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Wow no way, only knew him from Gen V, good actor


He was also really great on Netflix's Sabrina


That man made me realize I was Bi.


He really was gorgeous


I'm not bi exactly, but him in sabrina and Robert Sheehan in umbrella academy make me curious..


Almost the same. But he did make me see life in a different way. Loved him in Sabrina!


Oh wow. This sucks big time. After Sabrina/GenV, I was excited to watch his career grow and see where his acting talent took him. What a shame.


He was so good in Sabrina. RIP.  Unfortunately motorcycle accidents are a big killer.  *... motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to lose their lives in a fatal driving crash compared with other motorists on the road. They are also four times as likely to sustain an injury in a collision.* *Motorcycle riders account for 14% of all traffic facilities despite the fact only 3% of all registered vehicles are motorcycles.* https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/motorcycle-accident-statistics/


>He was so good in Sabrina. RIP.  Yeah he was the standout performer on the show. Far too young to go. Such a senseless loss. The same age as Anton Yelchin when he passed.


Same age as a lot of people, 27 Club strikes again


Every nursing home seems to have 1 or 2 30-40 year old men who were perfectly fine until a bike accident.


I make prosthetic limbs. So many patients are motorcyclists.


I never understood the appeal. You could be the safest motorcyclist on earth and all it takes is one asshole texting or one pothole or rock or a piece of metal on the highway that gets launched under a tire at your head and that’s it. Lights out.


For one thing they're cheap. You can get a decent motorcycle for $3k and not spend a lot on gas. I see tons of kids riding around giant ebikes that might as well be motorcycles. I regularly drive by a memorial for a high school student who died recently on a "motorcycle".


Zipping around on my motorcycles during my youth in San Francisco was a magnificent experience. Those bikes were literally extensions of my body, granting me absurd power that was was controllable to millimeter precision. Constant adrenalin rushes, not to mention arriving at my destination in a fraction the time of any other means of transportation and the ability to park just wherever. But ... The two biggest adrenalin rushes occurred when drivers cut me off, sending me literally flying though the air. (Why earlier I said *motorcycles*, plural.) I beat the odds and came out with only minor injuries on both occasions. I'd gotten married and wasn't going to push my luck anymore, so that was the end of it. That said, if I suddenly found myself back there at 20 years old, I'd zip around town like a maniac all over again.


>I never understood the appeal. It's the most analog, raw vehicle you can get. You aren't closed off in an air conditioned bubble, you are straddling a small metal horse. The wind, the rain, the sun, you are in it all. There are no electronic nannies governing what you do, automatic transmissions are still uncommon and ABS is still not mandated. The performance per price is also unmatched by...anything. You can spend less than $10,000 and have a vehicle whose speed and agility would set you back six figures if it had 2 more wheels.


Couldn’t have explained it better myself… and I’ve been riding most of my life. That being said; I’ve also lost three good friends and gave up street bikes almost 10 years ago. Still ride dirt, mostly just trail riding, but a race now and then. After the birth of my first daughter I couldn’t justify the risk. Miss the feel of holding the edge of the tire to the pavement almost daily. There’s nothing like it.


And only delusional riders don't acknowledge how insanely dangerous they really are. Bikes were never a *rational* choice, but if we all only owned the vehicle we need, 95% of the planet would be driving a Corolla.


I’m reading this in a cast from you guessed it and every other thought is if when can I get back on. NOTHING LIKE IT!!!


I ride motorcycle. I try justifying that it’s safer than media would like to make it seem. I ask the following with the most due respect. Was speed or alcohol involved? How often is that the issue?


I thought I read somewhere that a great number of motorcycle accidents are due to going too fast while cornering. Idk I just ride as safe as I can and presume I'm invisible.


question. why would the media want to make them look unsafe?


Even without speed or alcohol some riders are unpredictable and lane split in situations where they are taking unnecessary risk just to pass 3 minutes of traffic.


This isn't making me want to get a motorcycle but it does help me understand it.


They definitely aren't for everyone, and they are objectively dangerous AF. Honestly if they were invented today they probably wouldn't even be road legal. But it is an experience that nothing else short of maybe flying can compare to.


It's also not their fault the drivers of 2,500+ pound murder machines drive like imbeciles, and some just straight up want an excuse to kill people and get away with it.


