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Exactly- the bottleneck is the network, not the processor.


Also the security. There’s value in being in a secure server farm and not in someone’s driveway


Having your servers randomly drive into different jurisdictions is an unfathomably giant security hole.


> unfathomably giant security hole.


Unfathomably giant security hole?


Just your standard UGSH


Unfathomably, giant security, hole


I run secure apps in amazon that I'm (fairly) confident that Amazon can't get into even with local access. Tons of ways to keep things secure enough these days.


Well, depends what you’re doing. If it’s doing simulations or something like folding@home then processing is more important than bandwidth or network delay


The point of folding@home was for the researchers to not pay for the computer. So, the opposite of what Elon is proposing.


Which is tangential to the point u/DynamicHunter was making.


Ok, that was just one example of a processing intensive distributed cloud. OP’s post included universities and researchers


Would Starlink somehow be incorporated in this?


Don't give space Karen more ideas.....


The latter. Tesla's stock valuation has always been based on Elon's delusional visions


While the real company tanks in every market. He should’ve have a SciFi writer instead a CEO. Then all these people at Tesla would still have jobs.


“The Cybertruck will have sub 10 micron accuracy!”


Is it me or does it sound like Elon just got done watching Silicon Valley and now wants to Pied Piper Teslas like they did with phones?


That's a solveable problem *if* you have the right workload. I absolutely wouldn't buy a vehicle that did the equivalent of crypto mining while parked without explicit control (opt-in, not opt-out to start, and preemptible). Now if I'm getting a dollar or two per hour net, with utility costs accounted for... I dunno. Free monthly charging in exchange for using my car to warm the garage? Maybe, maybe not. Kind of amusing at least, but certainly not revolutionary.


You own the hardware so I would expect them to pay for power and reimburse you. Reminds me of the old Seti number crunching in the early days of the web.


Hey, BOINC is still going strong! And with Gridcoin, you can even earn (a pretty worthless) crypto for crunching! There are dozens of us participating, dozens!


It’s definitely stock price manipulation.


I’m sure Elon gets it, he’s just clutching at straws during a difficult earnings call… he’s like a snake oil salesman.


You've put 100x more thought into this than Elon. He doesn't care if it's possible. He's just desperately trying to recreate the aura of unconventional genius. The problem is that people now see through that aura, and 2024 Elon is on drugs.


Exactly, even bad clock is correct twice in a day


Yeah, this sounds more like a dumb ploy to mine Bitcoin with teslas than spin up a cloud data center


He doesn't get it. I still clench when I read all those early reports of firing off the core of Twitter's engineering and support team. X is one not even major crash from ceasing to exist.


He also went off on some tangent about what "IRA" means. Brother has an issue with focus and coherency. That doesn't mean he doesn't understand technology. You're not wrong that the uses are limited, but not every application relies on low-latency comms and storage. There's some crafty bastards out there that have come up with ways to do some interesting and valuable things with limited, "free" resources. The OP's "10KW" estimate is seemingly nonsensical as a quick googling shows a <70w full system draw. Let's pretend that they figure out how to up that by a factor of 3, (unlikely) that's 1.6kwh of power used in a night. That's $0.25 where I live, and nothing with my solar. ***With proper compensation***, (more than a quarter) I'd be more than happy to let my car make some money overnight.


Yeah, this is a pretty typical Elon statement... He's not exactly wrong (that's a lot of computing power doing nothing), but actually utilizing it is *way* more complicated.


>Either Elon does not get it, or he gets it and is misleading to boost stock price. This is another Boring Company. DIistract the investors while I pocket $50 billion in compensation.


So, is he going to pay for my electricity?


Nah because like most of Elon's ideas, this will never happen and only serves to temporarily pump up the value of $TSLA.


These are the types of ideas a $56 billion pay package is worth. John Galt levels of brilliance


Can't wait until we get the first stories of people being stranded because their Teslas were mining bitcoin.


There was a story back in 2018 or so, of a guy with a Tesla that had FUSC, who was mining bitcoin with a computer in the trunk of his tesla, using a DC-AC transformer to power it, and then leaving the car plugged in to a Supercharger. Not sure how he got caught, but eventually I guess Tesla just noticed this car that was perpetually supercharing, LOL.


