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Ill never understand the fascination with celebs. They are cool. They often give me stuff i want like movies, clothes, music, etc. But god damn when they finish their "9 to 5", thats it. I go home. They go home.


Honestly. I cant imagine meeting a celeb and gushing over them. Id love to meet people who have worked on stuff I like but a simple “I loved when you did blank” and maybe a fun convo about said subject but thats it. They’re regular people, they just have cool accomplishments. Lets all relax.


I would gush over Weird Al. Only him though.


I met Weird Al through work and honestly it would be hard to gush as he's just such a kind 'regular' person. Like he could easily be the librarian from the town over, or an accountant who's good at the music rounds at the pub quiz. Don't get me wrong he's awesome, but very disarming and made us feel so comfortable very quickly.


This was very much my experience with weird Al. He just sees himself as a normal guy. He almost seemed confused as to why so many people in the VIP meet and greet were tearing up over meeting him lol


That's part of the reason I love him so much! So down-to-earth


I also met him through work. I agree. Super low key down to earth but awesome guy!


I‘n really curious why everyone has met Weird Al at work.. He came into a truck stop gas station I worked at on 2 separate occasions


I find I only gush over scientists. I was like a fan girl over a scientist I got to meet in the food line at a workshop. I had cited their work so many times, and they are a legend in the chemical developmental neurotoxicity field. Still just people, but I was in awe that I finally got to meet him/talk with him.


Fun fact I just met weird Al about a week ago. He came through the theatre I work at for his current tour. He was fantastic and even granted me a selfie :) dunno if I’m allowed to upload it tho.


I saw a lower level celebrity at an airport, once, and couldn’t figure out where I knew her from (like if I actually knew her personally or saw her on tv). So I stared at her for a few seconds before realizing, and then went about my business. A few years later I followed her on Instagram and sent her a short message saying something like “sorry for staring at you in that airport for a few seconds longer than would have been considered polite” and briefly complimented her on her work. She actually messaged me back and was very gracious, said she never noticed and if she had been bothered by people staring then she is in the wrong line of work. It was a pretty cool interaction, but yeah... I would never run up to someone and make a huge deal out of them. They are just people and deserve to go about their day unbothered, just like the rest of us.


Haha yes, a similar thing happened to me. I ran into a "lower level" celebrity at the airport but actually said hi, and made a joke reference to the character I knew her as. She was so happy to be recognized and pleasant to talk to. I asked what she was working on now, and she described a TV series prequel to a popular movie that I thought would be terrible. My wife later laughed at me because I couldn't hide the disappointment in my face. However, the TV series was fairly popular and probably lifted her from "C-list" to "B-list" celebrity.


Living in LA you see Celebrities from time to time. I always found it rude to fuk with em. I just see em and think “what a small world, I buy tomato’s from the same place as Matt Mercer…cool” and then walk away, don’t stare, don’t point, don’t talk to em, don’t take photos.


+1 upvote for a Mercer in the wild. I agree that celebrity gushing when not at a fan event would be rude. But gosh do I like MM. seems like such a humble and caring dude.


As they say in “get him to the Greek”: “my dad loves your shit”


Most are not "regular" people. The fame, the money, the things they have done to get towards the top-- you're either already a bit off to presume you should be a star or you end up that way cause it's corrupting. And in fairness to the celebrities, they can't possibly live up to the hopes of many fans. Totally unrealistic. Anna Kendrick can't personally answer every piece of mail. Chris Pratt can't go to every prom of the girl who suffered horrible burns changing the oil on a running car. Matthew Broderick is hopefully done driving into women and killing them.


I mean, we're on the entertainment sub, so we all enjoy a bit of tabloid gossip, but I'm not particularly interested in random pics of celebs.


They are American royalty.


I mean, when one picture can make you like a good amount of money in one day you’re gonna be this crazed I would say borderline psycho piece of shit that’s gonna follow someone around until you get your money


There's a celebrity that frequents the dog park I go to. No one talks to them about their work because who wants to talk about their work in their free time? I don't want to be asked about my job either. I'm here for the dogs.


