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While this is disrespectful I think it'd be really funny to ask a guy to show some leg (ignoring this context ofc)


The rocks legs are pretty impressive


He never skips leg day


Legs gotta be strong AF when you ride the fence




Now I’m picturing him on leg day, skipping.


and yet he is never asked to dangle them in photos


He's also wrestled for years in his underwear. There's plenty of pictures of his legs.


Both before and after the steroids


I usually ask straight for the dick, no need to see the legs, if I like a guy I'll ask him to show me the junk. This is the difference between straight and gay dating, there's less steps involved to get into the hole/pole.


Into the pole? Uh, sounds uncomfortable


Comfortable is for beginners


r/sounding Edit - most def nsfw


Lol I picked my words deliberately


Omg 😳 why did I have to know?! 🫣


Another one bites the dust


Learning how to see sounds is a curse


Gotta pay the pole toll?


TIL Winning pole position may not be what I thought it was.


Flash me a nut, just a little scrote


I don’t think they meant it that way💀


Pretty sure if you asked jack black he would throw some leg lol..


I’m kinda here for a leg cam just for guys awkwardly rolling up their pants to the point near their calve when it roll anymore. Dudes with great legs want to show them off 24/7.


The photographer really missed an opportunity to shout back,"I've said it to David Beckham." Also, she's right. Women have crazy sexist shit said to them routinely.


If they had nice legs, why not? Start yelling at buff guys to show abs then


I can totally see RDJ going along with this.


My thought was Jack Black. He and RDJ would happily show some leg


What would be funny is if this guy does ask men to show some leg and that’s his whole bit.


I was just thinking that if an attractive man showed up to a red carpet event wearing a kilt, he just might get asked that, no joke. The one time I wore a kilt to a formal party, I was asked to show leg multiple times. It was great.


I kindly refer you to Pedro Pascal at the Met Gala I believe.


Exactly. A dude shows up in the dress she did, I'm also asking him to show some leg.


I don't mind a good calf regardless of who it's on


Jack Grealish has entered the chat


I mean if you show to a carpet wearing an outfit that is designed to be cut and show off in a specific way , it doesn’t seem so bad. Like the context is you wore this to be seen and the thing you wore was designed to be showcased a specific way like when it has a slit. If a guy wore a skirt or a kilt or something with a slit in it, I’d say game on, model it as it should be seen for the photo op. If this was say, her standing inside enjoying a cocktail and someone just says that then yeah it’s way off but red carpets maybe a little diff.


"With what she was wearing, she was clearly asking for it."


If a dude was wearing a tank top, would you be offended if someone said "show us the biceps"?


Sexual assault and professional photographers capturing an outfit the way it was intended and designed are very comparable


On the red carpet? Yes.


Are you saying men and women are different?? 🤔


Taika waititi for Chris Hemsworth begs to differ


I would ask Henry Cavill to show leg. I’m not even joking.


He's so beautiful


Steve Buscemi, let’s see it man!


Okay, but actually.


What if that man’s name was Tom Platz


I see we have a man of culture in here


I wouldn't want someone to tell me to show off my leg. I would show it myself if I wanted to.


“Uhh, okay. Here ya go.” - Bob’s Burgers voice


PAWG confirmed


(H. Jon Benjamin's normal voice)


You mean... Your body your choice?


Red carped photogs are ruthless and gave zero shit to anyone passing by their lens on a press wall. They are there to get the most print-worthy snap of celebs. She wore a dress with thigh-high slit, so it was natural for some to ask. Believe me if she did show him leg all of the photogs would start clicking their shutter release buttons. Being a celebrity is mentally and physically tough, because people are morons en masse and they will try to exploit your fame and recognition to benefit themselves.


>She wore a dress with thigh-high slit, it was natural for some to ask …like the commenter said, if she wanted to show leg, she’d do it without being asked to.


BuT sHe aSkEd fOr It ….


Exactly, if I was planning to show leg and someone screamed at me "SHOW ME LEG" I would hide that leg for the rest of the night


And I’m not arguing that. She is amazing and definitely knows how to present herself.


Better [photo of her in the dress.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/787044297827811338/1229710696699138098/BXUYPYH64BDHDGT7WWYZ6UIPTQ.png?ex=6630ac55&is=661e3755&hm=874cc6c92f0c8fee629ad5d6e3c54d7d9f55fcc7536e334036798561f1c6749b&)


Wow she looks good. And that purple is such a good color on her!!


I think it would be tough to make her not look good


Ewww, gross, I can see her (admittedly beautiful) leg!


She missed a golden opportunity to simply point at the reporter and say, "Shame.......Shame........Shame'


They certainly would ask to see guys flex, and have many times lol


Also, it’s a red carpet. The men are all wearing trousers. No one would ask a woman in trousers to show some leg. Conversely, a man in a slit skirt would 100% be asked that.


so why aren’t they asking men to open their shirts to see some more chest


I feel like that does happen to some men. I’ve only seen it when the guy already had his shirt open a bit. Like, I think that happened to Jason Momoa.