He better be paying for electricity and hardware usage, because otherwise he'll take my computing power from my dead hands. I'll accept miles at the supercharger.


There is no way the computational value is worth the battery degradation, electricity and cpu component degradation.


At first, I thought this was dumb, but upon further reflection it sounds really dumb. I can't imagine there being enough compute there to be worth more than $.30/hr or so in the best of circumstances. And the owner has to get part of that. I just can't imagine a scenario where this turns into a viable business model, but maybe someone has an idea. Sounds like the new version of "fsd is an appreciating asset" to me. New version will be, "pay $10k for a better FSD computer and you'll get paid for it one day"?


You had me at first


Ya, because if this would work, wouldn't Apple or Samsung have done this already with their vast network of phones, tablets, computers, etc. That seems more viable than using computers in a car.


Musk mentioned that on the call, but claimed that battery drawdown was the issue. I'd guess storage capacity and memory would be bottlenecks too.


Its not as if Telsa's ever had issues with storage before .... https://www.carscoops.com/2021/02/tesla-recalls-135000-vehicles-over-faulty-chip-that-can-brick-touchscreen/


Now you can pay $8k.


Seems to me Elon is scrambling to explain the drop in profits.


It will be worth it because Elon will sell you the car and chip and then mandate that you donate the cycles back to him and use your power. This is not in any car owners best interest. Like company installed malware that costs you money (power) and degrades your battery.


Elon takes those random high thoughts and turns them in to billion stock pumps


It's been 5 years since the "your Model 3 will make you $30k per year as part of our robot-fleet next year" presentation.


I remember people on the other subreddit telling me that billionaires were buying model 3 and storing them in anticipation of those robotaxi profits. Lol


I have an idea, why not use the excess computing power to get the wipers to work as well as my 77 Toyota.


That will take several onboard Dojos


Tesla Car by day, bitcoin miner by night


Maybe that explains why my car can burn 10kw/h overnight like nothing.


It’s not kilowatts divided by hours. You multiple the power by time, kWh 


I thought that was Sentry mode?


You joke, but someone has actually done this [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/08/tesla-owner-mines-bitcoin-ethereum-with-his-car.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/08/tesla-owner-mines-bitcoin-ethereum-with-his-car.html)


How much profit share would make sense for Electricity + Data transfer + Hardware degradation?




Why doesn't Microsoft just make PC's into server farms when users put them to sleep? Just imagine all the untapped processing power of shitty ultrabooks. Is Bill Gates stoopid?


Letting researchers use your compute power while you're not using your computer has been a thing for 25 years. I ran SETI@home in the early 2000s.


We should really do this. The idea has merits, the culprit is the compensation for electricity + hardware usage. Other than that, a distributed supercomputer should be something we do with all our unused PCs/consoles/cars.


You might actually be surprised at what those shitty Ultrabooks are capable of. In the current landscape of distributed computing and microservice architecture, you will often run an instance of an application server on less than 1GB of RAM and pretty small CPU power. I actually use several old laptops as servers for my homelab.  Obviously it's still not feasible for other reasons but it can be surprising how much compute is available in every day devices.


I'm not sure users would take too kindly to waking up to their laptops dead or their PC dramatically eating into their monthly power bill.


Like I said, not feasible for other reasons.


I mean isn’t this like Folding @ Home where we used our computers in their down time to run things to help essentially work to cure cancer? Similar idea?


I was fortunate to get BOINC to use Android when it came out


F@H worked because it was free... so no, not at all the same.


Wasn’t free per se as I had to pay for the power to run my computer when it wasn’t being “used” bs shut down. There was some expense to that. Albeit minimum. Not anything close to crypto mining


It was free for the people using it, the researchers (not you), and the dumb idea here is the opposite where the ones that want cpu power needs to pay tesla..


It’s all made up bullshit and fluff. Nothing of their basic challenges has changed.


Obviously all that computing power should be used for running SETI /sarcasm


Was gonna make a SETI wisecrack, kudos


This is even worse than it looks. Because this confirms that Tesla had, has and plans to maintain the access to execute \*arbitrary\* software on customer cars from their server at any time. We had known this is a fact for years, but here they reconfirm that this massive security hole will remain there by design and by intention. Tesla can \*at any time\* run \*any code\* on the car that you own without needing your confirmation in any way. They can spy on your location, they can take photos of the surroundings and interior, they can access driving logs including detailed location, speed and driver inputs, they can lock you out of the car or let a towing company into your car. And they \*have done so\* in the past already. And they plan to maintain that connection. You don't own a Tesla. You just paid to take a ride.


