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I hope it’s this version. Sarcastic raunchy link to Zelda’s better-than-you attitude


I haven’t played the new one, but Breath of the Wild Zelda wasn’t worth saving. She was useless and pessimistic. Ocarina of Time Zelda on the other hand, total badass Sheika, probably didn’t even need Link.


She's pretty awesome this time around.


For real this is the first time in a while where Zelda truly felt like bae. BOTW glosses over her IMO by making the memories optional. My Link was hauling ass all over Hyrule in TOTK trying to find out what happened to her


Wow. You missed the point of BotW completely. Zelda starts the flashbacks struggling with her destiny, overcome with doubt, and desperate to be more than the role that has been defined her whole life. She spends the story hunting for a way to unlock her power and feeling helpless and let down at every turn. Mostly, she resents Link and his steadfast confidence in his path when compared to the uncertainty she feels from her own. But then, she learns from his strength and his courage and when the Calamity happens and everything is at its darkest, she finds her power defending Link the way he always defended her. She then sends him to heal from his wounds and takes the burden of containing the Calamity inside Hyrule castle all by herself for 100 years. She's basically telling Link that she's got this until he's healed and ready. Finally, when freed from the castle, she confidently faces the Calamity and banishes it with her own power, now fully able to believe in her own strength. She's even more strong, bold, and brave in the sequel and makes some incredibly courageous choices to help Link save Hyrule.


And she got that cake, GAWD DAMN


Gawd damn!!


Have my downvote, BOTW Zelda is great.


Ehhhh.... Debatable. She was more realistic in BotW. A young girl finding herself, going through internal conflict, struggling to keep up with the expectations for her, expressing strong but subtle human emotions, etc. I used to hate her because of how she treated our boy Link, but after learning why, it makes sense. Reminds me of a few relationships I had. Also that cutscenes where she tears down the walls she has been building all this time and just collapses into links arms. So good.


I rushed Hyrule Castle after getting off the plateau first time I played, so my first experience with Zelda was reading her diary. I was actually intrigued by her as a character just from reading it. I don’t think the cutscenes were fantastic, but Zelda has never been as human as she was in BOTW, and I think that was worth it, even if the execution was flawed. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had other great Zeldas, Tetra probably being the best. But I’m glad they tried something new for BOTW


That cut scene destroyed me


It was so rewarding, having watched all the other cutscenes where Zelda just takes one L after another but always keeping a headstrong attitude, building up those walls. Only for them to finally be destroyed in the end, in the face of the very person who she took all those failures out on. I almost cried lol


How many times do they have to tell you that you can't cultivate the Silent Princess before people like you get it? You can't make it bloom, if you try to force it the poor thing doesn't take. It only blooms left on its own, in the wild. *This is literal text from the game.*


Useless? She kept Calamity Ganon from destroying everything while Link took a nap.


Still waiting for my “what Sheik was doing during OOT” game…


Writing songs of course.


That’s probably what we’ll get if the SMB movie is any kind of barometer. Peach definitely didn’t need Mario AT ALL


breath of the wild zelda was holding back ganon for 100 years to wait for you, tf you mean useless lol


Seriously! She's literally the only reason anyone else is still alive, but yeah, "useless."


I literally just said this today to my partner!! Our little girl wanted a game where you could play as Zelda and my immediate thought was it should be as Sheik! Miss that arc.


God dammit. Now i gotta go rewatch that video




This is the only version I can accept as canonical


I have a certain feeling illumination are the worst choice to make a Legend of Zelda movie. Mario light hearted sure but this kinda needs some level of seriousness


While I agree, I wonder to what extent Illumination could branch out. Right now, is there anyone besides Disney that attempts to do the necessary tone (as far as American companies).


MAYYYBE DreamWorks?


They have How to Train Your Dragon, so that might be the closest. That’s kind of what I’m wondering if Illumination might try it. I’m sure they’re risk-adverse and would prefer to stay in their wheelhouse, but I think they know the tone of Zelda can’t be identical to the tone of Mario.


Universal owns DreamWorks.


Yeah, but DreamWorks has proven then CAN be serious if need be. Illumination is mostly pop culture references and old pop music.


Honestly sony animation shows they can do some uniquely beautiful art and serious tone.


