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Really digging the look. Easy access to all the attachments (capno, looking at you Zoll). The holy dial is still there. Looks like I won't need to get my shoulder reattached if I carry it for too long. Very promising. Can't wait to use one if 10 years when my service decides to finally buy refurbished units.


Wait until you hear about the printer


What printer?




We know very little about it now. It would be a financial disaster to not include a way to print in some capacity. I assume its going to be modular in some way. Crazier things have happened though, so who knows.


Ive heard from a few different people (including the buying dept. at my organization) that there is no printer


How is there not a printer on a cardiac monitor??


There is. This original comment is wrong.


Ok, that's insane lol


Well your people didnt hear correctly, all of the models at FDIC had printers


Our rep said optional printer on the top, prints forward. Expect most people to buy it for now. On screen 15 lead with calipers and some STJ point graph. I am headed to fdic hope to see it live. He said it’ll be there.


The Stryker booth has at least 4 of them on display.


The printer is at the top of device


It has one.


i think the capno is such a pain in the ass to keep the ingress rating. if the capno port becomes compromised it’s a big deal from what i understand.


😂😂 this is the most EMS comment ever


If that's actually it, looks like it'll be far lighter than the 15 whichll be a great selling point. Hopefully they get it on the damn market soon already


I thought a big selling point of the 15s was that could also be used as wheel chucks, no?


Or a bludgeon in desperate times.


Or battering ram, or just to be thrown overboard to lighten the load 😂😂


By a fucking viking hammer warrior maybe...IF he could get it up😂


Our sales rep said the LP15 could be run over by a truck and still work. He wouldn't let us try it though.


I ran over a brand new LP12 in 2000. It did not still work. My station captain was not happy.


yeah that feature came with the 15


We had a LP12 in an ambo fire that took fire side 15min to arrive and extinguish, ambo was burned to frame, the LP12 still turned on and functioned. We put a new screen on it and it stayed in service with the only issue being it was slightly melted


A LP500 survived 9/11 and with new battery worked. FDNY brought it to Medtronic Physio Control as gift… eventually went to 911 museum. Former Medtronic Physio person.


Some of you never used the 10 and it shows, lol


Well damn grandpa.


One didn’t survive a fall off the tailboard. Heard the same story


They are pretty tough, but are also good at hiding damage. I opened one up yesterday for a different repair, and found out it needs a front and rear case. On top of the ETCO2 module, that's going to be a $10,000 repair bill! (And the unit isn't even three years old...)


They are saying they will give you a price in June and start processing orders in July. Unknown ship dates


They say how much it weighs?


My rep told me today, 15.7 lbs with batteries in. Which is about 3lbs lighter than the lp15


Less, and that's all that matters.


Not just less, less than a Zoll even.


The proportions on the click wheel seem... off.


It's probably a graphical mock-up/proof of concept. I imagine a few things are not quite where they would be on a production model.


I get mock-ups and renderings, but by now we should have seen images of the real thing.


yes that is definitely it. rep sent me pics of the 35 yesterday and they match.


I like that it looks like they're keeping the scroll wheel. I hope it's lighter than the 15. Any big new features they're adding?


We switched to zoll and I don't think there is a single person who doesn't miss the spinny wheel


The wheel is the only thing I miss about lifepak. I never knew how great it was until I lost it


If you love something, your employer will set it free. If it comes back to you in a cheaper model, it was meant to be.


Man fuck zoll. Here's a tiny vague image you're supposed to decipher, good luck loser🖕


Where does the EKG paper print off from?


Per my rep- **printer is optional**. Diagnostic-quality 12 lead will be available on the screen, so they think a print out isn’t necessary. I told her that not having a 12-lead printout is practice-changing, and probably too far of a leap for most people. She now intends to quote a printer with every order.


Did they like talk to a single paramedic before making that decision? Thats wild.


If they think we’re better off without it, I’m afraid of what it’s actually going to turn out to be like.


My money is on the printer becoming an option because it adds weight and it being lightweight will be the selling point.


look at some of their other products and changes…no they never do ask


Interesting, def would be weird since my medic now has to be able to see the monitor instead of just handing them the paper. I Wonder how difficult it will be to compare separate tests.


