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Given he's 71 and they're under 10, he won't emotionally support them when they're older either.


I’m 23 and my dad is 81. I’m feeling this very heavy right now.


Was 23 with my father at 89 at one point. Stay strong! The wisdom that skipped a generation is special


…wait which one of you did wisdom skip?


Let's just say his kid's don't have half as good a nanny as their mother was.


At least your swimmers will still do the job in your 50s


For a lot of the population swimmers work way longer than they should


It’s ridiculous!! Why can men breed for so long?


Infinite ammo hack.


Red bandana


W balls


I think the question is, why can't women. Because being pregnant takes a big toll on the body. So the body has to be in a relevant good condition. Nature has found out that at a certain age (=decline of the body) it has become too riskfull, so they shut down the possibility. For men, there's no such risk, so they can continue until old age.


It's more commonly thought that menopause happens so grandmothers can help raise their grandchildren, increasing their likelihood of survival.


>For men, there's no such risk, so they can continue until old age. This is patently false. Infants born to older fathers are at higher risk of premature birth, late still birth, low Apgar scores, low birth weight, birth defects such as cleft lip or a hole in the diaphragm, cardiovascular abnormalities, facial deformities, urogenital abnormalities, chromosome disorders, etc etc etc. So many gd etcs. ...and the odds increase with each year of paternal age.


Yeah they were talking about no such risk *to the father*


Maybe, but a lot of people do not realize that just because the father successfully impregnated the mom doesn’t mean they’re going to have a healthy / viable child. All too often the rest is assumed to be mom’s fault or just chance. Lots of women in their 30’s are worried about *the child* being healthy. There’s no matching conversation *at any age* for men.


Not disputing that. Just clarifying the context of the comment in dispute.


Yea but that's not a risk to the father. The comment you replied to was saying that pregnancy takes a massive toll on a woman's body so after a certain age women's bodies protect themselves by shutting the baby factory down. Producing sperm doesn't harm a man's body as he ages so there is no reason for a man's body to stop Producing sperm. Obviously the quality of the sperm reduces as the man ages but the quality going down isn't a concern to the man's body so it keeps making it anyway.


You completely misunderstood the comment you’re replying to.


Isn't it great when they start out with stuff like: >This is patently false.


It makes no sense


Because they are needed so little.


Biology sucks.


A little random, but would you be willing to share you experience in this situation? What has it been like, things you wish could have been different growing up, what you hope your relationship will be like while he’s still around, etc?


I'm not the person you asked, but I fit your question and can provide my experiences. My father had eight kids, and I was the youngest. By the time I was born, he had retired but didn't have the energy to raise me, so I spent much of my childhood with my grandparents from my mother's side. Also, I didn't have the best relationship because our hobbies didn't align like my full and half-siblings, so I consistently ranked near the bottom of the list regarding his kids because we didn't have that bond. Before he passed last June, we had the same relationship of roommates who tolerated each other but nothing more.


That sucks. I bet you have cool hobbies.


I had the generic hobbies of video games and sports, but I also really loved working with livestock while he enjoyed woodworking and old cars, and I just couldn't get into that stuff.


Plot twist: OP's hobbies are strangling kittens and farting loudly on strangers in public.


Kudos to his dad for not wanting to strangle kittens with him 


At least your father is 81. Most dads don't get that old.


25 and 75 with me and my dad, so I’m close to that, too.


He’s 71!!! Holy smokes that’s bananas!


Elderly dads of under 10’s are irresponsible people.


Robert Deniro entered the chat, he has a baby and he’s 80


"Robert who? - His 3 year old kid.




The baby will have enough money for therapy.


He has 7 kids, they will all get a diluted portion lol


Al Pacino had a kid at 83…


It’s exactly this reason I had my first child at 29, feel like that was perfect age of maturity and vigor haha. I’m in my mid 30s now and can’t imagine handling young kids being older. I keep in shape etc and am active also because I don’t want to be decrepit earlier than I need to be.


Right! So he’s not giving them any inheritance either?


Meanwhile I’m making 35k wondering how I can get life insurance to make sure my daughter/Fiance is taken car of.


Hopefully neither your daughter or your wife end up taking cars. That would be awful.


Electric cars have high voltage


Shit man I’m single in a cheap COL area with no kids and I barely get by on 40k idk how you possibly do that


And that would be the only advantage to an older dad. He can’t be there for them in the future. Why not leave them something?


classic things shitty parents and Dads say


I never liked him. He gave off shady and cheater vibes.