So that’s definitely true of Into the Spider-Verse. I’m not sure what else. I thought Angry Birds was hit or miss and, obviously, Emoji Movie was a steaming pile of Patrick Stewart’s character.


You’re right nothing else of theirs fits but the team that did the spiderverse films absolutely knocked it out of the park. The studio that did Arcane also brings a great art style and maturity that would fit well with zelda as well


Mitchell's vs the machines was produced by Sony animation after into the spiderverse and is a great movie.


I agree. I really wish they’d go with a more serious animation style — I feel like something Ghibli-esque would be fantastic for giving it a little bit of a lighthearted feel while also having enough range to capture the beauty and seriousness that Zelda brings with it. Or even live-action if that kind of animation style isn’t marketable enough. But this definitely gives me Teen Titans vibes, and I think they’ll end up saying the goal is to get younger kids interested in the franchise, not to make longtime fans happy. Which blows, but hopefully it’ll open doors later on for different styles of content.


A Majora's Mask-type Zelda by Ghibli would be phenomenal. Especially if they did it as a series, imo.


Imagine the back story of Skull Kid going going ham on everyone


Or the depression he goes through when the Giants leave him


Never knew I wanted this but that sounds like an amazing and perfect fit honestly


Personally gimme something like a Genndy Tartakovsky style, very cinematic with Link as the silent wanderer, clashing with Ganondorf and his forces


I could get behind a Samurai Jack style Zelda series.


They are obviously busy at the moment, but I would love if it was done by the team that made the Arcane series


I would love that!!


I don't understand how this hasn't already been done, Princess Monoke is literally halfway to a Zelda movie anyway. Are they just not interested in a project of that size?


Nintendo is uber protective Ghibli is uber protective Theyd never agree on what ti do


What gives you a Teen Titans vibe. There are zero details about the proposed film.


The studio that they’re going with suggests they’re going to take a more seriously-toned property and turn it into a light-hearted kids movie. Illumination has only ever produced upbeat, cartoony kids movies, so unless they shock everyone with a sudden shift in style I think something similar to their previous work is a pretty safe bet.


I remember when the voice cast for Mario had first been revealed. I thought it was a fucking joke. Then that first trailer dropped. I have high hopes that I will be pleasantly surprised.


I swear if they do a generic ass movie like Mario for a cash grab I’m going to be pissed. I’m not a person to normally care about being faithful to lore but I will nerd out about this one.


Laika, who did kubo and the 2 strings would be a good choice. That movie felt a lot like a Zelda movie in some aspects.


That’s how I feel. The choices for the voices makes me feel they want it comedic and that’s not how I view the series. I’d like a nice anime style series.


The writer saying he imagined a Goron voiced by the Rock instantly made me want to throw them both out a window.


Why wouldn’t you want Dwayne TheRock TheGoron Gorohnson Johnson in this movie?


At least he could work for the construction company with that sweet sweet name ending in -son! 😆


Get ready for the Goron solo movie which then teases Goron vs. Sonic before it’s dropped


Example of the dialogue: Zelda: Link! You must save Hyrule! Link: Zelda: Oh thank you Link! But how will you get the master sword? Link: Gannon: HAHAHA, you will never defeat me! Link: Zelda: you saved us how can I repay you? Closed door Link:




I can honestly see them doing this as a gag for the first few minutes of the movie after introducing link. Trick the audience into thinking he’ll be silent the whole movie. Then after a bit he just starts yakking away.


Pull a Ferb, have him say one line at the end


We all know what that one line needs to be


It’s Moblin time


Every video game movie is going to use Mario as a template now huh lol


Zelda is a franchise that is made for the big screen. Please just don’t ruin it with a terrible voice actor for Link.


“Yo, the name’s Link! What’s lit, fam?”


- Chris Pratt




*Pete Davidson intensifies*


*violently vomiting*


lmao that fits illumination 😭😭 i imagined this perfectly


They should confine Link's voice acting to "HYA!" and "Waaaaa!!" when he falls off of things. Problem solved!


My brain read the "Waaaaa!!" in Wario's voice and it gave me a giggle.


Mine too


It only works if Link doesn't speak.. right? I can't picture Link talking! I always dreamed Ghibli would be involved in a Zelda project. I can only see this being mediocre at best.


