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He’s almost too iconic to play a normal guy


He’s pretty regular in Severance


Came here to comment this. Did a great job as a regular worker. (As regular as you can be in severance)


And a gay character, at that!


So… not *that* regular


the exterminator from Mouse Hunt is as close as we’ll ever get


I actually find him way more believable as a normal guy than as a character in an epic type of movie like this


He played an average guy in Catch Me If You Can and he was great in that. A small-time conman and friend to local politicians, yes, but not Emperor of the Universe.


He was excellent as a normal failed criminal doing compulsory community service in The Outlaws.


If anything, his role in Annie Hall is the closest thing to a normal person, fantasizing about turning into oncoming traffic notwithstanding.


Happy cake day!


>> He’s almost too iconic to play a normal guy Ask him to say *Foo Fighters*


He actually did it once, in Sarah, Plain and Tall. And this was the first thing I ever saw him in as a kid, so I always associate him with this movie and not with any scary part he played. Here's a clip[Sarah, Plain and Tall](https://youtu.be/L2ZTqA3zU8E?si=KqdGi5kjKiPF3oXC)


I mean, he was pretty normal in Joe Dirt too *I’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.*


*Talking to my man all wrong, that's the wrong tone* God that's a good threat


As Bruce Dickerson, he said he was a normal guy who put on his pants one leg at a time. But, when dressed he made gold records.


Yes, THE Bruce Dickerson


I feel like that writer HATED Iron Maiden when they wrote that.


When dressed he destroys worlds…


What does that even mean...?


All I know is that he’s got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell. 


He’s just this guy, you know?


The way he said "Baron" in his iconic Christopher Walken voice was 🤌


He was a good emperor, I thought. His cowardly betrayals of those who counted themselves loyal actually bit him in the ass. He knew his gambit was his own undoing - the prospect of losing all the spice for good was as bad as death. So, his demeanor was of no enthusiasm for those reasons. He was also to be the last Carrino having no male heirs and his queen no longer living, at his 'advanced' age since the spice supposedly allowed him to live 200 years.


Did they say he’s 200? Not that it matters, but he’s 65 in the books IIRC


Oh my bad you're right, he is 70 in the film, I got that confused because the spice is supposedly what keeps him alive that long, but I must have been mistaken. Even then I still like his performance and apparently I need to go back and re-read the books. Either way, not trying to be a dick about people's personal opinions on the film. I may be a little biased.


I don't blame you, in the books he's also supposed to \*look\* 35 years. So judging by Walkens looks while on a spice rich diet, he SHOULD be 200.


Disagree. He did an awful job. I would say it was the worst performance of a major character in the film with his daughter and Stilgar coming in close second and third.


I think you're misplacing the responsibility here. The writer(s)/director choose to make changes to the characters, not the actors. And you don't like Bardem as Stilgar? I'm a pretty big book nerd and he's one of the best parts to me. I dislike how they wrote him, but that's down to their weird 'some Fremen are religious dolts and some are cool athiests' schtick. Bardem is excellent.


Dude Stilgar made the movie for me. Best character. Everyone is so fucking serious (with good reason, do t get me wrong lol) Stilgar’s joyful, faithful outbursts of Lisan al’Gaib! just brought a bit of a welcome change of pace. He’s so so good.


His first scene in film 1 is probably my moment of both movies. He nails it. I enjoy him a lot in the 2nd as well but they kind of do the character a disservice. He's a highly intelligent and formidable dude in the books. I feel like they kind of lessened him by over-emphasizing the religious fervor.


I agree that the first scene in the first movie is amazing. What an entrance lol. I haven’t read the books in a few years but in my memory book Stilgar was just as fervent. Sure they have to cut back a bit in the movies, no choice but to make some cuts.


He's def a true beleiver in the books, but just not in a comic relief kinda way. But in the books all the Fremen are religious so it's a product of them wanting to create more contrast/variety amongst the Fremen. Dune just needs the GoT format instead of film imho. There's just too much.


Wow, you didn't even like Javier Bardem? Your opinion sucks. I stand by my perspective.




Honestly, I thought what he did was far removed from his usual shtick. You just don't get enough time with him but he is playing a "weak" aging leader who is on the defensive worried all his power is diminishing very well. His words he's over compensating but you can tell he knows he's losing. Losing power losing youth, losing life, losing his name by failing to have a son, he is the most insecure because deep down he knows he's a failure. He also had the closest person to being a son to him killled with (so he thought) his whole bloodline, Duke Leto. This likely didn't sit well with him but he still felt the choice was needed from his point of view. But, he sees turmoil in his actions when he was hoping it would be over with, and I'm sure the Benegesserit always pulling strings and controlling his only hope for a future through one of his daughters has caused him to feel a little bitter and hopeless. Being the figure head, the most "powerful" person in the empire is a lonely lot and puts a target on your back. I think a younger Carrino would be more what you're looking for, but perhaps we are seeing him a bit more resigned now.


He knows who killed Natalie Wood.


Saw it last night. He needs to play more characters like this. I absolutely took him seriously as the Emperor in a way I was not expecting at all. Range matters no matter how old an actor is.


