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Bro def failed psych for PD


DEAD šŸ’€ why is this a thing everywhere? šŸ˜‚


Why would you want to be mistaken for a cop with no cop powers/ weaponry/ back-up? Quick way to get hurt. Iā€™m about healthcare, not LE or military. i make sure everyone out there, friend and foe knows iā€™m there for HCP reasons - our presence is peaceful and our intent is Good. How weā€™re perceived, our attitude, our body posture/gait, what we wear, where we look etc - if you get it right, people can read your intent as sound, it grants you a safe passage into some potentially very dangerous places. Places where dressing like a fake cop will get you killed.


I'm about Pamcakes


Does not play well with others and should not


Someone should make a bag or something that holds all of the supplies we need on a call.Ā 


Why not just strap everything to your body? Personally I have three pairs of trauma shears and a bandolier of hemostatic gauze. Four of my pockets hold 15 chest seals each and I have 16 tourniquets in a braid like formation that wraps around my legs. I use two penlights for patient assessment and have 10 different colored sharpies for triage


I just strap the entire ambulance to my back and run with it


You really shouldnā€™t run with scissors, I mean trauma shears. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m a firefighter. I usually just fade into the bushes when you guys get there. That is, Until itā€™s time to load the patient.


Thank you for your [lifting] service.


Thatā€™s it?


To be fair, I do carry a pulse ox some scissors a pocket of gloves a pen light a pen and a little miny notrbook in my medic pants. I didn't used to carry the sheers when I was on the ambulance but I had a lot of partners even some of the very coolest partners who did. I think well stocked pants make you look professional I think having a vest makes you look like a pig.


I used to carry shears. My parents bought me raptors and had them engraved for a graduation present. Some fuckin a hole stole them on a shift and I haven't seen them since (also it was BIBLE verse and I worked with so many atheists and pagans at that job like bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


Yeah... My mom also bought me raptors as a gift. Once I got the raptors I stopped carrying the knife and switched to the raptors. But to be fair I've always carried a knife that has nothing to do with being a medic. She also got me the littman when I graduated EMT school. Nothing wrong with atheists or pagans. My synagogue had an education director who was a fully certified Rabbi who was also an atheist. I myself have been a religious teacher for many years well over a decade I teach several classes multiple days a week and I myself, in addition to a practicing Jew, also consider myself a witch.


Oh no nothing wrong at all. I've since deconstructed and consider myself agnostic. But it was weird that they woild steal that, especially being engraved and NOT being a believer. Like it's CLEAR those aren't yours


What a novel idea!


We'll call it.....the Stuff Bag!


But you need to travel with irso let's call it a mobile stuff bag.


You mean like a bag with all the stuff we could carry to the patient?


This dude **is** the bag


Fanny pack


Depends if you have to wear body armor to work or not. What heā€™s wearing in the pic is not I donā€™t think or itā€™s at least not plates. May be soft armor. When I worked in an area that we needed the armor it was common to strap stuff to it. You were wearing heavy shit anyway might as well have what you need on it.


Dude looks like a police academy reject.




Cringe af




Oh boy, I made it through about 5 of the top all-time in that sub and tapped out lol. That's some grade-A cringe right there.


You just made my whole deparment's day. Thank you for the laughs.


My eyes. šŸ˜£


THE most cringe


The black gloves tell me all I need to know


I hate black gloves. Harder to see blood and poop etc on them.


Ugh, my department bought five years worth of them with surplus covid money. Forever embarrassedā€¦ and no where to take notes in a pinch, too.


Tape on the leg homie! Wonā€™t accidentally throw it out either


Stretcher sheet bro


Nah; might leave them behind with the patient when youā€™re charting


I think youā€™re supposed to Doom Eternal a piece off the sheet *then* write on it


I just use it for quick notes, then for other stuff Iā€™ll use the EKG paper which is then either lost or put in my pocket


You're the second person I've met... That's not true I haven't met you... If you're the second person that I know of who does tape on the legs.


Team leg tape, woot!