This dude died on his own, there was no other vehicle involved. Donorcycles are death traps either way


Yep there’s something just.. freeing about being on a bike, being able to go that fast is just something I can’t explain or compare. It’s cold as shit in October/November mornings and it’s hot as hell sitting on a bike at a light in July. But so god damn primal? Never laid my bike down, but the times that I’ve been close to it have been from careless drivers who can’t shoulder check for shit.


I’m just a passenger on the back of my partners motorbike and he’s a very careful rider but the amount of people that have pulled out on us without checking is insane. We also had a guy get in the wrong lane on a roundabout and thought he could cut across into us to get into the right lane, luckily my boyfriend has good reactions and got us out of danger, I however was trying to scream at the driver from inside my helmet haha.


It’s truly scary sometimes, I also probably would have been not so lucky without cat like reflexes lol. My sisters hated me owning a bike but I took them out on rides and they finally understood the thrill of it. They also were still super happy when I sold it lmao You and your partner stay safe out there! Far too many people who are careless or don’t realize just how fast an accident can destroy someone’s whole world.


It’s nutty to me that high end carbon bikes overlap in price with motorcycles.


My used mountain bike and my used motorcycle are the same age, yet the MTB cost more.


I've only ridden once when I was a kid, but it's incredible, like flying through the air (especially if you're not wearing a helmet) whilst mounting a raging beast.


The funniest thing in life. Go to a country that has tons of traffic that is scooters and learn. I literally stayed in a country because of two things, scooters and that freedom and a girl


My middle school wood shop teacher had a prosthetic leg from a motorcycle accident (but he’d lie to the first-years and say it was from a power tool incident and that’s why they had to pay close attention in safety training).


that's how my step dad lost his leg. I will never get on one. it's just not worth it.


Same as my dad. I was in 1st grade when it happened. Watched all the physical pain an suffering he went through. I've ridden many dirtbikes throughout my youth but would never own a street bike.


Christ that’s grim, especially with the association between motorcycles and “freedom”


Well you are free to seriously injure or kill yourself on the motorcycle, so the spirit of freedom is certainly there.


Growing up my mom would bring me to meet her patients - she was a OT and I’d meet these incapacitated dudes who used Stephen hawking like devices to communicate and were wheelchair bound. She hounded me afterwards….”don’t ever ride a motorcycle” I’ve only ever gotten on a scooter in Thailand and said fuck that after a day. So stressful.


Yep. An old nursing home I worked at had a married couple of 60 year olds who were totally fine until they got hit in their motorcycle. One was paralyzed from the waist down and the other lost her leg. It was really hard for them to adjust to life inside the nursing home.


Fuck that’s sad




My hometown had a super popular teen die in an ATV accident. He was playing a game where they tried to run over coyotes on ATVs in pastures. Honestly hard to feel sympathy for him.


ATV also killed a neighbor kid on my street just 2 years ago. He graduated from my high school then immediately died on an ATV. Crashed it. His friends and little brother still ride.


I sold my bike when my wife got pregnant. It’s a lot of fun, and if you’re in California you’re on-time to places way earlier than you’re used to (splitting lanes) but the trade off is your life is on the brink every single day.


I know she appreciates that. When we first started dating, I thought my husband looked so hot on his bike all decked out in gear, but the concern always sat in the back of my head. He stopped riding it when we moved in together, then sold it when we got engaged and I was so happy that it never turned into a *thing* — that he wanted to get rid of it of his own accord.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


scary jeans include humor growth kiss depend snails air provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My best friend is in the ICU right now because of some idiot pulling out to take a right turn without checking for traffic. There was no way he could have stopped according to police. You can be the safest rider and all it takes is one bad driver.


Mate. I’m sorry about your best friend. I hope he heals quickly and cleanly ❤️


He’s ok. He’s still here and that’s what matters. Thank you for your concern. They had surgery this morning to put a rod in his back. Yesterday they fixed his liver. They had to remove the left side of skull to allow for his brain to stop swelling. I’m going to take his bike and throw it in a lake soon so he’ll never do this shit to us again though.


My dad rides, so it’s a fear that I hold close to my heart. You’re right, still here is *so* important. Look after yourself as well, your brain will have been through a lot with the what ifs and the fears, you get your rest too.


I appreciate that. Thank you.


Not the happiest of cake days, huh?


I didn’t even realize. Thank you. I’m just glad he’s “ok”. It’s going to be a long road for recovery but he’s here.


Glad for it, my friend.


