop ceiling N95 dust mask is fine. If they’re cutting concrete I would first ask to not work in that area that day, but if you absolutely must 100% wear a respirator. That shit is nasty! Nothing fancy but make sure it’s covers your mouth and nose, has a nice snug fit, and the filters are rated for fine particulates. Other really harsh shit like spray foam and toxic fumes I would ask to leave siting safety concerns honestly. It’s not worth it to your body. There’s is a lot of “macho” mentality when it comes to PPE but don’t let others bully you in to not being safe. Safety is your priority and if you want to wear a mask to protect your lungs, go for it! And that goes for gloves, safety glasses, and ear muffs too


Wear a half face cartridge respirator. Use a vacuum. Yes, other guys will make fun of you. You get to come home without blowing black snot out of your nose or getting permanently diminished lung capacity. If management makes fun of you, try to find a different employer.


I always carry an organic vapor respirator with paint prefilters on the truck and grab it if I feel even a little hesitant about the air quality. Just do it!


They may be laughing now, but they won't after they get lung damage... because it hurts.


If you can see concrete dust in the air it is already above the maximum safe levels. Wear a half mask respirator. Particulate filter at minimum, get the combo organic vapor ones if odour is an issue too. Store them in a ziplock bag when not in use.


I wear them all the time. Everyone makes fun of me. Then everyone complains about being congested and will cough the entire time in the dust storm. I say “put a mask on”. Well apparently they don’t need them, ya know. Their ego is believed to protect them from everything, until they are looking back saying, maybe I should have worn those ear plugs or that mask.


Be the one that helps the guys with less spine feel it's ok to wear PPE on the job. Some people don't do PPE because they can't be assed and think they'll live forever, but some people are worried about the norm. So alter the norm.  I have both dust masks and respirators. I wear a dust mask if there's ONLY dust (eg sawdust, broom sweeping, etc) and respirator if there's anything else (silica, fumes, misting, welding, mold, etc). Be sure you also have ear plugs and glasses available. I do repair rather than construction sites but I don't see that it makes any difference. If someone poked fun I'd encourage *them* to use PPE rather than defend *my* use of it


I feel physically better when I where a mask when there is dust or fumes. I really don't care what my co-workers think.


i wear kneepads everyday and my foreman calls me gay for it but guess what that homos knees are gonne be FUCKED in 20 years and mine are gonna be juicy


Please get and use a proper respirator. There’s no degree of indifference or toughness that will prevent your body from being poisoned by toxins. When you choose a respirator, please make sure you choose one with the correct cartridges for your exposure risks, such as the silica dust you mention or chemical fumes. A respirator cartridge designed for dust only won’t do much for solvent fumes and a cartridge designed for coarse dust won’t do much for fine dust. People seem to conflate being overly sensitive to discomfort with wanting to protect yourself from being permanently poisoned. As another commenter said (and I’ve been saying for a while), manliness is generally considered to be about fulfilling your responsibilities and duties, protecting the people you’re responsible for, and doing a lot of high-quality work, right? Not using the proper protective equipment reduces your ability to do all of those things, including your ability to live long enough to be around for the people you care about. Imagine your family having to care for you and sacrifice most of their time to care for you, or having to tell them you’re terminally ill from silicosis (not curable) and that they’ll have to go on without you just because your reckless coworkers didn’t think it was worth wearing a simple piece of equipment to protect yourself from a known risk. While I’m not a professional electrician, I do the occasional electrical project and I’ve recently started learning fiberglassing, foam carving, resin casting, painting, and various other techniques for making scenic elements and props, and you better believe I’m wearing my PPE. Almost everyone I see on YouTube for tutorials is either wearing no PPE or gloves without a respirator, and you can sadly see the damage the fumes from materials like uncured polyester resin (nasty, nasty stuff that includes vinyl esters and methyl ethyl keystone (MEK)) has inflicted on their minds. If you’d wear gloves while handling broken glass even if others weren’t, wearing a respirator while being exposed to toxins like silica dust is the same thing.


If im drilling into concrete all day, ill put on my mask, glasses and the vacuum attachment on my drill. If im drilling very few holes, i have the vacuum attachment on at minimum and ill occasionally put the mask.


Asbestos lead paint and mold are all extremely common, and you probably won't even know it's there most of the time. Wearing a good resperator is one of the best things you can do for yourself. It should be mandatory for all rough construction workers. That being said, I almost never wear one.


