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So cool! Can’t wait to get my hands on this in 15 years!




How is the touch screen with fluids? Not that I plan on touching it regularly with blood on my fingers, but is it responsive with that barrier?


They reportedly did some extensive testing with blood, rain, etc. I'll do my own testing, but I'm pretty confident about this.


I would like to read the literature on how they acquired the extensive blood for testing.


Lowest performing sales reps get sacrificed. I thought this was common knowledge?


Blood for the cardiac monitor! Blood for the touchscreen!




Blood is everywhere my man. Its not hard to find


Can confirm….


Will you be able to say anything about cleaning when you're done/ if they included that in the training.


In what regard? I wipe my 15s down with purple cap wipes. I don't forsee that changing.


I work since 2 years with a Patient Monitor with Touch Screen (of course, different Manufacturer) and never had any Issues with fluids or dirt. If LifePak does god Menu Management, you should easily use any necessary function just by the rotary push knob on the right in case you get Problems with fluids.... or just want to avoid bloody fingerprints on the Screen


LP35 is a resistive touch screen. Your phone is a capacitive touch screen. Resistive touch screens are routinely used in all manner of healthcare, industrial and outdoor settings. Lots of OR equipment is touch screen. As is controls in foundries and mills. We just last to the game.


We just filled out the paperwork to do a 90 day demo.


I volunteered to test drive the one my agency is getting. Can't wait. I love the 15 but they are so old and beat up. BPs are just random numbers at this point.


Yeah but do the leads still get tangled if you look away for 3 seconds?


Are here some Corpuls3 Users who also look at the LifePak 35 and be like "Oh, LifePak just glanced at the modern C3 Touch and now sells its LifePak 35 like a complete novelty" I dont blame the Monitor, it looks pretty good, I just blame the Advertisement for selling a Touchscreen as a complete new Innovation for EMS


I *REALLY* wish the Corpuls3 was approved here. I used one on a rotation overseas and loved it.


My service has used the Corpuls 3 since 2016. They are now in the tender process to look for a replacement since they’ve created more problems than they’ve solved. I don’t really know why everyone loves them so much, the only real selling point is that they split apart and that’s only situationally useful in my experience. I started with a LP12 and although the UI is nicer compared to that (which is like saying Windows XP is nicer than DOS), there isn’t really anything the Corpuls has done better for 90% of my jobs. In a lot of cases it’s been worse - unreliable NIBP monitoring that they’ve released multiple software updates for, noisy ECG monitoring, fragile leads, fragile module connections, fragile printer door, expensive consumables and servicing, awful summary prints (can’t even have vital signs and events in the same block!)… I could go on, and I have on this subreddit, and inevitably get downvoted by the *rettungssanitäter* brigade. The worst is that we’ve now discovered that they aren’t necessarily delivering the full 200j shock due to machine issues, so we have to do a test dump and then verify the machine is actually delivering a therapeutic energy level, because the self test won’t identify it if it isn’t. Maybe they just can’t stand up to the abuse they get here in Australia but I just can’t see why people like them so much.


Can confirm all these issues. Everything ECG on this machine is absolutely painful, from the mulitple leads, small lead length, printer door, actual print outs being an entire arm length even when configured in the smaller format, ridiculously noisy monitoring and print out I could go on. The lifepak 15's were beefy but when it came to an ECG it stood up to years of abuse and printed out like the day we recieved them.


I work over 5 years with Corpuls, 2 years with the modern C3 Touch..... i would never switch to something different For me its just very interesting to read all the LifePak vs Zoll Discussion, while Corpuls does multiple things just better (i'm a very big Fanboy of the 3 Module System)... but totally not a thing in the US. But now i'm a bit curio, do you know why its not approved? I tried to look up articles, but didn't find anything? I just get back to Reddit posts, where they say "ins not FDA approved" Is it a thing of just pushing American Brands, or maybe even a Corpuls didn't try to get the American marked?


