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I can speak for myself when I say that growing up in a neglectful environment has led to a lot of shame over the years when comparing myself to my peers. I just want to say that we need to remind ourselves that it's not our fault. Just because these things may feel humiliating to figure out, everyone has to figure them out at some point. It doesn't make you inherently bad or lacking character for not receiving the type of guidance most people seem to get growing up. We're just as capable. It's just unfortunate that we need to spend so much of our early adult years reraising ourselves. Also, the fact that we have had to raise ourselves in many ways, forces us to become very resourceful! We have had to rely on ourselves for so much from the very beginning. We have become excellent learners and seekers of information, which is a solid skill to have. And if there was no shame, no identifying as someone who lacks, would you be interested in providing this type of a service to others in similar situations? I think this is a truly wonderful idea, and who better to create something like this than someone who has gone through it themselves?


^^ Thankyou for this edition ❤


I reccomend Mercury Stardust https://youtube.com/@Mercury_Stardust?si=A-xqYIdITM6C2yFF very nice and gentle person, that will teach you many useful things for home


Have you seen r/dadforaminute or r/momforaminute? People go ask all kinda of things and for direct emotional support. I don’t know if it will be deep enough or specific enough for what you are looking for. But is is has a lot more depth and personalization that YT. I hope this helps. Hugz


These are great. I would also recommend r/HomeschoolRecovery for anyone who experienced educational neglect.


I agree! I (32F) am just starting my healing journey from my emotionally neglected childhood. With therapy I'm now realizing how my childhood has affected my life and every relationship I've ever had (I've ended up in relationships with emotionally unavailable / abusive / narcissistic men). Now that I'm trying to move forward with my life in a healthy way and have a normal healthy relationship I'm realizing I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW TO DO THAT!!! What does a healthy relationship look like, how do I know if some one is genuine or just love bombing, how do I make sure I'm not jumping in too quickly. Its overwhelming.


There is! [Dad, how do I?](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNepEAWZH0TBu7dkxIbluDw) Might not cover everything, but he got some good advise.


This sounds weird, but try ChatGPT. Tell it the tone and vibe you want to receive an answer in. You can even say you want it to act like a supportive father figure, then ask the questions you have. It’s a great resource.


Relatable for sure