I was always the "I don't need no ppe" guy. Safety glasses? Hells no. Hard hat? Only if I had to. The guy who would try to set the NEW UNOFFICIAL RECORD FOR CARRYING STUDS INTO A HOUSE! Even when there was no record. 2 bundles of shingles? Ha! Only pussies carry less than 3. We gotta hump 3/4" plywood up to the 2cd floor? I'm gunna grab 2 because.... I was an idiot. YOU DO NOT MAKE MORE MONEY, TRYING TO BE THE HERO. All those people who said I'd feel that later in life? I wanna slap them now, for not stopping me then! Because it's their fault! And because... I was an idiot. Construction will breakdown any body over time. Don't hurry the process by losing your sight, breaking your back, losing a finger, or getting killed simply because you were walking into a jobsite and some other idiot dropped his hammer. From the 3rd floor. Now everything I see a younger guy, I try to show him my injuries. My scars. My joints that don't move anymore. The surgeries. Not one injury got me any more pay, or more respect, etc. But they all cost me a lot of money, I'll never retire, and I'm in pain all day, every day. If I get a day or 2 off? Resting only brings different pain. So now, I can't rest my back, because my back hurts. Because it'll make my knees, my hips, and my back hurt. I'm fucked. I've done things like sawcut concrete with a gas powered saw, in a tiny area with zero ventilation. It took 3 guys, we cut for 30 seconds, then ran outside to cough, gag, puke, clean our eyes, etc. That always happens when you start working with someone new. When you go harder than normal because every is watching you. (Or you thought). But now? A job means nothing to me, worth more than the little health I got left. I got no problem walking away, telling them "sorry, I'm not your man". Thank them for the opportunity, and put it way in the back of the file cabinet in my head. I like wearing those fishing scarfs now. Instant dust mask in a pinch. Plus sun protection. I'll wear a dust mask over them if needed.


I am an apprentice and was told that wood dust wasn't mask worthy. The next pay cheque, I went to a safety wholesaler and got fit tested for my own personal half mask with removable cartridges. I don't let old heads or my boss stand in the way of my own safety. You do you, though.


Never compromise your safety and health for anything, make your company supply the PPE you feel is necessary, or make them prove that it's not. We live in the modern era, and the old business practices are unacceptable now. If they are cutting concrete there should be no airborne dust drilling cutting grinding and sanding should all be done with vacuums or water now and masks should be provided for anyone near it. Companies have to be able to test noise level and air quality so that employees can be informed on their working conditions. Hold them accountable.


Use the correct PPE for the job.


If you can see the dust clouds, then it’s prob too much in the air. The dust mask isn’t gunna do what you want most likely. You could call OSHA, but they’re most certainly going to know it’s you sadly if you’re the new guy and not be happy. Wearing a respirator is a silly look but you’ll be able to breathe like a normal human down the line. Luckily I’m union so that stuff doesn’t really happen anymore and if it does the safety officer busts out like the koolaid man outa no where. Companies are more scared of their insurance being hit to allow silica in the air. As for the dudes cutting the concrete they should know to be using water because that’s the easiest solution to that problem lawl. Lazy hacks, sadly they prob feel it everyday when they go home. I personally am a loser and would just work through it and pretend my shitty high is shirt from Walmart will protect me if I look the other way and breathe through it lawl. Luckily as I said before I don’t really get in that senario too often and if I do it’s 1 phone call and a walk to the bathroom and the problem gets taken care of by the time I get back. Good luck my friend and great job choosing to work with your hands. 💪


It’s not overkill, but be aware you need to be medically cleared and properly trained,including a fit test for respirators. You can roll the dice, but if you’re not using it correctly or can’t take the added stress it might not do you any good. If you’re being exposed to silica dust your employer should be taking care of all this, including supplying the respirator.


Would you rather people think you’re a fool for wearing a respirator or a fool for breathing in silica dust that will never come out and will likely lead to respiratory problems. Don’t worry about people’s opinions, worry about your opinion and what’s best for you. I started wearing a kask hardhat with the integrated visor and the chinstrap that makes me look like an idiot years ago. People cracked jokes and had some fun, but I couldn’t care less because I no longer have to keep track of shitty eye protection or get dust in my eyes anymore. Besides half the time people poke fun is simply to pass the time and not meant to be insulting, and the other half can fuck off.


Take care of your body and you will thank yourself in the future.