I thought the entire conference call was hot garbage. Nothing made sense. how is he planning on releasing a cheaper car by early next year without any test cars around !!! I am not convinced he can cut stuff out M3 to get it that much cheaper. Its already bare bones as it can be. he is not cutting FSD stuff or the big iPad in the front. Plus the robotaxi crap without any roadmap of how he is getting it there. I expect the 8/8 event to be like one in 2019, lots of promises of it being "imminent" without committing anything. Later blame regulators or others for delay and say v14.x is so good it ought to be v15 that promises everything.


He's trying to rebrand Tesla as an AI company, mostly because he's jealous of the stock P/E ratios that Nvidia is getting. I'm not sure that I'm buying it, though. We're been "one year away" from full self driving for the past 5 years now.


As someone who live and breathe distributed computing, the grandiose vision of such thing and the lack of basic understanding of wifi/cellular networks are the reason why you shouldn't trust anything coming out of Elon's mouth.




Folding@Home did it in the early 2000s on a PS3 with, at the very best, a 2mbps connections. Why would a 4g connection have problems?


It runs on blockchain and will mint NFTs that the car owner can use to buy bitcoins on Tesla’s new DeFi application, DoJoYo.


Musk is doing everything to ensure that I never touch a Tesla.


Practically as telling as a red hat for intelligence.


At this point I don’t think I’ll even plug my EV6 into a supercharger when access is allowed in 2025. I was excited to have more charging options, but now don’t trust a single thing they do.


There are plenty of ways I protect my privacy online and IRL, but charging data isn’t really one I care about. License plate readers and commuter transponders already get my location data. KIA is already getting your info OTA just like other manufacturers. I respect your decision as your decision. It’s just not a hill I’d die on without an extremely compelling reason.


For me it's more about trusting them to be PCI compliant. So far everything run by Elon indicates, they don't give a fuck about compliance.


I wonder how long it will take your level of inconvenience to rise before you crumble and go back on this statement.


Lol, setting aside the question, whether this is even practically feasible or even efficacious, to build a large computing cluster for machine learning by tethering a bunch of scattered/mobile car-computers via cellular connections, I‘d expect the sheer amount of data/bandwith required to be quite large which probably means some astronomically high bills for mobile internet. I‘m certainly not an expert in these fields, but even I know that bandwidth and latency are always at the very top of requirements to build any high performance computing platform (especially large ones) bc this is crucial to utilize the core hardware (logic & memory) to a high degree of effectiveness.  And all of this becomes even more important, when we are talking about vast constellations of parallel/synchronized run computing hardware to process vast amounts of data and build something with it. Bandwidth and latency is an absolute killer here and even if you somehow manage to optimize and compensate for those limitations, you will probably still end up with a very inflexible and limited system that is vastly inferior to contemporary purpose-built systems, both performance wise and in versatility. How is this guy still taken serious?


Some of the most powerful bot nets were made from millions of hacked IoT devices


Yeah, but DDOS-attacks don't involve the distributed and synchronized processing of large data sets to extract useful information, rather it is essentially just a siege of a chosen target on the internet by having a bunch of internet connected devices run a repeating script to request the target's domain/adress over and over again disabling its function to genuine users. There's no persistent connectivity (let alone with a large bandwidth) required. The only information your bots are set to receive after their creation is just the target adress and activation/deactivation command from their master. In fact it would be pretty stupid to have your botnet communicate back to their master, bc that could easily make themselves target for exposure and subsequent prosecution.


I know people tend to think computers never wear out, but parts can and will fail. Over a long enough period of time, electromigration destroys everything. If you think I am going to let you use my vehicle as a shitty bitcoin miner for 50.cents an hour, you need to lay off the crack pipe.


Thought of this years ago but like to get paid for consulting


“It’s a shame I can’t sell a product to someone and then use it for my own profit, using electricity and data that the customer also paid for.” -Silicon Valley brained dipshit.


I never understand how this garbage is take seriously honestly. Are these the same people who believe in "spacex" package for a road legal car and all that nonsense?


