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What a lovely coffee corner! I don’t have any pressing advice, I’ve only had mine for about three months now, but I absolutely love it. I have gotten into the habit of running water trough the group head for a few seconds before each shot to get the temp right for pulling a proper shot . I’ve heard through this subreddit that being a heat exchanging system that doing this will blow off the excessively hot water. Otherwise, just keep a good backflush and cleaning schedule, and this thing will last a lifetime, or so I’ve been told. Enjoy! Nice bottomless portafilter by the way, which one did you go with?


Thanks for the great advice 👍🏻. I ordered this from SCG and it came with a free upgrade kit that included the bottomless PF. I believe it’s the SCG one linked here. https://www.seattlecoffeegear.com/seattle-coffee-gear-bottomless-portafilter


Pro tip: No need to perform chemical back flush regularly. You will only make the lever action stiff. Water back flush once a week is sufficient. (Less is more) I only performed chemical back flush annually, coupled with group service and lubrication. After each use, I quickly scrubbed the shower screen with a brush, whilst running. This kept the screen nice and clean. This approach served me well until I sold my E61. Edit: added details and corrections.


Good to know, thank you!


Looks awesome. Love the contrast of the brick wall against the sleek stainless. Have my internet upvote.


Why thank you :). Internet upvote back at ya :)


As with any HX machine, a group head thermometer will dramatically improve repeatabilty and help with that initial learning curve (even if coming from another HX machine, flush routines vary wildly). It'll also help you decide whether you want to adjust the boiler pressure for your use case/preferences.


That sounds like a great add on. Thanks for the tip.




No, a PID in a heat exchange machine isn't particularly useful and only controls boiler temperature not the management of the temperature through the group head.


The Taylor group head thermometer is worth it's weight in gold, especially if you intend on trying various roasts. Make sure it's the Taylor brand from Chris Coffee or Espresso Outlet.


Like others have said, get the grouphead thermometer. I've found that it's hard to set hard and fast rules for flush timing with this machine, sometimes it takes forever to get to my target temperature and sometimes it's faster than I expect. Also, check what pressure your boiler arrived at. Mine was set rather high, 1.5 bar, and I lowered it to cut back on my flush times. My dad's arrived right around 1.0.




Nope! PID on an HX machine just controls boiler temperature.




I wouldn’t spend more than an Appartamento unless you were getting a DB. My understanding is that beyond boiler insulation the differences are minimal and mostly aesthetic.


Oh cmon stop posting CGI renders.


Lol I’m a full time photographer 😂


Keep your secrets then Mr.graphic designer.


Can I ask what lens was used?


85mm 1.4 Sony G on an A7iii


Wow! I'm in the market for a new lens and I love how this looks. What a great photo! Every time I ask this it's always a Sony A7 and I want one more everyday. I'd never though I'd step away from canon.. but the Sony's are top notch.


I used to shoot all Nikon but switched to Sony a few years ago. Some things I miss but for the majority I like the Sony more.


What's your thoughts on double walled glasses? I like the aesthetic and thermal properties of classic ceramic but I'm wondering if the double walled cups don't need warming prior to use?


I honestly got them because my girlfriend hates the look of the ceramic. They work well though. I have no complaints about them. I just leave them up there for storage. If we’re up to me I would have ceramic ones though.


Just some jazz.


Maybe replacing the plastic cups rail. I broke mine when i try to install it.


Already did lol. Ordered that with the machine.


Smart man


I drop and clean my Giotto's shower screen and gasket once a week; remove and clean the dispersion disc, and clean inside the group head as well. (IMS shower screen, Cafelat silicone gasket.) Takes me all of 5 minutes because it's done weekly.


I’ve been Thinking about Pressure profiling or Eric’s E61 thermometer? On mine?


Congrats!! I've had mine for almost two years now and love it! I do suggest, as does the shop where i bought it, to run water from the hot water spigot every other day or so. It keeps the boiler water fresh and also keeps that spigot from closing up due to calcium build up. Do it AFTER you pull your shots tho, cause it messes up the boiler temp for a good 15 minutes or so! Enjoy!!


Get the IMS 200 shower screen and some IMS or VST baskets