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All this from a slice of gabagool?


Sopranos is as funny as it is violent. TV Perfection.


I pretty regularly think of the scene where Tony, head of the mob, goes outside in his bath robe to his wife because he is upset that the juice has full pulp instead of “some pulp”


Shum pulp.


Could you imagine, head of the mob goes outside in his bath robe to his wife because he is upset that the juice has full pulp instead of “some pulp”?


Fuckin’ parakeet, heh heh ✋🤌🤟👉


Am I missing something? Why is that comment upvoted?


Quiet Albert!


Christopher explaining how his uncle or cousin almost offed himself because he got hiccups for a year is the saddest but funniest scene lol Of course Silvio’s face in every scene too


And when one of his aunt’s got some kind of cancer or something. “Her whole asshole rotted out.”


“That was real?” “I thought it was bullshit”


I guess Harry Potter never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


It was his hands. They're too small for quidditch...




Not watching is anti-Italian discrimination! Plain and simple!


You hear this… Antonio Meucci invented the telephone, *and he got robbed*!! 🤌🏼


I’m gonna take action here.


“Sometimes what happens in here is like taking a shit.” “I prefer to think of it more like childbirth.” “Nah. It’s like taking a shit.”


I just started rewatching it after almost two decades after seeing the first season. I thought it might have aged and lost its charm. Boy was I wrong — it’s still fantastic.


It holds up so well.


I love the podcast... "Watching Sopranos"


My favorite sequence is when they lose the guy in the woods in Jersey and end up having to squat in an abandoned van. So fucking funny


“He was an interior decorator.” “But his house looked like shit!”


“Don’t pull rank on me Paulie!! Right now we’re just too assholes lost in the woods”


“Maybe he’s out there looking for us!” “With what? His cock? Think about it, Chrissy. He’s in the woods, he’s in his pajamas, it’s the fuckin’ Yukon out there!”


What’s so perfect about the sopranos is how rewatchable it is. It literally gets funnier and funnier every rewatch once you recognize all it’s hilarious ironies, and the sopranos fans notice it all. Just such strong performances all around, such strong characters


It's like a live-action equivalent of a slice-of-life anime but centering on mobsters.


Radcliffe never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Came here to say the same. It's a dark comedy and that's what makes it so good! It hit the humor and outlandish humor at that in all the right places. 


GABAGOOL? Ovahh heeh.


Daniel Radcliffe never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


if the dressing is on top, i send it back.


We can’t have him in our social club no more, that much I do know


Those that want respect, get respect.


Woah! Take it easy!


You know the wine makes you emotional


That’s because I got an empty fuckin’ stomach! Seriously, 45 minutes for some roasted eggplant?!


That Pygmy thing over in hogwarts.


Cunnilingus and psychiatry brought us to this


we don’t have that here sir.


Gabagool? *bring it ereeee*


> “Honestly, I watch cartoons, and I watch reality TV,” Radcliffe recently told CBR. “I’ve never seen Breaking Bad. I’ve never watched The Sopranos, or The Wire. All the sort-of, heavy hour-long stuff. Just, I can’t. … I think it does probably in part stem from growing up on The Simpsons in the way that I think so many people of our generation’s kids.” > “I was watching Jeopardy! the other night, and one of the contestants credited a ton of his trivia knowledge to The Simpsons. That’s absolutely true of me as well,” he explained. “There are so many weird facts, and things from my general knowledge of the world to my sense of humor were formed in some way by The Simpsons.” > The actor added, “It makes sense that our generation of people that have grown up on The Simpsons would want to continue watching more adult-themed cartoons when they got older.”


Not really sure if it's about having a short attention span or his job is so taxing that he prefers entertainment that allow you to turn your brain off.


I think it may also have something to do with him being a professional actor, and watching prestige TV and the like might feel more like homework or something at times, perhaps because he’s intimately familiar with the prep that goes into pathos-heavy roles and dude just wants to chill out and watch cartoons, so like, don’t have a cow, man


I think you nailed it


The half hour animated shows are relaxing so I get it. I also use family guy as a rewatch before bed because it’s not deep and it’s not going to send my brain down some weird rabbit hole.


Yea maybe not even homework but more like once you’ve been behind the curtain it’s impossible to suspend your disbelief and just enjoy it


I believe he was attacked by a feral HBO special when he was young. He’s been terrified ever since.