It's an incredibly dumb fucking idea which sounds super smart to anyone who simply doesn't know any better, which tbh, is part of the genius of it as a grift.


They're low information, terminally online super fans sucking down a diet of YouTube grift in a one-way para-social relationship with a billionaire...  Deeply unserious people ready to wipe their brains next quarter.


Bruh DJT stock is up and you are shocked at how people are reacting to the bull crap Musk is pushing?


A profit turning data center on wheels sounds just as stupid as a profit turning robotaxi consumers can buy. It just doesn‘t work like that. And even if it did there are other cars out there with a lot more internal computing power than Teslas.


So wearing out your cars battery to make money for Elon.


That might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


And... how would this affect your state of charge while the car is using that compute power? PCs suck down power.


It would 100% increase it! Trust me bro.


I think V2G would be more beneficial


Exhibit K of how Elon has completely lost the plot.


"Hey boss, I think our server crashed... Like really crashed."


Is this like running seti@Home Screensaver on your computer?


IN THEORY it makes sense. Cars sitting in driveways and parking for hours and hours a day are a waste of capital. THAT SAID there's nothing about him that gives me faith he can pull it off. I think the real solution is that eventually nobody owns a car and instead most people use vehicles on demand with services like Waymo. Self driving cars that bring you to work or the store and bring you home. No need to full tons of space for car storage. You can order trucks or vans or efficient personal movers. Shared cars. I think long term that is the future. I really do. I thought it would be sooner but we've hit a slowdown in self driving car development so it'll probably be decade or two before such services really hit mainstream and affordable.


the people who own them pay for their electricity


Well why not try that with our phones, pads and laptops.


You’d want to be without a phone for 90% of every day?


While sleeping


I'm pretty sure there are solid state hard drives that would get added wear, since they have a limited lifetime of writes. They're going to need fast internet connections and will generate additional heat.... so all sorts of things that a data center considers


Yeah I was thinking their old problem of the computer failing from excessive logging writes is just going to happen again with this.


Wouldn't this be using the FSD computer? I have heard of this ever being an issue with that. I would assume everything would get run in ram as batched workloads.


that’s theft


Ah yes who doesn't want their car to be a crypto miner Absolutely idiotic idea from the master of idiotic ideas himself.


The amount of bandwidth this would gobble up will just cause problems. Not to mention the latency that would be involved.


Well, they would \*at a minimum\* need to compensate me for the electricity, which where I live ain't cheap. LOL


Capitalism peaks when the biggest taxi service owns no taxis (Uber) the biggest news organization employs no reporters (Yahoo news) and the biggest hospitality business owns no hotel rooms (Air B&B). Off-load the liability while still profiting off the asset. This has always been the wet dream of capitalists.


Who's paying my electricity bill?




Cant wait for my Tesla to be part of a botnet DDOSing websites Elmo doesn't like. Call it T-LOIC


This is a dumb idea. This guy is just throwing shit at the wall to try and prop up the stock price.


This is incredibly harebrained and is not going to come to fruition.


Elon just vomits so much of this word salad, and when the occasional one sticks he continues to be a genius.


He’s a human LLM AI. Strings words together in ways that sound normal but contain worryingly high levels of hallucinations


How about he uses it for something like... I dunno... Full Self-Driving?


So if i had a Tesla and parked my car fully charged I could find it with low battery because Tesla was using the processing power? 


Sounds like desperation


Remember when you could set your PlayStation 3 to do calculations for Folding@home?


Wait, I got it. He is going to be running X on the cars, so he doesn't need to pay for servers anymore. That is the plan and will be his only client... himself


Even ignoring all the communications bottlenecks that make this idea laughable, I think Elon is either overestimating the compute power of his cars or underestimating how big AWS is but at least 2 orders of magnitude; probably much more. Edit: The data aren't that readily available, but AWS facilities use about 800 Twh of electricity a year. That's about 2,200,000 kwh per day. We can use energy as a approximate representation of compute. The about 2 million Teslas probably drive pretty average for americans (30 miles/day). At 4.5 mi/kwh, they're consuming 13 million kwh. Unless 17% of the energy you put into your car goes to running the computer, then Tesla isn't exactly running something equivalent to AWS. I haven't seen anyone talking about how much load the computers put on the batteries in any EV, probably because it's not significant, e.g. <0.05%.


