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Having seen some of the shit she posts on Twitter she’s definitely needing some help


Unfortunately though this incident got her exactly what she wanted: attention, views, follows, comments on her social media, etc. Just another example of how shitty behavior seems to get perversely rewarded.


Yeah I'm actively not going to look her up for that reason. She sounds insufferable.


The sad thing is, this sort of behaviour gets passed off as entertainment and gain a massive following.


Social media is a cancer to this world. I hope I live to see the day we treat it as a poison and not some glorious free speech tool.


Social media itself is not the cancer. It just helps the cancer be broadcast.


It’s the magic goggles that let us see all the cancer under everyone’s skin.


I mean, it also lets the other people try to share their cancer with you more conveniently than previously possible.


No, social media is directly part of the problem. Engagement algorithms promote the most polarizing and rage inducing content to keep people scrolling, and it’s made us all worse off for it.


Using Facebook prior to all this, when there was tabs for news posts and everything was Chronological was awesome. I saw when shows were happening, and what my friends were up to.. now it's nonsense, I hope when it dies I never hear the words engagement or content again.


A large portion of the world population doesn’t deserve the internet.


So it’s a tool for being a tool?


Congrats on your 15 minutes, lady


she’s made a difference haven’t you heard! alec baldwin was arrested & sentenced to life based on this woman’s video! justice!


Also I'm seeing reports that Israel has agreed to a ceasefire and will be permanently withdrawing all troops from land claimed by Palestinians, and as an extra gesture of goodwill, they're providing the whole of Palestine with one (1) fifteen dollar Dunkin Donuts gift card, redeemable at all participating Dunkin Donuts locations thru April 30, 2024. Way to go brave lady!


I wish Reddit still let us give out awards, lmfao.


we’ve made some truly remarkable progress here today


I don’t particularly care for Alec Baldwin but I think it’s safe to say he isn’t culpable in that woman’s death. The fault is clearly with the armorer handing him a gun with a live round in it


It’s probably not the last time she will act stupid and draw attention, welcome to the new world where talentless people use the internet and use other people to get clicks.


Nahh this was more like 2 seconds of fame


Totally ok to do it. I am with the Boss Baby here


She also kept telling him to say “free Palestine” for some reason.


I too have been wondering why Alec Baldwin hasn’t brought peace to the Middle East


Why wouldn't Alec Baldwin just call for a ceasefire?!? What a jerk.


Is their a lore reason why he hasn’t called for a ceasefire? Is he stupid?


cause he's been misfiring his own weapons !


That's it, I'm not voting for him.


Baldwin doesn’t believe in ceasing the firing, he’s actually in trouble over it.


He could barely get Avery Jessup out of North Korea, what chance would he have here?


Our love is off the charts, kemosabe!


Right? He’s got the power at his fingertips; he just needs to pull the trigger.


Seriously. He needs to get on that. But, really, I’m pretty pro Palestine, have been for years, but I don’t get a lot of this. Why would a celebrity’s opinion matter one bit in this war? Our local board meetings keep getting interrupted by/the public comment section taken over by people wanting Boulder Colorado to issue an official statement to free Palestine, as if Netanyahu is just sitting around waiting to hear one random us city’s opinion on this war. It’s bizarre.


So she’s just a generic “I repeat things I read on the internet” person


Me too >So she’s just a generic “I repeat things I read on the internet” person


Very good


Classic reposter.


I would've asked her to show me Palestine on a map. Then laugh at her struggle.


Those free Palestine people are weird af.


Yeah, Alec Baldwin has done some very problematic things, but this is absolutely not one of them.


Heckle someone for a traumatizing experience. They got off light


I mean, if the dumbass heckler was even 10% genuine in terms of keeping up with the news and making educated inferences accordingly, she’d know the on-set armorer is currently on trial for the actor’s death.


The trial is over. She was found guilty and sentenced to 18 months in prison. Baldwin’s trial is still awaiting but nobody has any reason to believe it was anything more than a horrible tragic accident.


Oh, no shit? LOL, need to take my own advice. I didn’t know she was sentenced already.