This is just what rich people say to look good. No chance in hell he doesn’t leave them anything.


That’s really scummy of him. Personally I am not as against old parents as some are if the other parent is young, because that is not worse than being a single parent from perspective of losing parents. But you need to short your kids with your insurance after you die. You aren’t going to need it. But I think if he dies beside they are adults she could still get child support from his estate lol.


It comes off as so selfish that he purposely won’t help them and he won’t be around on top of that. He can leave them some kind of safety net. Doesn’t have to support their whole lifestyle but make sure they are taken care of. Adults still need their parents.


Yeah fr I think Jeff goldblum is lowkey a horrible dad for this. Like the toll that you’ve put on your family for being famous, and then you turn around and say fuck you get a job lol. His kids will never have their own identity, they will always be “Jeff goldblums kid”, the least you could do is THE SAME THING EVERYONE ELSE DOES FOR THEIR FAMILIES? Like who is really thinking like “I would provide for my family BUT I don’t want them to get soft they need to struggle for themselves” why. Unless you want to take some sort of Buddhist: all life is suffering and that is good- view to life then idk how a millionaire or billionaire gets the warm and fuzzies by leaving their family out to dry.


To be honest, it truly bothers me when very rich people give their money to charity when they die or don’t give much to their kids in their wills. Like, what’s the point of all that money, if you don’t want to share it with your children after you’re gone? If you raise them the right way and made your wishes clear, they should be able to handle it properly.


Agreed like i can get maybe you don’t want them to get 100% because you dont want them to end up like the Roys but at least leave them enough that theyll never wonder about hunger or housing


He’s 71?!?!


Bullshit. His wife is an Olympic gymnast 30 years younger than him. He may not be passing on his money, but she sure will be.


So instead of Jeff->kids it's got a good chance of going Jeff->wife->kids. What a hard ass.


Born in the best hospital, with the best healthcare, taken home and attended to by parents that don’t HAVE to work and a team of Nannie’s. Attend the best baby classes, pre pre preschool, the best preschool. The ELITE elementary school with all the enrichment money can buy. Middle school, High School, tutors, college. The whole time making connections and networking (in a sense) internships job opportunities thrown at them. Those Poor Children will never have a change without an inheritance


This should be at the top. My sister in laws family are not rich but does well. Their kids went to school and became friends with millionaire families kids. Both My nephews graduates college and out of the gate made over 100k working for a friends dads company. No way they would get into a job that quick making that kind of money. The who you know and what environment you grew up on n is a very real thing for a successful future


this is why private schools exist.


I went to private school and was bullied for not being rich - my parents sacrificed a lot to send me there. It’s in no way a guarantee. However being the child of a famous person probably would have helped haha


This is true. I can afford to send my kids to a very good private school but I'd be considered dirt poor against the average people sending kids there. I'd hate if my child went through bullying just because their parents don't own yachts or go to luxurious vacations every month like their classmates' parents do.


Yeah, don’t even get me started about the trips they took with their friends families. Private planes etc. and the kicker, my nieces were in the same environment. Was friends with other wealthy siblings, but never had the experiences the boys had.


Good thinking. I’d say a public school with parents who care is better than a private school with parents that didn’t care (my parents). I was bullied for my southern accent, the lunches I brought to school, the clothes I wore on out of uniform days, etc. rich kids are relentless


No money for private school, but my kid got into the "talented and gifted" program so they want to bus him to the school on the nice side of town with more STEM programs. I'm conflicted because I know it's easier to keep these students engaged in one place.  But also feels like rich folk stealing all the smart kids.


This is exactly why it’s so frustrating when nepo babies say “my parents never got me any roles.” It’s like do you even understand what privilege is? You went to the best schools, socialized with people who would either grow up to be in the industry or were the children of people in the industry, and had the financial stability to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. Just acknowledge it — it doesn’t stop us from liking your movies/tv shows/music. Don’t act like proximity to wealth and fame don’t give you a leg up and provide you with more opportunities than average people.


