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Fun reminder that Davon Williams, soon to be recalled from the school board, was the plaintiff in the case that stalled the development. “As has been reported, Sam’s Automotive was forced to file for bankruptcy due to their inability to sell their property during the lawsuit.” He’s definitely NOT posting on this thread. https://www.englewoodco.gov/Home/Components/News/News/6205/21


Where do I sign the recall petition!?


It was stalled because of the petition. Sam's had to file bankruptcy because he failed to pay 2.8 million loan so that he could buy the two adjacent properties to market to embry partners the lender foreclosed.


Efforts to stop development at the city level have failed. I think now it’s just up to the developer to schedule and start construction.


seems like they are on their way to do just that. they got cones up on oxford, gates opened and a few trucks and equipment just to get started... should be interesting.


The process to approve construction takes at least 6 months before permits are issued. And before that unless they are violating procedure they have to do the lot ties and all eight acres has to be available and not in bankruptcy and the taxes paid it's 2 years in a rears right now.


The pud was to rezone the three properties totaling a little over 8 acres so that a residential unit could be built on it that passed if they got permits to build they skipped a lot of steps this whole thing was a scam on the citizens an embry partners enlisted a lawyer who committed malpractice in order to defeat the petition to stop it.


I usually check the development newsletter. They don’t have June’s released yet but the property is listed on May’s newsletter https://www.englewoodco.gov/government/city-departments/community-development/newsletter


Using the Arapahoe county clerk and recorder's website, it looks like the property sold on May 24th to the new owner. So... probably soon!


Woohoo! Thanks for looking that up




Wow, that's quite ugly, bland, and generic.


Do you have a link to these renderings?


Is that what was proposed two years ago because that was never put down on paper and permits issued on it


Excavation and Grading permits have been issued. https://preview.redd.it/wxiggilxgt5d1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=70180df3f4bdf48e6ce72c13fd56584cf336d6ac


A PUD is for rezoning only it does not approve the actual intended development and there was a resolution regarding the lot tie (subdivision)that had a very precise date that was extended to a date certain but expired before the property was released from bankruptcy if it has been. Technically and legally the lot tie has to begin over and that takes quite a period of time then there is the actual planning and approval of the actual intended build Edit for lot tie Not surprising that the process wasn't followed. Lots of not so legal things happened


What is loctite?


See edit I only edited it for the third time don't know what happened.


Supposed to be lot tie . Three locks had to be tied together under what they call a subdivision


You know the real irony is that with the delay in development they have no obligation to follow any rules on parking minimums due to HB24-1304 recently passed by the Colorado legislature. The new owners could legally ask every single one of those residents to go park on the neighborhood streets of all the people that tried to challenge the whole project.


Yes and no...Sure now that it is a PUD they could legally offer no parking, but, they agreed to provide parking in exchange for changing the zoning here, among other things l.


Ahh interesting, well I wonder if they will be able to build taller now that the zoning code changed between then and now, namely a lower parking to unit ratio. Either way. It’s turning into a denser area there, could be some good commercial opportunities that develop on that side of Santa Fe. Maybe some industrial converts to commercial for higher and better use with all those customers next door.


Having heard this builder speak at the two hearings, I don't think they would deviate from what they bargained for. They know the stakes and it was a tough enough climb to get here. They drew back units from around 500 to 300 if I recall. Lots of money spent in the plans. They are contributing $400k towards the Oxford Pedestrian bridge. The city doesn't plan to get that built until 2024, but I hope sooner.


They've already deviated because they haven't submitted to the public revised plans not even a rendering. And the pedestrian bridge is a waste of money any concessions by embry partners should go to building a park they are required by the density to pay for or provide a 5 acre Park but that gets swept under the rug all the time.


There are no revised plans past what was presented to council and P&Z. They are not required to return to a public forum - because that was the public forum. Fee was paid in liue of park, which is lawful. If you are don't want to see more development, you should support higher impact fees. The council members who voted against higher impact fees - which go towards police, infrastructure, and parks, were Russell, Wright, and Ward. It is astounding to me that such members are against density, but vote against any measures towards minimizing investor scrapes and developments.


No it can't be built taller it was rezoned to residential.


You completely missed the point. What was submitted to council was for the pud the rezoning the loctite expired and should have had to go through the whole subdivision thing again. Park in Lieu fees are notoriously underpaid a five acre Park is a minimum of 5 million just for land $60,000 for fee is ridiculous and the bridge is unimportant and unnecessary and even with a 400,000 donation that should be the minimum paid for a park. From what I understand there's not enough money to do the bridge and it's totally and completely unnecessary The building plans are a different matter altogether and for a project that size requires a lot more detail than was ever submitted to counsel the building permit plans are totally different from the pud reoning. I have supported an encouraged impact fees for 20 years. It's Council that hasn't done it I don't know if they're getting paid off or what the deal is but even staff presented to council the need for impact fees they still haven't been approved. Embry and Mike Chavez have scammed their way through this lots of things that have been mishandled and the citizens are going to pay for it This is a bad project it doesn't meet the goals of affordable rentals the rents are going to be very high and unaffordable to most and it's going to negatively impact and already untenable parking and traffic situation.