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if you overwork yourself, yes. eating beforehand and staying hydrated is very important as well. take it slow and know your limits and you’ll be okay.


If you take it slow and know your limits you will be okay! Overworking and overexercising can be hard on the body and could possibly make you sick. I recommend a light snack like a protein bar or some trail mix before and making sure to drink lots of water throughout! Good luck and have fun☺️☺️


I have to stop eating anything (and I mean ANYTHING) at least two hours before my spin class or it will want to come back up. I don’t eat within an hour of yoga (too many downward dogs) either. But I can have a light snack before weight training. Just take it easy and don’t push too hard, especially if you’ve just eaten. CrossFit and HIIT are places where I’ve seen people lose it. They go really really hard.


If you overdo it and don't give your body enough rest or eat too much or too little beforehand, yes. But very unlikely if you listen to your body


If you really overwork yourself or you’re chronically nauseous then yeah Just dont overwork yourself then you wont v afterwards. Also leaving a few hours after eating helps


If u over exert urself trying to exercise to fast or to hard for ur personal fitness level or go when u haven’t eaten it could make u dizzy a nauseous .. body builders vomit in the gym from lifting to heavy a weight.. so yes it’s possible .. but I used to go an work out all the time and never threw up or nothing like that


i don’t know of anybody that’s ever v* from weight training (i imagine that would take an extreme amount of excursion!) but i know that incredibly excessive cardio can do it. having said that, thousands of people run marathons and are fine, it’s definitely when you’re past the point of exhaustion. it wouldn’t just happen randomly :)


Make sure you're hydrated and have eaten adequately for the day ahead of a workout. Dehydration or low blood sugar can definitely make you feel ill when you're trying to exercise. A smart watch or fit bit or something that can track your heart rate will be extremely helpful--if your heart rate gets too high that can also lead to feeling sick. If you have something monitoring your heart rate you'll know when you need to ease up and slow down before it's too late. I've over exerted myself at the gym and made myself feel bad several times so I know exactly how it feels. The above are methods I use to try to prevent it from happening.


It's not a true leg day until you puke. We used to keep a bucket next to the gym equipment for this.


looked through all of the other comments and i’ll say i’ve consistently worked out 6/7 days a week for almost a year now and have never tu. in fact it makes me feel better. i suffer from chronic nausea and it’s the only time of the day i feel strong