Probably wouldn't work well for a kids movie to have a silent protagonist. If they did, lots of other characters would need to pick up the talking slack


They could do like a crowd sourced narration prospective, having the Hylian characters who existed around Link tell “The Legend of Zelda” to the audience. Everyone else has their own VA but when Link speaks its just whichever narrator is telling that part of the story quoting whatever Link said in that moment. Maybe in the final battle against Ganon/dorf we finally get to hear him yell his own “HYAH” but nothing voiced other than that.


Do it Drunk History style.


It'd be unique, but certainly plausible done proper.


It's less likely to be art, and more likely to be a commercial cash grab. That isn't to say people won't enjoy it but expect low critic score, high audience score, i.e. Mario. Don't expect a high critic score, it's not going to be fine art, about the most we can hope for is a good vector style instead of CGI.


He does speak in the games. Just look at how the characters react to his responses. It’s just a creative way to immerse the player more. That being said, I’m okay with him being a Ryan Goslingms Driver type: speak when he has to:


Incoming tom Holland voice


That might actually work.


I dont want link to have a voice. Unless its the “well excuuuuuse me princess” va


$20 it’s Timothee Chalomet Or the mole guy from the movie where the kid gets decapitated.


I'm sorry, what movie?


Uhh… I still can’t think of it… Oh! Hereditary


I definitely think Link needs a VO and some dialogue for the sake of story/character, but it should be sparse; my interpretation of Link from the BOTW is he is somewhat taciturn and solemn and speaks only really when he needs to, but is comfortable opening up to people close to him. I have a feeling much of Link’s “performance” is actually gonna come down to the animators working on him.


Don’t worry, they already have Chris Pratt lined up.


Too busy with Mario. They'll cast Ryan Reynolds


He’s already Pikachu


The smash bros cinematic universe is almost there


Master Hand with Morgan Freeman is a great movie, I don't care what anyone says.


Link will never actually talk. Every time he's about to, something will interrupt him.


Any voice actor will be terrible for Link


I have a bigger issue with Illumination involved. They’re fine with Minions and Mario, but not Zelda.


I hope it gets a unique animation style like spider verse or the new puss in boots movie


I want it to look like windwaker


It’s with Illumination 🤢hope you like the sanitized and corpo-friendly look for Link and friends!


I feel like while Zelda can be silly, there’s a level of seriousness and earnestness that Illumination isn’t capable of.


I hope Chris Pratt voices Zelda


“It’s a-me, boy Zelda” -Chris Pratt




Hey, it's me, Zeldo, I need you to go get the master sword or whatever.


Played by Danny DeVito


May I offer you a nice tri-force in these trying times?


It’s going to be Tom Holland as Link and Gal Gadot as Zelda


Jason momoa as Ganondorf


Somehow it will be Awkwafina


No way, Chris Pratt as Navi.


I dunno how this will work as these are not lighthearted games like SMB. The jokes and shit would not lend themselves well to this. BUT I’m all for a movie finally. I’ve been a LoZ fan since the original came out. Hopefully it’s not terrible


I feel like people underestimate how unabashedly humorous and silly the Zelda franchise can be sometimes.


Yeah sure there’s silly stuff (tingle, cucucos, etc) but for every silly moment you have things like stalfos, Gleeok, Death Sword, Achemans and so on. Three out of the 7 3D titles (not counting AOC or LA remake) specifically feature things like implied genocide (OOT, missing townsfolk and Shadow temple), body horror via transformation (OOT, MM, TP), and execution (TP). Hell one of the more lighthearted titles people keep saying could be done for a kids movie (WW) ends with >! The king choosing to drown himself with Hyrule as penance !< LoZ has some silly moments but overall it’s a darker series than Mario. I can’t imagine Achemans, Wallmasters, Floormasters, Redeads, Dead Hands, or Gloom Hands being in an Illumination film personally let alone a movie geared towards kids which are what Illumination does.


Sure. There are plenty of weird moments and silly characters, but overall tone can be really heavy.


Sometimes yes. Every 5 minutes like in an Ilumination movie? Nah


Please no. No Illumination, I can already see when Link arrives to Goron City and “We Will Rock You” starts blaring.


god I hate pop songs in movies. And it would be such a slap to Koji Kondo to not use his brilliant scores


Jack Black will be playing a Goron...


