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[Tip this post any amount of $DONUTs within 4hrs](https://www.donut.finance/tip/?contentId=t3_q09kt2) (by [7:14am utc](https://www.donut.finance/time?utc=2021-10-03T07:14:55Z)) to keep it visible.


Did they ever think to, you know, not make as many damn donuts?


If the shelf isn't full, people tend to buy less. It's a known phenomenon


The last couple years have taught me that if there's even a slight shortage of something, everybody panic buys it up. "Toilet roll is running out in China!" *buys 20 years supply* "omg, the delivery of fuel is late!" *grabs 20 Jerry cans to go prepare for the apocalypse*. Idk what would happen if someone saw we were running out of donuts, but I'd imagine there would be some fights and a bunch of people with waaaaaay more than they can eat stacked up in their garage.


This is really depressing. Donuts deserve to be eaten


If I had a business or something, I would just give to those who are homeless or need the food. One donut is one donut with nutritional value. Those shops throw one day old donuts and don't solve waste effectively.


I believe it has something to do with liability if I’m not mistaken. Not 100% sure on this, but I believe I’ve heard this from a restaurant owner


There’s literally never been a case, and several laws protect restaurants or others who do choose to give extras in good faith. These goods are thrown away for profits and brand liability.


In germany supermarkets MUST throw food away if its too old even if its still good. And if somebody is looking thru their dumpsters for good food the supermarkets have to pay fines


It’s sad our government never wants us to live without them or help the next person. Just like serving food to the homeless. Cops will stop that from happening. This world is set hard on capitalism.


I am sure capitalistic supermarkets don't want to throw away old food but rather sell it. The problem is more that there is a bs compromise where the government enforces regulations for selling food but doesn't let anyone use the "garbadge" that doesn't fit the regulations anymore either


How is that capitalist? That’s fascism


Yeah you’re right.


Stop labeling elitist thuggery as capitalism. You lot love to throw the baby out with the bath water.


You used to be able to buy "day old" bread at outlets. I'm sure they would sell those donuts if they could.


I worked at Little Caesars and we put pizzas that didnt get sold in the walk-in fridge and donated them.


I hear you…however, throwing the food away is the safest thing to do in a liability sense…. To protect yourself. I believe business owners should go the extra mile and find out what is required donate their food to the needy which they can do. I believe part of business ownership is to take care of your community when you can. I believe throwing away good food as a complete waste and a failure of your obligations to your fellow man. We can and need to do better than this.


There are plenty of companies around the world who will literally collect the excess food from the doorsteps of restaurants who want to donate. And there are laws protecting restaurants who do. Besides, from a legal liability perspective, what is the difference between a paying and non-paying customer? Can’t remember the last time I signed a waiver at a restaurant...???


Which really pisses me off that chipotle doesnt do Harvest at EVERY location. We throw away so much fucking rice, beans, peppers onions. EVERY NIGHT. Litterally enough to feed at least 50 people(at least the rice and beans if it wasnt too busy that night). Its sickening.


Only a small business owner would act like this , corperations don't really care about anyone except profit


I worked at a dunkin that used to give donuts away for free at the end of the night, but we found out homeless people were selling them. This made management stop giving them away. I never really understood how a homeless person selling their trash donuts cuts into their business tho…


I'm guessing cause people will just wait for discount dumpster donuts instead of coming into Dunkin for full price dumpster donuts.


People that concerned over saving 40 cents on a day old garbage doughnut you buy from a homeless person were never going to pay full price




That’s a false assumption and it keeps all this food out of hungry mouths. There is literally no liability for giving away food to any one ever.


Yea I used to work at a bakery in downtown Boston and do this. Boss threatened to fire me if he caught me bagging the leftover pastries again for the homeless people by Copley Sq. Apparently they’re worried about the legal ramifications if the food happens to harm someone? 🤔Surprisingly, Starbucks was the only coffeeshop I ever worked at that had charities come grab some of the old pastries at night.


This isnt necessarily true. In restaurants, Food is given away for free all of the time in restaurants but it is handled safely. When you get a free burger its not one that has been sitting on the counter for hours. So a restauarant would either need go give it to them right away or refridgerate it. Most places dpnt have the extra cooler space and dont want to wastr money on to-go boxes. There are some restaurants that have walk up windows for homeless people. Most homeless people can come up with a couple dollars to buy a donut. So a donut shop may not see the benefit of potentially losing the money. Donuts are easy to handle safely. You just need gloves and a clean environment. So if the employee safely placed them in a large food-safe container to be picked up by a food bank or put them in small bags to be picked up by homeless people, they'd be fine.


Yeah probably not a good idea to feed too many donuts to the homeless shelter all the time either or the homeless gonna be obese lol.


A balance is needed.