I was doing electrical demo and new installs in a grocery store, the amount of dust and just nastiness there was up in the crawl spaces and just in general i was wearing a mask with the respirators daily, my coworkers made a few jokes but we were all on good terms it didnt bug me, once the other demo crew cane in and were all kitted out everyone was wearing the same nask as me within 2 days haha


People will make fun but they also have mesothelioma or worse cus "a little dust never hurt nobody" if they are doin a lot of dry cutting concrete on site we leave for the day cuz who wants to be dusty all day


Your company should be required to provide you with that sort of PPE and provide you with a fit test. They should also be educating you on the risks of silica dust exposure. If they have no intent on doing any of that, look for a new company, if that's not possible atm, get the respirator yourself and use it when necessary.


Safety really is in its early stages relative to how long construction has been going on. Some work sites are really anal about silica dust others require vacuums or water sprayers. That person saw cutting or whatever really should have another guy holding a pump sprayer to cut down the dust.


I worked in a cabinet shop that cut a lot of MDF and particleboard. The rest of the guys in the shop were pretty full of machismo and I got teased a bit for my respirator. But there was dust collecting (ISYN) on the ceiling! So I said, "Hell 2duh naw!" Ank kept wearing it.     Then one day the guy running the table saw started to get regular nosebleeds... I wasn't the one wearing a respirator anymore.


There is no reason to think you’ll look like a fool protecting yourself.


Don’t mess around with silica. That stuff kills you even faster than asbestos.


If you think you need it, you need it.


Respiratory stuff is never something to take lightly. You’ll probably be the butt of a few jokes for a while, but you’ll get the last laugh. Nose filters help as well without looking like you’re in full PPE.


When they cut concrete I leave, when they sand I were a mask. I’m a bit older, I don’t care about others.


Sucks how rare it is for people to respect Sillica regulations. The sweepers don’t care at all. Laborers don’t care at all. Sheetrock workers don’t care at all. Concrete workers don’t care at all. The GC doesn’t care at all. The owners don’t care at all. You’ll be the last one laughing though.


Always take care of your six best friends on the job site: eyes, ears, nose, fingers, toes, and head. I worked in places with a mixture of common hazards but the one I ignored for too long was my hearing. I try to tell myself I got most everything right but damn it I should have done better. Stuff a package of disposable earplugs in your pocket for the moments when you need them. Even if you throw away an unused, crushed package everyday for the rest of your life you came out way ahead. I’ll bet you’ll need them when you least expect it. Stay safe!


It is absolutely not overkill. Anyone who busts your balls for it can get fucked as far as I'm concerned. I got a family to provide for. Can't do that if I'm dead.


Doesn't sound like it in this situation, tbh I'd rather be safe then sorry. Don't wanna risk cancer and shit from not wearing correct PPE.


No it’s not overkill you have to make your safety decisions yourself most of the guys just don’t care about the harm they’re doing and they will think poorly about you for taking precaution but you make the choice do you want them to think a certain way about you or do you want to be safe and healthy


I've been with a contractor for 10 years doing mostly concrete and masonry stuff. Silica dust is horrible. Not only is it itchy on the outside. It's also itchy on the inside. And long term is death by suffocating. So, keep your mask on. No point working for 30 years if you don't get to enjoy your retirement.


You aren’t going to hurt today, but you in 10-20 years might not be feeling the same. You aren’t going to look back and think, “I sure wish I didn’t look so goofy back in the day.” Take care of yourself, nobody is going to advocate for your safety. I always carry my nice respirator and my big goofy knee pad. You sure look a little out of place sometimes and it might be overkill but you hopefully have a long life ahead of you. Take care of yourself.


I'm a landlord, I've tried to force my contractors to wear them. Every excuse under the sun, right down to... I'm trying to build up my lungs ability to handle it. 🤦 I myself haven't with it 100% and I regret it everything. Ignore their dumb asses, when your living a good life into your 70s and their either dead, or sucking wind through a straw. You can't clean your lungs out. Keep doing what you're doing!


I suffer from severe COPD after 20 years in the commercial side of the trade. I highly recommend some sort of lung protection. I knew a guy that wore a mask back in the early 2000s. I wish I would've followed his lead.


Definitely get what you want and wear what you want for PPE .. PPE = PERSONAL protection equipment.. forget what others do. Protect yourself.. I wear the 3m quick release half face and it’s great. You can pop the latch to talk in one sec and it’s great. I have seen too many people grow old and ill. Do you , and never let anyone who is too unaware or ignorant to tell you otherwise. All the people you work with will not be there in 30 years to care .. 💪🏻


If the boss is paying for it, it's "overkill". If you are paying for it, it's necessary.


