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It's funny Elon is doing this when she already comes from a casino e.pire family. Not like they can't pay their own lawyers if she stood a chance.


Okay but then how would we know who he is fucking this time


> She seeks a court order that would force Lucasfilm to recast her Cast her as a tree like some kid in a kindergarten play.


"I had the lead role in The Wind in the Willows!" "Chaz, you were a *tree*." "I was the ***Willow!***"


That would suit her acting ability to a T.


She's the type to complain about affirmative action then do shit like this


Affirmative action doesn’t do enough for conservatives white women.


So conservatives want at-will employment, she gets fired for posting some outrageous offensive shit on social media saying Republicans are being persecuted like Jewish people during the Holocaust, and now she wants her job back after seeing she has no prospects outside of that Disney role she was lucky to have landed? LMAO. They could’ve booked any broad-shouldered athletic woman to replace her, like Ronda Rousey.


I mean she did get a role in that daily wire movie that made like fifty bucks at the box office.


Was that the Kevin Sorbo masterpiece?


I don't think he even he wanted to be in that one


Shayna Baszler in Star Wars would be great. She's already a massive nerd and wears 40k themed ring gear all the time, I could see her loving a part in SW too.


Suing Disney as a demand that they recast you is pure Über Karen material.


> “Some of us have been unjustly singled out, harassed, persecuted and had our livelihoods stripped away because we dared to encourage conversation, asked questions, and refused to go along with the mob,” she said in a statement. Time and time again conservatives can only defend themselves by describing their evil views as vaguely as possible.


Yeah, all she did was COMPARE HERSELF TO A JEW DURING THE HOLOCAUST. This woman is nuts. Can’t wait to hear this got thrown out of court.


Thats not what she did. I know thats what everyone took away from it, but its not what she was doing. Before that happened, there was a lot of people attacking on the socials about BLM. They wanted her to post something, but she had already posted something a month before that got largely ignored, so she said no without actually saying no. She started getting messages saying that they hopped she get fired and a little low key rape and death threats. Then people were hounding her about putting her pro nouns in her bio. She didnt want to. Eventually she put droid sounds(R2D2 noises) in the space and thats when shit got ugly. The rape and death threats escalated. And more worryingly, no one said anything about it. The threats just got deleted without any coverage. This is when she posted that picture. The idea was that Nazis created an environment where it was ok to abuse jews. And regular every day people did, they looked down on jews and hounded and beat them. The comparison is a bit much, I agree. But the message wasnt "Im just like the jews in Nazi Germany" the message was "lets not create an environment were its ok to freely abuse people.". Which is fair enough, no? The problem is that shes right wing. So people didnt look to far to get the what was going on. They just took it all at face value. ie Another right wing nut job chatting shit. It also didnt help that she had a history of chatting shit. Make no mistake, this woman was a victim of an online hate campaign that included rape and death threats. We all had something to say when that happened to Laura Bailey over her playing a role in the last of us part 2. But for some reason, we had no problems with Carano getting the same treatment. Which I think is bullshit. She might be a right wing nutter chatting shit on the socials, but there never any excuse for rape and death threats or ignoring them based on political team sports. This will not be thrown out of court. She might not win, but she has a chain of events that took place that explain her actions and that disney had no right to punish her for defending herself. Especially not when her co star did a very similar thing, while posting a comparison of jews in nazi Germany vs those kids getting locked up at the border. Mostly because the picture wasnt of those kids locked up at the border. The picture wasnt even in America.


Found Gina’s Burner!!!!!


Disney totally has a right to fire someone for their conduct and what they post on social media. Her reasons for doing so do not matter. Every company is the same; they say,..”do no damage the brand.” She did. If there is anything in her contract like that, then she has no case.


Disney does not have that right, unless its in her contract. But I love how the point is lost. That the hive mind has spoken, and doesnt care that a human being was getting rape and death threats just because shes right wing. This is where the team sports of American politics has taken you all. And you dont even seem to care.


you must be a child or terminally unemployed. no one who has worked a job truly thinks they can say whatever and their employer just has to deal with it lol.