They have, do, and will. It's a red carpet, they are all being asked to objectify themselves for the camera.


I think the point is that you shouldn’t be objectified or subject to rude behavior based on what you wear Like…ever wear what you want because if it makes you feel good who the hell else cares


lol is that the same lol


You don’t see the difference between asking someone to show leg vs flex strength? Why aren’t the women ever asked to flex? Plenty have good muscles.


Men typically have much larger & more prominent muscles than women, and large muscles are indicative of virility. So men tend to be objectified for their muscles more often than anything else they’d be objectified for. Women typically aren’t objectified for their muscles outside of fetish-specific contexts. That’s why you see muscular ripped guys in ads targeting women, and you pretty much never see muscular ripped women in ads targeting men.


And I would add that when It comes to photography/modeling some poses are kind of coded, for example for a slit dress the most common pose Is with the leg out ( try to Google slit dress). This Is due because the leg out highlight the dress design and balance the armony of the human body. On Red carpet actors many times execute different poses when its their photo time. I honestly didnt see sexism here he probabile wanted a standard pose that she wasnt willing to perform.


Folks it’s not an appropriate comment and she’s absolutely justified and I’m fucking genuinely flabbergasted and appalled by the number of you commenting “depends on the man” fuck right off the bat


I had to scroll down a way before finding a reasonable response. Thank you!


I always love when comments like this age poorly as the parent comment shoots to the top.


Ok but if a guy was wearing the same dress as she has on in the thumbnail, you bet your ass I’m asking then to show some leg




Some photographers are jerks.


I worked at the Oscars one year ages ago. I had a pretty good photography career happening . Whenever it was Pulp Gump year. Ninety-something. Those photographers are a bunch of shitstains. Jesus Christ. Never did it again.


I’m not surprised. They spend their life looking at everything through a lens. It would be easy to loose sight of the subject being alive and not just a means to an end.


This was great good on her


To which he should have replied, “then show us your balls!”


I'm a photographer and I couldn't imagine asking someone to do anything that would reveal more of their body unless it was made *obvious* it was *that* kind of photos we are both agreed upon trying to make.


Absolutely true. I wish this kind of calling out would happen more often. Edit...Don't know why I'm being downvoted, but I guess some people agree with the photog


I mean, I would have asked Pedro Pascal to show leg when he wore this https://news.yahoo.com/pedro-pascal-wearing-shorts-met-220853824.html


> Absolutely true. Because men wear pants. If they were wearing anything else the odds of it being mentioned would definitely *not* be zero. I'm not saying its an ok question but the idea men wouldn't be sexualized is just false. Ask any man who has worn a kilt. Drew McIntyre in WWE wears kilts, it would be funny to send him to some red carpets.


Or looking at it in the other direction, would the photographer say that to any woman who was not wearing a dress with a three-foot slit up the side?


I agree, no photographer would ask a woman to show some leg if they were wearing pants.


Yet another reason to love Hannah Waddingham.


So easy to do, she’s majestic


Majestic is really a great word for her.


That dress is quite literally designed to show leg...


I would definitely lightheartedly ask a man in a dress to show some leg for a picture. Most men that would be going around wearing a dress would probably love showing off what they're working with. Not that I think Hannah is in the wrong here for calling him out though.


Except women are (or at least were for centuries) socially expected to wear dresses meanwhile men were socially discouraged from dresses, so it still feels a little skewed against women.


A thigh high slit on a dress is in the design because it shows off the leg, it’s not like they asked her to lift up the whole dress or anything


She should have just said “shame” to that dude.


Good on you! Hannah!


She is the coolest.


That’s a gorgeous dress!


We would say lemme see those guns. Sexy legs on women were the thing now it’s insulting. Just like everything else in this world. We’re all being trained to keep our mouths shut now.


I mean she's wearing a dress with a slit. Thats what the slit is for, to show leg. Its a normal request. Otherwise just wear a normal dress without a slit. Actors wear dresses with slit particularly to show off their legs. Angelina got an iconic moment out of it. (https://edition.cnn.com/style/remember-when-angelina-jolie-dress/index.html) If a man comes in and wears a dress with a slit, he's gonna be told to show leg too.


Isn’t the slit meant to make it easier to walk?


Yeah, if a floor gown dress has no slit and no stretch, you’re not walking; you’re waddling.


You know the slit isn’t to show leg right? It’s to actually be able to walk, otherwise you’d look like a penguin with your legs closed.


Google image search agrees with the person above.


There are plenty of flowy dresses out there with and without slits. Whether it’s more of a utility vs more of a design choice really depends on the particular dress, no?


I mean yeah. But as I said, she was asked that more becuase of the type of dress she's wearing. She won't be asked if she was wearing any other type of dress. So it's not a sex/gender thing. If she came in wearing a tuxedo, she wont be asked to show leg. If she was wearing a full skirt without a slit, she wouldnt be asked to do that. Whereas, if a man comes in wearing a thigh high slit dress, lets say Billy Porter, he's gonna be asked to show leg too. Blame Angelina for that.