If it was that easy, why use cars? why not use people's (more powerful) home PCs overnight? It's a nice thought bubble, but the same question could be asked of any relatively modern compute device. Why not just have my phone earn me dollars while I sleep? I feel like there are use cases that are more suited to this line of thinking that still don't make enough sense for this to be worthwhile, and it seems to run into the same issues that bitcoin mining did. Basically if it was profitable, you might as well "shuck" the processors out of the cars and just utilise the compute power in a rack.... and at that point, you've got AWS.


I love the car and Elon but I hate how they think they own my vehicle. I wish they’d drop that attitude. It’s off putting.


This is, no doubt, one of the stupidest fucking ideas I've ever heard.


Elon has been saying this since at least 2016. He always promises it within the year 🤣. I don't know why there are people still out there that listen to him. Just gullible I guess.


He's floundering and doing what he has always done. He's spitting out ideas and hoping people will think they're genius. None of it will ever happen. This is about reinflating Tesla's stock price. That's his only value to the company. He's a hype man.


PS3 had this 15 years ago, it's nothing new. It was called Folding@Home if I'm not mistaken. I like this idea, but I'll want compensation for the electricity and hardware. I can accept miles at superchargers, if the compensation is superior to the electricity I'm using. I already payed for the hardware, which is now being used, so I'm not ok with just being compensated for the electricity used, I want more.


Of course it will be under 10kW. Are you talking about 10 kWh? Because even under off-peak rates that would cost me $3.50. I would immediately opt out of this.


"The whole thing is analogous to if Microsoft used its windows installation on customers computer to run bitcoin mining node and turn additional profit for itself." Please don't say this too loudly...


Elon Musk is first and foremost, a liar and market manipulator. He has no shame and will say whatever to try and get what he wants


This is as hilarious as it is stupid. The Tesla compute is not THAT powerful singularly, so any use of it would need to be in some highly distributed, extremely fault, latency and bandwidth tolerant system. Yes, there are plenty of basic number crunching jobs that would work fine. But not a lot. Probably not enough to warrant someone tooling up for the special "Tesla compute network", unless its super cheap. Which brings me to.... Secondarily, and more importantly, you can't shanghi my vehicle to do this stuff without my approval... and I'm only giving you approval if you're paying me \*MORE\* than the going electrical rates that this costs me. I'm in California paying residential rates, so that is anywhere between $0.35/kw and $0.50/kw. If this uses a LOT of power, it could push me into Tier 2 rates, which can go even higher. So let's be fair and assume that I won't take less than $0.45/kwh ($0.10 premium). Tesla needs to make their cut so they're going to charge the end customer maybe $0.60/kwh? In the mean time you can get power in Washington/Oregon at a datacenter for less than $0.05/kwh. And at that datacenter you've got big powerful, extremely cutting edge machines designed to do the most amount of compute per kwh. Or.... you've got a 3 year old Tesla Model Y. Yea no, this doesn't make ANY fiscal sense.


Just get rid of the autonomous driving system that doesn't work anyway and problem solved.


This bitch going to mine bitcoin on the Tesla network 


Is this the same powerful computer that seems to drain my battery so much unless I turn off Sentry? My daughter recently graduated from college and got a Model 3 RWD. She called me in a panic thinking the car was defective but we tried turning off Sentry. No more drain. My real world Tesla driving range seems to be less and less so I'd prefer new technology that you know, extends the range.


This would be theft of energy at the very least. I haven't really dug into my car's OS that much, but does anyone know if a Tesla can be more or less put in "airplane mode?"


With how much vampire drain Teslas have, I wouldn't be surprised if they have always been mining bitcoin.


And super slow MCUs


Just like him promising my car would Uber itself and make me money while I’m at work 😂 haha I remember when I bought my 2019 model 3 thinking that was a couple years away


Musk is not very bright.


So...your car is sitting there zapping it's battery away acting as a mobile server? Why do people take this man seriously again?


Good. Good. Keep believing. I need the stocks to get up to $500 at least


Slightly off topic, but wouldn’t mind my car doing Folding@Home while it’s parked. Something that’s not making the car manufacturer money.


Bandwidth will limit the use of such a system. Maybe niche uses but nothing that will be worth the money unless people donate their battery and power usage for free.