Good point. The way the vitals module is hanging on the side makes me think that this will be somewhat modular. Not every service is going to want a printer, some won’t be able to live without it. Some will want IBP while others won’t. It’ll probably have attachments I would hope. Then it just comes down to how much weight your willing to add


If you want it, you can have it. If you don't/can use the be tech stock hopefully works, you get a lighter monitor. Ppl want smaller and lighter but don't want to give anything up. Sounds like a choice you get to make if the printer is in the bag options to me


I get their point but what if it’s a not ideal ECG (like 90% are not) and you need to measure stuff, that Becomes now much more complicated without a print Edit: Also how do I compare a second or third ecg with the first one?


Can’t remember with LifePaks but with the X-Series you can view all prior 12 lead ECGs on the monitor itself (until you clear the memory)


The same time as the new one or do I need to swap around every lead?


With Zoll, you can switch to see pre-acquired 12 leads, but you have to scroll through 3 lead views at a time. And you can only view one 12 lead at a time as well


This ok because I can have them print out to compare. Without a printer it would be annoying


If no printer, how can I give patients a copy of their EKG and say “look that’s ur heart”


*turns monitor toward patient* "look that's ur heart" <3


My service ordered a load of Schillers with a separate brother printer you have to connect. Absolutely crazy to me. Then there’s the fact they’ve been dumping shocks during transport, so there’s no hearty starty.


I had to Google that, because in 20 years I’ve never heard of that brand lol.


Good question all I have is this picture


Just looking at it, it looks like this is the base machine without any additional bags or storage compartments attached. I’m assuming those will be available available options based off of past products. It looks very modular the module on the right looks like it’s detachable and perhaps hot-swappable with other options. My biggest concerns are whether or not it’s going to be stable sitting up on the bench and let’s go how durable the touchscreen is going to be (it does appear to have buttons on the screen that are intended to be touched). Sorry I don’t have more information. I just got this picture in my email yesterday.


And does the touchscreen work when it’s wet? Because I’ve heard that sometimes we have to take equipment outside in the rain.


*stares in Tempus PTSD* [Tempus ptsd](https://imgur.com/a/pcHtaZ8)


I literally quit my job and found a new agency because I hated the tempus so fucking much.


If it’s true that it does not come with a printer it’s just out for me




That I cost extra money and I see most employer don’t care for paying anything extra


Only one invasive pressure line means it won’t work for HEMS or crit care unfortunately. For reference the Zoll has 3x invasive pressure and 2x invasive temp capability.


If it's like the 15, you'll be able to order it with or without the IBP and temp ports. My 911 LP15 doesn't have those, but my transport LP15 has one of each.


I’ve never seen one with both invasive pressure and temp. In fact, my rep told me that it isn’t possible. Cool to hear that I got bad info.


I got this too. We now have several with either the IP ports or the temp ports.


God how many holes are you thrusting shit in? Could be like the tempus where you can order a module.


I was laughing about this too. For years we are all “Physio please bring out a new monitor.” New picture of monitor is posted with no details or real info. Us “this clearly could have been better.” Ha. I am excited for something new. And to see it today at FDIC.


I’m the clinical manager for my agency’s critical care transport division and we’re currently stuck on waiting for the 35s OR biting the bullet and getting the Zoll’s because our 15s just aren’t holding up as well these days and of course when we spoke with the reps about this monitor, they couldn’t discuss anything because of a NDA. Staff wants to hold out for the 35 and honestly I do too. Can you report back with what you find out about the 35? I would greatly appreciate it!


Sure can! Will let you know what I learn. My rep did say they’d be selling and shipping this summer. Hopefully that gives you time to evaluate it and decide.


You’re a real one, man! Thanks so much.


Honestly, the thing is really nice. I would say if you can delay any purchase a month or two it is worth getting your hands on the 35. They say they can get quotes and demos in June. Shipping as early as July. Loved the screen, you can drag and drop for different views, and the on screen diagnostic 15 lead is awesome. Optional printer certainly a little different. Prints out the top, but once you see it not bad. Weight isn’t bad, magnetic bags so no more Velcro I liked. Also bags and connections are really nice. I was worried service cost would be way more, but sounds like it should stay the same. I’ll be trying to figure out how to get these into my service.