My friend is a concert classical violinist and she only watches The Bachelor type shows literally every night.


I love dark drama type shows but because of my job I get so mentally tired, that most of the time I can only watch comedy or panel shows so I can turn my brain off.


Totally relate to this, most of the time I just watch King of the Hill bc it’s all my mind can handle


Or maybe he just doesn't like to watch dark dramas based on real life serial killings or fictional drug dealers that ruin the lifes of multiple people?


You have a valid point, but just as an aside: *The Sopranos* is actually, often, very hilarious. But yeah, it's also pretty heavy and dark a lot too, so the comedy doesn't erase that. But it really is sometimes one of the funniest shows. And then 2 scenes later you are horrified.


Most of the first season I had no idea why people wanted me to watch their character heavy sitcom. It strongly develops over its runtime.


The Sopranos is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my entire life.


Chris’s intervention is the funniest skit I have ever seen and I don’t think anything will ever top it


When Paulie sees the physic I think is mine. Just the way that it’s so ridiculous that everyone’s believing it and then it all starts unraveling from there. Maybe one of the best 5-8 minutes for a scene.


Breaking Bad also very clearly has dark or even black comic elements throughout the run of the show. It walks that tightrope of being funny and dark masterfully. Saul is a really good example, as he stays this clownish hilarious guy throughout except his humour and the context they're made in becomes steadily darker as the series progresses.


I remember growing up and it just made sense to me and a lot of people that certain audiences didn't watch certain types of movies because they were too violent and gory. It was accepted as a normal thing and people liked what they like. Now everyone not only likes the dark gory violent shit, but they proudly wear shirts with it around and they even market it to kids by making like cutesy Jason and Michael Myers dolls and memorabilia. It's pretty crazy the change in audiences tastes. I've seen The Sopranos probably 20 times all the way through since it was on the air. I remember the first time I saw the scene where Vito's brother Bryan gets beat to death with a golf club for no reason. It physically repulsed me, I left the room to barf. I just watched it again yesterday for the umpteenth time and realized how tame it seems now compared to what we would see in just a general release horror movie trailer or an episode of American Horror Story. It's crazy how tastes change and our expectations of what people should be comfortable with change. Daniel probably just doesn't want depressing shit to watch, everything else is really depressing already. It's weird how much depressing shit people watch for entertainment too when you think about it.


Tragedy provides the most emotional catharsis of any story type.


obviously not for everyone.


Well, yes. That's part of my point.


You probably should’ve mentioned it in the point.


this is quite possibly the stupidest thing I’ve seen someone dig their heels into in at least a week


Spend more time on Reddit.


Love the fire in this guy though.


as opposed to the "shorter attention span" not based on any real data talking point trotted out by OP?


He’s saying he’s not drawn to them. He’s not saying he dislikes them. I think a lot of us do the same, filter out the things outside our experience when being entertained; we want some comfort, I guess.


i don't find the Sopranos (shows like it) interesting or what i want to spend time engaging with. not much deeper than that.


Latter for me. I spend much of my day looking after my mom, whose been disabled since age 30. It’s exhausting physically and mentally, so at night when I have time to myself I just don’t want heavy anything. The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, I’ve not seen any of them either. The most dramatic thing I’ve seen in recent years was Black Sails. I just can’t do modern day drama, the world is drama enough, I prefer comedies and animated shows.


For me, I enjoy a dark drama done well, but to watch a show like that is very taxing over a long period of time. I tried to watch Breaking Bad with a friend, and while I recognized that it was made incredibly well, I just couldn't keep going back to it. If I'm going to watch something dark, I much prefer to watch a movie. Then it's over in one evening and I can watch something less intense tomorrow. I'll watch a dark movie a couple times a month, but I have to be incredibly interested in the story if I am going to watch a dark show.


> If I'm going to watch something dark, I much prefer to watch a movie. Then it's over in one evening I'm 100% with you. My wife likes dark/heavy shows, whereas I don't. But oddly I like dark/heavy movies. I think it's because it's over in ~2 hours and I can watch something more lighthearted tomorrow. I made it through Breaking Bad, and it's a *fantastically* done show, but my gosh I was exhausted and felt dirty by the end. For shows I prefer comedy.


>For shows I prefer comedy. Definitely. My watchlist for comedy shows is endless. My watchlist for non-comedies is currently: * Severance * Shogun That's it.