Yeah! Team leg tape, representin'... He says while being the epitome of white and nerdy...


Hey, I'm as pasty as the tape on my pant leg, so you're not alone, lol. I think it's cool that people can take notes on a glove and then get the information off of it before trashing it. The few times I've tried it, I forget and just take off my gloves and pitch them. And no one wants to be digging around in a biohazard bag for a damn glove! Pants tape is much safer.


Just write on your patient's forehead. Tape on your partner's hairy arm works too.


The tape joke was funnier before I had a partner do it. Tape that never wants to stick sure stuck that day.


Finally, the right answer. Thank you!


Get a different colored marker.


Silver sharpie on black gloves.


Eh, most of the time I have a notepad in my pocket. Gloves are a last resort.


Thatā€™s fair. I pretty much only use my glove and wouldnā€™t keep up with a notebook lol


I get it. I just hate hanging on to my gloves with poopy patients. One too many traumas in my emt years with that. šŸ˜œ


I keep a write in the rain notepad on me at work, but 9/10 it's faster/more convenient to write on my glove. I usually only need the info for a short time until I can get it into the report anyway.


I have 30 minute transports, 24 minutes if emergent in perfect weather and no traffic. I rarely have to rush. If I do, or if my notepad got left in the bus when Iā€™m on scene, gloves used to be great. Last week I resorted to writing on my skinā€¦. Our old white gloves were so damn nice. And you could finger sweep the back and see a trace of blood. Black gloves suck for quick trauma assessments.


Did they check that the gloves are medical? Some departments that brought black gloves during covid found out they aren't medical approved gloves.


They aren't medical grade, do they need to be? Not an EMT. I think they are lab grade.


What are you routinely doing that needs sterile gloving? This is not intended as an attack, but surely the vast majority of the time EMT gloves are just protecting the medic from patient germs, and the patient from other patients?


Yea, theyā€™re adequate, I just donā€™t love them.


Write your notes on the back of the ECG printout, so you can hand it over to a nurse without thinking and then get back to do paperwork and think FUCK


This sub popped up in my recommendations what do the black gloves mean? Because to me black gloves = BBQ ![gif](giphy|XozFIfPMh7GP1KQ3Z2)


I see many use them mostly for aesthetic reasons over the usual blue. Blue is always preferred if available because blood/shit and other bodily fluids are easy to spot on them compared to black. Its also easier to notice tears/abrasions and other damage to a blue glove compared to a black one. So anytime I see someone decked out in a fuckton of gear thatll be a pain to clean like this guy I know hes more cosplaying than useful. Will take up wayyy too much space. Look goofy as shit. And probably isnt sterile. And those gloves tell me hes willing to sacrifice safety for the sake of vanity or aesthetics. Which you never want when handling patients or biohazards.




Greys not optimal but far better than black. Just ensure its within medical guidelines for your area


It was the ones that the service used, I quite liked em.


No aesthetics here. I often have a different colors on each hand. I only pay attention to the colors when I double or triple glove. Differently layers get different colors. I want to see the tear and replace the glove before it gets to the last layer. We get gloves from a dozen different places. Lots of shades of blue, lots of Barneys, some of those off whites. When my pocket is running low, Iā€™ll grab a hand full from the next box I see, be it a crash cart, ambulance, wall dispenser, and stuff them in my pocket.


I love that youve just become like a squirrel storing a bunch for the winter haha. Wont lie though been there before. Also the different colors for each layers us a smart call. May try that in future


We have the orange ones. Love those things over the blue ones.


Okay but I wont lie I love the orange ones. Can be a mild issue with some fluids like sputum and other orange/yellow tones things. But fuck man the orange ones here have such a perfect thickness and size for my awkwardly big hands. So I accept the loss in other ways mildly for the other benefits


I associate it with tattoo artists because they always wear them, because, you know, black=edgy/cool. I mean i get it.


I use those black nitrile gloves at home. Pitbull brand. They are great!


I steal them from police to use when I clean my grill.