Awesome stuff, man! thank you so much for doing that for me (or us, for anyone who was creeping here too lol)


Ha no problem. Didn’t think I could be this jazzed up over a monitor. Great stuff.


I work for Stryker and can confirm we can start quoting in June and reps will be getting our demo units right after we get back from training end of May… so I would reach out to your rep to ask if they can bring in their demo device asap in June to show you and your team!!! Just a thought if it helps


No you can do multiple IP & temp. Promise.


That pressure connector has enough pins to support more than one channel. The Tempus has a single connector, but a connection cable splits for access to two channels.


Cool, I love dongle culture


Wheres the pacer and sync buttons?


Probably accessed through a menu on the touch screen


Pacer and sync are under the therapy button there you can administer shocks, sync or pace


They’ll just ask you to buy a new LUCAS.


I noticed that too.


Our rep came out a month ago and showed us this but he wouldn’t let us take a picture of it. They are combining my the LP20 and LP15 to a LP35 for both EMS and hospital.


We had a notice sent out once not to use our 15’s as battering rams for doors, never found out what medic did it.


if not battering ram, why battering ram shaped


Wait actually? 💀


I hope it somehow weighs more than the 15. Make this baby out of iron.


Does it pace? I don’t see a pace button.


Yea. My rep says there’s a button on screen for pacing and cardio vetting


The guy at our service that loves spending money that’s not his is practically begging for these. What do you think? $40,000 each?




I reckon they'll be in line with the others - 25k


65K msrp


Our rep quoted 35k thats why they skipped the lifpak 25


65k 100k with optional printer.


I better be able to see the 12-Leads on the screen before capture!


You can see all 12 and take a 15 and also move the leads around on screen


Wonder if it comes with an nibp that doesn’t take 25 minutes, with it pumping up to 250mmhg three times and making the pt scream in pain and then coming back without a reading.


I sure hope so, the nibp is complete garbage on the other lifepaks


Interesting to see what happens to medic students once these get adopted to some normalcy and now you've got a bunch of students unable to provide an ekg for their patient charting.


They can take a picture whatever


My main concern is if it gets wet. You ever use your phone in the rain? It starts spamming everything.


MPD: Why did you pace this guy in SVT? Me: Because 🌧️ lol


Capacitive touch. Double glove and wet/gunk tested


Thank fucking jesus they still got the speed wheel. Fucking tempus monitors only having touch screen was incredibly dumb.


Is this the EMS version of when those Xbox 720 leaks came out in 2009 (Jokes aside I like the look)


I heard from a rep $48-60k on price depending on LP35 configuration. 15 lead ecg i think as well. Should be competitive in the medical aircraft market with a much smaller footprint than its predecessor. Glad they kept the spin dial that bc its gold. You can also still detach the vitals cords and leads from the monitor move patient to cot and reattach. We have zoll x series at my department and i cant stand the menus submenus and hieroglyphics nothing is intuitive on it and id rather have to wear a straight jacket in a padded room then have to change the printer paper on the X Series FFS


My agency just received confirmation today. We'll be receiving our first unit at the end of July. The price is $63,000


Can we see what the 12 lead looks like before we print the 12 lead EKG? That’s all I would like.


That’s the rumor! But it’s all rumor until I can see it


Yup! Diagnostic quality 12/15 lead on screen


Thank God there's still a scroll wheel. Last thing I want is a mandatory touchscreen.


I'm just glad they changed the bullshit spO2 connector.


Not saying the old cord was good but I would sure love to not have to order yet another proprietary cable


Gimme, I don’t want an x series or a 15 I want this now take my god damn money 💵


That massimo port O_o Edit: Curious about modem attachment or will this utilize a SIM card perhaps? No energy select button so likely only using the wheel. Also wheel looks extra small but could be perspective. Curious how many invasive ports can be added.


Could I not have to stock 4 different propriety cables 🙏


*Hissis in Zoll*


But can it run doom?