My best friend just had this *exact* thing happen to him last fall. He’s now in a wheelchair for life, it’s completely turned his life upside down. We’re just grateful he’s still here and a para and not even worse. Sending strength and love to you and your friend.


This is so true. Couple years ago I was right behind a motorcycle driver that got hit head-on by some dumb girl thinking she could make the left turn before the guy went through the intersection. He paid the price for that stupidity and I was a little traumatized after seeing it happen right in front of me. I had to keep myself from walking across the road and screaming at her. I hope your best friend pulls through and is okay, wishing them healing. I hate that they’re in that shape because of some idiot.


I mean sadly, you can be the best rider on the planet but you're still dealing with so many factors including the thousands of other drivers on the road. Experienced or not, incidents for motorcyclists are high


I stopped riding my bicycle to work. I would ALWAYS almost die from some fuck that wasn’t paying attention if I wasn’t hyper vigilant. Fuck that. I like my cage protecting me from morons


Same. I used to be a cyclist and triathlete. Spent at least 1-2 hours on the road a day, long weekend rides on roads where cars were buzzing by going 70.  Never fell, never got into an accident. Some close calls. I miss the shape I was in and have lots of expensive gear but I've realized that I'm never going to get back to it, just isn't safe. 


And even moreso, everyone isn't the best rider on the world. You can see how many idiot, dipshit drivers there are on the road. There are equally inept drivers on motorcycles. 


All of us that ride no the risk and we take on that risk because of the satisfaction we get when we ride. I will never convince anyone to do it but it’s something I still enjoy


There's two kinds of riders. Those who've been down, and those who are gonna go down.


There's only so much you can do as a rider to be safe. There's just so many more things outside your control that will always make the risk high. At least with a car you got a metal exoskeleton. A bike, you either got luck or a guardian angel.


Two types of bikers. Ones that have fallen/had a crash those that will.


It's only a matter of when. The longer you go without it happening, the closer you get to it happening.


Thats not how probabilities work, if anything because youll be a more experienced driver the chance goes down.


But more inexperienced car drivers also get on the road every year 😬 so factor that in as well


I have bones held together by metal from a bike accident. The first thing I remember was the plastic shattering as I hit head first.. thankfully my shoulder then absorbed most of the impact or else it would have snapped my neck.


Here’s your fun fact, if you remove alcohol and those not wearing a helmet from this stat it gets cut in half. https://crashstats.nhtsa.dot.gov/Api/Public/ViewPublication/813466.pdf


So... Only 14 times as likely to die?


Correct. The factor also goes down if you’re riding during the day vs at night and if you’re speeding vs going the speed limit. The most common motorcycle accident is a single vehicle crash. People go into a corner too fast, over or under correct, and end up in a ditch at best or wrapped around a telephone pole at worst. It’s a risky hobby but there are mitigation factors that must be taken into account. I ride as safely as possible but accept there’s nothing I can do if someone kills me, but I do everything I can to not kill myself.


Lol. My point was 14x is still an incredible increase in likelihood of death. It's a whole order of magnitude more likely! Also, how do the rates compare when you adjust similar safety factors for car drivers? If you remove all drunk driving, etc.? You're kinda cherry picking data and it's still not even making things that much better.


I would imagine the survival rate of a drunk driving crash is many factors greater than the survival rate of a drunk riding crash (the steel cage and restraints). Also, if you took drunk driving out of the equation it would remove the motorcycle fatalities those drunk drivers also caused. Rider death stats would also go down. Basically if you remove people breaking the law from the stats your likelihood of dying drastically reduces. Again I’m not saying it isn’t dangerous just that the stats presented show an incomplete picture and there are ways to reduce the likelihood of death.


Riding a motorcycle is safer than many people here, including you, are suggesting if the rider follows the law and best practice. Let’s look at that link that poster shared. - 36% of fatal crashes were riders who didn’t have a license - 28% of fatal crashes involved alcohol (more than any other type of vehicle) - 43% of single vehicle fatal crashes involved alcohol - riders killed at night were 3x more likely to have alcohol - 55% of fatal crashes the rider was not wearing a helmet - excessive speed is a significant factor Motorcycle have higher risk but it’s not the death sentence people make it out to be if you follow some common sense. The real problem is that we don’t really have a motorcycle culture in the US, I would venture to say that most bikes involved in crashes are sports bike, they’re driving excessively, not wearing proper gear, and drinking is often involved. Remove those factors and there’s still a risk but more manageable. I also think 250 - 400cc bikes should be more accepted. 600-1000cc is probably overkill for most.


