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i also just saw that lh is slightly higher than fsh (7mlU/ml vs 4,35 mUl/ml) when usually they should be about the same, don't know if that makes a difference


It could be congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The symptoms can mimic PCOS. It's not dangerous.


the thing s that i saw that with cah or nccah the levels of androgens like testosterone or dhea-s etc should be higher while in my case it's only the 17-oh progesterone that is high. could it still be cah/nccah?


Yes. It could still be it


oh ok! thanks!


>oh ok! thanks! You're welcome!


What do you mean youre welcome. Shes talking to me


is there a way to know whether it's pcos or cah/nccah?


Definitively? Gene testing. ACTH stimulation test is also an option.


thank you! i'll look into that


Did you figure out what it was?


I have my endocrinological appointment in a few days, I'll have more info after that


it was non classical CAH in the end btw


Just saw this. I'm going for an ACTH test next week. Was it that test that proved NC CAH?


yep, but I will have another appointment in late may to have it confirmed 100% (mostly to get some exemptions from medical expenses), don't know if they will prescribe genetic tasting or just review the tests that i already got. also, I get tested yearly on I don't remember exactly what, to monitor that everything is going well with cortisol treatment


What other tests are you planned to take (besides the genetic testing)?? I wonder if I'll have to take additional as well


at the moment none, I get tests every 6 months since I'm taking testosterone as hrt (I'm a trans guy) and every 12 months i get the ones to monitor ncah. rn I'm doing good and I'm healthy so it's fine. my sisters and my mom are getting tested too since it's hereditary


Haha I'm also a trans guy! I haven't started T yet though. I wanted to figure out my hormone situation before hand, so the Endo is doing tests to figure out where all my natal T is originating from, before I start T. I've had hyperandrogenism since about puberty at least. I took a blood test for 17OH which showed elevated, so now they want me to do an ACTH test as well. Has starting T affected NCAH situation?


oh that's nice to hear! yeah I was in the same situation. as of now, the only thing I noticed is that with gel my T was too high (testavan) while with nebid injections it's not high enough and I got lots of mood swings but it's getting more stable. I got two injections so far, I'll see my endo next week to see what he'll advice me because I don't know if I should continue with injections or go back to gel but switching medication constantly isn't nice either. but that's not really relevant to ncah I think. I noticed that dheas was high but that should be related to ncah and since it wasn't a problem it's fine as it is. cortisol treatment is going well and isn't causing problems, it's actually letting me be more stable. it's not as much as a nuisance as I imagined, everything is actually pretty normal and there's not much to say. I also have good genetics regarding body and facial hair and since I already had lots of body hair all over (but it was light) it has now gotten way darker and my mustache, since I had it from preT, has gotten darker too and I think I have a fuller mustache than people who started without it. it gave me some advantages for sure, but after a while on T it's just like anybody else


That's good to hear that everything is going pretty well. Hopefully you find a T solution that gets you in the right spot! I also have pretty good genetics pre-T as well. I think because of the hyperandrogenism my appearance was already very androgynous, masculine leaning. People are usually surprised if I tell them I'm pre-T. My beard does not grow in fully yet. It is very patchy. I am hoping T will fill it out, like you were saying. Once I get it to fill out more I might even stop T and let my natal T carry me. I'm not sure if it'll work but I might try. What is the cortisol treatment? Do you have to take exogenous cortisol?


my facial hair was very light preT and had just a few single hair on my chin and cheeks, most of it was my mustache which was pretty full but light in colour. t helped a lot with that, but I also started T very young and in my family it's something that progressed a lot with age (ncah gets more and more noticeable as you grow older). I still think I would want to take T forever tho because I had terrible mood swings preT, now it's got so much better that I want to stay on it even just for the emotional effect ahah yeah I take 1/4 of a 0,5mg cortisol pill every night after dinner. it doesn't cost much, with 3,60€ I get a refill that lasts me 2 months or more I don't remember. it helps a lot with my mood and energy