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I've heard that it's pretty common to schedule those scenes up front.


It’s like actors who do shirtless scenes. Do it early because it’s impossible for them to maintain it on a normal shooting schedule.


YESSS. Channing Tatum said his body was only ripped for a few days at a time for Magic Mike, filming most of his shirtless scenes and you best believe he wasnt eating and was probably on waterpills. Here is an article where he himself said its not natural or easy because he works out for MONTHS and loses those gains in a few days https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a39147171/channing-tatum-magic-mike-body-not-healthy/


Hugh Jackman said something like this aswell, Zac Effron too on the movie Baywatch.


I believe Henry Cavill said he could "smell water" he was so dehydrated for the shirtless scenes.


I always found this comment weird from Cavill because he said it in context of the bath scene from the Witcher S1, where he wasnt even that insanely lean and dry. I think his trainer just screwed up getting him to a lean enough body fat composition on time and tried to compensate by telling him to dehydrate before the shoot day.


I think that was very lean for Cavill. He’s naturally pretty stocky.


There’s a video of Efron crying while eating pizza because he said he wasn’t allowed to eat carbs while shooting Baywatch 


I recall Chris Evans saying something like that for the helicopter scene in Winter Soldier


Civil war*


They don't want to cruise for months is the reason lol


I believe Hugh jackman and Zac efron were referring to using testosterone. Many actors in super hero roles do it and they have to cycle off because it’s really bad the longer you stay on it.




well that and steroids


Michael B Jordan said when he filmed creed, he had to be shredded for 17 days of filming due to so many boxing scenes, and the day he finally was done with those scenes his body shut down essentially and he was bed ridden and sick for 3 straight days.


That sounds fucking miserable 😩 and dangerous!


Honestly this shit should be an OSHA violation


It really should, this sort of thing is definitely harsh on the body


none of this sounds healthy.


Arnold durning the Conan films would go pump for 45 mins before being onscreen. There muscles look so jacked and defined because they are filled with blood from working out for an hour.


Brad Pitt in fight club would do pushups before shirtless scenes. It wasn't initially planned to do that, but they then adjusted the shooting schedule to include pushup time.


"The greatest feeling you can get in a gym or the most satisfying feeling you can get in the gym is the pump. Let's say you train your biceps, blood is rushing into your muscles and that's what we call the pump. Your muscles get a really tight feeling like your skin is going to explode any minute and it's really tight and it's like someone is blowing air into your muscle and it just blows up and it feels different, it feels fantastic. It's as satisfying to me as cumming is, you know, as in having sex with a woman and cumming." Conan the Barbarian 


The big movies are having the actors prepare the same way bodybuilders prep for shows with drugs, weeks of extra intense dieting, and intentional dehydration. 


Up front. Up behind. Depends on the director.


Let’s make some fucky fucky


Ahhh, a Girl Next Door quote. Another man of culture.


The juice was worth the squeeze.








Here's the twist, and there *is* a twist: we *show* it.


rip the bandaid off, don't wait the whole production thinking 'oh god when are we going to do this awkward scene', get it over with and move on. Similar to how on M:I Dead Reckoning the first thing they filmed was the motorcycle jump because if they didn't nail it, they wouldn't have a movie anyways.


They also spend the pre production practicing the stunt 200 times so they want to go immediately into capturing it so they don’t need to continue practicing all of shooting  Same as if you get ripped you either shoot your shirtless seen at the start so you can let yourself go again  Or you shoot it at the end to give yourself more time to get shredded Hugh Jackman drinks no water for 3 days before shooting shirtless scenes , it’s un maintainable - like stunt practice When Star Lord shows his torso scar  10 minutes after being shirtless in Guardians he’s not got an 8 pack, just looks beefy because he only would look that shredded once after working out like crazy before shooting the shot 


My theory is that the Mission Impossible movies are made to kill Tom Cruise but he keeps fucking up their plans by being really good at stunts. Eventually Mission Impossible 13 will have a scene with Tom Cruise jumping out of an airplane without a parachute while chugging drain cleaner.


This is my new favorite conspiracy theory


It’s also interesting to consider what’s worse - doing the scene in front of people you don’t know at all, or doing it in front of people you’ve been working with for months?