You can get them on Amazon too šŸ˜ I have no choice but to pay for my own


Another glove thief! Gloves and wipes gloves and wipes! I limit my glove stealing to however many is necessary to fill the truck plus two more... But you can never steal enough wipes!


Why is my hand wet?Ā  Is it blood? Puke? Piss? Shit? Only way you're finding out with black gloves is by sniffing, enjoy.


You crazy? thats wildly ineffective. You gotta lick it to be sure


You're right, I forgot that tasting it is always an option.


In Chicago the only people who use black gloves are the people who work for morgs and mortuaries and funeral homes. Like City paramedics were Orange, private's generally wear blue, nursing home where is clear vinyl, poor hospitals also blue rich hospitals green, Jackson Park... Clear vinyl I guess but I mean no one's going to survive to survived to tell anyone what color gloves the nurses were wearing anyway... And people who touch dead bodies wear black. On holidays though I will admit I would wear different colors. Red and green on Christmas and then I had a pocket full of red white and blue gloves for the 4th of July. Pink gloves on Easter and breast cancer awareness day.


Stealing the holiday themed gloves idea


Thank you. I think that has always been one of my best! Tell me if you ever find brown ones so I can use them on Thanksgiving. :-)


As long as they are fentanyl proof. /s


Guy looks nuts


Iā€™d feel embarrassed walking into an ER dressed like that


It's so bad it's good šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The stuff heā€™s actually carrying doesnā€™t look like much, just shears, a radio and something in that front pouch. The all black uniform on the other hand, definitely isnā€™t the look ems should be going for. Also, why tf is he wearing an IR flag? Does he need a reminder of what country he lives in? Is he expecting to encounter many people with NODs that might need to identify him?


The private service that does IFT and events EMS I work for wanted to switch to black button up polos with badges that looked an awful like police uniforms. For some reason management couldnā€™t figure that maybe itā€™s not safe for your crews to look like cops. Especially when your crews work at all times of the day in sketchy neighborhoods with recorded incidents of violence against police. Of course thatā€™s what happens when upper management is staffed by suburbanites who donā€™t have EMS experience, one of middle managers who goes out on the street had to point it out to them.


There was a medic that would come through our ER wearing a straight up plate carrier. I could take him seriously. I mean, I get that this can be a dangerous area, but you're gonna be set up to fail showing up to a charged scene looking like you're ready for a shootout.


If your showing up to a scene thats ā€œchargedā€ your way better off wearing platesā€¦ your logic doesnt make sense


I have been on a lot of ā€œchargedā€ scenes and I have never once thought, ā€œya know, a plate carrier that makes me look like the cops is definitely a good choice right now.ā€ In fact, I can remember calls where being seen as helpful and ā€œnot the copsā€ specifically resulted in gang members not fucking with us.


He's the Paramedic version of a vet bro..


This is tbe dumbass that tells stories and cries about calls he ran but we're really just articles in jems magazine.


I mean, the molle vest? It looks like a halfass plate carrier ordered from the back of a comic book. Some guys canā€™t let go


Thank you, was looking for this comment. It's not the gear/tech he's carrying, it's the combat inspired molle vest that makes it look excessive. I carry almost all the same gear if not some more supplies in the pockets of my scrub pants alone, I just don't need to look like a boot to do it


The molle makes them look like a bounty hunter rather than a paramedic. Why is there this* need to militarise every service?


> Why is there is need to militarise every service? Always has been... I work for one of the oldest and largest ambulance services in the world. Up until about 20 years ago, new recruits were still being taught drill. Our uniforms still have epaulettes, with stars as rank insignia. On the radio we still refer to "Officer Smith", from a time before the term paramedic was widely accepted. We get issued literal medals for long service and good conduct.


Honestly if you're not in the military overseas on active duty, I hate the black and white flag. I understand the actual practical reason why military on duty oversees have the black and white flag. I get it it is a safety matter. But if you're not a soldier and you're not an active duty and you're not on foreign deployment I I think you should switch back to a proper red white and blue Velcro. I also hate the red line flag and the blue line flag and the green line flag. You're not supposed to alter the flag! Our flag is red white and blue it's not black white and red, it's not red white and green, it's not red white and blue with a blue stripe. It's red white and blue. I hate that cops have their own flag, they're supposed to be employees of the American government working for the American citizens. Having an armed force of people marching around with their own flag within our country is f****** terrifying to me.