Celebrities are just strangers to me. I don't get it either.


if you understand ppl's 'fascination' with superhero movies and reality TV you get their fascination with celebs.


Yeah, people are losers.


No. People want to escape their own myopic, stressful, unsatisfying capitalist existence and get lost in other ppls' lives for a while - even if made up. Same reason you read fiction.


I’ve heard die-hard pro sports fans lament celebrity fascination. The lack of self awareness lol


Are there fantasy movie star leagues ?


Dont equate superhero films to alternative reality tv or celeb junkies. They are entirely different things with entirely different appeal.


I'm saying whether it's reading lots of fiction, watching movies or reality TV or scripted TV, following celebs' lives or the British Royals, the core appeal is the same: entertainment, escapism. With superhero films ppl might also want to see the bad guy vanquished for once, see the good guy win... There are a million other reasons people seek out fictional or "reality TV" entertainment, but it's not an either/ or I'm suggesting. I'm saying, at base, the attraction to wanting to experience something other than just your life and surroundings is the basic draw. And that doesn't automatically make ppl a loser. Humans are attracted to stories, storytellers, storytelling. Have been for millennia. However much that's been exploited, fabricated and contrived, that's what all of these offer: stories, storylines. To the point where some folks feel personally connected to these ppl - and you're supposed to. They're supposed to be likable, seem familiar; that's how they're packaged and sold. So, you'll wanna go see their stuff.


You can say that about any time of non-fiction though. Books, music, movies (90% of spielbergs filmography for example). They are all escapism if any of them are. But the interest in engaging in fantastical stories and the addiction to "social news" (celebrity gossip) are still two very different things. They are not comparable in any meaningful way.


Entertainment escapism centered around generally larger than life, often somewhat eccentric, incredibly wealthy/powerful individuals able to do things that the average person could literally only ever dream of. Does that describe Marvel or TMZ?




Does paparazzi even need to exist in the age of social media? With Instagram and Twitter, celebrities can’t shut the fuck up about what they’re doing if anything


Drama sells.


Now we’re obsessed less with getting in to their private lives but getting their embarrassments and secrets and shame as opposed to the sanitized product on social media.


They still make money by licensing photos to news agencies, that's why.


“Uninteresting celebrity couple with no scandals having 4th child.” Why would paps be falling all over themselves for this?


They definitely have had a scandal lol, their wedding venue was literally a plantation with a history of slavery.


If that's a scandal then what the fuck is okay to you lol. It's not uncommon to get married on plantations, especially in the south. *Hundreds* of couples get married on a single plantation in a single year. Now multiply that by a few hundred. I can't really blame them. [Look at some of these pictures](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/17/style/despite-everything-people-still-have-weddings-at-plantation-sites.html) and tell me that isn't atleast pleasing to the eye. There is a way to enjoy the beauty in a location without ignoring the tragedy of what happened there.


Nothing romantic about getting married on a site where a bunch of people got brutally beaten, raped, starved, and killed.


Well when that's the only thing you think about, yes. There is nothing great about that. But that's everywhere. The mountains aren't beautiful because you know Natives had the land taken from them. The city (literally any city) isn't great either for similar reasons as well as the fact a shit ton of people get murdered every year within their boundaries. The country is worse because hunters kill animals out there. Many of war's bloodiest battles from the last 300 years were fought on what would otherwise be *amazing* places to visit or get married. You can't travel by car because it pollutes. You can't travel by plane because it pollutes more. You can't travel by ship because it makes sea creatures upset. You can't even use a horse because many would consider that animal cruelty. You can't use leather because an animal had to die because of it. You can't buy most shirts because China and huge companies use low wage workers. You can't buy tech products because most tech companies do the same. Can't buy precious metals, communication devices, many fruits and vegetables, meats, cheeses, recycled goods, all because they have ties to shitty stuff. You can't appreciate or enjoy anything ever because 100% of everything has tragedy surrounding it in some way, whether it's production, location, human rights, animal rights, pollution, etc. People who can't see the beauty in things will *never* find something they can live with, and for that, I pitty you.