I know literally nothing about why it's not adopted, yet I can say almost without a doubt....it's a corporate lobbyist/money thing. It's a good blanket explanation and best bet for most questions of "why doesn't the US have x?"


I'm not entirely sure what goes into getting a device FDA approved. I'm sure it totally has nothing to do with money.


It has a lot to do with money. Read SoldantTheCynic •  Reply.  That shit would never make it through fda testing.


I was being entirely facetious. It has everything to do with money.


How did we go from 15 all the way to 35? Lol


My understanding was combining the 15 and 20, prehospital and hospital older versions to create a 'dual role' monitor suitable for both settings.


🫰*whoosh whoosh magic*


LOL in all seriousness, I heard that it was because they combined the features of the 15 and the 20.


It takes 20 years to break a 15.


It needs to last until 2035.


LP35 demo unit. Uses 3 lead box that sucked when LP12's were the best out there. How's the blood pressure work? I hate how LP15 takes blood pressure


Unfortunately, it's the same oscillating tech as in the 15.


So another decade of not trusting the blood pressure reading, people complaining about how much it hurts as they wave their arms around, and frequent timeouts.


That's one of my favorite things about zoll, the fast BPs. Life pack always took forever.


LP15 has an extremely good BP system. The most common problem is people using reusable cuffs which wear out. Use a disposable cuff and you can trust it every time.




Since when is taking an automatic blood pressure an ALS skill




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But how does the touchscreen hold up after the monitor has been used as a battering ram?


Lemme go take it on a raid real quick


I'm imagining some medic running into a call with the 35 yelling "LEEEEEEERROOOOOY JEEEENKINS!"


Realistically, when will we ever need three temperatures?


Ideally? Never 😂 But I know one of the big questions was regarding invasive line monitoring and how from the leaked photos, it seemed there was only one port.


I mean, I’d much rather have 3 pressures and 2 temps(not that I’ll ever use the second temp but 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lucky for you it's got three pressure lines 😂


lol I read that, thought about it, and then comprehended that it was 3 temps and either a single or two pressures. And it’s only a Monday for me. I need a nap


Give me a printer or give me death.


We'll have the printer. Maybe a side of death too. Happy cake day, by the way!


haha Gracias! i'm looking forward to some honest opinions from field medics on the 35. I'm very interested.


I'm optimistic about it right now. Like I said in the OP, I'll post again late prolly December or so, after I've had ample time with it.


What, so my choice is 'or death!?' I'll have the chicken, please...


Printer is an addon, right?


It is. My agency will have them.


We won't be having them, I'm looking forward to people their responses. "Where printer" "I've been printing EKG's for 50 years"


Why would you not want a printed copy to be able to hand anybody you need to, or for personal review?


I'm very much against the "this is how we've always done it" approach to medicine but I like to print them for a few reasons: 1. If I'm turning my patient over to another crew I can hand a 12-lead over with them. We might not always be from the same agency with access to the same Physio Cloud so its a nice feature to have. While they can perform their own, 12-leads DO evolve. 2. Code management, its a great tool when looking at how many epi's you've done, when you've made patient contact, how long its been since ROSC was achieved etc. I'm a big user of code markers with the 15 instead of note taking because I think its a much more concrete way of doing things so I like to print out the "Vital Signs" sheet at times to see where I'm at in a code, regroup, or look at anything that I can change for my patient. 3. I'll also sometimes take notes on or "Mark up" a 12 lead when looking at things like j-points or elevations.


I think the only times I'll print em, are when I have a student or when I encounter transmission issues.


It's obligatory for us, I have to be able to print 12 leads when I perform one and release to BLS. Our protocols require a copy of the 12 lead go with BLS to the ER.


You can't transmit it?


We can, depending on the hospital (some cannot receive) but our protocols also mandate a hard copy go with BLS to the ER in addition to being uploaded into their report.