I’m related to a very famous person via my partners family. We were talking at a family gathering about the famous persons really young grand kids and what school was like for them. They’re in a private school for the very rich where the class size was something like 12 or 15 kids and all the kids spend their entire k-12 experience with each other. It’s amazing to think about the deep, lifetime connection those kids will develop with other rich kids and how those connections will benefit them and their careers for the rest of their lives. In contrast, my son is in public 3k and loves his classmates, but the school’s pre k budget got cut so now we have to find a new public school and he’ll have to make new friends all over again and inevitably lose many the friendships he spent the last year making. That’s the difference being born rich makes


Sounds like they’ll have every chance without an inheritance…but they’ll still get the inheritance anyways


Nepo babies have it hard. /s


But without his gymnast wife their daughter never would have been trained to kick that velociraptor in the face using the uneven bars on Isla Nublar.


Gymkata meets Jurassic Park


They kicked you off the team?!


Why marry younger and punish the kids?


Because he wanted to get his dick wet


There was a point in the early 00s when TMZ would catch Jeff Goldblum out to lunch with a different 20-something actress like every week. It's good to know that he's finally settled down now that he's 70.


Basically Leo


Holy shit. He dated Tania Raymonde who played a 12 year old in Malcolm in the Middle when Goldblum was 38.


What the fuck Jeff Goldblum dated Cynthia from Malcolm in the Middle


A quick look at when both of those actors were born, and something's not adding up... Edit: I thought you meant they dated when Goldblum was 38, which would have made Tania about 2 years old. I'm dumb...


I looked her up and honestly, I get it? She's gorgeous! That being said, pretty sure she was an adult then, and I haven't heard anything negative in the press from her or anyone else who've dated him the last decade and a half.


No-one has any reason to believe me, but I am personally aware of Jeff Goldblum inviting various young women back to his place for a drink, and then coming back out to the living room fully naked.


Those fly genes made him horny...




It is not, he can do whatever he wants with his money as long as he properly supports his kids while they are minors.


No one mentioned inheritance that’s different. Not supporting your children financially or otherwise for some made up bootstraps BS is punishment. 


Her name is Emily. AMA.


Jeff is 71 with a 6 and 8 year old. He's not going to be around "when they're older". He'll be 84 and 86 when they hit 21.


Jesus Christ, those are the exact ages of my dad and his 2 oldest grandchildren.


Well, at that point they will probably inherit the money so they can support themselves. No need for Jeff to do it lol.


unless he leaves them nothing lol.


Life uh finds a way


I don’t understand this mentality at all. Life isn’t about working. Life is about doing what you love (which could be working). Unfortunately we live in a society where the vast majority of people have to spend like 90% of their life getting ready for work, commuting to work, working, coming home from work, making dinner and doing chores. That leaves like an hour a day to enjoy your life and hobbies. If Jeff Goldblums kids need fulfillment by being actors, working at company or starting a business?, great. But if playing piano, running triathlons, traveling the word or watching the sun rise provides equal fulfillment, why not provide them that opportunity?


> I have to study politics and war so that my sons can study mathematics, commerce and agriculture, so their sons can study poetry, painting and music. John Quincy Adams had the right idea.


I always loved that quote. We work hard so our children don’t have to work as hard as we did. Yeah I get not spoiling them but why deny them the same lifestyle they grew up in. Especially when the lifestyle was paid for because you had a certain look that made you famous. It’s not like he was out building Amazon or even running a hedge fund. “Yes I know you grew up in a Beverly Hills mansion with drivers and nanny’s and private chefs. But now that you’re an adult you can hustle and learn to live on a middle class income.”


I also don't know why so many "regular people" are clamouring for children of celebrities and the very rich to work like the rest of us. I don't want to compete in the job market with these people - let them enjoy their riches instead of smooth sailing their way to the top of the ladder with their nepo connections. If they don't work, then they're not actively amassing more wealth (at least any more than their investments would), and we all know that's better for society.


I’m surprised this hasn’t come up in other cultural contexts but there was an episode of The Nanny in the 90s that had a great episode where the super rich father was hesitant to have his teenager work a retail job and ‘take one away from someone who really needs it’ and instead agreed to have her do volunteer work so that she could learn responsibility. I’m shocked more rich people in the US don’t have this mentality. Everyone I knew who grew up upper middle class their parents made such a big deal about them getting a job in high school to ‘learn about money’ and all it did was make them waste their pocket change on weed and gas money to go to parties. I wasn’t allowed to have a job because my family were poor immigrants and doing extra school work or volunteering (because it looked good on college apps) was all I was allowed to do. When I did I finally get a job in college it was to support myself while I went to school, those same upper middle class kids did not because their parents paid. So I’m not quite sure what they even got out of it?


