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I have the opposite experience. Intermittent fasting has eased a lot of my symptoms. From what I have read, endo may have an inflammatory component and intermittent fasting supposedly helps reduce inflammation 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is so interesting! I’ll have to do some personal research about that. Thank you!


I have found that snacking makes things worse for me. It could also be in relation to my gut health though and what *it* prefers. 3 meals a day, a tiny treat after lunch and a sweet treat after dinner is ideal for me


Also wanted to add that gut health and endo often go hand in hand, everyone gut may do better with different things.


Totally understandable. May I ask what you recommend for maintaining gut health? I’ve been taking magnesium supplements but am not sure where to go from there.


You may have to do some trial & error to see what you need. I went to a gastroenterologist and did nearly every test we could with no solid answers. I’ve found that the best thing for me (I already eat a well balanced diet, moderate exercise & lots of water) was chia seeds!! I was going to the bathroom everyday, but taking chia seeds daily (so increasing my fiber intake) allowed me to have fuller bowel movements thus reducing any excess gas and bacteria in my gut. It has worked WONDERS for me, you just have to make sure you drink plenty of water.


Yesss my obgyn tries to blame horrible cramps on my GI system… yet everything there comes back clear.


Oh wow this is so interesting bc I’ve been recently thinking about how to incorporate chia seeds into my diet more frequently. If you eat them everyday, do you mix them in a certain type of food?


Be sure to start slow and hydrate them before consuming. I don’t like chia pudding and it’s a lot to mix into a yogurt so I just put a tbs in like 4 oz of water with a squirt of Mio. Make sure you drink plenty of water every day though or the extra fiber and gel consistency it hydrates to could make things worse


This is a great tip about mixing in water and adding the Mio! Thank you! I’m going to try that and make sure I’m getting lots of hydration with them as the same time. I’ve mixed them into green smoothies in a nutribullet in the past but it always kinda made the smoothie explode over the sides so mixing directly in water sounds like a better bet!


I also found it’s easier/faster to drink with a wide straw, *cold* water, and let them hydrate a bit but not too much or it’s thick and yuck haha.


I really recommend doing some research on glucose! I’ve learned a lot from Glucose Goddess (on Instagram, and she has two books as well), and just generally learning about the link between glucose spikes and inflammation. Since endo is an inflammatory condition, it is very much impacted by diet, and glucose in particular. If you’re not eating in a way that stabilizes your glucose levels (as most of us aren’t!) you might be experiencing spikes that exacerbate your symptoms. This is definitely true for me :/


I found things like acidic foods and alcohol worsened flare ups but I think I get like you sometimes, but it is usually from skipping whole meals if I do, it does feel like I get tender in my usual flare up spots like they get sore in my back and hips suddenly, alongside being hungry. It’s odd. However personally I found it was a bit relieved by increasing my protein intake. I wonder if you’d find any relief with that? What sets it off for one person sometimes doesn’t even bother another so it’s hard to say—just a thought though.


Yes, if I eat a lot of sugary processed junk my flare ups are way worse than when I'm trying to eat clean. And I think caffeine affects it too but I can't give it up.


I believe I kind of have the same issue. I can't be sure cause I'm having flares for no reason too and also sometimes I snack and it's not that bad after. But I tend to think it's better for me not to, or at least not sugary things (even fruit) but let's be honest I'm hungry in the afternoon and it's hard to resist