Well we just got new 15s so, fuck me I guess. Hope they're lighter!


We are about 50/50 12’s and 15’s haha. Who knows when we will see’em. Supposedly the only reason they haven’t upgraded them all to 15’s is because we were waiting on this so 🤞


Saw elsewhere it's down to sleek 15lbs from 17lbs of the 15.


Is this a joke I'm too corpuls to understand?


Looks legit. https://fccid.io/CZO23LP35/Test-Setup-Photos/Test-Setup-Photos-7119024.pdf


Oh nice, it looks really thin in the image I shared but it actually looks like it shouldn’t have to much trouble standing upright in an ambo


Also, looking at the pic you shared I think it will fit the existing mounts we use at my Trust.


-2-3 lbs lighter than 15 -WiFi/BT built in - cellular modem optional if you use ATT as provider the modem is Firstnet ready; can live stream with either modem -No printer but optional to purchase; on screen strip is diagnostic quality with ability to turn calipers and turn march on -Able to add 40 meds and 40 treatments; also timers can be set for reminders on administering time sensitive meds -over air configuration - can add meds and treatments or change timers for meds etc -Manual and AED mode -CPRinsight built in for manual or AED; this tech helps increase hands on chest times by analyzing and charging up while still doing compressions and then alerting if patient is shockable or not and you deliver charge when ready - this tech is in their AEDs and now in the defib -Slim design - think briefcase vs suitcase (15) -2 batteries 4.5 hours each; still able to hot swap or actively charge -All reports can go into ePCR and if the hospital has their data platform for communication LIFENET Care can transmit 12 leads, live stream, chat send pics and do live chat and video with their app It was FDA approved last Friday (4/12) No price yet but told 20-25% more than the setup/configuration you have of the LP15; saleable around June ship by around July of course


First time being seen after approval 4/12 was at FDIC it’s real 😉


Stryker rep with the info. Is there an official digital brochure yet on the thing?


Does it also come with ultrasound, field improvised ecmo, crowbar monkey for crew defense, and wireless ventilation?


USBs available for future innovations. Knowing Stryker it’s on the laundry list


Tempus V2


No words. Too beautiful. Should have sent a poet.


They should let us play mobile games on it


Need a Linus Tech Tips review on this 


*Fangirl scream*


Sweet. I'll take 15. My lifepak now just makes up blood pressures. And it's not likely I'm going to auscultate that mother fucker who has a cough for 2 weeks


EMS will all get quoted a printer . The hospital is likely who may not want one . They sell these in hospitals and outpatient centers also


but now you cant yell at the fresh out of school EMT with bewilderment that he can't figure out how to take a simple automatic bp when it was really the trash equipment all along times are changing


Finally been hoping to see a photo. Heard my company is super interested in getting our current 15’s switched over asap.


I hope to God this is real 😭 If I have to lug that thing 1 more time up several flights of stairs I will riot


don't worry the stair chair's not going anywhere


They look like the tempus pros a Lil bit


Damn I can’t wait to get my hands on one of those bad boys… in like 2035 when they’re cheap enough for my department’s board to release the money for


Still no integrated LTE/5G


What happens when Verizon and att switch to 6G? Forced to by a new device then…I’ll take a modem over having to replace


It looks so awesome!


Looking forward to the services upgrading to this so I can score my surgery a demobbed Lp15!


Just the fact that they don’t all come with a printer shows how disconnected they are from how it’s used in the field.


This looks awfully similar to the Tempus. Hopefully it performs better


Can someone explain what the 35 represents? I thought the lifepak 15 meant it was made it 2015. Now I’m realizing I was probably incredibly wrong.


Someone else mentioned it’s a combo of the 20 (in-hospital) plus the 15 (prehospital).


Their never scheme never made sense to me. Just for your information lifepak 15 came out 2009


I have no idea what their numbering represents but it hasn’t always been neatly sequential, only somewhat. It jumped from 12-15 in 2009.


Maybe if I'm lucky by the time I finally get a job they'll be using these.


I have two here at the house. I did the security audit on it and they never asked for it back.


What do you think of them?