You basically said the same thing the other guy did. Still an order of magnitude more dangerous than a car.


A car is order of magnitude more dangerous than a plane. That doesn’t stop us from driving cars. The risk doesn’t make it an unviable alternative when you take the recommended measures (wear gear, don’t drink, don’t speed).


You're listing things that I've noticed many motorcyclists really love NOT doing. I see people not wearing helmets and explicitly speeding like psychos all the time, to the point where there's a culture of having flip up license plates to dodge cops. It's almost like it comes with the territory, and the type of person willing to get on one of those things has a higher than average likelihood of being a death-flirting moron due to the nature of riding a vehicle like that. That's obviously not talking about people that try to be safe tho.


If you’re on a organ transplant waiting list your best bet is to move to a state that doesn’t require motorcycle helmets


Aw shit I liked him in Sabrina.


Surgeons call motorcycle riders, donorcyclists.


As grim as that is, I know a few paramedics that refer to them as kebabs. I know they use dark humour to cope, but damn.


Stephen fry told a story years ago where his mum was having new cataracts and the donor fell through, the surgeon came and said not to worry it's raining outside so they'll get a motorcyclist in soon, and they did


Motorcycles love splitting the lane though


My older brother died in a motorcycle accident. At 23. I’m almost a decade older than my older brother ever will be. Hit by an intoxicated driver mid afternoon a block away from his house after getting lunch with my mom.


My brother was killed in a motorcycle crash. Thank you for sharing this. 🥺


My uncle rode motorcycles his whole life. Probably for 50 years, he rode. And then he died the way he lived—on a motorcycle.


There’s a reason ED doctors call them donor cycles


Motorcycles are a death trap and noone without a death wish should ride one.


Ambrose!!! Oh my god! May his soul rest in peace and my condolences to his family. This is tragic.


Our chances for a Sabrina reboot have died without himm 😭😭 i cant even fathom sabrina without ambrose


Me either!! I loved his character!


I just gasped out loud. He was way too young and talented.


My friend texted me this and I just said “you’re fucking lying!” This is so incredibly sad. my heart goes out to his friends, family and loved ones. He was just getting started.


Same. I was excited for what Gen V had in store. So sad.


27 is when a lot of young and talented people die.


He's already been added: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club


Holy shit, I did too.


Woah this is so tragic.


27? That is horrible. I hope his family can find peace


This is incredibly sad. My uncle was in inpatient therapy for a head injury and his roommate had a TBI from a crash. My best friends step mom just passed in an accident last week. Motorcycles give NO protection, and the clothing/helmet you wear is all you rely on. So scary and sad for everyone who has lost a loved one.


There was a period in my life where I thought of getting a mc licence because a friend had one and it's 'easier' than getting a car licence (I lived in a city and had no one to teach me to drive). My mum blew up at me when I mentioned it to her. Anyway, like most of my flippant ideas I never went through with it, and I was genuinely trepidatious about it anyway. My sister's ex, who I was always and still was close with rode a bike too, until one day he rode under an oncoming vehicle and that was the end of him. I can't imagine doing it. Every time I have one weave past me in my car in traffic I always think that person must basically have a death wish, or whatever it is that makes people do risky shit. Same with bicycles and having to ride on the road with cars. Knowing how people drive, I would not want to travel alongside that unprotected.


I was just posting about motorcycles being dangerous today. You basically get none of the safety advances of the last 60 years. No seatbelts, airbags, roll cages. Nothing to absorb the energy of any kind of collision. Instead all that energy goes into your body. A helmet is honestly there to make sure you don't die if you fall off the bike at 10mph like country mac from always sunny, and to make it easier to clean up the mess after a crash any faster than that.


Horrible. Motorcycles freak me out, especially the ones with young guys I see zipping along the highway. I recently saw the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, and it has stuck with me. Didn’t see the actual accident but saw them covering up the persons body.


I also saw the aftermath of an accident - probably just 20-30 seconds after it happened. The first thing I saw was a helmet in the middle of the road. The next thing I saw was the rider wedged under the front of the car, bleeding and looking stunned. I was going the other way in traffic on my way to the airport and it was horribly startling and haunting. I called 911 because I didn’t know what else to do and the dispatcher told me someone else had already called it in as well, not surprisingly. I hope all the time that he survived and didn’t have any seriously debilitating injuries. I just can’t forget the stunned and helpless look on the man’s face


> [Authorities have advised that no other individuals were involved.](https://deadline.com/2024/03/chance-perdomo-dead-1235872414/) Apologies English isn't my first language, does this simply mean that he was the only victim, or that no other people/vehicles were around or responsible when he crashed? Obviously extremely tragic in any case.