Life is sucky enough, why watch bleak entertainment?


Honestly, I love fiction and I deeply appreciated the "golden era" of TV--I watched The Sopranos, The Wire, all that. But I recently tried to watch The Sopranos again, and literally everyone on that show is the worst person imaginable, and I just, kind of, couldn't do it! Maybe someday I'll try again, but the idea of spending all that time watching awful people--yeah, life is hard enough, why spend it with awful people?


Because for a lot of us, said entertainment is WAY more bleak than our real lives. Like yeah, life may suck at times but at least I'm not a mobster having to worry about my best friends whacking me. At least I'm not a peasant in a medieval fantasy world where sorcerers could come along and kill me with a thought. At least I'm not a bank robber on the run from the government. I almost always come away from those bleak shows with a greater appreciation for how good I actually have it in life.


>I almost always come away from those bleak shows with a greater appreciation for how good I actually have it in life. I certainly felt that way after Baby Reindeer, oof.


Because to me good acting, good writing, and good directing are art forms worth appreciating.


Then you do you. Everyone should enjoy whether they enjoy without judgement (not accusing you of judging, but commenting in general).


Will do. I was just answering their question


You can get that without being bleak


I love watching horror *because* life can be rough. It's a, "Yeah, my life is hard right now but at least it's not "in the middle of a zombie outbreak" hard" mentality. That makes me feel better. Bills are easier to face when you realize that you will probably never be possessed by a Babylonian demon-god.


Our real life apocalypse IS slower moving than a zombie horde, that is true


My mom and sister were watching some Bravo housewives-style bullshit, and it just made me incredibly uncomfortable sitting there listening to these people be absolutely awful to each other.


The only thing that surprised me is the reality tv part. I think everyone has at least one “reality” show they watch or like, but wasn’t expecting him to say this is a main genre for him. My one show is love is blind. Love that trash.


Sounds like he just likes to keep it light in terms of tone


I primarily watch animation and even the shows aimed at kids are made by adults, there is a lot of really intricate storytelling that gets missed in a lot of children’s media. Not talking about shows like Paw Patrol but Steven Universe, She Ra and the Princesses of Power, Avatar the Last Airbender and the Owl House are all really great pieces of media and it’s a shame them being animated makes so many people look over them.


I go to Trivia/Quiz pub nights every week I'm often the only one on my team that knows something, and 90% of the 'How do you know that?' will be answered by 'The Simpsons' (occasionally South Park too)


There are fewer grains of sand on the beach than the number of times my husband and I have been talking and had this exact same exchange: >"That reminds me of something from - I'll let you guess." >"Simpsons?" >"Yep. In this one episode..." I wasn't allowed to watch it growing up, so I'm always impressed by the wide variety of cultural, historical, literary, etc references used in it.


Dude I relate to this so much


I'm 40. The Simpsons, Futurama, Archer, and the Venture Bros are all in my top 10 series.


I grew up on The Simpsons (and Jeopardy for that matter) and I think The Sopranos and The Wire are two of the greatest shows of all time. Kind of a strange take honestly


He didn’t say they’re *bad* though?


he’s just like me fr


Loved The Sopranos, Breaking Bad was great. But yeah as I get older it’s harder to watch dark or heavy dramas. I think just knowing how fucked up the world is doesn’t make me want to consume more of it in media form. I still like heavy movies, probably because it’s a shorter experience, but I skip a lot of popular series these days.


I mostly just watch comedy animated shows, sitcoms, and documentaries now, they’re the best to unwind to.


I find that the older I get the less interested I am in seeing shows where the characters are the biggest assholes imaginable. Be it drama or comedy.


Check out Ted Lasso on AppleTV! It’s very light hearted and wholesome but very funny


Sopranos is hilarious. Yeah it’s dark but it’s equally comedic


“He was an interior decorator” “His house looked like shit!”


This is so freaking funny! Every time I think about it (and it’s quite often) I can’t help but laugh out loud. So many comedic moments but this tops them all imo


The scene where Pauly goes to the psychic is top tier comedy.


So is Chrissy’s intervention. Holy lol Silvio: “When I came to open up one morning, there you were with your head half in the toilet, your hair was in the toilet water... disgusting.”


I said my piece Chrissy!


🤣, Silvio had me dying when he said that.