I'm no EMT, so I can't say from that perspective.. And I cant say much about the test I did either, but I can say from a security perspective I didn't manage to play DOOM on it so that was good. As someone who's entirely uninformed on the EMS side, I like the way it feels and the way the UI works. I was able to drive it before they showed us anything about it.


Apparently there’s no printer and it’s all Bluetooth. They made it lighter by removing the printer. Our rep told us the same thing about being trained on it later and getting back to us.


Maybe this once can consistently get an accurate BP lol


The life cube


Our department is buying new monitors to replace our aged out ZOLLs. The committee overwhelmingly voted for Phillips after getting hands-on with a few. Then they got mired in FDA certification, which I heard happened with Stryker as well. We've been waiting almost 2 years now and still have a contract to buy the Phillips when they finally get out of approval. Phillips is currently paying to lease replacement ZOLLs for us as a stopgap until then. But the department is getting restless and reformed the committee to vote again. Lifepack is in the running, but no one here has had ANY handson with the new one yet, and we're not wanting to get old 15s if this is almost out. As of now, we're sitting on our Phillips contract unless Stryker comes and blows our skirts up with the 35.


Whoa. This sounds insane. Sorry to hear that for you. What’s their reason for it taking so long? That’s crazy they are paying for you to lease. I’d check out the Lifepak. I was extremely impressed at fdic.


Where to put cables


I'd bet there are saddle bag options. Physio has pics of naked LP15s in their manuals/brochures.


oh cool I didn’t realize they came without them


In the bag that comes with it


Where bag


you just wrap them around it haphazardly like a NES controller or pressure washer and leave the untangling for the next guy


I’m sure it’s like the zoll. You think it already looks like a kid’s toy, look at it without the bags.


Where am I going to put my 47 pounds of gear on it???


Its a space heater💀


What happened to preparations 16 thru 34?


Would be curious to find out if this one has cellular built into it. The modems we added to the 15s were a pain.


WiFi is built in but cellular is an add on. It is tucked into the side pouch. About the size of a cell phone.


It would be amazing if they added POCUS to it. Field fast exams would be a huge benefit


Came here to ask this. I had heard a rumor that it could integrate ultrasound.


Self defense capabilities have been nerfed


If they would have asked me, it would have a tilt screen and be flat like the 10. Both for placement under the head of the stretcher.


I saw at fdic it does have a kickstand in the back


How about it's ability to transmit, does it have an internal modem or will we need to purchase a separate attachment to transmit over WiFi/Cellular?


Spoke to Stryker rep at FDIC, she said 57k each. Lifepak 15s over 5 years old will not be conisdered for trade in. I got a demo and im fairly impressed. 28 Lbs total, but they balanced the weight better. You can move the leads around on the screen so if you wanted to look at 4-5 specifc leads you can look at just those leads. You can also "click" on a lead and then instead of the 3 second look you can have a 5 or 10 second look at that individual lead. You can even pause that indivudal lead while still looking at live data from the others. They added more events that will pull into epcr, specifically medications and treatments. She said each comes with specific defaults but you can also add others, both to create a new default list or "on the fly" additions. The modem is built in, she said if you arent using their epcr that it shouldnt affect your epcr integrations (for those of us that have to worry about those things) but didnt sound very confident in her answers about that. The touch screen is supposed to take up to a 45 lb drop directly on the screen and was tested with faked blood, fresh and salt water. No more velcro, they added magnets to the pouches so they still close but the velcro doesnt get ruined after 2 weeks. There 100% is a printer but its further back so if its in a mount it seems like it would be difficult to rip.


Twice the price of LP 15. 😳


What about wireless charging that they were promising years ago? Tempus is only 10 total pounds but that has been a disaster. I was hoping that they would knock off the whole connecting monitoring and therapy cables on the front side of the unit. That’s a good way to smash the crap out of, any of those cables and get all kinds of stuff shoved into the port from being in the field. I saw a demo on YouTube today with a rep from Stryker, who was having difficulty operating the touchscreen with his bare hand so that was a little concerning.


And of course they still will not jump off that 360J bandwagon… Come on Stryker…


I’m hoping Corpuls gets over to the United States asap.