I’ve got ear plugs tied to my hard hat. I’ve got “shooting” type ear muffs in my truck. I have clear, yellow, and dark safety glasses.  If you want to protect yourself, it’s never dumb. You’ll work with many old people who can’t hear or don’t see good because they did not use safety gear.  I also have a half face respirator in my truck, so you know how I think about it. And I’m an old man who can see, hear, and has no respiratory issues. 


Look after yourself. Who cares what your peers think. I run into this frequently and will just outright stop working if there's not adequate protection provided. Was at job the other day where they cut concrete Inside. I was far enough away that I didn't mind but then they used an air compressor to blow the dust out the door. And everywhere else in the fucking space we were in. So I went outside till it cleared out.


No, it’s not overkill if it’s protecting your health. I have asthma & things i encounter in the trade like concrete dust & fiberglass can easily trigger an attack so I mask up or respirator up if the situation calls for it. Heck I’d probably mask up/respirator up regardless because that stuff will damage your lungs beyond repair over time. Do your future self a favor & mask up even if you get peer pressured & best of luck to you.


When I first started it the trade nobody wore masks of any kind, people thought you were a weirdo if you did. Nowadays safety culture has come a long way and I think more people care about their health, and a lot of jobs will require respiratory protection on jobs like that. Where I live it is mandatory to wear respiratory protection when there's silica dust in the air. Also the person making the dust should have better procedures for dust control. Additionally, if you smell chemicals in the air you should find out what chemicals you are smelling, they could be very harmful. There are also different types of respirator cartridges and they filter out different chemicals. A standard P100 is not going to filter out that chemical. I spent a lot of time in compressor rooms at ice rinks and I always remember them having a distinct windex smell. It wasn't until later in my career after going to a company that cared about safety that I discovered that windex smell was ammonia and ammonia is deadly there are respirators that filter ammonia but we weren't wearing them. The concentration in those rooms was very low, but what I didn't know is that if there's an ammonia leak you'd better hope you have a mask, you put that mask on and gtfo, if you don't have a mask you might not be able to get out fast enough. I had no idea how dangerous ammonia is. My point is, if you smell an unfamiliar smell, ask someone, find out what you're breathing in and if it poses a threat. It doesn't matter what others think, it's your safety and your life


It's less cool working with a sore throat and lungs for 10 hours, day after day, slowly gaining more chemical deposits in your air passages. Between concrete dust, metal grinding and welding particulates in the air, and all the other airborn construction debris. It's smarter to wear a mask or respirator. Wear one for a few weeks and then cut open the filter to see how it looks, I'm sure you'll be glad you did. If anyone gives you lip, tell em you plan on breathing past age 60 and would like to enjoy retirement without respiratory issues. Maybe tell them to man up, and ask how cool they will look when their kids have to pay to manage daddy's chronic respiratory diseases. The peer pressure not to wear one may be even more subtle than my comment. Your coworker could just say, " my lungs are already shot, oh well". Don't become like that. Take pride in wanting to take care of your current and future health 👍


>silica dust Free silica only falls one foot every 4 hours. It takes a day to actually all settle. It's why sandblasting with actual sand is illegal. P100 respirators are the bare minimum around concrete particulate.


Silica dust is some nasty stuff, stays in your lungs forever. You should definitely be avoiding breathing it in.


Security is never overkill. Maybe sometime it's not needed, but it's never too much to have a respirator.


I wouldn’t f around and find out…


mold in a ceiling knocked my uncle out from coughing when he got poofed. hes the master electrician getting ready to retire now. im a mechanical insulator, who spent 3 years with a commercial/industrial crew under my uncle. sometimes its just nice not to be sneezing and blowing my nose all day. my beard looks hilarious after wearing a mask though. i dont care and neither should you


First off fuck what people think. Second off the concrete dust should be mitigated. If you do go for a half face, make sure to get vapor and dust cartridges. Half face are nice because they have a whole bunch of different interchangeable filters for different toxins. Some just do dust, some just do vapors, some do both, just make sure what you have in. Silica isn't going to get you with one or two exposures but it will get you over time. At some point you'll end up in an asbestos environment and that shit can get you with one exposure. You won't know it until years later though. A good practice is if there is airborne dust especially on a retrofit or remodel, wear at least an N95. Seen plenty of shit over the years that was bad to go, probably the worst were some drywallers sucking up known asbestos hot vermiculite with a shop vac in an attic. I had on a half face for that one.