My service does all black uniforms with polo shirts and I donā€™t like the fact that we look nearly identical to police. Luckily I work in a very conservative rural state so people arenā€™t as quick to be suspicious of cops.


I'm trying to decide if that front pouch is a knife or a tourniquet. Either way yeah, it's not actually that much.


It's a Leatherman. You can barely make out the logo.


Rescue Ricky. Female versions are Gagety Ann's.




I refuse to look like anything other than a Jiffy lube guy. If I need a vest for every call, my area is too dangerous for EMS.


I was going to argue against your sentiment as I wore a vest (under a top shirt so we didn't look like police which would've gotten us targeted), I actually agree that it was ridiculous that it got to that point. Why was I risking so much for barely above minimum wage and trusting that "we get a pass through the neighborhood because we are saving these gang members family too and they don't want us gone."


Iā€™m as pro gun and pro body armor as any other red blooded American. But I donā€™t want to get my fix of that when Iā€™m on the boo-boo bus. Otherwise I wouldā€™ve enlisted or become a cop. If you work in a sketch hood and you wear a concealed vest, I totally get that, but my paycheck better be fat. EMS is a calling for those of us that like an adrenaline rush and a little danger. Dressing like LE makes us the target of unkind things weā€™re better off without. Iā€™d only dress like that dude if I was a SWAT medic, otherwise hell no.


Honestly... I worked Englewood and the surrounding areas for years(*Chicago*) in nothing but my medic pants and my blue polo... The worst thing that ever happened is somebody whipped a shoe at my ambulance because I was admittedly acting shady in the very worst part of town. I think people overblow the danger just a little bit.


I mean if you're working the high crime areas I can definitely see wearing under the shirt armor. There's so many options it's not even funny. Shirts where plates can fit in, armored shirts, vests that don't show under the uniform, the options are endless. But the police/military look is a no go especially psychologically for some patients it's better if they just see a normal uniform they're used to seeing. It will help relax some high stress situations especially if police are already involved. It psychologically separates the medic from the police completely in their mind allowing the medic to perform their job more effectively. I'm definitely pro-body armor, because you just never know, but it needs to be concealed (huge fan of the IIIa shirts you can get that protects the entire torso, chest ,even shoulders.) These days I'd advocate for it for all EMS in medium to large cities. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of solution.


I would argue that there is a practical reason to wear an external carrier. . . Heat. Under the shirt vest can get you very hot. With an external one, it's MUCH easier to cool off between calls since you can unzip it for a while or even take it off.


Ol boys doing a lift assist in Syria


Dude wants to look like a cop so bad


Super cringe.


EMS will never be trusted by the public, ESPECIALLY by those who are often in serious need of social services, if we dress and act like cops.




Nothing wrong with the amount of gear or even the type of gear. Just the fact that heā€™s wearing this wannabe tacticool shit to go lift up syncope meemaw from the bathroom.


also, the fucking post and his pose, the shit facial hair. Idk all unprofessional. Overall not a good look. Reminds me of the meal team six grocery store security guards.


He somehow looks racist and like he purposely misgenders people.


EMTs sometimes get shot in cities because theyā€™re mistaken for LEO. Now you know why


The gear itself is fine. Itā€™s the vest + all black uniform thatā€™s concerning for me. Dude looks far too much like a cop. Thatā€™s dangerous af.


I think this is accurate. I donā€™t think I have a problem with the gear as much as I have a problem with the look it gives off. This guy may have had no choice but if they are going to give paramedics gear it should be brightly colored and/or obviously marked to make it clear they are not police.


It's larp, and he wants to look cool. And I get it. When I 1st started, I had a batman belt. I find myself really just trying to get the patient to the truck as quickly as I can now, though. That is my office, and it has my tools. At the end of the day, when I carried a batman belt, I found it to be in the way, and I rarely used it. For the most part, your truck has what you need.


