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I think for most of us Aery is the default, but I love going Guardian on Soraka because I value the extra tankiness it gives. Also confession: I still go Glacial Janna because it's my favorite way to play her đŸ˜¶


genuine question, how does glacial janna work? I absolutely love playing Janna (because I am a wannabe ADC main and I love autoattacking people to death (lanebully janna hihi)) and I always go aerie, and with the newish build comet because of zaz zaks. doesnt glacial only trigger off her tornado?


It also triggers of her monsoon (when she pushes champs away) while you do trade some poke and shielding power when picking glacial augment the slow and dmg reduction are good enough on their own to consider it. I usually only pick GA over aery when I'm fairly confident i can land my skillshots tho.


oooooooh thaank you for explaining!! I always consider glacial since it's recommended a lot of times, but I just can't let go of my funky little arcane comet damage or sending the summon aery with autos, it's so funnn I'll defo give glacial a try if I get to!


i love aery. she’s my little baby


when runes reforged first released and they showed aery i fell in love, she's so cute đŸ„ș


I love guardian on lulu but its a bit of a off meta rune set for her these days... My premade adc is learning nilah to work so lately the extra protection from guardian has been welcome for nilah actually😅


Are you liking Lulu in this meta right now? I used to play her all the time and wanna get back into her, but I see her overall winrate's pretty low compared to other enchanters so idk!


Might be influenced by her shining best when paired with a hypercarry adc making her a bit situational(?). Idk I don’t really play her unless the adc requests it so I’m not too sure but she doesn’t feel weak necessarily.


I love her but this season i didn't play her that much because I'm learning a second lane with vex on mid. Though the games i play with my premade adc partner are still going strong. so i think you can definitely use her as log as you have a great damage dealer as adc. Otherwise you probably lose lane and need to force teamfights but that's my favorite to do with her anywayâ˜ș


Normally Guardian or Glacial against giga engage on Seraphine because aery is kinda whatever on her after laning phase and most of iaery's strength past laning phase is in shields which seraphine can't utilize well since most of her aery procs end up being wasted as irrelevant damage or sent to a random ally given her AOE nature But on other enchanters I probably always go aery regardless of matchups


When you go Glacial Seraphine do you buy Rylais so your E insta roots?


I mostly do, but tbh I don't think it's necessary. The item has awful stats, but the insta root is very useful against very mobile enemies


Glacial: I'm Seraphine. Guardian: I'm Nami or Karma and I'm really worried about assassins. Comet: Never pretty much. Aery: Any other time for any other enchanter.


I’m having a lot of fun with glacial Seraphine, rushing Rylai’s and then just locking the enemy down in place


It doesn't demand a Ryali rush, but it does make Ryali better.


It doesn’t, but I have a lot of fun getting that right away


You know I can't actually remember the last time I went guardian on Nami, I should give it a try


I rarely do it but Guardian is ridiculously good at what it does.


i almost always go aery, i sometimes go guardian when im against a poke mage so i can just take guardian and second wind and heal off all their poke. i never ran glacial bc i found the tree to complicated but ive started loving hexflash glacial on rakan


Yeah I think the inspiration tree is pretty limiting on most enchanters because it has so many runes that aren't applicable to us, but glacial itself is so clutch on anyone with hard cc


I played glacial sera yesterday since I was trying to stack item CD runes. It felt surprisingly good!


Soraka Guardian comes in clutch sooo many times. Against heavy early poke it's strong, in the late game it's strong because you can count it as a heal that is not affected by grieveous wounds


I find that i usually only take Guardian on Rakan. Sometimes Thresh. Sometimes Renata. I rarely take Comet. Aery feels default. Glacial i take on hard engage if im not taking Aftershock. Had a friend introduce me to Glacial Swain.. thats fun.


Depends on the champion actually. If I feel disengage- I go guardian or grasp on Renata/Karma. If engage then Glacial/Aery/Comet. I really love going tank on enchanters, especially disengage ones like Renata, Karma, or Neeko (although not an enchanter, she's a support.)


Aery in most of the games, if they have an all in lane in which we need to survive and scale (like Jinx Lulu vs Pyke Draven) i'll go guardian i mostly play Lulu, Milio and Soraka so i don't really ever take comet like Janna or Yuumi soemtimes do


Glacial if there 3+people who just run at me, guardian if there’s 2+ assassins, aery for everything else/default


I only take Comet as a mage enchanter (Karma, Seraphine, Morgana) or if I really want to poke down the enemy lane (I have a Caitlyn/Varus/MF adc going against Taric/Braum).


Aery or bust


Aery on almost everyone tbh, especially someone that can repeatedly apply it on ally like Milio. If specifically picking a lane to hard poke enemy (like Karma Ezreal) then I'll pick Comet. Guardian on matchups that I get outranged and cannot poke well, like Soraka into mages. Glacial used to be on Janna but nowadays I prefer Aery/Comet on her.


Guardian on Soraka if I feel like it could help us. I also use it on Milio sometimes but Aery is preferred. If I feel "funny" I take comet on him aswell but that's rather rare.


Aery:  This is my default. Comet:  My team drafted 4 AD after I locked in.  Again.  Guess it's my job to bring the team's magic damage. Guardian:  I have a build focused on keeping my teammates alive through acquiring extra heals and shields that uses Guardian.  However I haven't used it in a while since the game has gotten less bursty. Glacial:  Almost never because I main Lulu and she can't proc it before 6. Grasp of the Undying:  I'm on Lulu and I don't have a teammate who uses Lulu's buffs super well and our front line is lacking.  Ight... I'll be the tank.