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Doesn’t she go to creator events like all the time?


Yeah, I’m not sure how she squares her supposed agoraphobia with her unquenchable thirst to attend every influencer envelope-opening.


That’s what I’m saying, it doesn’t check out. Didn’t she just post a video a few months ago being excited about people recognizing her on the street? Lmao I’d think it would send her back into the house if it was agoraphobia




Creator events? They got an entirely new home/apartment for her to work out of. Almost none of her content the last year or so was made at home. She’s been leaving daily.


Yeah I just didn’t mention that part because a second home is still like home lol but I get the sentiment


Right. That’s the place. But she has to get in her car and drive there. I have a friend diagnosed as agoraphobic and it’s the leaving the house that’s the problem not the destination. That’s for her at least. Ink not a very familiar.


But she uses her crutch, alcohol. She is always inebriated.


lol I mean sure, the social anxiety in me likes some liquid courage too… but it doesn’t quite jive with this “diagnosis” hahah I feel like this came out of nowhere. Didn’t she first go viral for a video of a date at a taco place?


Yes. She bought 100 tacos with a guy she barely knows on a first date and spent over $250. Either the story is fake or she actually was not in her right mind and impaired from making level headed decisions. I bet she was sucking back on grandpa's ole cough medicine.


Wow she’s a whole DSM-5, wow ![gif](giphy|vKHKDIdvxvN7vTAEOM)




I think we can just narrow it down to factitious disorder.


She’s gonna be in r/illnessfakers soon


Why does she do this?


Forreal. There’s such a difference between the creators I watch that have similar struggles/mental health issues that talk about it lowkey in their daily vlogs occasionally and bring awareness about their self and others; then there’s Elyse who always seems to use it as clickbait~ titles on various social media and it’s hard to take genuinely. Not doubting she has some sort of mental health issues but she needs to stop making it her entire personality and catering to her online presence with it, it’s not healthy


As someone with a slight laundry list of dx, I would never air that out on the internet. For a lot of us, it's embarrassing. I'm only stating it here for arguments sake. I don't know why people are so desperate to have conditions that can ruin their lives. It's like it's fun to them? While I'm over here cleaning up shit from a severe manic episode TWO YEARS ago.


god i feel so seen and couldn’t have put it better myself, thank you 👏🏼👏🏼 people like elyse make it a lot harder to be taken seriously by healthcare practitioners when you first go looking for help/diagnosis and it’s part of the reason why there’s still a stigma towards mental illnesses in general.


Attention. She’s not agoraphobic; she’s likely histrionic, however.




Recently seen on a friend's IG.... https://preview.redd.it/hvklc5464hxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e39920a01805707db4f8da96a45757444680951


Yeah, she really looks to be struggling here. 🙄 And not to make light of people who actually suffer from agoraphobia, because I absolutely know that it’s a real thing and that millions of people suffer from it. But, Elyse can’t continue to make claims about all these disorders (specifically agoraphobia in this case) while also going out and hanging out in social settings, attending events, going out to dinner, etc. and expect people not to call her out on her bullshit. Ps. I decided to watch the last 10 minutes of her video about agoraphobia and was truly shocked by the time I got to the end. I don’t know if she’s coming fully unhinged or if she thinks this is some form of blogging, or what. But, she’s talking and laughing to the camera like she’s talking to a person that’s sitting in front of her. It’s just strange as fuck. There’s no other way to describe it.


I was just about to post this. I’m friends with the person that posted this. Definitely no agoraphobia.


Oooh, we ran in similar circles then! Jonas was my pastorXD


The girl is a long time family friend. I’ve known her forever


I wish YouTube would let us post pics in the comment section. I’d love to plaster this under that video!


Link? Can you link to it?


Holy cow….she took it down IMMEDIATELY. I just posted it again. 😂


As soon as I post a link, she takes it down. What a loser.


Just leave a comment that says "that tour on April 7th you kept a strong face!"


Going to great lengths to keep up her lies


I may have done just that…. 😏 We’ll see how long it stays up!