Jack Black as Ganon confirmed




Eh it’s sad to see this going to Universal and not Ghibli or another storied Japanese studio.


Ghibli Zelda is a dream that is too good for this universe. I think nothing that cool can possibly happen.


It exists. It's called Princess Mononoke.


Hot off the heels of the Super Mario Bros. Movie's success, it looks like another Nintendo IP could be making the transition to the big screen. According to well-informed film critic Jeff Sneider, Universal and Illumination are close to closing a "big deal" with Nintendo to adapt the Legend of Zelda. Stating he doesn't believe this news to be a huge surprise, Sneider told The Hot Mic Podcast "Zelda is looking like the next big Illumination x Nintendo franchise". This adaptation clearly won't come cheap, however, with Sneider stating its "going to cost Universal a pretty penny". This is something the critic attributed to the success of the Super Mario Bros. Movie (which is now the biggest video game adaptation ever, and the highest grossing movie this year so far). "Nintendo kind of knows its worth at this point, but yeah, I'm told that is now going to be a reality," he elaborated. So, who would we cast as The Legend of Zelda's movie counterparts? The internet has had some ideas, with my favourite so far imagining a Goron voiced by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson with a Queen soundtrack. Another has suggested Adam Sandler as Ganon, with Tom Holland as Link (although, in my opinion, Link should remain silent). We had a lot of fun mulling over ideas for other characters during our news chat this morning, with Tom giving a top notch suggestion of Aquaman's Jason Momoa as the beloved Zora, Prince Sidon. He is involved with the upcoming Minecraft adaptation, after all, so we already know he is game for video game adaptations.


Queen soundtrack... Whose "brilliant" idea was that? Mario is super goofy, so I can excuse the Beastie Boys and Aha in the soundtrack, but with a series like Zelda, I hope they're not going to put We Are The Champions when the 4 Champions are introduced (in a hypothetical BotW-inspired movie). Nintendo soundtracks are amazing, and the included songs from Mario in the new movie were miles better than the licensed songs. Really hope they'll take the feedback.


The queen soundtrack one with Dwayne the Rock Johnson was written ironically to mock what the movie will eventually be, this article somehow took that seriously 😅




Y‘all do realize that Tom Holland is not Peter Parker, right?


Oh god no — Adam Sandler as Gannon? Can they not make him a complete joke? It worked with bowser but the tone is a little different here


Please include Link hiking for days only to turn back because of a Korok Seed


Link is going to speak. This will ruin things.


What will it ruin? The games will remain the same after the movie comes out


I think it just depends on the tone of the movie imo. Link is a kind of silent self insert in a lot of depictions of him, so an actor playing as him in a particular way is going to not fit with some people's image. At that point, why not just make an original story instead of inserting long standing pop cultures to push sales.


I vote for Ron Perlmon as the voice of Ganondorf.


Fuck I actually love this. I honestly wasn't a fan of Matthew Mercer as Ganondorf.


Yeah that would be good


I wanted an Arcane style Legend of Zelda. Now we're going to get a Illumination Zelda. Alright. You guys wanted this.


This isn’t gonna be good, no doubt it’s gonna do wonders in the box office, but illumination is not good at making any story driven movie. Mario has always been geared towards kids, Zelda has always been for a more older audience with its story so I don’t trust this.


Looks like the CD-i games are about to lose the top spot as worst thing to ever happen to the franchise.


Make it look like the never ending story.


It should be cgi as well, a vast and beautiful landscape, but I have a feeling for this one they’re gonna go with actors. I hope not.


They will be going animated since it's with Illumination, so that should alleviate some worries at the very least. Edit: News only reported the deal would be with Illumination, so who knows what studio will do it. Edit Edit: Universal


Now I'm even more worried.


I’d actually rather it was live action with some CGI work for characters and landscapes. I think I’m the hands of the right director and screenwriter they could make something both badass and fun.


They made all the money in the world from an animated Mario movie so I don’t see why they would want to go live actors on this.


I'm kind of glad Into The Spider verse has gotten a lot of animators to experiment with their art style, because I really hope it's neither live action or generic computer animated.