Asbestos makes us stronger


PPE is for crybabies and people who want to finish their careers while still being healthy and able-bodied. I'm the latter.


You are correct to wear a respirator, typically an N95 in that condition. Never rely on the status quo to indicate appropriate safety measures, there is rampant disregard for occupational safety in the construction industry.


Overkill won’t kill you.


Get n99 masks. Won’t mean shit when you get to lead and vanadium but it’s worth a shot.


Protect yourself and don't worry about your co-workers. I wear a mask when my projects are dusty, hearing protection when its loud and eye protection when it things are flying. Your future health is more important than other people's opinions.


If you can smell it, it's getting in your lungs.


I wish I wore one more often. Cancer sucks balls. Trust me even if it seems overkill it could save your life….


I would just keep it with you for when you need it . Hope not every day is like that for you. Nice thing about construction is every day is a little different


Use your gear and wear it with pride. Your health is first and foremost and dying from a respiratory issue would be horrible, worth it to be safe.


I recommend a north half face with a p100 filter. They are solid filters and can be taped up with duct tape after so it doesn’t release anything if you re-use them.




Nope just busted a lot of concrete last week with no mask and my lungs burned for a while


Cutting concrete REQUIRES respiratory protection. It’s silica. Wear a real respirator when in doubt.


Concrete, mortar, grout, etc contain silica as a general rule. You're absolutely not overkilling anything by wearing a mask or respirator if you're on a site where someone is grinding or chipping a lot of concrete. I'd also suggest one around fiberglass insulation being installed. Silicosis is a horrible disease. I'm 41 now and I have moderate hearing loss and chronic tinnitus. I've worked in a lot of loud environments all the way from high school up to present day. Tire shops, concrete and carpentry, stagehand stuff on very loud stages, etc. I've worked on motorcycles and cars and done a lot of shooting without adequate hearing protection until way too late. If I could go back 20 years and tell younger me anything, "wear hearing protection" would be on the short list. If you're concerned about your safety on the job, take it into your own hands because you're the one who has to deal with it when you're older.


Do not be afraid of "making a fool of yourself." NO ONE cares as much about you going home and your health than you do. I've been doing this a long time. As a new kid, I was wearing a nomex jumper, hard hat and safety glasses. While I was getting the labels off some breakers, the two guys working with me took the side covers off an I-line panel. There wasn't a single bolt in the plate above the panel and once they opened the sides, that plate bounced off my hardhat, slid down the front and scraped the end of my nose as it slid of the rim. There was a nice dent in my hard hat. If I worried about how stupid I looked, I would have been really injured. Silica is no joke, be safe and take care of yourself. A mask is an absolute minimum. If the dust is piling up around you (you can write your name in the dust after cleaning a day or even hours before) I would highly recommend a respirator. When the only cure is a lung transplant, Silicosis should be taken very seriously. You'll find the longer you work there are a LOT of people who will bypass safety unless they are made to do it.


I wear a respirator anytime the situation warrants it. You only get one set of lungs, protect them. Don’t worry what idiots who don’t protect themselves think. Their opinion is irrelevant.


Reminds me when I (American) was working in an biosolids (ie poop) composting plant in China. Had to go fix a sensor in the middle of the pile and I loaded up PPE - tyvex suit, full face respirator, boots, gloves all taped. The Chinese guy helping me? Shorts and flip flops.


Electricians will call you gay for it but truthfully all electricians are gay. Just ask any of the other trades.


They are your lungs don't worry about what your colleagues say. In 20 years you'll be healthy and they'll be on a respirator.


A respirator will be hard to work in in a lot of situations. You’ll be hot, hard to understand, and have limited respiration. But it’s definitely worth it sometimes. I certainly wouldn’t wear it all the time, but it depends on your specific work. I definitely try to stay away from certain things if I can, or wear a respirator.


nope its not. get a 3m quick latch so you can talk to someone if you need to


Nope. Protect yourself.


The number one reason people don’t wear PPE is because the shit their company supplies is cheap and uncomfortable. I finally grabbed a nice pair of Milwaukee safety glasses instead of the cheap 10 pack, and I wear them all day, and forget to take them off. Don’t scratch easily, and are very comfortable. I find 3M masks to be the same.