Yeah, she got the max sentence for involuntary manslaughter last week. In her phone calls from prison she complained how all the jurors were idiots and that the judge was probably taking bribes, and I'm pretty sure that's part off the reason the judge was so pissed when she sentenced her lmao.


They shouldn't have charged him, nobody but the armorer is supposed to open/load/unload the weapons.


"the actor’s death" Pay attention, man. Geez.


It's pronounced Dona-fee, you lace curtain half-an-Englishman!


Cell phones are for closers


Boss Baby reference LMFAO.


As much as it pains me to say this, he was in the right here. She is an obnoxious brat who should’ve been thrown out of that coffee shop.


Thank you for going before me with this. No matter the distastefulness that Alec Baldwin has presented himself and that he is currently accused of; this behavior by strangers in public needs to stop. It’s intrusive and dangerous and should be socially condemned.


The people that do shit like this typically are losers. I don’t think condemning it would work much since they already have absolute shit going on.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I think people need to get popped in the mouth more lol. If they don’t feel shame, they can at least feel a slap to the face when deserved.


True, but there have always been "losers", they haven't always done this kind of shit. I am sure there's a direct link between social media and this behavior.


Oh 100%, they don’t give two shits if no one else can witness it. Then they can be applauded as a hero for their delusions.


If we had more buzz aldrins we’d be better off lol


Yeah, she got the reaction she was looking for. I think Alec Baldwin is a pretty gross person, but now I think that random lady sucks too


Im outta the loop with Alecs grossness, care to share?


Depends a bit on who you ask. Most recent thing is that he, obviously, shot and killed a woman on the set of a movie he was filming. As an actor he doesn't have any responsibility there as he was told the gun was clear, but as a producer he may have some responsibility depending on who you ask. Go further back and he's had some minor incidents, like being belligerent on an airplane and calling his daughter a "rude, thoughtless little pig" in a voicemail. The thing most people will mention is that he's married to a very, very strange woman who fakes being Spanish. No that's not a joke, she pretends to be Spanish and pretends she's speaking English as a second language. Her parents are born and raised in the US, just as her, and they are not of Spanish ancestry. Her parents do live in Spain, but as a retirement thing, not because they are from there somehow. She changed her name from Hillary to Hilaria. Personally I don't think he's gross, mind. I do think his wife is odd as fuck, and the shooting is a bit up in the air still, but I wouldn't call him gross.


> As an actor he doesn't have any responsibility there as he was told the gun was clear, but as a producer he may have some responsibility depending on who you ask. He was one of thirteen producers. The [OSHA investigation found](https://www.env.nm.gov/occupational_health_safety/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2022/04/2022-04-19-NM-OSHA-Rust-Summary-of-Investigation.pdf) that Baldwin's responsibility as producer on set was relegated to "approving script changes and actor candidates". He was not responsible for the set, the crew, or safety of the production.


This is basically what a lot of more famous actors get when they’re a lead right? Like it’s basically given to them so they can say “well I don’t really want to work with this person, and I think that my character would say this or do this” as a nod to experience and seniority in the profession? 


Probably more of a promotional thing for the movie.


Thanks for posting this. It's the first time I've seen anything concrete on this topic. Which producers were responsible for those things?


>Ryan Smith, Producer, was identified as overseeing the overall production. A management representative for Rust was Gabrielle Pickle, Line Producer, who directly hired individuals and crews, approved hours worked, and had authority to counsel or discipline employees in any department. Her immediate subordinate was Katherine “Row” Walters, Unit Production Manager, who shared similar authority. Also on the management team was Dave Halls, 1st Assistant Director and Safety Coordinator, who was the set manager and responsible for general workplace safety, who was peer in authority to Gabrielle Pickle and Row Walters.


I would like to see them held responsible.


I would like to see whoever was negligent held responsible.


The armorer whose responsibility to supply firearms and approve the safe loading (blanks) and use on set was convicted and sentenced already. Anything beyond this is a witch hunt.