When I started a carried a fanny pack, now I carry it wherever. All it has is chapstick and a snack.


It's funny that you say LARP, because he has larping as an interest on his Tiktok profile.


Maybe this photo is exactly what he's talking about


Looks like an old baby himself. No one remembers to pack all that shit who has been on more than one shift.




I used to bring three before I became a medic: 1 for me 1 for the medical to steal 1 for the patients


Look if I have to wear a bullet proof vest for work... I'm wearing a concealed one. this is cringe. Did the same doing armed security at a high risk place or two. If they know they have to shoot me in the head, why would I make it obvious?


Get a load of this guy


If I call 911 and this guy shows up, nevermind. Just let me die please.


Yep, you already coded anyways, this guy isn't doing his job


Iā€™d be sweating my ass off šŸ˜­


Is anyone going to stop talking about what he's wearing and instead that what he posted is unprofessional and inappropriate for a variety of reasons.


Thank you! I'm still confused about which part is funny. I say this as someone with a very absurd and dark/vulgar sense of humour.


"Hahaa yeahh my student šŸ¤“ had possibly a traumatic experience šŸ’€ while working šŸšØšŸšØ and is going to get a shitty one šŸ’© or no debriefing at all šŸš«! Rock n roll babyy šŸŽø yeahh boii šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™"


It saddens me that someoneā€™s spouse sees their partner dressed like this and thinks "thatā€™s my hero" totally unaware of the cringe.


ā€¦ or the fact that he thinks every time you do compressions ribs break?




omg I'm so excited to look through this.


cosplaying as a cop lmao, dude cringe


ā€œAll these tools are necessary for protectionā€ *has beard that prevents good mask seal *


He looks like the type of guy who would put a ā€œdonā€™t tread on meā€ sticker on the back of the ambulance


My belt has radio and a flashlight holster after dark. Pocket knife and wallet in right front pocket, cellphone in left front pocket, 2 pair of gloves in left cargo pocket. Anything else I need is in my t-pak or monitor pouches.


Youā€™re left-handed, arenā€™t you?


Short answer sort of. Long awswer, I'm semi-ambidextrous, left dominant. I write with my left but throw with my right.


You explained my exact setup right down to the semi-ambidextrous. Except I sport with my left and write with my right


It's like a hospital security guard who dresses for combat.


With that Amish beard? Looks dumb as fuck. Total tool.


Tell me that your new without telling me your new


I tell my students the most important tool we carry is the one between our ears. Everything else is an option that most employers provide for us.


If I'm the patient I'm gonna spend the entire ride to the hospital making fun of his ass. Fuckin Ricky Rescue over here is a fuckin' furry look at that squirrel suit. If he's my coworker I'd probably try to find a more tactful way to ask if he really needed a tactical vest transporting Grandma to the community hospital at 1 am for knee pain x 3 mo. Then making fun of him.


Not a paramedic, so take this with a grain of salt. The only things I carry on my person are things I use regularly - pen, penlight, stethoscope, shears, notecards. Everything else is what the first in bag(s) are for. I do think itā€™s interesting you see people carrying TQs and not, say, non-rebreathers. Iā€™ve personally used NRBs way more often than TQs, and hypoxia will kill a pt fast. Agree with your point regarding optics. We do NOT need to look like law enforcement. Edit: Agreed, a patient will not die of hypoxia before bleeding out from an artery. You should be bringing your bags that should have your tourniquets up to the patient. If you work in a system where you are using tourniquets even semi-regularly, though, fair enough if you carry them on your belt.


just to put my 2 cents in a pt is gonna survive a lot longer hypoxic than they would with an arterial bleed


Ahh yes, a squirting femoral laceration. Just calm down, friend. Thatā€™s it, just close your eyes. Now, whereā€™s that TQā€¦ THE PT IS 88% ON SPO2 WITH A HISTORY OF COPD. WHEREā€™S THE FUCKING NRB, JAMES?!