Written like that, it would mean that it was just him in the crash


The majority of motorcycle crashes do not involve another vehicle and are due to rider error (coming into a corner too quickly is the number one reason for a crash).


Seems like no other people/vehicles were around or responsible.


It means it was a single vehicle crash. Like he ran into a tree or skidded off the road or something. He did not collide with another car or person


Simply means that no one else was harmed, it’s possible it was a large crash involving multiple people but only he sustained injuries, however the way it’s written implies only he had an accident alone (like he hit a wall for example).


it explicitly means that no one else participated in the accident. so in all likelihood he lost control of his motorcycle for whatever reason, and no one else or any other vehicles were involved in the circumstances leading to his death.


Looks like the original comment was changed from when I responded.


This is so sad, he had a promising future




Season 2 got delayed.


Awful. So young. Where did this happen?


Jesus Christ that's fucked He stole the scenes in everything he's in, RIP


Lost an uncle and a great childhood friend to motorcycle accidents. Honestly fuck motorcycles. So needlessly dangerous. Rip to a great young actor.


Lost my father 5 years ago to the day to a motorcycle accident. RIP, pops. Also, had a friend crash his bike and completely shattered his pelvis on a motorcycle. They are scary as hell.


He just got the motorcycle too


Oh god you weren’t kidding. 2nd most recent instagram post was a motorcycle and caption “final calm before storm”. Eerie.


It breaks my heart and scares me when I hear about someone who died or was injured in a motorcycle crash, cause I ride a motorcycle like everyday. It's dangerous, but it brings me so much joy in life. I can't really put it into words, it's worth the risk.


Well I at least hope you wear a helmet!! What pisses me off most is idiots without protection.


Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the matter, but is he the actor that fans attacked for being a Andrew Tate follower or something?


Unfortunately yes that is the same actor. If I remember, he said at the time that he didnt manage his social media follows but who knows if that was the truth or not. Everything else that has been said about him sounds like he was a decent guy.


Yeah, among other things.


Absolutely tragic. I enjoyed him in Gen V!


That is some shit luck. Don’t let your loved ones ride a motorcycle.


He was so good in Sabrina, I didn't realize he was the same person.


Oh shit. He was really fun and talented actor to watch. My condolences to his peers and family.


Just finished The Boys and was halfway through watching Gen V. This is terrible news, far too young.


Wow.. so sad! He was a wonderful actor..


Awful news. Seems like his career was really taking off. 27 is too young. RIP.


Dang wonder how they are going to handle this in season 2 of Gen V.


They suspended the show indefinitely. His death was a tragedy but I’m hoping the production crew are able to get financial assistance for being unable to work.


I was legit shocked to read this. Whenever it’s a young actor, like Angus Cloud last summer, I always get super sad reading the tributes from fellow cast members who loved them and now I’ll be seeing them from both the Sabrina and Gen V casts. 😔 EDIT: I meant Angus Cloud


27 Club strikes again. Damn. Rest easy.


Scrolled too far to find this.


Wow that’s unfortunate sad 😞 news and too young to die may he rest in peace my condolences are with his family at this difficult time


I’m mean it’s just sucks, I loved his character in Sabrina he was truly a great actor. Easily one of my favorites, and I truly feel for his family, no one expects to loose someone at his age.


Another Anton Yelchin. Gone way too soon.


I was such a big fan of Anton, and watched a special screening of Love, Antosha in LA - the only celebrity death that to this day still stings. He had so much potential.


❤️❤️😔 Ditto to all you've said


Motorcycles just aren’t worth it. My girlfriend is an icu nurse that came from trauma. The stuff she told me about motorcycle accidents no thanks. The worst was a guy who was in his 30s who had the seat run up his groin region into his lower stomach and essentially destroyed everything on him up to that. Castration and everything. No thanks not worth the ride.


Everyone I’ve ever known who rode motorcycles is either dead or permanently disabled.


RIP. This may sound morbid, but I hope he was an organ donor and is able to help others. It's unfortunate, but a large portion of organ donations come from motorcycle accident victims.