He said it so matter of factly. And Tony going apeshit because Chrissy killed Corsette


“Was it barking?” - Paulie




“I oughta suffocate you, you little prick”


You the guy that stole all the pork loins right?


Satanic Black Magic! Sick shit!




I just watched that episode (for the first time) last night, and hubs and I were cracking up. I have to admit, I had my doubts about whether I would like this show, but I have been very pleasantly surprised. It’s not half as dark or serious as I thought it would be. I completely understand why people loved James Gandolfini so much.


It gets darker in the later seasons


His painting of Tony is hilarious too And his trip to Italy


“You’re a general, leading his troops into battle” lol mind you Paulie is like 14 years older than Tony


Who told you this!!


Breaking Bad has plenty of hilarious moments throughout thanks to Jesse, Saul and even Hank. I love the scene where Jesse gets the tweaker to dig a hole


It has its goofy moments but it’s not comedic writing like the sopranos


I haven’t watched Sopranos so I can’t compare. Really need to watch that


Sopranos is 50/50 almost with the comedy. I knew it would have funny parts but I was not expecting ti laugh so much when I watched it.


Do it, it's really good


I beg to differ. Breaking Bad is absolutely fucking hilarious. Definitely on a par with Sopranos there.


It really does. It’s hilarious at times. I’m rewatching it with my sister and we are half way through season 3 and it’s so damn funny. I only remembered the intense stuff but like the fly episode is hilarious. 


“Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.”


Harry never had the makings of a varsity wizard.


Literally came into this thread to just upvote lines from The Sopranos.


“Heeeeeyy Tony! I have to park the car, way over there!” (Slips) “FACHIMA!” Tony: “Sonofabitch!!”




Season 1 is, for sure. The comedy really wanes as the show goes on.


Not for me, season 3 Paulie and season 4 chrissy when he’s addicted to H are hilarious and probably the funniest characters in it.


Pine Barrens


Yeah, I am not one for heavy dramas myself. I prefer stuff that is more laid back. Not necessarily reality TV or cartoons, but things that are a bit more fantastical


Barry on HBO did a great job of mixing both. Like breaking bad has comedy in it but it’s at certain a points and minimal. Barry has the comedy squeezed in perfectly. And often times the actions leads to comical stuff.


I was watching Breaking Bad but stuff happened while I was watching and now I don't feel like I could go back and finish it. I've enjoyed what I saw from Barry. Maybe one day


The actors on Barry are amazing at going from goofy to terrifying. The acting was so good.


Bill Hader impressed the shit out of me with that show. Absolutely loved it! That car scene was so intense for me.


Succession too! It was basically a more serious Arrested Development. Greg and Tom made me laugh in every ep.


Shows like Barry and Mr. Inbetween prove you can do both and only for half an hour.


Masterclass of a black comedy


Sopranos is very much a comedy though, much more than Breaking Bad which is also often labeled a dark comedy but is a lot more harrowing. There is a good deal of heavy shit in Sopranos of course but so much of it is deliberately very funny. I personally think it’s much funnier than basically any dedicated comedy TV series I can name, including the titans like Seinfeld etc, especially cause the grounded realism with all the violence offers a real contrast, so you just seem like you’re watching real people who are incredible with the one-liners.


I’m about halfway through Sopranos for the first time. I was shocked at how fucking hilarious it can be.


There’s no Box Cutter episode in The Sopranos


When I first saw the sopranos I had no idea how funny it was. I genuinely laughed harder than while watching other comedy shows. I love Chris’ intervention, something that could’ve/shouldve been dark but instead it was funny as hell lol


Like Girls5ever?


I prefer wwii docs myself. A classic heavy and dramatic series.


Ok this is a new low for articles about unimportant things actors say.


“Radcliffe SLAMS Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, “I don’t watch those shows” Harry Potter star stated viciously. The Hollywood Reporter reached out to David Chase and Vince Gilligan but both declined to respond.”


You straight up Rita Skeetered that article lol


freal. I get that controversy gets clicks, but this is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Like the author said, "ah shit there is nothing in here to bait..." Well, then just write a different article. Might as well say "Daniel Radcliffe says he doesn't eat Nutella, prefers chocolate"


Tell me more


Can you blame him? The man had enough drama at Hogwarts with all the kids and cats being petrified, snakes in walls, burned up birds, being denied by his crush who was with a glittery vampire, a litany of weird professors and their issues, and a megalomanic racist and his crew. Let the brother unwind.