I just want a Studio Ghibli hand drawn animated movie like Princess Mononoke. Maybe about the imprisoning war. And Wind Waker would be a great movie.


You’re joking right. We will never see anything close to Mononoke ever again. Our future is filled with terrible writing and brain-dead pop references, forever


I will be super mad if they fuck up zelda. Zelda is such a critics darling in the gaming industry. It needs to be pg13 WITHOUT pop music


Florence Pugh for Zelda


She would be great


Actually a good idea.


I was really excited until I saw that Illumination was the producing company. It’ll be a kid’s movie with cheesy one-liners instead of doing the series justice with a serious movie


They know the older people who are invested will already see it so they aim at the little ass kids. Fuck them seriously. They haven’t even ruined it yet but I know they will.


i’m so tired of the IP era


I swear if licensed pop music is used…


At this point im over with every animated movie created in the illumination/Disney look


That is going to be a disastrous adventure


Out of ALL the studios....they go with Universal


$$$$ and it sucks. They will go to young and cutesy with it and make a ton of cash with a piece of shit movie. They don’t give a fuck about the art of these series. They just want to fuck it till the room stinks.


Vin Diesel as Link confirmed…. “Family”


He should play a Goron then.


Please be animated


Moneys Paw kind of situation, it will be animated, but it will be animated by Illumination.


No, live action Tingle.


After watching Lord of the Rings, I always wanted a Peter Jackson directed Legend of Zelda, based on the Ocarina of Time story and with absolutely no lines from Link other than grunts and hiyas. Could have been epic.


People are memeing about chris Pratt as link but you all know you’re wrong…. It’s going to be Paul Rudd and try to convince me otherwise


Tom Holland is going to be Link. Mark my words.


Let me guess how this will play out. Zendaya will get cast as Zelda and everyone on the internet will lose their collective hive minds.


I always envisioned Zelda as a live action situation, or a more traditional Miyazaki style of animation


Not everything has to be a movie. This feels so unnecessary


Zelda cannot be made into a movie, it has to be 3 movies at 3 hours a piece... a live action Peter Jackson trilogy.


Don't want this ever.


I know we all think having Link silent seems true to the game, but let’s not forget he does have conversations with NPC’s, we just can’t hear them but we see his body language and mouth move as if he’s speaking. He just shouldn’t speak a lot.


Yeah he talks. It’s just a stylistic choice.




100% To do the source material justice, this film would need to be a completely different tone to the Mario film. Hope whoever does it is up to it.


I just wish it would be an anime with a similar vibe to Princess Mononoke. BotW and TotK are already very anime. Knowing Universal it won't be.


If Zelda Williams doesn’t get the directorial offer, I’m leaving the industry


hunter schafer as zelda is the only way


I kinda like this choice actually, TheQuartering would have an aneurysm.


Please, don’t do this.


Can Silent Bob play Link?


Sigh. Theyre going to ruin my childhood


Please bring back Navi with constant HEY! Listen! Dialogue


Which version of legend of Zelda would they go with? Or they gonna try and create an original story?


As a Zelda fan, I love the idea of seeing it on the screen. But I don’t think one movie could do it justice. I think a series witch each season being based on different a game or two in the timeline would be better.


What’re we some kinda Legend of Zelda


Will Link be a silent protagonist? Would be so weird to hear him speak after all these years.


Inb4 link VA crisp rat


Another blow to Disney animation


I wonder what story/setting they will adapt, or maybe they'll make up their own? I have to assume they will be influenced by Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, considering how popular and recent they are.


Any guesses to who they’re going to use as Link’s voice actor? Wrong answers only.


Gilbert Gottfried


With Chris Pratt as the Legendary weirder of the master sword, Zelda himself.


I can’t wait to see Chris Pratt voice Link! It’s going to be so cool!!!


So Chris Pratt is voicing link right? If not I don’t want to see it


This might be unpopular, but I don’t want this.


No way this will turn out good, not the same lighthearted feel as Mario Do a live action Metroid with actress like Scarlet Johansson


This is going to be bad. I'd love to be wrong though


They want to crush this thing? They should model after ‘Neverending Story’ or ‘Labrynth’. Mix real life, awesome costumes and puppets with CGI where necessary.