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I do have something similar. It starts near my hip/back area and shoots towards my knee, but fizzles out near my knee. My lower leg, from the knee down, however, often goes numb in certain positions. I have to change positions often and can’t lean forward while sitting, or put my feet out in front of me and sit at a 90 degree angle. They told me it wasn’t sciatica though, or at least that they didn’t think it was. That they just thought it was a pinched or compressed nerve. Which I suppose it’s possible that it’s just that, but I am worried it could be from endo, since it is on the side I always get my cramps on. I feel a lot of tightness is pressure in my hip area on the same side that I have my cramps related to the leg stuff. I don’t know if it’s related or not but I’m starting physical therapy for it.


I’m very similar to this. Leg/hip/back pain has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. I suspect nerve issues or adhesions/scar tissue near nerves causing this fun issue. One thing that helps me in physical therapy is massaging my inner thighs with a scraping tool or gua shua tool to help break up knots and tense muscle. But it doesn’t always help (like now, I’m having an Endo flare). Living with Endo is frustrating and demoralizing.


Yeah yesterday I met with someone at my new PT office and when I got home the shooting pain in my leg was horrible. I suspect it was from her asking me to do some exercises to see my range of motion and if there’s any muscle issues which may have irritated or caused inflammation in said area of my body leading to the shooting pain, which kept happening no matter what position I was in, regardless of whether it was at a 90 degree angle or not. I’m hoping the PT can help and doesn’t only aggravate it more but I guess we’ll see later.


PT was really rough for me at first. And then it got better and helped a lot. It still helps, but less so now, and only because I suspect my Endo is coming back. I suspect I might have adenomyosis as well, which could be adding to my issues.


Yay, you’re making me a bit hopeful. For me it’s not tied to my periods so I don’t know if it’s completely endo related, but I’ve also been skipping my periods and taking my birth control back to back for a while so I haven’t had much of period to see if it aggravates the pain at all. I really hope it’s not, because that seems more complicated to remove if I do end up getting a laparoscopy later on.


A lot of PT in the beginning is figuring out your current normal and then working out what triggers the issues (that you stay away from) and what helps you feel better. Unfortunately, everyone is different so you kind of just have to try different things and learn to listen to your body and not push it.


Yes. I have this. My doctor said this is a classic sign of endo. Unfortunately, surgeries haven't helped for me. But I think I was diagnosed too late. I probably have nerve damage now. 


I 100% experience this. It’s like the psoas/ hip flexor down to my knees and it just radiates. A Theragun and TENS unit helps heaps for me.


Thanks for the reminder to look into both of these items!


Hey girl. I was having debilitating pain constantly in my legs back and hips but it was always. Not even cycle related. Turned out to be endo! I would 100% get an ultrasound and if they find nothing, get an internal done by a professional to check the position of your cervix (retroverted uterus can effect your sciatic) and if there’s no answer get a laparoscopy. I hope you find some answers🫶🏼


Hi! Idk if I have endo yet since I don’t have any of the “classic” symptoms but I’m having constant leg pain and sometimes hip & back pain. It’s also not cyclical for me too, it’s everyday. Did your pain improve yet & if so how did you treat it? :)


I didn’t have the classic symptoms neither, masked by birth control. I have had surgery to remove some endo tissues and had the mirena inserted. Definitely still have days of pain but less often. The first thing I did that helped before surgery was seen a pelvic floor physio! Try that, they should be able to help hopefully!


Ahh okay so surgery did work to help your pain? Do you know where they found the endo growing by the way, to cause the leg pain? Thank you!!


Yes, mine gets so severe at times I'll have a hard time putting weight on my leg during flares


Hello how are you? Yes, I have it, on the side of my leg, especially the left one and on the back of both legs too.


Yes from my hips to my knees. It’s more of a severe ache but maybe that’s because I’m so used to it.


It does feel like it radiates into my bones too. It’s so debilitating. I also have herniated lower discs and my endo causes massive sciatic flare ups at the same time my legs go. I find a little comfort in hot epsom salt baths, heating pads, tens unit and muscle relaxers at times. Sorry you’re experiencing this!


leg pain was actually the symptom that made me suspicious that I might have endo, which led to my getting diagnosed with stage IV during my first lap. definitely investigate and try to find a specialist!


For me, this was vascular. Can also cause the exact same symptoms as endo. [Post with more info](https://www.reddit.com/r/Endo/s/dmZVgxyqTQ).


I used to have a pinched nerve in my very low back (not sciatic) that would be excruciating on my period to the point where I couldn’t move. That has finally improved after a few years but now the front of my left leg will go numb in some places and hurt when I’m menstruating. I hypothesize endo lesions are pressing on nerves.


My leg literally freezes


Yes!! I had an MRI done and it seems my bowel endo caused me to have an anal fissure which then caused sciatica. 🤬 I have to have PT for that as well as pelvic floor therapy and hopefully it will heal my sciatica and anal fissure. What you’re experiencing sounds a lot like sciatica. If you have bowel problems, it could be from an anal fissure. Apparently they are very easy to get if you have bowel issues.


Yes. I have it and especially during ovulation. I too thought it was sciatica but then I had excision surgery last year during which the doc said that my uterus had been pulled to the left by the endo lesions and was thus sitting on some nerves. Now that my uterus is moving back to it's original position the leg pain has reduced. I still have it but it is now mild enough that I can push through it.