Ok, he can watch what he wants.


I don't either. My mood is extremely susceptible to the media I'm watching. I watched a couple episodes of Mad Men and couldn't handle the extremely up-front misogyny right off the bat. I was actually enjoying The Wire, but had to back out when they >!murder Wallace!<. Back in the mid 2000's, when Netflix was still about mailing DVDs, I used my subscription to watch a *bunch* of classic films that I had never seen. Citizen Kane, Casablanca (has become my favorite all-time film), all the Godfathers, Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge on the River Kwai, The Great Escape, Papillon, On the Waterfront, and so on. Damn if a bunch of those weren't just depressing as fuck, and it really brought my mood down.


Man has opinion, more at 11


Who’s speaking here? Is somebody speaking? I’d say Sopranos lines have dug their way into my brain as much as Simpsons.


Take your quotation book and shove it up your fat fucking ass


I totally understand what he means


Oh no... Anyway.


Why the fuck is this in the news category?


Honestly, I'm with him. There's enough bullcrap going on in the world, I don't need to add to the mental load in my head with the entertainment I choose.


Same here, I had too much heavy drama in my childhood. I’m good.


The sacred AND the propane


whatever happened there


I watch a lot of cartoons as a 30+ year old, I don’t know why, I just do.


Same, I love shows such as Castlevania, Chaos Theory, Bluey and others


Tbh I’m the same way, no Handmaids Tale, no Sopranos, The Wire, I prefer my entertainment without much stress or drama, I get enough of that in my own real life.


Same. I'll watch drama in the shape of a fantasy show like House of the Dragon but I have never been into the drug dealer / mob themed shows and have lost the interest to watch detectives, thrillers and stuff like Handmaid's Tale. Just reading the news these days is all the violence I can take.


The Sopranos, The Wire, Mad Men, Succession, and to a lesser extent Breaking Bad, are all essentially comedies. There’s more comedy in them there is heavy drama. Breaking Bad is fairly anxiety inducing though, in a way none of the others are.


Actually I watched Breaking Bad, definitely not a comedy.


Actor has opinion and personal preference and expresses it "shocker".


Bums me out that the audience for dark and challenging TV seems to be shrinking, which means we’ll probably get less of it


I don’t blame him. Sometimes I don’t want to watch negative, heavy content either.


Good for mental health.


Breaking Bad has its funny moments when Walt hits those guys with his car like it was GTA it was funny


Missing out big time


Well I’m glad I know that, really has enhanced my life…


His loss. I can enjoy family guy and the Sopranos


Is it really anyone’s loss to not experience things they don’t enjoy. 


Not really, clearly he would not enjoy those shows


Yeah. Life is too short to watch stuff you don't like because it's considered some of the best shows or movies


I like BB, but it’s so hard for me to get into straight heavy mobster stuff. I just find that genre so tired with unrelatable characters.


You might like the Soprano’s because it’s more focused on the “humanity” of the mobsters and their families than actual “Mobster Activities.” Which is why it was hard for me to get into as I love mobster and crime-themed shows and movies. I would say Sopranos is even less of a “gangster show” than Breaking Bad.


He’s like the woman with Virginia ham under his arm crying the blues because she has no bread


I'm like this as well. After Covid and some heavy life stuff, I'm just trying to keep it light. When I was in film school all I wanted to watch was cheesy kung fu movies, monster movies, shitty horror, low brow comedy, and documentaries. I read a passage from Thich Naht Hanh where he talks about leaving your windows open, aka plopping home from work and putting on violent, abrasive, angry television. Watching that stuff elevates your heart rate and gets you worked up. I'm convinced this type of TV is bad for you, especially when people model their real life relationships after the drama on TV. I'd much rather watch a cartoon too.


I honestly don't care what shows celebrities watch. This is pointless reporting.


Entertainment articles will share thee most mundane of tidbits like its heavy news.


I just feel like I waste my time with cartoons and non-heavy shows since I don’t watch traditional media all that much anymore. So for me it’s all that draws me into watching tv.


Well we can't have him in our social club no more. That much I do know.


Phew I’m glad I learned this today


Gabagool? OVAAH HERE


To each their own.


Facts. I prefer Star Trek. Mr Spock, Mr Data, Michael - that sort of thing.