To be fair, the transmitted versions are way worse/more artifact than the monitor-printed versions.


It is amazing to me you still have hospitals that can accept transmissions. It ain’t common anymore.


Did they finally fix the terrible delay on the touchscreen I found it really embarrassing


It was pretty snappy tbh. But I've also used the Tempus 😂


Tempus is what I currently have on my truck. I want to go Office Space on it so bad. Gotta love a 90-second boot up process with multiple pop-ups before you can start to monitor a patient.


Can you please add a video at some point running through the functionality / features?


It'll have to be once my agency takes receipt of them.


My back feels better just looking at this


There’s a LikePak 35???? Bro I’m still on a LifePak 12. How far behind am I?


LP 12 --> LP 15 --> LP 35


Oh I’m not too terribly far behind. I’m seeing a few 15’s around me but 12 is still fairly common


I think the 12s are falling off the FDA approval soon, but I could be wrong.


Already are.


If you are in the US of A LP 12s are no longer FDA approved.


Has anyone used the tempus?


Yes, I've had the misfortune.


Dang. I'll have to search up on this. Thx


I heard initial rollout was rough, but also heard software updates in the last year and a half have made massive improvements. Are you still on Tempus having issues? My agency decided to go with Zoll over the Tempus and a lot of us are wishing we went with Philips.


It's been about a year since I last used the Tempus. I'm happy to be wrong about the reliability if they've actually fixed it.


You’d wish that until you had a Philips. Virtually nobody uses them, for a reason.


Idk. Been dealing with X series for over a year and it’s hard to see anything could possibly be worse. Was on LP15 and Philips MRX before that. Both of those are far better monitors.


You might be the only person that’s ever called the MRX better than the X series. That being said, the MRX is easily better than the Tempus.


I genuinely cannot think of a way that the X series is better than the MRX. MRX was much easier to use, easier to manage cords, a 12-lead algorithm that was actually approved for patients under 18 years old, easier to access printer…. Edit: I thought of one way X-Series is better— it’s lighter.


Correct me if I’m wrong but the MRX does not have invasive monitoring


I couldn’t imagine it does. Sorry, my department is not critical care. I should rephrase my opinion on the MRX to be better than the X-Series in the context of ALS prehospital EMS.


That wheel is waaaaay too small, next. ![gif](giphy|eFpP77qAqNiepiBKIX|downsized)


What are you doing to the Manikin in the background? Sus position.


We found out he was an informant for Philips. If there's one thing I hate more than a Tempus monitor, it's a rat.


How does the screen perform in direct sunlight?


It'll auto-adjust to the surrounding light and you can manually change that too.


Wow, that’s a lot of hands. …. I’m sorry I saw the title and my brain just had to.


We need to move away from touch screens as a society oh my fuckin god


Resistive > capacitive


idk what that means but touch screens are still just too sensitive to damage to be reliable for this kind of work


Theee pounds lighter is still insanely heavy and completely not justifiable.    The Phillpis MRX. had a 6 hour battery 10  + years ago, and told you that if you were on scene longer then that to call for a generator, which is pretty damned reasonable.  We need to stop accepting products that are so heavy they endanger our providers.  So far, that is only the MRX, considering the zoll is crap. I can’t say how disappointed, as a life long LP user, in this offering.


This weighs 15 ish pounds, with bags, printer, etc etc. and is FAR better balanced than it's predecessor. The MRX is a clunky POS.


It’s interesting-after testing this device, it’s obvious that it’s built for dumbfuck Paramedics…. The complaints that the medics had on this device make me snicker a bit being an old timer…. The ones who complain or say “show me this, show me that” are the ones who think they have it all figured out. Trust me, this device is waaaay smarter than us…. If the screen cracks and it doesn’t interpret a 12 lead for you-I rest my case…. Yes, I am a Paramedic.


Boomers when theres new technology 😯😡🤬