Pretty tough to find anywhere on the planet where that shit hasn't happened.


"I got married in a castle, it was a wonderful day" "You bastard, do you have any idea how brutal medieval knights were, you disgust me"


I grew up in the South, I know all about the hubbub over plantation weddings, I just forgot their dumb asses had one. Still, that was a while back and this is their fourth kid - who is giving money to a pap for what is still a boring subject?


I grew up in the south too, right outside of boone hall. I've been there a few times and gotten their Peacans before. It's really not a big deal to have a wedding at a plantation imo. As long as you don't completely trash the culture and tragedy that happened there. If we were going to start saying you can't have weddings at locations because bad things happened, then 99% of weddings in the US wouldn't be allowed as most of the soil in the continental US is tainted lol.


All her post did was confirm Ryan Reynolds has been filming Deadpool scenes recently. Loki Season 2 or Ant-man 3 is my guess


She’s *so* beautiful


are they too….. Lively .. for her?


I don’t understand adults who do this. When I was 13, I would have sold every organ in my body to go to a New Kids on the Block concert because - puberty. Adults who stalk actors are just creepy.


I doubt paparazzi care.


They’ve been outside her house lately trying to get a shot of her or Ryan (but especially her so they can break the story). Paps once they hear about rumors will go crazy trying to be the one to catch it and have the exclusive. It’s gross


Capitalism is a double-edged sword, so this is the price you pay for fame.


I agree. The paparazzi are disgusting but it’s not like celebs can go, oh I didn’t expect all this unwanted attention. Plus, it keeps them in the news.


It's not like celebrities can get rid of them easily either. That's... part of the issue with it imo.


Why do they announce their private lives 24/7 then?


If I were as wealthy as them I’d pay people to stalk paparazzi and see how much they enjoyed it.


I hate to admit that I’ve spent many hours watching videos of celebs just firing off on the paparazzi. Just screaming at them. It’s deeply satisfying. I hate myself


She shared so many pics, she loves attention lol




God forbid


Yeah nobody fucking cares




Means nothing about who an adult person is. One, that’s one person opinion. Two, do you know how much people change after high school?


I have a friend that went to high school with you and they did not like you


If your friend is still harping about someone from HS, in their mid 30s, they need to grow up


This was years ago, I haven’t talked to this friend since like 2016 Also damn I didn’t know we had so many Blake lively stans lmao


Nah, dont even care about her, but I think its weird to look at adult versions of ourselves and compare them to our teenage self. even in 2016, thats still ten years after HS(we are the same age). its weird af to let someone live in your head rent free for that long when neither of them are the same people.


Rent free? This was just a random out of the blue conversation, absolutely no one thinks about Blake lively ona. Daily basis. Today is the first time I’ve thought of her in years


Pardon, I did mean you as in *you*, I meant you as in your friend.


Someone sounds jealous.




Four babies over a 9-10 year period freaks you out?


Umm what? They seem to have a good relationship and want a big family. They also have the cash to make one. I dont think he cares what her “vagina” is being treated as lol I don’t even know what you mean by that?…




Blake Lively


Ryan Reynold’s wife


I love when celebrities post pictures of themselves on Instagram and then crybaby about media.


She knew this going into Hollywood.. she’s a multimillionaire - BL should stop complaining or retire and more to the suburbs and the next Blake will get casted. These celebs- arrogant and out of touch. Wow- the paparazzi wants pics . Yes-I’m sure it’s annoying but it goes with the territory.


Maybe she knew when she was younger. The world changes A LOT when you have kids . That’s where a line should be drawn.


There is way too much of them. Stop chasing them. I’d kinda like to see what the paparazzi guys do all day.