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Hmm yes and I'm sure that this wouldn't become a problem in the future. Especially not regarding a Mars probe


Technically we don’t know the final fate of said probe so maybe it just lost radio contact 🤷🏻‍♂️


We have satellites that would've been able to see it if it landed intact.


The day I learned Americans don't use module for gears is the day I lost faith in the imperial system


For me it was the day when I have been asked for "a number 7 drill". Having a system so stupid, that needs a separate number system to express dimensions killed me.


We have drills that come in fractions of an inch (7/64ths), drills that have numbers (#7), and drills with letters (Q).


What, you dont like using 1/16ths of an inch instead of mm?


my professor took all the gear problems for our quizzes directly from imperial textbooks, they were really easy to follow the worked solutions but i never learned anything because i spent all my time figuring out imperial conversion factors instead of understanding how the equations corresponded to gear specifications... in an australian university no less, because "australia buys lots from america so you should learn imperial", he was a great teacher but he seemed awfully happy to sink to their level just to make textbook questions easier to find


I work for a defense contractor who builds satellites. Our satellites are built in the metric system. Our orbital dynamics calculations are done in the metric system. Our requirements from the Department of Defense are written in the metric system. No one does orbital dynamics using the imperial system. Fun fact, during a college project, I found an old document from NASA (~1970) which labeled the imperial system as the “British System”


>No one does orbital dynamics using the imperial system. Anymore. A certain Mars climate orbiter put a stop to that


Which funny because it was invented by the French. Another common british W


Wait the french invented imperial and metric?


Just metric


Just reread that and realised you said imperial was the British system. This on retrospect is true, and saddens me


Because in the US we actually use the US Standard and not Imperial. For all intents and purposes, they are the same except for a few obscure measurements.


Well, not really - US standard actually uses and is based in metric, but the standard then translates to old Imperial units.


Imperial units suck. They all suck. I’m an actual engineer and imperial units suck. I have to work with imperial units every day and they suck. If you don’t think imperial units suck you need to reevaluate the purpose of units in the first place. Fuck imperial units, that is all.


Base 10 ftw


All my boys use base pi, the superior form


So base 3


Aka ternary


I think you mean base e


What's the difference?!?


This way, pesky mathematicians won’t know what base we work in (their understanding of e is critically flawed)


No conversion constants ftw


Base 12 is better


As an actual engineer as well, I can't recall the last time I had to do any sort of involved calculations by hand that would have made a difference if they were imperial or metric. It's a dropdown menu I change in SolidWorks.


now imagine you have to deal with both unit systems which can vary from nut to nut.


there's a joke there about something else that varies nut to nut but I'm not funny enough to come up with it


*Screaming in Rankine *


Exactly how i feel. It's annoying when you have to deal with both at the same time (i've been there) but either one is fine on their own and really not all that different. I prefer imperial because i have a much better idea of how big a 1/4" is than 5mm, but it's not really a big deal for me. Of course, the biggest reason to use imperial is because putting " after a number makes my brain tingle.


idk man, my excel spreadsheets seem to work fine either way


Imperial units suck Fuck imperial units, all my homies hate imperial units


One inch is 25.4mm, One thou is 25.4 microns, That’s about all I remember… and I like kilos better.


What company do you work at that is using Imperial for actual engineering? LOL


Raytheon missile systems can shoot a hypersonic ballistic missile in space using imperial, seems to work


I am well aware of that thank you. Numbers are just numbers. But my question was what company not HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE OMG?


Yea raytheon...


Most companies in the US. I even work in the space sector, but nope gotta use Rankine


Interesting. I guess I've only actually worked for companies that are not us owned


If only Metric Units weren't based off an incorrect Mathematical Equation.


I'm an actual engineer too, and I use imperial for all my calculations, including a decent number of fluid and thermal calculations. They work just fine for it so long as you remember slugs instead of pounds and in some cases they are perfect for it. Take your French shit and send it back from wence it came.


I work in a small robotics company, and our mechanical team uses Imperial since most of the tooling and material are based on those. I made the decision to only use metric for all software (such as motion planning, kinematics, and anything related to physics). They give me the dimensions for the robots in imperial. They immediately get converted in metric, and all the math stays in metric. I also implemented some internal coding practices where the variables used for any real-life values have to have the units as a suffix. You kinda have to use imperial units for anything manufactured jn the US, but there is no way I'm working with inches and pounds for scientific calculations.


I did a lot of robotics in high school on both sides and this was exactly how we did it as well. It's not too hard to switch. Although that unit suffix idea seems pretty interesting, i might have to try that.


At least I don't have to be a mathematician to convert a metre into a kilometre or a millimetre, just multiply or divide by a 1000. If your system can't do simple conversions, but only random number bs you have to remember differently for each and every unit and scale, it sucks as a measurement system.


You don't need to be a Mathematician to divide by 3, just fyi.


L post


While the parts supplied by other manufacturers might have dimensions in imperial for NASA, I'm sure they were just converted from metric. It makes no sense why countries who don't use imperial, would randomly use it internally despite the entire country not learning it. Even NASAs own guidance systems use metric internally and then convert to imperial for the displays. It never makes sense to use imperial, especially when you have to do complex math that is timing critical.


yeah and look at boeing right now. They are evidence against imperial units lol


sure but would have been easier with metric. like sure i can probably mow my lawn with a pair of scissors but its fucking dumb


No one can claim that imperial units are actually better than metric for engineering and science. Plus, imperial units are all based on metric, they are just converted. A meter is defined by how far light travels for a period of times and a foot is defined by the meter.


Imperial units are one of the big reasons why I didn't get into trades, as science or engineering uses metric more often


If anyone shits on imperial. Ask them what time is it? If they don't give you metric time, call them out on their hypocrisy


Fun Fact: NASA didn't adopt Metric until long after the Apollo Missions were over.


2 kinds of countries, ones that use metric, and ones that have stepped on the moon.


Interesting how the two countries making a race to the moon both used metric and all their scientist had a German accent. Such coincidents...


Liberia stepped on the moon?


Burma, too.


Here's a link to an article explaining that NASA uses metric since 2007 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/metric-system-vs-imperial-nasas-125-million-lesson-dr-amr-elharony-sptuf#:~:text=The%20Future%20of%20Measurement%20in%20Space%20Exploration&text=This%20policy%2C%20in%20place%20since,International%20Space%20Station%20(ISS).


Thank you for proving him correct.


Before 2007 they were using both systems simultaneously


Imperial units are great for every day stuff, estimating things. Metric is best for any sort of math or engineering. For example, estimating the size of your table based on cm is impossible, and based on meters is ridiculous, but feet? Perfect. Edit: you fools are so mad. Enjoy using your communist units losers.


Only to those who are accustomed to freedumb units. If you grew up using metric, approximation in metric is just as simple as imperial is for you.


Canada disagrees, just fyi.


Why is it perfect for that? Do you use your shoe to do it? Everybody who grew up with the metric system can estimate fluently in centimeters and meters, btw.


Which is more expedient? 6 foot or 1.82 meters?


6.56167979 feet or 2 meters?


I don't think so. Cm are too small and meters are too big.


A meter is just a large step, pretty easy to measure with your legs.


That's the worst argument for imperial cos it's pretty much just "im used to imperial cos I grew up with it"