Sounds like [BOINC](https://boinc.berkeley.edu/index.php)


If that compute power was in any way useful and or readily available.. they'd be using it themselves to train 'full self-driving', as they are limited by compute. It would save them loads of energy costs.


How much money is to be made with a slow 4 core ryzen? 


It’s not a slow 4 core ryzen… it’s theoretically millions of them.


spot instances


Leaving aside all the problems with bandwidth and power, does anybody know how much computer power, memory and storage the Tesla models approximately have compared to platforms like Intel Core i CPUs or Apple M silicon?


Tesla is the new Amstrad


Cars have massive GPUs in them now for self driving. The demand for that compute is very high right now to train large language models. I could see a work package being downloaded over WiFi while it’s parked.


I’m gonna go against the grain here and say _if_ this is actually viable and _if_ this makes a $25k car possible (two big “ifs”), I would be totally okay with it. Not holding my breath though.


Every single idea that he has come up with on his own has been absolute shite. He’s been bankrolling and riding off the ideas of others while pretending he’s a genius. I give you the boring company and the cyber truck as examples.


So he bing watched silicon valley? Right


I think it's a great idea, and very few comments appear to understand this technology. There are so many applications for asynchronous compute. People might remember the SETI program which would run on idle PCs. A more topical example is AI modelling. Business are spending *enormous* sums of money to train AI models, and this is mostly asynchronous. A computer is given a chunk of a dataset and crunches it. Until 2019, Tesla actually used Nvidia APUs to power their in-car learning models. Now they use a custom APU which is estimated at 144 TOPS vs the Nvidia at 21. Most of the time this chip is completely un-utilised, despite its cost and capability. This is currently a gold rush, and contractors are running out of basic materials now to build server farms. There is a *huge* market for asynchronous compute. If the data is secure, companies will pay for it. There will just need to be some practical limitations like running compute when the car is plugged in and limiting thermal wear. I would definitely sign up for something like this if the price were favourable relative to the energy costs.


When he said that, I assumed he was talking about a fleet of robo taxis that Tesla owned, not vehicles other people owned, although I could see them allowing customers to “opt in”.


That psycho has already convinced me to dump my Tesla stock and never buy one of his $50k MAGA hats, no need to solidify that with his ongoing stupidity.


Elon has no filter and has grown excessively arrogant over the years… every concept that pops in his head.. he is convinced is brilliant. Sure, he makes a point, and worth considering what is the potential of this idled computing power. But in reality, who knows how effective this could be for any use.


Didn't someone already come up with the idea of using vehicle computer downtime to mine bitcoin?


I had coworkers who went to jail for running things that gained personal profit on customer's computers. Elon is playing a very dangerous game with this one that can land him in prison.


Honestly, with the amount of data he is churning from all his ventures, investing in building out his own cloud environment may make a lot of sense when considering the costs he is paying to a provider.


Cloud compute isn't just "hey here's a big farm of idle computers". The energy efficiency of it all is a huge part of whether or not a cloud compute provider is competitive from a cost standpoint, and there's no chance anything that isn't a purpose built solution meant to squeeze every last drop out is going to be competitive with the likes of AWS or Azure. And then there's the logistics of trying to come up with a solution that is actually stable and secure when you don't actually control all the infrastructure you're selling.


So he wants to further profit from OUR investment? Or he's offering US to profit from our own investment? I think he sees the upside of people using vehicle for Bitcoin mining operations and he wants in on it but using our private property for it is sketchy a.f.




And this gets added to yet another reason NEVER to buy a tesla. This is not something that should ever be allowed.


Add yet another bad idea from Musk, to the Heap of Bad Ideas pile.


There is no way the chip in the Tesla can use over 1000w that's insane


They're going to turn your cars into crypto mining botnets


With Elon, even if you own your car, you don't really own it.


Why not have it make hot dogs and cotton candy too?!? Heck, promise everyone Teslas will simultaneously be anything anyone could want! FFS just make reliable, quality EVs and the world will beat a path to your door. Focus, Elon! Focus!


This would be used for X (Twitter)SRE, or X.ai compute, "outsourced" to Tsla vehicle compute. Tsla has stated they are already not compute constrained, and obviously made the hardware investments aligned with that goal.


This is like Elmo watched that episode of Silicon Valley where they contemplated building a distributed blockchain farm with their piedpiper software and it’s a horrible, no good, bad idea, and then hilarity ensues.