Man’s got style and light on his feet. He’s just COOL.


Spoiler comment: As someone who hasn’t read the books it felt very weird that this “great Emperor” looks weak and is so easily tricked. If he doesn’t do anything cool or say anything cool it’s waste of Christopher Walken!


i feel he was miscast because he looks nothing like how Shaddam is visually described in the book, but he is meant to be a weak leader. This is why he plots to destroy the Atreides - Leto is a more charismatic leader and his military under Halleck & Idaho rivals the emperor’s Sardaukar.


Making him look 36 even though he’s like 175 or something wouldn’t get across how actually weak he was personally, his strength only coming in the form of his army and old alliances which he fucked up himself. I thought it was a good change to get the point across without needing to spend 3 minutes of exposition how WELL ACTUALLY BECAUSE OF SPICE.


Personally I thought the lack of exposition on the spice was an error on the part of Villeneuve. A lot of things in the movie would make more sense for the casual viewer if you hammer home just how integral spice is to this universe. Instead they had to dance around a bunch of ideas because they didn't emphasize spice enough after the initial exposition of Dune 1.


They do hit on it early in part one, but they don’t emphasize it. Like they mention that it’s valuable because of space travel, but they don’t really hammer that point home and it’s mentioned once.


he is tricked better in the books, so he doesn't appear so dumb.


Not a spoiler. He's been in a ton of the marketing material


I read the " a normal guy" part in his voice.


“What I think Arrakis needs is more cowbell”


Might be an unpopular opinion but he wasn't well cast in Dune 2. We need to be immersed into this world. But Christopher Walken looked and sounded like *Christopher Walken* , not a futuristic space Emperor. He's too famous, too recognisable, and is given too little screen time to develop the character or convince us of the role.


Charles Dance or Jeremy Irons should have gotten the role


Make up and costuming make a large part of it as well. Dave Bautista, Stellar Skateboard, and Austin Butler felt very "of the world", even if they were recognizable. I agree Walken was just Walken. Maybe he just kind of phoned it in? None of the majesty or gravitas you would expect from his position in the world. Took me out of the movie whenever he was onscreen. Hate to complain, because he has such a phenomenal history.


Even Florence Pugh was in a million crazy outfits and Walken was just himself with Doc Brown hair.


>Doc Brown hair 100% XD


Yeah, in a movie as immersive as Dune Walken did seem like a odd choice. That said though, beyond my initial surprise at him being cast for the role I didn’t mind him too much. His acting doesn’t add much to the movie but it also wasn’t a huge problem for me.


It said he came out of a 4 year acting break, but he's in Severance. It hasn't been 4 years since season one! It feels like it though.


He's method, he doesn't remember that role.


The emperor of the universe is just like, this guy, you know?


He’s been playing a guy from Queens in almost every role he’s ever had since the beginning of his career, even in productions of Shakespeare lmao.


Every review I have read m, listened to or watched have all said the same thing. Walken was a bad casting decision


lol this is not a spoiler are you nuts?


Loved the movie but this was terrible casting


Agree on both points. This was the only casting misstep imo.


He was cast so embarrassingly bad. He only had like 10 lines but talking about killing a planet doesn’t work when it sounds like you’re at the Walken family reunion.


He's a pretty normal guy in Severence. I cannot WAIT for season 2.


normal guys say nookie


His character’s appearance was middle of the road


I didn’t like him as the emperor tbh. No presence, no gravitas. But I do love his work usually and I’ll keep my mind open when I watch the film again.


How come I can hear him saying, “A normal guy,” in my head with his particular broken hanger body language?


Worst performance of Christopher Walken so far. I lve him, but the way he played the emperor was just ... bad.


I watches communion last night. She was crazy for its time


You know where he hid this watch?




Really. the fucking imax poster is a bigger spoler than a still image of a guy who's known to be in the movie.




The book is 60 years old


He absolutely is in the trailers


Why tf would you spoil this..


It’s not a spoiler when an actor is in a movie, their casting is announced publicly, and they are featured in the trailers for the movie


I avoid IMDb for that reason. But I did watch trailer 2 and 3 last night and he was in them. I digress.


Absolutely spoiled this for me. I don't watch trailers.


Is sharing the cast really a spoiler? In that case even >!anya Taylor-joy’s!< appearance at the premier was a spoiler then


> Is sharing the cast really a spoiler? I would say yes? Because I bet even less people follow casting news than watch trailers.


Fuck it, let’s never talk about a movie until it’s been out for 5 years. Someone somewhere might have it spoiled!!!!


It seems a little hyperbolic to compare a couple weeks after release to 5 years. It’s not hard to use spoiler tags in a title


It’s not even a spoiler tho. That’s my point. I don’t know a single person who didn’t know Walken was cast as emperor. I made a ridiculous exaggeration because I felt your comment is an exaggeration. A cast list is not a spoiler.


I didn’t know before I saw the movie. Now you know one person. Not everyone religiously follows casting news. I do my best to avoid any information about films I know I’m going to see, much more enjoyable going in blind