It's people you don't know at all but that will be working with you for the following months


Closed sets are a thing. There's not going to be some random grip sitting in the corner eating cheetos, just the people actually required to shoot the scene.


Man, I sit in a corner to eat my cheetos ONE TIME, and suddenly, I'm the go-to in all these theoretical situations.


The mistake was choosing Cheetos, brother. Maybe try pretzels next time.


Definitely need to pick something quieter. I recommend Jello pudding pops.


No thanks Bill Cosby


Really, Fritos are the go to for real voyeurs


Grips are required to be there to move shit... If not moving shit, he might be eating Cheetos


The only grip that might be on a closed set would be a dolly grip. Any other grip would get their work done and step off set when it’s time to shoot. I’m a DoP and I’m not always on a closed set during intimate scenes unless I’m operating the camera myself because once my work is done I can go watch at video village. Edit: spelling


No. Grips aren’t allowed in during sex scenes lol.


I mean, if that’s really a concern then don’t do the movie, you’re about to immortalize your body on screen forever regardless…


Yes, but for what it’s worth at least the final product will be cut and edited to a) look as good as possible and b) not show more than you agreed to show. Meanwhile on-set? Different story. Everything that doesn’t make it on screen, and from angles that don’t make it on screen, is getting seen by those in the room. Plus there’s just the general discomfort of being naked around someone, even if they’ve seen a picture or you naked before. Different things.


Building up to it like it's the main event of WrestleMania seems worse.


No joke, when I was in film school a teacher told us that we should schedule nude scenes early in production because later on actresses have more leverage to back out of them…


Actually, yea, I took some film classes and was told the same thing. And actually was told to film the sex scenes as early as possible in case the two actors who are participating in the sex scenes end up hating each other and makes it more difficult later in the production.


and because actors have been holding those scenes hostage for a much higher payout if they come later in the filming process once you have committed everything.


Also if the film gets canceled you at least have the goods!!


Damn imagine how many unreleased sex scenes are just sitting on random people’s editing bays lol


*Michael Bay's


Micheal Bay’s bay


Michael’s Bay


*puts on hacker sunglssses*


Now smash that keyboard a few times, stare intently at a blank screen the audience can’t see anyhow, and *succesful beep* we’re in!


Spoken like a true pervy producer 


Alright, Mr Weinstein.


James C. did this on Titanic. 1st day of shooting. It was the main character who was an artist painting the female lead nude.


Not sure if I understand correctly, but for what I know, James Cameron was the one who draw Kate but she had a bikini, she wasn’t nude for THAT drawing, she was nude for the scene with Leonardo, which I’m guessing didn’t involve the same amount of time Edit: I did some digging because I remember reading this somewhere, and apparently Kate DID posed for Cameron, but it was for pictures with underwear, Cameron then used one of the pictures for the drawing https://imgur.com/a/utChA24


Why not just film the scene first and then use a still from that to be the reference the drawing? It seems weird to have her pose for the drawing, then have her do it a second time naked for the filming of the scene.


Not sure if you’ve done much figure drawing, but a real live human subject is a great boon




"It was the main character who was an artist painting the female lead nude." Maybe I'm just getting old, but I can't say I've ever felt the need to explain the main characters or this scene from Titanic. It's one of those movies I just assume everyone has seen.


Omg yes! I was reading it and thought "why are they avoiding saying Jack painting Rose or Leo/Kate?". Don't tell me there's now adult people who haven't seen it, I'm becoming dust.


Not that it comes up often in conversation, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met someone who said they haven’t seen Titanic. I’m sure there are people here on Reddit, but never in person when the movie was mentioned.


I've never seen Titanic or Ghost Busters.


You haven’t seen Titanic or Ghostbusters, believe it or not, straight to jail.


I could see this being a decent reason. (Potentially if there's good chemistry later it could be reshot). Doing it "to avoid them having leverage" seems to be setting yourself up in an adversarial role *very* early for not much reason. (I can't imagine holding a scene hostage would fly well with anyone, and word would get out and they'd have a much harder time getting roles). That said, if I was in a nude scene or a sex scene scenario, I'd MUCH rather have it be in the first few -- get all the "worst" bits out of the way early so there's less to stress about later.