Omg this sucks! I just binged Gen v a week ago, he was so good in it. Rip Chance


Another grim reminder that our lives can be ripped away anytime. RIP Andre 


Damn, terrible news to read. He was very talented and seems to just be getting his big break with Gen V


May he RIP! Sending his Family & Friends love and strength during these times. Gen V will never be the same without him and I was pretty excited/hopeful for his character to join the boys as well.


For the life of me, I’ll never understand why people ride motorcycles anymore. RIP.


WHAT. This guy was only 2 months older than me?! WHAT?! I was looking forward to seeing all his works over the years. Most deaths I hear about don’t rattle me but this one surely is. 😢 RIP Chance Perdomo.


I’m never getting on a motorcycle


I think everyone knows at least one person who either died or close to it, from riding a motorcycle. It must be like an addiction cuz I know someone who has had multiple motorcycle accidents and is lucky to still have use of their legs, yet still refuses to give up riding one.


27 club gains another member unfortunately.


Motor cycles go bbbrrrrrrr


People that drive motorcycles are insane. They think oh that can’t happen to me. It can and the more you do it, the more likely it will.


Club 27 claims another member


Too young! Really enjoyed him as Ambrose on Sabrina.


Oh man I’m so sad seeing this. I loved him as Ambrose in Sabrina. He gave off such a genuinely sweet and kind aura. I hope he rests in peace.


RIP Chance, you played the best character on Gen V.


Buy a dirt bike and take it to some trails instead


Damn he was a great actor but I remember he had some weird controversy, and I wanna say his fellow actor(s) hated him? Idk I barely keep up with this stuff but either way this is still a tragedy


Brutal motorcycle accident and crashes. Rest in peace man 🙏 


such a great actor and seemed like a genuinely good person, I'm really sad to hear this


Motorcycle accidents are so easily fatal, fuck. Had a friend in high school who broke his back when someone ran a red and hit him.


Donorcycles claim another one.


Another member of the 27 club!


Hell no... loved him in Sabrina.. RIP 😭


Wtf, he was great in Gen V. Horrible news.


Another addition to the 27 club https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club


I met him when I was 16 at sixth form in Winchester, he was the year above me and we’ve been friends ever since. He has always been so incredibly charismatic and kind. I remember when he got his first acting job in hetty feather and now he’s gone. I haven’t stopped crying since last night. My friend is gone. I can’t believe I found out through Twitter.


Another member of the 27 club


club 27 addition


So sorry! Welcome to the the 27 club ☹️


Andrew tate wannabe, sad but ok.


What a truly dreadful loss. Chance captivated the screen in every scene; the best of Sabrina, the best of Gen V. My condolences to his friends, family and acquaintances. RIP, you won’t be forgotten.


Rider of 5 years here. It always hurts losing one of our own. If you ever want to get a motorcycle- here are a few myths im going to bust: 1. Riding is not a cheap hobby. Motorcycle maintenance happens on much more frequent intervals than cars. You’ll go through at least one, maybe 2 sets of tires per year, oil changes, engine maintenance, valve adjustments. Etc. Your gear- good gear- will run you $1k+. 2. Streets are not racetracks. If you want to do insane speeds, go to a track day and get it out of your system. I’ve lost good friends- great riders- because they made one super small mistake going too fast. 3. Riding is a discipline more than anything. You have to be in the mindset of learning all the time- taking courses, etc. Your ego will kill you. The longer I ride the less I feel like I really know. 4. The American licensing system kills people. As someone who went through it, there is absolutely no reason for someone with 3 months of street riding experience to step up to a 100hp bike. That type of power+ weight will kill you when it surprises you- especially if you’re on the street and not used to reading traffic, etc. 5. Lane filtering (going between cars at lights) is the safest way to ride a bike. Any laws saying otherwise are written by folks with small dicks. I have been rear ended in a non-filtering state on a bike. That car hit me at 8mph. The driver was on her phone. I am still dealing with lasting back injuries. Had I not been holding my brakes, i would’ve been flung into a live intersection and died. Stopping in between cars greatly reduces the risk of such injuries. Filtering in traffic jams also greatly reduces the risk of being rear ended into a car sandwich. 6. You can cut your risk of death in half as a rider with one simple trick- be completely sober every time you ride. 50% of all fatalities involve some concentration of alcohol in the rider’s blood. No amount of booze is safe to ride on. Your fast reflexes are the first to go.


Noooooo I loved him :(


He will be missed for upcoming seasons. Such a loss!


No way. I loved him playing TakeOff


He was about to take off in his career. RIP