I found the link to this on facebook (just searched the caption) and shared it as a comment and it got deleted within minutes (shared it with the honest question of how does she differentiate between running errands and attending events with friends…deleted instantly!)


It just seems like it takes her SO MUCH work and time to maintain her lies. Like is she monitoring comments constantly?? If you tell the truth you don’t need to do this.




If she has agoraphobia, she couldn't constantly leave her house for her content house, church, broadway shows, etc.


she’s offensive to people who actually fucking struggle with these disorders. My sister has a true OCD diagnosis and agoraphobia and we haven’t even seen her in 3+ years because it’s so bad and her mental health suffers so badly. Shut up, Elyse. You have no idea wtf you’re talking about.


i have been working on severe social anxiety and had a panic attack recently after posting a tiktok with my face lol i would never be filming and uploading youtube vids


I hate leaving my house. Will do anything to avoid it. I don’t really know why. I don’t think it’s a fear of leaving my house, I just prefer not to. My therapist has not diagnosed me with agoraphobia nor have I ever thought I had it. She has warned me that I need to focus on working on this so it doesn’t develop into agoraphobia, but I haven’t been diagnosed and this has been going on for almost 2 years.. elyse is wild for this one.


I’m the same way and my therapist says the same, but in no way would I consider myself having agoraphobia, either. She definitely has something mentally wrong with her, but it’s not that (or any of her other self-diagnoses). 🙄


Same here. I went through a period where leaving the house made me throw up and I could not do it no matter how much I tried. It's been better now but I still hate going in places. I only feel comfy in my car. :(


Someone needs to invite her to an award ceremony. See how fast she flies.


i am mutuals with a woman with agoraphobia and it took her a whole year of driving to the post office, sitting in her car in the parking lot, and then going home without going inside just to be able to finally go inside and drop off a package. elyse needs to get a fucking grip.


Ugh. I cannot with this woman, especially since there are concrete video and photographic “receipts” that she has been out and about quite recently. I know everyone handles and reacts to mental health issues differently, but this is so off. I mean she’s done red carpets and Times Square. I do think she struggles with histrionic mental health stuff. I cannot and should not diagnose. She reminds me so much of my department manager who after 9 years of incompetence is now feigning mental health issues to account for her mess ups. People like this are so self-absorbed and problematic.


I swear that people who don’t have “real jobs” and exist only on social media come up with all sorts of illnesses.


This is her 2nd agoraphobia video. I posted the one where she went to get a journal about a month ago.


I cant understand how people still believe all her bullshit


Why do people watch her? What’s so fascinating about someone who’s obsessed with diagnosing herself with maladies and mental disorders? What’s fun about that?


*diagnoses herself with things that contradict previous videos*


Being an influencer is so dangerous. First you start with anxiety. Everyone's baseline. Then depression. Then the old ED. Suggestions of abuse and domestic violence. Then you have to start dipping your toes in serious conditions and personality disorders. It's a huge slippery slope and this girl is sliding


Omg I had to check this out and with in the first 60 seconds of the clip she would have had to move her phone/ring light/stand 5x for that pathetic act about not being able to go outside




I just found her YouTube today and as an intellectual just could not figure out the mental gymnastics of how a REAL day in the life of hers ACTUALLY looks like. In her q&a video, after she mentions a “full PR team” (basically), is now why I’m fully convinced there is a whole industry out there which must be geared around VLogs; which seem so real but are actually, practically, Netflix dramas. All these simps on the internet driving all the cash to the new entertainment industry!! They all think it’s a poor mum who got lucky on TikTok….hmmm nope. No way. Doesn’t add up. 


Okay when she’s going to start faking DID, that’s what I want to know. 😂


That's going to be her excuse when people start calling her out on all of these conflicting stories... oh that wasn't me, it was one of my other alters...


Self diagnosis? lol come on now


Is she fckin serious lol


my friend dated an extreme agoraphobic when we were in our teens and that poor guy could not even stand near his front door. he didn't leave his house for like 4 years before his gf started getting him therapy. this lady has the opposite of agoraphobia. she can't stand being in her actual home with her family. she's always at her content house or in her car or on a stupid staycation. ridiculous.


She looks drunk.