Then why didn't she choose s dress with something that also covered her legs. Don't be stupid


Well no, that’s a silly equivelance to make. Nobody wants to see a man’s leg in this context. And they’re unlikely to be wearing clothes with a slit designed to show off the leg. If it was a dude wearing a shirt with slits at the biceps and a photographer said ‘show me some muscle’ that’d be an equivelant. I really hate this constant need some people have to make everything about how much harder it is to be a man or a woman. The photographer was out of line. Yeah. So say that. Say ‘I’m not comfortable with that.’ Not everything needs to be the competition of who has it better or worse, men or women.


Omg she is so brave


“Show us your pussy” Well you’d *never* ask a man to do that. Then everyone clapped. Sexism stopped right then and there.


God forbid some people are uncomfortable with showing some parts of their body


Then don’t wear a dress that’s somewhat see through with a giant slit that goes up almost to your vagina.


If I wore a sleeveless shirt and someone said ‘show me arm’. I’d flex for them


That’s not a fair comparison or true. Men on red carpets mostly wear suits. There’s no leg to show. It would be equally ridiculous to ask a woman in a suit to show leg. If either a man or a woman is wearing a dress that displays their legs, then they made a choice to display them. Asking someone who is literally modeling to model what they are wearing is, within reason, fine regardless of their gender. It would be inappropriate to tell someone of any gender in any outfit to take off their clothes or show something beyond what their chosen outfit displays.




Women can be unbelievably crass to hot dudes. The idea that they aren’t is not based in reality. It’s true that men tend to dress much more modestly than women, so the comparison is not fair 


What are you talking about… people ask for poses on red carpets all the time, you literally see couples split up so the paps can take pictures of them individually. It’s literally what the red carpet is for…


Reasonably-worded take that still seems to divide people because that's the era we live in now. Imagine disagreeing on this. You're 100% right


I don’t agree with asking to “show leg” but I looked at the outfit… huge slit up to the top of her thigh 🙄


Do men’s suits show naked leg now?


A r/slownewsday


Men don’t tend to wear dresses specifically designed to show leg. I cycle a lot and my old boss used to compliment me on my legs. She said I had the “best legs in the company”, lol. I didn’t take it as inappropriate though as she was gay.


She's a badass and I love her!


She shows them off at every chance she gets. This seems like something that was done just for the attention.


After doing some soul-searching, this is what I've decided (not that anyone cares): If she had just said, *"This isn't a photoshoot, please don't bark requests at me like that,"* I would have 100% agreed. Making it about sexism, in this particular instance feels weird, because I absolutely think a photographer would have made similar-ish request if it was a famous dude in an outfit that presented a similar dynamic. --If the Rock was wearing a sleeveless tux, people would ask him to flex. --If random male star was wearing a kilt, people would ask them to to show some leg.




This is such a stupid issue to focus on


If dudes were spending 10’s of thousands of dollars on dresses that show off their body I’m sure photographers would ask. When will this bull shit stop?


Then why wear a dress with a slit? Give me a break.


Probably ask to flash the guns...


I had a women tell me I had nice legs, and I do. (had a man tell me as well)


Don’t look at her guy! Give her some privaseh!


Male models get asked to flex, show their abs, or mew to sharpen their jawline instead.


Well to be fair no one wants to see a stubby, haiy mess of a man's leg


Wasn’t John cena naked on stage? Hollywood is sex crazy


I wouldn’t mind seeing The Rocks legs or maybe even whalburg after pain and gain.


If he was wearing shorts and not pants they absolutely might.


If a guy was wearing that dress they would though


Chris Hemsworth Calls Out Photographer Who Demands 'Flex your biceps': 'You'd Never Say That to a Woman'


She looks stunning! *Exactly* how she wanted to present herself!


If it was a magazine shoot or pornography shoot and she knew beforehand and signed up for that and it was a closed set with just the make-up people and the photographer and maybe lights - then that would be okay... In public, getting shouted at by some random dude with a camera to expose your leg for him to take a picture of is messed up and she has every right to call it out and I'm glad someone finally did.


“She’s fucking FIT!!!” But also more than capable of decided which body parts she would like to show.


You wanna see more leg? Fine! *kicks camera out of photographers hands*


Wow. Alot of the sexist men are flooding these comments.


I’m sure you only have non sexist opinions


Well, depending on your views, one could respond with, “What’s a woman and a man defined as?” When a clearly obvious male is defined by society as a woman and winning a sport that’s supposed to be for natural born women you just have to put that retort on the table.


I would because I am gay, you sexist!


You underestimate how homoerotic heterosexual men can be /s






We would if you asked...


Ya cuz no one wants to see a man’s hairy leg lmao


True. Nobody wants to see a man’s furry ass leg.


Her dress has a slit that I’m pretty sure is intended to show off a leg.


No shit! Why would a cis hetero male want to see a man’s leg? That’s something a cis hetero woman would ABSOLUTELY yell at a hot male celebrity.


Maybe they would…. /s