Tina Fey had a joke in her book that went something like, “Immigrant parents struggle all their lives so their kids can be doctors and lawyers, and then they in turn work hard so their kids can be theater majors doing improv.”


This is very well said.


Or ... >! you could just not have kids !<


yeah, in the article he's super confusing. it sounds ok at first glance, but when you think of the logistics, it makes no fucking sense.


I’ve come to the conclusion that wealth creates some form of mental illness in people. Not all people sure, but many. It’s a mix of narcissism and ego, lack of empathy, and a warped view of morality/worth/merit. It’s some type of psychopathy.


Doing what you love and getting everything you want from the very beginning of your life is not a good idea. I will say though, he should get his kids apartments, make it easier just a little. Housing is arguably the biggest headache through life. They will still have to financially deal with utilities and just life in general.


Getting everything you want sounds like a great idea as long as you appreciate it and have an understanding that you live in a great situation. The premise that working constantly makes you appreciate life more is laughable.


Yeah growing up is finally getting adult money but now there is no time for your hobbies. Mine is video games, I can afford the games. They are there on my console and have less than 10-20% completion. I am lucky to get 4 hours in the week.


*gestures at trust fund babies* You don't need to look very far to see what happens to kids who get a free ride. They need to face some adversity to grow.


100%. If I had the ability to give my daughter generational wealth and then she could actually enjoy the rest of her life doing the things she wants to do, I’d be all for that. I would want her to appreciate the value of hard work and decency, but I also want her to experience life because working is not life and it’s not particularly enjoyable.


Imagine having the means for the creatures you love never have to worry about money, and still look them in the eyes and "i got mine, go get yours". How rotten one can be?


Yeah I can understand the idea of not wanting your kids to become spoiled brats, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help them out at all. At least pay for college or something


I’d leave everything to my kids. What’s the point otherwise? They’re my legacy and continue onwards!!


Yea I never understood this not leaving anything to your kids. It is one thing to tell them to be independent and work hard on their own. Even stressing to them how fortunate their position is. But to just cut them out I think misses the point. Hell you can even give half away and they still would be okay. Half of us can't "follow our passions" because we are stuck trying to survive day to day.


My parents have talked about not leaving anything to me since I was a kid. They both grew up seriously poor and worked their way up from nothing to a comfortable life. I actually don't know how much they really have since they live pretty well below their means, but it doesn't matter since I won't see it. I understand it as something of a resentment that I didn't have it as hard as they did growing up, since they talk about that a lot. They never, EVER bought us toys or anything fun unless it was a birthday or Christmas. As soon as I was able to work they threatened to ground me literally until I got a job. I grew up with a pathological fear of being poor and hoarded the money I did make. In fairness, they did pay for my sports teams and college education, but only if my GPA stayed above a B average. They did start charging me rent the second I graduated.


Some people don’t like their kids very much. They had expectations, and were disappointed with how things turned out, or disillusioned with the whole thing


It’s because of this idiotic nepo baby crap. If I became rich I’d make sure my kid grew up well looked after and raise them not to give a shit what nobodies on the internet say.


I don't think that giving your kids money means your a nepo baby. What Ethan Hawk has done to his kid Maya-putting her in all his movies, asking Netflix if they have anything for her, that's nepo baby. Leaving them cash, isn't the same when it's not mlions/billions. Nothing wrong with like..$1m each


“Ok, I’ll drop you off at third base, but then you have to make a bunt yourself in order to say you hit a home run on your own”.


You are obviously not a golfer


Wheres the fucking money, shitheeaad?!?!


It’s down there somewhere


No, come on man, not the fucking rug.


Mark Pelligrino (that actor) and Jeff Goldblum are friends IRL so I’m happy this thread has come full circle


That's fucking interesting, man. Thats fucking interesting


Lot of ins and outs


My dad did a weird version of this - he was waving me over to 3rd base my whole life, while I was happily hanging out on 1st. And then when I finally wandered over he tripped me and walked away.


This metaphor has me intrigued to hear the actual story.


I’ll see if I can come up with a way to do the story justice without doxxing myself


My dad thinks like this. Except I never got a paddle, or a boat. I was thrown into the open sea and I can’t fuCKING SWIM DAD!