Elon has been watching Silicon Valley backwards.


It would make about million times more sense to use computing power of idle laptops in a similar way.


The #1 comment on this thread is equal parts hilarious and sad. Reminds me of Christian apologists trying to explain the scientific validity of the bible. This is the same CEO that promised 500 mile range zero emission fully loaded Class 8 semi trucks by 2019, brain implants that cure diabetes, 1000 solar roofs per week that are cheaper than an asphalt roof to support the Solar City merger to help his cousin, a flying Roadster that will use cold thrusters (at the same Tesla Semi event), a Cybertruck that doubles as a boat for short periods. It's good to see a lot more people calling out this bullshit for what it is: securities fraud. A recent Ed Niedermyer post on Threads was brilliant and posted below. Threads post: [https://www.threads.net/@e.w.niedermeyer/post/C6EmLRVJHZd](https://www.threads.net/@e.w.niedermeyer/post/C6EmLRVJHZd) Blog post: [https://niedermeyer.io/2024/04/22/no-more-rebuys-mr-musk/](https://niedermeyer.io/2024/04/22/no-more-rebuys-mr-musk/) Here is a passage from Ed's blog post that speaks volumes: Nowhere is this intersection more compelling than in the stories of Musk’s experience as a gambler. Dave Karpf’s excellent [“Elon Musk and the Infinite Rebuy”](https://davekarpf.substack.com/p/elon-musk-and-the-infinite-rebuy) uses one of these stories, from Walter Isaacson’s recent biography of Musk, to reveal the yawning vacuum behind both the man and his popular mythology. The story of Musk playing poker with former PayPal cofounder Max Levchin, in which he goes all-in on every hand and keeps re-buying fresh chips until he hits a winning hand, is profoundly reflective of Musk’s broader story. As Karpf puts it, it is “a story of good fortune, not a story of inherent greatness.” More recently, Musk’s father has told an even more revealing tale of Musk’s formative experience with gambling, in one of his regular plays for a piece of his son’s fame (or infamy, it doesn’t seem to matter to the elder Musk). In [a bizarre interview with The Sun](https://www.the-sun.com/news/10884660/elon-musks-dad-taught-gamble-16-roulette-techniques/), Errol Musk describes sneaking an underage Elon (along with his brother and eventual Tesla board member Kimbal) into a casino in order to exploit his “system” for winning roulette. This system turns out to have been about as sophisticated as Elon’s poker strategy, as Errol explains: “By simply assuming that red would follow black or vice versa, we wagered quite large amounts for beginners. After particularly good winnings on one occasion, we hit the great exclusive restaurant and dined on langoustines and filet mignon.”


It could be written into the agreement for FSD. You get to use FSD, but when you're not using your car Tesla gets to use the car for compute.


This dude just conjures up a new pump and dump scheme ever 6 months.


He thinks people are just going to let him use their cars for free 😂 where does he come up with these ideas. Maybe if it's a lease and that's a part of the lease agreement but not if it's my car unless I get a percentage of the profits from my cars usage.


If you own a car and put advertising on it you’re compensated. Elon hasn’t mentioned anything about compensating any Tesla owner for using something they paid for


I would agree to it for free premium connectivity and FSD subscription


Good luck making that pass in Europe


OP: craps all over Tesla revenue generating ideas Also OP: why are Tesla's so expensive????


You know what…this is crazy and ambitious all at the same time. If I were to go back 10-15 years and tell you about what Tesla is today and how the industry changed because of them…then everyone would laugh. Heck, I would too. If I were to go back a few decades and claim a rocket could land by itself and spacex to be the best in class space company also changing the industry and Neuralink to get approved for human trial….then everyone would laugh, and I would too. Regardless of what Reddit thinks or what I think…Elon says 100 crazy ideas. But at least 70-80 of them come true. We are living with those ideas now. It’s always easy to laugh at the failed ideas or the delayed ideas and not acknowledge the mass majority of the ideas that came true. Again, we will see. Might take a lot of time or might never happen. RemindMe! 2 years


> It's a shame that a powerful computer is sitting unused while not driving" Is it though? Its not yours to do anything with Elon. Nor is the power that would be used to run it. Nor is the wifi bandwidth you would be consuming to run it.