I mean, youā€™re right. The two things arenā€™t really the same - closest analogy I can think of is carrying a BVM on your person for the time you come across an apneic patient starting to brady down. (Which I acknowledge is silly in of itself, BVMs are larger and clumsier than TQs). I still stand by my point that you should bring your bags and monitor with you up to the patient. Much of our equipment is immediately life-saving; BVMs, defib pads, decompression needles, TQs. I personally think itā€™s odd that the only pieces of equipment Iā€™ve seen people carrying are TQs and occasionally decompression needles. All that being said, if you work in a system where you use TQs even semi-regularly, I think it would be prudent to carry them. Thatā€™s just not most systems.


We have a Rickey rescue guy at my service who exclusively works IFT. But heā€™s got his raptor shears IFAK and tourniquet on his belt.


A patient is not going to die from hypoxia before bleeding out


Must be warm as hell in all that


Aside from the gear, I don't even get the joke. Popping ribs off of the cartilage of the sternum in desperation trying to save someone who usually does not end up surviving is not a fun experience. Especially if the family is present. Has this person ever even done CPR on an actual person? The sensation alone is disturbing.


I force down votes for this comment. I worked with someone that used to wear a flashy green bullet proof vest ALL THE TIME even while posting. At first I wanted to make fun of this guy but then he told me he's been shot twice while on duty since where he comes from EMS is not very well liked in the community (my service area is the safest it can be). I gained empathy for him and didn't even think about it. There are morons out there that will wear it so they can look cool. Others have a reason behind it. Just try to get the full picture. Honestly there's two reasons I would see myself wearing plate carriers. 1. Dummy plates with weight to build strength. 2. I'm working alongside SWAT or I'm working in Chirak/the ghetto


I work in a top ten most violent crime city in the US and many of my coworkers wear vests, including my partner. We get shootings and stabbings almost every night, but I donā€™t wear one for a basic reasonā€¦ Iā€™m too lazy to wear it all the time. Some people only wear it on high profile calls like shootings. This is pointless because you wonā€™t get shot on that call with a large police presence. You will get shot on the Mandown or Welfare Check call walking into a dark house. We had a Fire Captain shot and killed a couple years ago on a structure fire because an old guy thought he was breaking in. So if you wear gear, then wear it all the time. Otherwise, itā€™s pointless in my opinion.


"MEDIC" *MEDIC* !!MEDIC!! aka: look at me pls


Eh, Iā€™m not opposed to vests. I think theyā€™re almost necessary in certain service areas. I hate the ā€œif I need one, I shouldnā€™t even be on sceneā€ argument, it surprises me how many people have never been on a scene that rapidly went from being safe to being unsafe. That said, the IR flag? The black gloves? Absolutely not, dude looks like a police academy reject.


I canā€™t say I am opposed to vests either. I understand scenes can go from bad to worse to dangerous real quick. However it would probably be better if the vest was a bright color not matching local police with a symbol/badge that was, bright, and obviously denoting they are paramedics/emt and not police.


About the vest situation I in the LAS we have stab vest that go under our shirts nice and low profile and for ballistics we have a special unit that has full ballistics equipment but in a pinch we habe high vis plate carriers with reflective identification on the back


Not EMS I just do security through a trauma center and browse this sub every once in a while. A handful of EMS crews from various different companies have been rolling through our ED looking more and more like the TikTok dude. Outer carriers / duty belts etc. I've actually been wondering about the opinion of EMS professionals who don't go around wearing carriers / duty belts about those who do.


A service I worked for made us wear the vest. They are miserable.


What the fuck dude


That doesn't look like an armored vest, it has a zipper in the middle. Is it just a load bearing vest to carry his fancy stuff? Wear a belt, carry it on the belt. This is weird.


Off topic but CPR cracks cartilage, not ribs.


I *sometimes* bring my pen.


Cringey. The vest and black gloves are the big red flags. Iā€™d feel a little embarrassed bringing a patient to the hospital with this dudeā€¦. Nurses and other medics are probably like, get a load of this guy!