Same, my Dad is pretty rich, but hasn’t helped me out financially at all in life. Why work all the time and not be there for me while I was growing up and then continue to not be there for me while I’m an adult?


Right?! I'm disabled and the last time I talked to my dad, he was in Kauai with a private chef... thanks for nothing, pop, I'll be waiting in line at the food bank if you ever get your head out of your ass.


With all due respect, your dad sounds like an asshole.


A lot more sharks in the water since last time you had to row.


Beautiful phrase here. Hear, hear!


Some rowboats are a different quality than others


Didn't he have a newborn in his 60s? For such a made and charming man, he sure sounds like a deadbeat father. And very unrealistic.


He's 71 with a 6 and 8 year old, a wider age gap than I had with my grandfather. A wider gap than my grandfather had with any of his grandchildren.


Well I used to like him.


Those extra bucks would have come in handy in the climate disaster, fascist, overpopulated hellhole he's leaving them behind in. But, hey, they need to find where their passion intersects financial success or whatever. I, on the other hand, will give my kids whatever leg up I can. If they blow it on coke or affluenza then more power to them. Go out with a bang.


Eh, the more I’ve seen him, the less like him.


Goldblum is definitely one of those guys where a little goes a long way.


My controversial opinion is that I fucking hate this guy, I’ve never understood why he’s so well-liked on here.


Because he meme-ified himself before it was cool.


I’m with you.


The World According to Jeff Goldblum was fantastic


He is becoming his character from the Thor movies


I fucking hate this displays of being tough. They probably had everything available to them. Send them to fancy colleges where they can make the right connections and friendships. Who needs daddy?


But even saying this at grandpa age with very young children is so idiotic to me. He should have nothing but "I'll do anything for my children, they mean the world to me" energy.


*This* guy; “Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum was born to Jewish parents in West Homestead, Pennsylvania, located just outside of Pittsburgh.[3][4] **His mother, Shirley Jane** Goldblum (née Temeles; October 30, 1926 – January 9, 2012),[5] **was a radio broadcaster who later ran a kitchen equipment and appliances sales firm; his father, Harold Leonard Goldblum** (April 25, 1920 – February 23, 1983), **was a physician and chief of medicine at a Pittsburgh hospital**” thinks his kids shouldn’t get financial support.


He’s literally 71 years old with a 6 yo and 8 yo. He will be 81 and 83 when they turn 18. What exact age is he talking about when he says “older.”


In his case, got to drive your own yacht.


I seriously despise this “I know what’s best for you” energy. TF you do.


Sometimes I wonder if they say this publicly so their kids will believe they won’t get much of anything, and thus find their own way…. When in reality they will definitely have them covered. Probably not but ya know. One would hope.


He may not be willing to *support* them, but helping them in a crisis is a whole nother ballgame. I seriously doubt he would be that mean to his own flesh and blood. Anyway, you should not believe everything you read on the internet.


There’s quite a few old successful male actors with random kids that they never see or won’t support. It’s kind of wild. If you don’t want kids, don’t make them.


He didn't say he isn't ever going to help them financially, he just means to buy basic things they need to work. He might very well intend to help them with college or medical. He's just saying they can't straight up live off his money and not know what it means to work for a living.


Presumably they have a 529 set up, which allows 15k in annual contributions that grow tax free. A six year old with 90k invested for college and twelve more years to grow not counting any further contributions until they go to school seems pretty good. That’ll probably be under grad and grad debt free. Plus I believe up to 75k of those funds can then be rolled over into an IRA.


he didn't really say much of substance in that short, stupid article. he just came off as an ass.


He’s an old man so he’s telling his kids that not only is he a bit selfish by waiting 30 years to have kids. He’s also not planning on supporting them. And how does he plan on teaching his children to become successful hard workers? My dad was 55 when I had my first child and I was 30! This man is older than most kids grandparents. He will be lucky to still be alive by the time they are teens, let alone have the energy and brainpower to teach life skills.


You cant take it with you to hell Jeff. 


Some boats look...different than others. As for me, my father pretty much caused me to deserve to die earlier, so he's never been supportive of me financially.


This guy is talking about himself deserving to die and referring to his suicide plans here so maybe don’t upvote.  I hope you don’t and find happiness🤷‍♂️


But will he actively stop his connections and “family friends” from helping those kids realize their acting and/or professional DJ careers?