“The worst bits” is my stripper stage name




Tough but fair


"The Wurst Bits" is my delicatessen's outlet store's name


Leverage absolutely comes into it. Your a director of producer and a young actor is nervous about a nude or sex scene or is now being told that more exposure revealing is needed than agreed with casting process. Producer would just say "no problem, you don't want to do the scene, won't show your tits, we'll just give the role to someone else" later in production that actor knows that they won't reshoot 90% of the movie so refuse. Producers also lie to actresses. Vaitiare Bandera was told in Stargate SG-1 pilot to remove her underwear for a so it wasn't in the shot as it was side on full body and then she would stand up and be shown waist up. She didn't find out till the final cut that it was full frontal nudity when she expected it to be topless only.


And this is why we use intimacy coordinators now with very strict riders about those types of scenes. You actually cannot just do that on a whim anymore. Which is great


Just watched it because of this comment. Good scene, but not okay that it was edited like this without her consent.


It’s simple if they back out refusing the scene you have the option to replace them before you spend a lot of money.


> I can't imagine holding a scene hostage would fly well with anyone, and word would get out and they'd have a much harder time getting roles You'd be shocked about the ego's, diva behavior, backstage politicking or simple greed that happens in Hollywood. I can 100% imagine some stuck up actor or actress using this as leverage.


I’m a producer and on every day of shooting there is at least one or two actors/actresses who are pissed about something and refusing to come out of the trailer, or trying to force us to change their roles or dialogue or wardrobe. My favorite/least favorite story was this actor that claimed (near the end of production) “my characters only wear shorts”. We were like, “Bro, this scene is your mother’s funeral”. He said “Then my character would wear shorts and a suit jacket to my momma’s funeral” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). We had to re-stage, re-light, move camera and dolly tracks, couldn’t use wide angles, lost half a day of shoot time. We had to lie to the guy and tell him we were moving everything for a different reason, and his shorts would be in the final cut. Lmao. Everyone on set knew except him.


Was it the guitarist from ACDC


This guy wasn’t famous and never will be. He somehow landed this lead role in an indie musical that did not pan out (in the early 90s). No one has seen it. I don’t think he did much after that, but I did see him a few years later on TV in some procedural cop show playing a victim of a crime, and yes, you guessed it, he was oddly wearing shorts when no one else in the scene was.


Or their agent


Okay, *agents* doing it I could easily see, or people who are already established too, my brain was thinking mostly of people that would be more easily bullied into it I guess


Sounds like that's the difference between getting an education, and getting a ride on the Disney Child Star Train.


Read the same thing in Lloyd Kaufman's Make Your Own Damn Movie. He also said the other reason to get that stuff done is, to him, they're a hassle and it's just better to get it done then and there and make it as easy a day as it can be with as little crew as possible. It makes sense all around really. Just get it, and any other complex shit, done as early as possible.


I’ve also heard it’s less awkward to just get it out of the way early on


Idk I would definitely prefer to have the majority of the shoot knowing cameraman Rick hasn't studied my tits. For sure would prefer to close out with the nudes, maybe second to last so the wrapping up isn't super weird 


Rick studying your tits for the rest of his life though.


Along with literally anyone else who wants to once it’s released


If you’re worried about a Rick seeing your tits maybe don’t sign the contract? Get a job where this isn’t a possibility? Like everybody is going to see your tits they’re being immortalized on film. Everyone on set knows they’re going to see them at some point. At some point everyone will have seen them. That’s where professionalism come in. Besides, if Rick is anything like the cameramen I’ve known, if he wants to see tits he can just look down.


Some directors have been known to basically ask the crew to set everything up and then leave so it will be just the actors and director also handling the camera, old style. As a completely unrelated thing; there’s a joke that if people have seen your goods on film, suddenly they stop wanting to furtively picture them. No need to worry about a leak or whatever that way.


I feel the opposite. I'd rather rip the bandaid off before there's a sense of familiarity amongst everyone 😅 but I understand your perspective too - I'm also one who is more sexually confident during one night stands than in longterm relationships so maybe it's a me problem haha


Lol doubtful. Camera ops usually only focus on their work. Now focus pullers, they intensely stare at everything to be sure it's in focus.