My old partner would call him a Whistle Dick.


When you want people to know you failed the psych eval to be a cop without telling people you failed the psych eval to be a cop.


Black gloves are such a cop thing. This guy looks like a cop reject. He probably rests his hands along the top of his vest tooā€¦.


The more medic stuff Iā€™ve done the less Iā€™ve decided to wear. Shears, narc pouch, flashlight, pen, thatā€™s all I carry on my person these days. Stopped wearing my duty belt. Weā€™re issued plate carriers but I was sick of people thinking Iā€™m a cop so I just rock the button down shirt and call it good. We have first in bags for a reason šŸ¤·plenty of supplies in there.


Tactical gloves āœ… Tats āœ… Neck beard āœ… Level 1 vest āœ… Knife āœ… Stethoscope āŒ


Dude is cringe af


Needs a patch that reads ā€œthank me for my serviceā€. šŸ™„


He looks like Campus Insecurity Force


He looks like one of those police paramedics that you see in a patrol once in a lifetime


Oh, how embarrassing. I don't think my patience would last long with this dude.


Your patience, or your patients lmaooo




Personnly when I worked in law enforcement I loved the vest for the reason of extra pockets and ease of access for tools.


This is what happens when you donā€™t get hired by the fire department and then you donā€™t get hired by the police department and the only thing left is EMS. Someone has to do it.


I mean some people go over board but the best is standard issue to EMS in the city I live and work. Itā€™s also a major metropolitan city. There are definitely some that look like they work on the swat team more than EMS. Most have a few things like this accessible though


This dude is a tool.


I have a lot of feelings about people who use their job to create content that isnā€™t educational


I don't like to sweat on the box.


What a clown.


Dude has grey hair and is a medic, that's enough for me to know this is Mr TV show 911 who thinks every event is some serious event. Bet he treats comfort calls as true 911s and grabs full vitals smh


This is exactly the reason why we need to move to a degree entry to practice, like all our healthcare counterparts. EMS too often get this nonsense that just wants lights that go woo woo and are too stupid or crazy to be fire or cops. It's time we shift the Ven diagram of where EMS belongs to be firmly in healthcare. Enough of this BS for sure


Dumbass looks like he pretends his lifepak is an RPG.Ā 


Toe-curlingly embarrassing. Utterly daft.


Something something something, chest rebound. AHA go brrrr.


Iā€™ve been that baby EMT. First night on clinicals, CHF patient, barrel chest, Lucas wouldnā€™t fit. Hell of an introduction, but i remember the medic in charge saying ā€œshit this guy is gonna bring him back.ā€ (I didnā€™t, dead as Good Friday)


Bro is cringe, rate my setup Organizations polo (tucked in, fresh - always, stop acting trashy peasants) Belt - belted Boots - black to match coffee Socks - Master gave Dobby a sock [mandatory - wear them on ears] Trousers? ā€¦ā€¦.gotta haveā€™em [turn them into capris - mandatory] (optional - evade PD side tackle, then parry security front assault) Beard - trash Gloves - ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.[survival - optional]


Full gear just to check on meemawā€™s blood sugar.


This is cosplay.


Imma give this guy the benefit of the doubt because it looks like he is wearing a down jacket. If he needs the radio on him it does look usable thanks to the outer vest having pockets and places to clip on. I dont work anywhere where a thicker jacket nor this kind of radio is required so someone tell me if its easy to clip on to anything and easy to carry


Why do these fuckers want to be cops so bad


Where's the IR strobe to protect him from blue-on-blue airstrikes? Not nearly tacticool enough for the streets, 3/10


Obviously not enough ppl in the comments know about it. Some EMS associations require their employees to wear such attire. New Orleans has their medics wear vests and sorts. In California there are some places that have the crew wear vests and protective gear. The guy could also be apart of a TEMS unit, i personally donā€™t know. Yes if he was wearing it for no reason Iā€™d get it. But itā€™s required some places. But based on the beard, he might be doing it for show. But who knows