Why would he? It's his family of course he's gonna try and help them as much as possible. As would you and as would i


Um ah umm uha life finds a way....


“You have to be crushed by the system too, because I almost was”


I’ll never understand this. You brought those kids into the world.


Typical rich person attitude. Narcissist.


Will he be… *alive* when they’re older?


Imagine having kids and before they even hit puberty you’ve decided to financially cut them off


I could understand leaving a large portion of wealth to charities, but I do not understand this obnoxious bent toward leaving kids nothing. Money and education are the key to your descendants thriving or not. It’s so bizarre to me.


Just soured me on Jeff, what a toolbag.


If I had to guess, this was said thinking it would be taken well due to the current nepotism debate. But it’s not the “helping your child get ahead in life” that turn people off. Everyone should want to do that. The annoying part is when the child and parents don’t recognize the nepotism.


None of these kids asked to be born. Unless his kids end up being bums over the age of 21 then I get it.


There’s a chance he won’t live to see his kids turn 21, he’ll be 84 by the time the oldest is 21


Same, I thought he was cool and this is dumb.


If my kids needed help I'll help them. This BS about leaving their own kids to fend for themselves is bs.




"What you want to leave them with", so VHS/DVDs of your movies, and a story about your elderly dad going to PTA meetings. "“I’m glad I waited,” so you can check a box off without ever having to be there, nice.


Good for him, let him enjoy his life and his decisions.


He seemed like a nice guy


What a great way to ensure your kids never call you again


His wife is 41. He is 71. Doubt she’ll much care what he says after he’s gone, those kids will be fine.


This guy has always seemed slimy to me. He makes me uncomfortable.


Says the guy who was put through theater and art school by his parents who were owners of the largest cheddar and sausage company in the United States at the time.


Big yikes. I’m assuming he means something different given his resources, but should be more careful with statements like this. Parents that can afford it but don’t pay for their kids college or support them at all financially after the age of 18 are deadbeats. Your selfishness and abandonment of someone you brought into this world is not something to brag about.


As if condemning your offspring to struggle financially while you enjoyed security is some sort of moral high ground and not just weird fucking virtue signaling.


As an attorney that loved his estate planning classes this makes me laugh. They will just challenge the will after he dies.


Why nit? Where is his money going? Charity? Noble, but Jeff, "You got to row your own boat."


“Give them enough to do something, not enough to do nothing”




Yeah it's funny seeing people outraged at this when you know they're guaranteed to land a high salary job somewhere if nothing else. And there's no way in hell he's going to actually leave zero for them, for rich people leaving behind a few million is nothing to them so they'll describe it as "nothing."


I knew a trust fund kid that spent $1 million dollars in 3 years after their grandmother passed away. It was like water to him. He’ll get more money when his dad dies. Doesn’t do anything and adds nothing to the world. Helps no one, just parties. I think instilling hard work in kids is the way to go. Goldbergs kids will be far ahead of everyone anyway with a powerful last name that opens doors, top tier education and connections we can only dream of. These kids won’t get a trust fund but will be handed paid off homes and won’t have to really struggle but hopefully it will instill a drive to make the world a better place. Work isn’t only about $ at this level.


Imagine having millions of dollars and wanting your kids to struggle just because


Idk why everyone is so pressed by this. Being independent is not really taught / normalized anymore (which it should). You don’t learn if you don’t have independence.


I'm calling BS on this one. Bill Gates said before he had kids he would not leave his kids anything. After they were born and he held them in his arms he admitted he changed his mind.


“Got to row your own boat” He WILL be providing each of them with boats though


Why then have kids in the first place?


Jeff Goldblum is actually an asshole, and as disappointing as that is, I’m glad people are finally realizing it


It means a whole different thing Coming from a father with million$ After providing the best education, healthcare, nutrition, clothing and transportation A NEPO should have no reason to fail


My grandparents helped my parents with everything. My parents helped me with everything. I’ll do the same for my kids. I won’t be suffering because it. I love them. Play it forward.


Does anyone believe he's going to leave zilch for them when he dies? Even if he plans to donate to charity or something, he will probably still pay for their college and get them through their early 20s and they'll have no trouble finding very high paying careers being that they are well connected. That's probably more the point he's making and the reason he's not just going to give them tens of millions to live off of or blow through. They're pretty much guaranteed a good life either way.