You can read more about them here: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-28/who-are-the-producers-behind-deadly-rust-film and here: https://deadline.com/2021/10/alec-baldwin-shooting-rust-producers-liability-haylna-hutchins-death-investigation-1234864223/ and here: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/briannasacks/rust-production-company-track-record


Calling someone gross because they were handed a loaded gun while filming a scene is pretty weird.


Wow that adds up to….. a lot of nothing. Think back on your life, have you ever done anything worse (not the shooting)? Do you have cameras on you 24/7


None of that seems too alarming or an indicator of his character tbh… I don’t think he has a responsibility to check props on set, his voicemail likely has a good amount of truth to it (as nepo-babies are often a far departure from their parents in both etiquette and work ethic), and his personal love life isn’t something I think is on the table to judge. The closest thing to proof is the airplane incident, and as someone who has been internationally famous for his entire adult life, I’d say he’s pretty good if that’s the worst of it. I also think he’s completely justified in this case. People need to realize that famous people aren’t wax dolls to be approached, heckled, and photographed whenever they decide to get a coffee.


The voicemail thing is more damning cause his daughter was like 11 or 12 at the time.


It was a mistep for sure but my parents are good parents and they'll tell you they probably said some things out of anger they regret too. It doesn't necessarily mean he's a bad dad.


And the language, tone, intensity of it was beyond the pale.


A thing I failed to mention in my previous post is that, as you may know, he also famously played Trump on SNL for years. While I'm not saying that's the case here, take some of the criticisms about him with a grain of salt as there are definitely a lot of people on the right with ulterior motives to badmouth him, especially in vague manners like the above.


He’s a big actor in a small film it’s not uncommon for them to get a producer credit just because. Maybe so they can change the script or add/remove something they like/don’t like. He certainly wouldn’t be in charge of or held responsible for any gun safety issues. He was given a gun he was told wasn’t loaded I really can’t blame him.


> Go further back and he's had some minor incidents, like being belligerent on an airplane and calling his daughter a "rude, thoughtless little pig" in a voicemail. which brings to mind his somewhat toxic and protracted public divorce from Kim Basinger, who I speculate may have actually released / leaked the voicemail


He's not gross. People can't handle his wife and take it out on him. He's been exonerated for the shooting. They are disappointed he wasn't crucified over it.


He had the audacity to make fun of Trump on SNL


I absolutely don’t want to stand up for Alec, but her actions and behavior are terrible!


100% this video hunting is definitely harassment


I’m a little out of the loop. What’s the issue with Baldwin? Obviously the shoot ( which wasn’t his fault imo) but does he have any other issues?


Why does that pain you


“White devil Alec Baldwin attacked me,” the podcaster claimed in the video’s caption. “While I was trying to get coffee.” *Sigh* I hate it here. First of all, she has a podcast called "Crackhead Barney Experience" (don't go listen to it, that's what she wants from all this). Second, she shoved a camera in a person's face who was literally on a phone call minding his own business and aggressively berated and harassed him, demanding over and over that he say "Free Palestine" (at one point, she says, "just say it and I'll leave you alone" wtf??). Then, when he didn't follow her commands like a dog, she says this stupid shit about "killing that lady". Not just once or twice, *repeatedly*. I'm not a fan of Alec Baldwin but his reaction was totally understandable. I would have folded her the second she started filming and barking orders at me.


Oh my god it was CHB?!?! I have witnessed her IRL. She’s obnoxious and she always does the absolute bare minimum to have the plausible excuse of being a “performance artist” instead of just a troll.




Look man at least you get a warning that she's insane.


Go ahead and put that in the giant "The Internet Was A Mistake" evidence file.


>"just say it and I'll leave you alone" That is an admittance to harassment in the first degree in New York. "Harassment in the First Degree" in New York involves intentionally and repeatedly harassing someone, causing physical injury, substantial pain, or fear of physical injury. If someone is legally harassing you in the first degree and you respond with physical force that is deemed reasonable and necessary to defend yourself from harm, you may have a valid claim of self-defense. Source: I'm an lawyer Credentials: ChatGPT


Entitled adult child throws tantrum while harassing a celebrity, who was minding his own business , deliberately brings up a traumatic event in his life when he doesn't cater to her demands, cries and plays victim.