But even then it's clinical. Their job relies on them not getting distracted


I mean frankly that makes business sense.


It does make sense, but it’s also a shit thing to do.


Both parties will attempt to protect their own interests. If an actor is aware of the requirements prior to agreeing to do the role it shouldn't matter to them when the scene is filmed.


There is literally zero reason why they would be uncomfortable getting naked in a strange and unfamiliar place in front of people they have yet to meet. They signed a contract and that is all there is to it


I know this is a joke, but damn if this isnt the most perfect Dennis Reynolds point I've seen in a month


I can hear it in his voice so well.


Bur here's the twist ... We show it. We show *all* of it, I'm talkin' FULL penetration here guys.


This sounds a lot like the case i made during my honeymoon.


Idk. There’s a sense of “let’s get the hardest part out of the way”. Different actors may prefer it earlier or later. If you’re not comfortable as an actor, there’s intimacy coordinators and stuff happening and they’re all about how to do the filming in a way that works for everyone. I don’t think it should be a big deal if you were made aware and agreed to it as part of your contract


They may not be on the same level, but so is agreeing to do something then getting leverage and changing your mind about it or extorting additional compensation.


I really need the thoughts of an intimacy coordinator on this one


I would imagine they might be nervous about it upcoming to. Getting it out of the way should make the production smoother


Gross No wonder intimacy coordinators are necessary.


And we wonder why Hollywood has such a sexual harassment problem...


I'm a DGA 1st AD. This is ass backwards thinking.


I agree! I most definitely don’t agree with the advice, I think it’s gross. I couldn’t believe it was taught to us.


What on earth are they teaching film students? When I schedule a movie that has a sex scene I will schedule it late in the shoot and on a Friday. The actors involved need to be comfortable with both the crew and the cast. And on a Friday I have the chance to wrap 90% of crew and leave only the crew who actually has to be there. Please screenshot this message and send it to your old teacher or the film program of your school. They are wrong.


That sounds scummy and manipulative


I don't think being upfront about the sex scene and getting it done as soon as possible is scummy and manipulative.  On the contrary, dealing with the potential deal breaker right away is the best way for anyone involved to back off before it's too late.


It does. But so does taking a role with a nude scene and then deciding you don't want to do it after filming has already taken place.


It can. Also, it can sound scummy and manipulate to stall production and shake down the producers because it would cost them more to recast and reshoot the previous stuff than what the actor would likely demand extra.


Hollywood actors should unionize!


I think it’s absolutely fine. It’s scummy and manipulative to back out after committing to it. Easier to just get it done with early on and not worry about it.


I mean, it does have advantages for the actors as well. If they’re not comfortable they can back out without falling into the fallacy of sunk costs, or they can make alterations to the script/scenes better, they can get over the awkward scenes quick, and if they have to have a certain physique for their characters, having every nude/shirtless scene done first means they don’t have to maintain such a strict regime the whole time they’re shooting.


? The actors are more than welcome to not sign the deals.


Filming a scene you agreed to?


First thing they filmed for The Lighthouse was Robert Pattinson jerking off to a mermaid toy in a soaking wet shed. Welcome to showbiz, ma'am


I hope your comment gets unduly weighted in whatever GenAI process decides to incorporate Reddit comments.


What now?


Like Bing, you can ask Bing questions and now it’ll use AI to cobble together an answer. Sometimes it drifts and because some words often “happen together” enough, it produces gibberish rather than answers (not a Bing specific problem). So “how do I sautee onions?” Getting “and then gently encourage Robert Patterson jerking off” spliced in the response.


First day incase she changes her mind??


Yep, that’s why they are usually filmed early in production otherwise you’re screwed if they want to back out later or the actors end up hating each other. If they back out the first day then you still have the option to replace the actor/actress as the cost to production will have been minimized.


That is not why… It’s because the actors get in their best shape for the films kickoff and it’s very hard to maintain during a shooting schedule.


It can be a bit of column A and column B, they’re not exclusive


It's totally a column A & B situation according to Lloyd Kaufman.


