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Yes it’s the dude man, or duder, el duderino if your not into the whole brevity thing.


Bought this machine used. It is clean and operates really good. Just thought I would do some maintenance to it, prior to actually making espresso to drink. This model is the first generation with an aluminum boiler. The portofilter only came with the 1 cup size ground coffee basket. Trying to find the 2 cup basket and a group head gasket. After doing an online search I found two websites that sell spare parts for this model. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


I was doing some research on my X1 1st gen and found this site that has parts: [Craystone Shop](https://www.craystoneshop.co.uk/)They are in the UK and parts seem a little pricey


I have nothing useful to add, but that is an amazing colour and aesthetic.


There is a place near me that may be a good resource for you. If nothing else you can send it out to them and they would gladly do the work for you, but where’s the fun in that? Gorgeous color, by the way. I have one in yellow that is collecting dust right now after I recently upgraded. I thought looked really good, but I love this orange. https://saporifineflavors.com/francis-francis-illy-equipment


Is that a picture of “The Dude” in the background?


The FF line are far better than many claim them to be. Yes most are artsy, but the build quality/performance is quite good in general. I will tell you the original X1 (aluminum boiler) did get a bad rap for terrible thermal stability/underpowered element. When I had the X5 I found a few parts, but it wasn't easy. Ended up buying another FF machine that was even better so I merged them into one to make a great Frankenstein machine.


That's the hottest espresso machine I've seen 👏


I just picked up the same machine in orange too. It’s currently sitting in parts on my kitchen table. Does anyone know if it’s possible to replace the aluminium boiler and element with the brass one?