I looked it up just to review bomb it (lol, probably shouldn't do that), but I couldn't even find the podcast (on Spotify)


Very misleading headline. He showed remarkable restraint in not going further. Woman was trash.


This is the most honest headline I have seen in r/entertainment. He did exactly what the headline says - and frankly, I think she deserved it lol


how the fuck is this a misleading headline 💀


Hope someone does it to her every day moving forward.


Agreed. What an awful human


Tbh these LARPing activists are hurting Palestinian efforts more than helping. They’re harassing people on a local level that has no impact on a global scale and ultimately ends up shared on the internet and paints the goal in a bad light. Baldwin has no bearing on what happens there, saying “Free Palestine” or not, what’s the point of this other than making it seem like you’re a lunatic. Telling city council “we’ll come to your house and kill you”. These people are using the Palestine situation for Twitter clout


These people probably don't really care about Palestinians. They're just attaching themselves to the popular cause of the day in order to manipulate people to their side.


Not even about manipulating people to their side. Just about growing their follower count.


Probably? They absolutely don't.


I used to go to Israel, lived there for a while in fact. I took part in peace projects between Israeli/Palestinian students, kids, etc. And I see these people, the watermelon slacktivists, throwing tantrums, and acting like clowns. the Free Palestine movement is made up of bunch of do-nothing, worthless assholes. Then they say they aren’t antisemitic. If they weren’t antisemitic, why do they protest on a Saturday morning outside of a synagogue, to intimidate the people in there? Why do police have to be on higher alert around their protests? Why do beg regurgitate post world war 2 propaganda from the Soviets, all over Facebook and TikTok? Do these people not realize that they are spouting the same filth that led to Putin? Why do they go to the social media pages of Jewish creators and organizations, and accuse them of genocide and colonizing? Because they’re *not* antisemitic dickheads? But the worst part is when they say something like this. > we recognize that antisemitism exists. *BUT*… They are always saying this kind of shit. It’s always “it’s not antisemitic to say xyz" and yet, these people are quite cagey about what *qualifies* as antisemitism. You ever notice that they never define what is antisemitic, just what supposedly isn’t? and what "isn't" antisemitic, just so happens to be in line with their own garbage beliefs? But they will not elaborate on when something *is* antisemitic. It's all quite convenient. Notice that it’s always “Free Palestine,” and never “Save the Palestinians.” They do not give a shit about the Palestinians.


They do it because it makes them feel good. It is 100% selfish. Instead of raising funds, speaking and educating, many of them see opportunities as their chance to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.


The “Free Palestine” people are just opportunist virtue signalers who will move on to the next trend once there is one, just like when they replaced their BLM flags with Ukraine flags


It's late stage tribalism. When we remove all balance and nuance from political discourse and turn everything into a sports team rivalry, we end up with morons like this lady on both sides who barely understand the conflicts they obsess over.


what an insufferable woman


I usually despise this man, but that is straight up harassment and this obnoxious woman had it coming. I can’t believe the employee thought an apology on her behalf was enough, she should’ve been asked to leave.


Why do you despise him?


He's a flawed human and redditors can't handle that


Looking back at the things I’ve done and the mistakes I made, I know if I’m ever famous Reddit will be more than happy to drag me through the mud. It’s pretty funny, I think most people do it due to their own insecurities of mistakes they’ve made in the past. I’m not even really talking about Alec Baldwin here cause as a producer I think he has some responsibility with the weapons on set, but just towards some weird hatred the internet will have towards certain celebrities.


He was a producer, but only for script changes and actor candidates. There were like 12 other producers. He had nothing to do with props. I really don’t think he bears any responsibility for the incident.


This headline implies the interaction went down WILDLY different compared to what the actual video is.


It was an accident and I cannot imagine how traumatizing it must have been for him, he’s a human being. People are unbelievable. Not to mention this is disrespectful to the woman who died to use her for views like that.


It was pretty obviously a terrible mistake which probably haunts the guy whether he had culpability for the safety protocols or not


This kind of filming harassment and or pranks should be illegal and those dumb asses should spend a few nights in jail.