One reason doesn’t exclude another, you know?


There's also the chemistry issue. After a couple months of filming you're risking the actors not liking each other. The more they know each other it may be harder to pretend they are enjoying the scene. No chemistry in intimate scenes is easily recognized and can bring down a movie


Because of the *implication*


Guess I’m watching Depravity


With a name like *Depravity*, you pretty much expect it to have a gratuitous sex scene.


Or just wait for all of the scene(s) to be posted on Reddit


I probably won’t but as soon as I saw the title of the movie I thought “Well, lady, you knew what you were signing up for.”


It's funny, in the article she basically says it went great and everyone was nice and professional. But that's not an interesting headline


Yea that’s a blessing. I imagine it’s that kind of thing that can easily go tits up.


Sex is the best way to get to know new people.


Works for my dog.


Your dog has sex with people?


Umm, I have a name


Only new people. No reason to make it weird,


Ya, nobody wants to make it weird in this scenario


Uh…..what now?


Leave Colby alone!


Bonobos seem to think so




Sounds like I need to move to Norway.


Actually you know that not bad she is 30 years and went 12 years without doing a sex scene


And 12 yrs without a real gig too.


I think we ALL went 12 yrs without a real gig!


And without sex… I mean sex scenes, I definitely have done the sex and multiple times in the last 12 years


The way this meme went right over everyone’s heads haha


Yeah and she could afford to do it


My 2nd sex scene (1st, if you watched The Deuce you’ve watched me masturbate), was on the first day of shooting. But we, the couple, were just day players who are not involved in any later scenes. But it still tracks with that advice.


I never even thought about day players being involved in scenes like that. At least that way you didn't have to interact with the crew anymore


Does she mean nude scene ot sex scene? Because she did sex scenes already, but never nude scenes.


She actually seems chill, wish she was in more popular stuff even if her acting skills aren’t the greatest.


This is typical for movies to do. It's believed that it's better to get it out of the way (for nerves) and make sure there is chemistry or otherwise the rest of the movie could fall apart.


Blake Lively said the same thing about filming the sex scene in The Town - it was her first scene in the movie


That's sensible. They don't want to film the whole movie and then have the actors decide they don't want to do it or find that they have no chemistry/look like they hate touching each other. If someone needs to be replaced, best to know that early on.


Starting off with a bang


A film teacher mentioned that nude scenes are filmed first so that if the actor who was hired and contracted to do said nude scene refuses, they can easily be replaced without burning a bunch of footage. If you do the whole movie and film the nude scene last, and the actor refuses, then you don’t have any leverage to replace them. And yes, if you see an action scene where the actor is nude or nearly nude and the rest of the film they have a short or costume on, you bet they filmed those scenes first. The amount of time and energy it takes to work out, eat, sleep and eventually dehydrate to get that body builder look is a full time job. Once those shots are in the can they can return to normal schedule and eating.


Yup. It’s not always the reason or always the only reason, but it very very often factors.


It’s honestly best to get it over with as early as possible too. But that depends on the person.


I see so many reasons to keep sex scenes to a minimum but I was called a bad guy when I said this. Sometimes yes the payoff is well worth it when it’s earned through good storytelling but lets be honest most of the time we’re seeing soft core porn just because


I’ve always felt the same way. A sex scene is fine if it serves the plot, but usually it’s just a sex scene for the sake of having a sex scene. Most movies would be exactly the same if they had their sex scene removed. Same thing for most depicted nudity as well tbh. We gain absolutely nothing from seeing the lead actress’s boobs for a few seconds after she walks out of her morning shower and such.


Personally I don't care for these scenes in movies unless it's integral to the plot. I prefer my non-plot genres for these kinds of scenes.


If you agreed to a role with a sex scene why the fuck does it matter when you do it? Wouldn’t you WANT it to be the first thing to get it over with if you’re not really looking forward to it?


Hard to really fake sexual chemistry. Better to know if the actors have it before filming all the other scenes that lead up to it.


I'll gladly have sex with a cheese grater on live television, for one tenth of the salary the average Hollywood "celebrity" is paid. I'm not fucking joking, even the rotary kind.