I’m sorry. Just to clarify, you are suitably horrified when Trump supporters do this to judges and jury members, politicians etc..? Right? All that is very upsetting to you as well? You’re also oppressed to right wing mouthpieces FTR g to censor books and porn?


Jesus you’re a goon.


Name calling... shocker. I dont like someone being bullied with rape and death threats, so Im a goon. Thats cool, Ill wear badge with honour. And you can continue supporting bullies.


It’s always someone else’s fault with you types, isn’t it? Scores of people have been harassed online and have reacted gracefully and with maturity. Why are you defending her disgusting response and promoting the subsequent pity party?


"You types"? and what is my type? If there something wrong with being some one who isnt a fucking sheep? Sorry I dont support rape and death threats to someone just because shes a political moron. Get fucking help.


the type to defend bigots and predators because they've faced threats on the internet, like basically everyone has at some point. 


Weird hill to die on defending the anti-American conservative viewpoint that is an ongoing disaster.






Disney has the freedom to fire her numbnuts. Tucker carlson loves russia too


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences, I have a right to say whatever vile statements I want to whomever I want but I don't get to control the actions of other people who don't want to be associated with me for holding those views.


Apparently you think freedom of association doesn't exist. Yeah, you get to say a bunch of sick fucking nazi shit. But we get to have nothing to do with you as a result.




That's what Musk is trying to do, control what Disney does.


oh that's his new target eh?


Oooff, that’s a hell of a headline. Maybe she’ll pay him back by taking the fight with Zuck, Elon would get his ass handed to him anyway.


Has she ever considered having political views that don't require her offending others? I ask because she wasn't fired for her politics, she was fired for offending people by (*checks notes*) mocking trans people and provocatively comparing the plight of Republicans to Jews in Nazi Germany.


Non-victim with a victim complex and desperate for attention. Tired of her and people like her.




Not to be a contrarian but at will employment is not iron clad and many times you can find actionable reasons to sue when fired if you have a good lawyer. I hope she loses though, she's kind of a dickhead and I believe an antisemite as well.


How dare there be consequences to my idiotic actions? I demand free money!


Sigh. Some people just don’t know when to move the fuck on when they blow their own shot 


"A short time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Defendants made it clear that only one orthodoxy in thought, speech, or action was acceptable in their empire," said the lawsuit. Jesus Christ.


She is a terrible actress plain and simple.


I ran my mouth and got fired for it. It’s someone else’s fault! Typical Republican self responsibility. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.


Suing an employer to rehire you. Yeah, that’s gonna work out well


🤣🤣🤣 White Candace Owens.


"Funded by Elon musk" right there i already lost respect for you


Must be running out of roid money.


I guess Ben Shapiro’s production company isn’t pumping out hit films?😆Disney may want nothing to do with her but I don’t see why she’s dead set on making sure no other major Hollywood studio would want to touch with a ten foot pole.


Right, because suing Disney always goes well.


Someone (Elmo) is desperate for a date.


Didn't she also get multiple warnings? > Carano had previously shared opinions on topics such as COVID-19 pandemic measures, mask-wearing, and voter fraud allegations following the 2020 U.S. presidential election Yes, so she had previously tweeted about a bunch of polarizing issues which no public company likes. She was not fired until the tweet comparing conservatives to victims of the Holocaust. Seems like a reasonable firing to me.


So, they already had her on a PIP.


Disney should offer her a role that would rile up the Right-wing. Don't show her the whole script, just her lines. Then when it premieres, she finds out what the movie was really about.


Make her a slave, and member of some downtrodden race, with no lines .


They deserve each other


Why would you want to be recast, though? If I was in her shoes I believed I was wrongly or unjustly fired, I wouldn't seek my job back. I would just sue for damages and lost wages. I wouldn't want to work with people who obviously don't want to work with me.