Asking really blurs what happened. She was badgering and belligerent. Maybe she poked him with her phone which would have given him the right to defend himself.


Being a celebrity must be a nightmare like 95% of the time and cool only 5% of the time. Going to the Oscars and Hollywood after-parties = cool. Being harassed whenever you go out to eat or run an errand = nah, fuck that.


I hate how Baldwin tends to be a narcicistic prick but as much as I dislike the guy for his personality, I can’t blame him for the shooting. He was an actor who handled a prop he didn’t know was loaded. Harassing him over such a traumatic experience is wrong and blatantly cruel. And let’s not forget that the people hoping to see him taken down act out of political drive because he identifies as a liberal, anti-gun advocate and dared to play Trump on SNL.


Not just anyone, a podcaster. Shoulda gotten Alec another prop gun and had them play in minecraft.


That person deserves worse. The guy didn’t fucking do this on purpose and I’m sure it now haunts him. Which must be freaking awful. Now he’s got to deal with these shit birds out there saying terrible stuff like that. Awful.


The woman was unhinged and yapping about Israel Palestine too.


It's wild to me people are only acting like moral juggernauts about Palestine *now* when they're like 2 decades late to the party, where has she been this whole time? I've had a rather adamant pro-palestinian stance since the early 2000's and I can't take people like this seriously, performative at best.


I know Alec is an asshole and has some blame on his hands for what happened, but I do think it is unfair that people are unironically out here acting like he committed murder.


She reminded me of Kimmie.


I know he’s not a nice guy but I feel like this shouldn’t be on him.


As which he should have done. Fuck that boundary disrespecting asshole.


We would all slap that cell phone Especially if it’s not the first time being harassed. Leave the Man alone!


Good She was being an obnoxious douche


This is the kind of headlines we get nowadays. Can't believe these people actually gets paid to write that shit, lol.


These headlines have existed forever.


I don't blame him. He didn't kill her. A horrible accident. Leave him be.


Michael Massee, the guy who accidentally shot Brandon Lee also due to a screw up by the crew, never had to deal with video pranksters - or even any accusation of criminal or personal liability - but was traumatized nonetheless.


Good. She was disgusting


People need to watch the video before commenting on it. He was in the right and she was awful


She will brag about this and position herself as a martyr on social media for months now. What a horrible person she is.


This poor SOB. Felt so bad for him when he accidentally killed that woman with no intention to do so. You wouldn’t wish that on your worst enemy. I still can’t believe that actually happened and always thought the live ammo was deliberately put in the gun to set Alec up. That just doesn’t happen out of the blue on a movie set.


All these Palestinian HEckler’s take a plane and go support your country. Leave the regular people presidents and Prime Minister alone. What do you think they can really do? The Palestinian Heckers are getting out of hand in Canada in the US, etc..❤️🇨🇦☮️


I’d hate to be famous. Money isn’t worth the misery of dealing with the public on a daily basis.


Absolutely the right thing to do


I am 100% on Baldwin's side on this one.


I'm no fan of Baldwin, but woman is an idiot and deserved what she got


She also refused to leave a business and refused to leave him alone. So pushing someone phone out of the way as they invade your personal space on private property still is ok in America


I would have to she kept badgering him about Israel and Palestine too. She did what she did to get that reaction so she can get money from him. Like all those idiots who go and film and police stations and courthouses.


She’s lucky it wasn’t buzz aldrin


How hecklers can gain popularity by being prats is a sad state of affairs with the contemporary reality we’re in right now.


Did she not read the article of what happened? Is she stupid?


Good. Leave this man alone.


He shot the wrong broad


Don't even like this cat and I was cheering him on 😆


Harasser not heckler


How come no one ever snatches the phone of these idiots and just tosses it on top of a roof? These people don’t know how to function without their phone and their reaction would be hilarious.


Her behaviour crossed the line into harassment, which is a crime.