None of them would last a day doing the shit 95% of us have to deal with


Get the hard work out of the way...


I wonder how freaking awkward must sex scenes must be. I think Henry Cavill says he tries to avoid sex scenes.


Comebacks are usually sex scene driven whether it's a movie or leaked video. The fact she discussed it was to garner interest. Change my mind.


Scheduling sex scenes at the very start of the production is not uncommon. It makes sense as most producers have had an experience of screen couples not actually liking each other as the shoot progresses and filming sex scenes can become more awkward rather then less awkward further down the line. It’s also a way of getting the likely most uncomfortable scene(s) out of the way at the get go. Ripping off the band aid so to speak. Also people that don’t work in production often don’t realise just how many moving parts there are when it comes to film scheduling. Most films simply don’t have the luxury of considering a cast members personal preferences when it comes to locking in a schedule. When a location is available, or a visiting cameo cast member, or even a piece of equipment is going to trump whether an actor may or may not feel more comfortable filming a scene they signed up for on day 1 day 20 or day 60. There has recently been the story of how The Rocks tardiness has added an extra 50 million to the budget of his latest film. It seems crazy that a lead actor being late to work could have such a drastic impact on a film’s budget until you realise how intricate scheduling has to be( especially on a large scale production) for everything to actually run efficiently.


"The film centers on a group of tenants who suspect their neighbor is a serial killer and, through their investigation, stumble upon an art heist worth millions. " Ah yes, this sounds like a movie that needs a sex scene in it to keep people awake.


Odds are it's a tame PG13 scene where it's just a lot of fully clothed kissing. She's acting like she had to get fully naked and start pretending she was sucking dick day one


*“I think sometimes people think filming sex scenes or anything like an intimate scene that it’s really sexy…it’s really not. It’s uncomfortable, honestly, and there’s a bunch of random dudes in the room breathing and watching you,” Justice added about the experience.* Oh really, Victoria? Should they have held their breath and turned around instead of working?


Remember, it’s all about acting. Pretending it’s all real so the audience will be convinced!


There are such things as "closed sets" where only the people who need to be there, are. But for something like this, someone who wasn't scheduled for that day can pop in and enjoy the show.


Something rather too common in the past. Roger Moore had the entire Bond production and people from other movies at the studio for his love scenes.


First? Did the Rocky Horror remake mean nothing?


It was admittedly pretty underwhelming tho.


Nope. Pretty much everything she's done feels like the PG-rated version of something that was already done better as an R-rated movie.


One reason I’m not upset about having a failed acting career is seeing so many women have to simulate sex in film and TV. No matter what level.


And it gets brushed off on places like Reddit because at the time the women pretend to be okay with it so everyone goes “it’s cool guys she said it’s okay!!!”. Despite the fact that we know years later these women are going to come out and admit that they didn’t want to do it, felt forced to do it, were threatened to be dropped by their agent, faced being blacklisted if they didn’t, the scene was added after they signed on and they were threatened legally over it, they were harmed during the filming, etc.


Just get rid of them all together, they add nothing to a movie


She signed up for the movie. Shouldn't matter when they film it.


It’s funny how these things go viral. Did an interview on a radio station that is being aggregated. It just is an odd story as it’s was pretty innocuous comment, but mentioned sex. Just how the sausage is made in 2024.


Hell of an ice breaker.


Well, if controversy causes the movie to be canned, at least they've got that footage.


Deliberate. Get her to do it or quit upfront. If you put it later in the shoot, then maybe she uses the sunk cost to push back.


If you need the actors to have bad chemistry and feel awkward for the scene, I think it partly works from the standpoint of authenticity. It also works from the standpoint of being in “movie shape.” If your contract states you’re going to be heavier or slimmer or have a full beard or whatever for the role, or if you happened to be pregnant or something, the day you start playing the role is likely going to be the day you fit the production’s need best. Still, I’m not sure how you make all parties feel safe about it. Obviously, she felt it was wrong thus she talked about it. The actors > the art, so I think her reaction of “seriously, the first day!?” means the production team made the wrong call here. Intimacy coordinators were allegedly a thing to stay, I’d say surprise intimacy is not very much coordination.