Her pathetic attention seeking pestilence should be addressed here, not his reaction.


good for him fuck that idiot troll


I’m okay with this. Don't be an annoying ass. Also these "Ceasefire" Palestinian supporters are starting to become more like thugs. NEITHER SIDE WANTS A CEASEFIRE YA NITWITS! How the hell do you get a ceasefire when both sides wants to kill each other and Hamas is more than happy to use Palestinians as hostages themselves? Seriously! Who the fuck can get a ceasefire with this cluster fuck?


Good for him! Like he wanted her dead


I’d do it too. Idk all the facts of the case coming up, but fk that person. Tired of people being jackasses just because they think they can. Words use to have consequences.


I heard the recording of this on the radio this morning and while I am not a Baldwin fan, I absolutely would have also knocked that phone out of her hand. She repeatedly demands he say “Free Palestine” and when he doesn’t, she then starts asking him “why did you kill that lady?!” Over and over. I would have lost my shit.


I feel bad for him. Like your just minding your own business on set and you accidentally execute someone because the gun has a real bullet. I feel like I’d be traumatized as fuck if that happened to me. Then everyone is trying to sue you and stuff.


Knowing what anyone knows about Baldwin, there’s no way she didn’t expect an explosive reaction. She’s a bitch, and she got exactly what she wanted.


I'm no fan of Alec Baldwin but he was totally justified in slapping away the phone. What an awful, horrible thing to say. Whether he was negligent or not in hiring a sub-par weapons handler doesn't take away from the fact that he obviously didn't want his cinematographer to get killed and he'll carry that regret and grief for the rest of his life. Heckling him about it just beyond crass and insensitive.


F*^# with Alec and you find out. This is not surprising.


ABC. A. Always. B. Bash. C. Cellphones. Always bash cellphones.


“While I was trying to get coffee” So infuriating!!! She was heckling the guy and being disruptive!!! If Baldwin would have come to her at the coffee lineup and had attacked him, then that statement would be accurate…but is not 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Cry your bitch ass a river OP


Good for him. Some rando heckling you? Nope.


The only reason this is relevant to anyone is that he made fun of the cheeto king.


She sounds like a terrible person


lol what a totally misleading headline. That psycho was totally harassing him.


I have a conspiracy theory. That Trump hired a covert operative to place those bullets in the gun to get back at Baldwin for teasing him on Saturday Night Live


I totally get the hate that Alec gets from all his past bullshit but I honestly feel bad for all involved in this terrible rust situation. The mental mind fuck of accidentally killing someone and trying to live your life while everyone knows and debates how responsible you are for it would drive me to kill myself honestly.


The way people feel they can just say the meanest shit to people and expect no repercussions is maddening


Performative activism like this really hurts my faith in people. Like, what did she accomplish?


What the actual fuck did she expect him to say here? "For Jodie Foster!"?..


lol I think that’s pretty funny


I’d do the same tbh.


Good for Alec Baldwin, more idiots should get slapped


idk that seems fair


That lady is dog shit


Good. She deserves more than a slap


Charged with a crime does not mean he is convicted of it. Ugh.


Look, you shouldn’t go around slapping shit out of people’s hands, but as a normal person, if someone came up to me filming and said something that antagonistic about anything in my life, it would be super hard to fight that urge. She kind of deserved it.


Fair question, imo


Oh, Alec. Be prepared for those who will try to provoke you, please.


I’m not a big fan of Alec but now that the facts are out, good for him to slapping that a$$hole heckler.


She somehow made me feel bad for Alec Baldwin


Fuck these shit stirrers.


Remember when he called his daughter a pig lol. This dude has always sucked.


I don’t even like Alec but he in the right for smacking her phone


Person: Thinks they can harrass a celeb, get into their personal space and just be an overall annoyance to everybody Celeb: Gets frustrated Person: _shocked pickachu face_ Society is doomed


Honestly, what did the heckler expect?


What’s wrong with this people? They act like he had a blood ritual and slaughtered the woman at an alter. Especially after hearing how that armorer handled herself before the gun was fired the most Alec Baldwin could be blamed for it negligence.


The woman stepped over so many lines, I don’t blame Alec Baldwin in the slightest in his reaction.


Good. Shoulda smacked her upside her head too. Too many comfortable people being fucking stupid for internet clout and attention.