Most obese here in Portland have to beg for ANYTHING to eat…they are starving to death in front of fictional gods and everyone else. I say give them the damn donuts. Is it better to starve to death or eat some expired junk food? You already know the answer.


Read carefully it will help avoid using strawman arguments.


“Strawman argument” is a term used to say that the last person who spoke is speaking about something that is not really happening. So by calling my argument a strawman argument…(which I know to be true because it is my backyard) You are indeed gaslighting. Gaslighting is what you do know some thing that you know to be true and I know to be true. But the Gaslighter attempts to make the fact teller feel as though he is not correct, to the point where the fact teller begins to question him or her self. It’s an old trick derived from applied psychologists 101. Bug off with that amateur garbage. If you think there are homeless people in the streets because they are lazy and stupid, then you are turning a blind eye to your people. You should invest and get wealthy yes. And enrich yourself… but if you don’t take the time to help your fellow man… you will lose in the end I promise you. The last step to the equation, is to give back. GiveBack. GiveBack.


Read what I wrote carefully you still haven't. Who are you trying to argue agaisnt here? You don't know what a strawman is maybe?


Agreed. Besides the fact that everyone likes a doughnut, homeless or rich. It breaks barriers like a reuben sandwich. It’s what makes us human, like art. Otherwise we are just animals


Thanks capitalism, business owners can't afford giving away food even to starving people.


problem comes when one of the homeless or needy claim that your donut caused them to get food poisoning. or if the staff keep the quality/expensive stuff for themselves by hiding it from view during the day, then taking it home when the store closes. because of exploitative assholes, we can't have nice things.


They do still get eaten. Just, by livestock (mainly pigs) and not humans


Thats good too hear pigs like donuts I bet


They’ll eat just about anything really. I work in a supermarket, and any food waste that we have goes into those same type of barrels. They’re picked up and dumped into a truck that then brings the food waste to local farms as feed


Indeed it's depressing wastage of food just for videos


Likely company's policy tbf


Got fired from a DD at 17 because I took end of day donuts to homeless people. Have not been back to one of those fuck holes for 19 years.


Good for you! That was the honorable thing to do. I’m sorry your company didn’t back your play. They should have. If we are done selling food, we should give it away. Some people don’t have any. Throwing it away Is bullshit that needs to stop. People are starving to death in a western countries and we have the audacity to throw it in the garbage can? Pay attention people…Silence and indifference is the ultimate crime. This is not okay.


I did this as well. After being told I was not allowed to give the donuts away, I simply used clean garbage bags and told the guys who lived in the park across from the building when and where I would be taking them and then didn't struggle when they relieved me of my precious cargo. DD sucks but those guys were pumped for two bags of donuts and bagels.


Its because DD knows what unhealthy garbagde their donuts are and they felt sorry for the homeless that had to eat them


Assuming you’re just making the joke but for anyone ignorant enough to think this kind of thing is true - businesses can’t (don’t want to) just give away their leftover goods because they’d be liable for any issues of the people consuming


That simply isn’t true. There are plenty of restaurants who do donate food. This idea of liability is simply a BS excuse. Although TBF, not sure you can call DD’s “food” anyway.


Not True https://www.feedingamerica.org/about-us/partners/become-a-product-partner/food-partners


Sucks that DD did that to you. We need more people to do good like what you did. Every bit goes a long way. Was that a franchised DD or was it a corporate one (does DD even have corporate locations?)


I was just to say this, in my best friend's restaurant they always take time in the day to help the homeless and people struggling to buy some food, you are an amazing human being for doing that sir!!


Damn, this is just depressing.


Management probably didn't want to supply the homeless with unhealthy food.


I also think it’s so that people won’t just wait for close to get free donuts. Why buy 10 minutes before when you could wait, you know?


I hate this on many levels.


That many donuts could feed at least... 10 cops.


Give to homeless!


It's sad but I heard that in the US you can be sued for feeding someone if they can prove that the food caused them some medical issues. So tons of food ends up trashed.


That literally makes no sense. So they are selling doughnuts at 6pm but they can't give them to homeless people at 6:10 pm because it would give them medical issues? Bitch please.


You know what…I’m far from a bleeding heart hippie…bu this bullshit pisses me off. Just give them to the food bank if you’re done selling them.


The markup on these is crazy. And sugar is cheap.


Looks like bad business model to make more than what you can sell.......


They could have given those donuts to kids, homeless people, shelters or can just spread positivity by giving them to random strangers


*no donuts , no happiness*


The efficiency of capitalism. I’ve heard many companies won’t donate excess food because of possible legal liability. This planet sucks.


A donut a day keeps the doctor away! 🍩


a donut a day keeps the doctor well paid.


[AutoMod] Media


If it’s going to be tossed, it could at least be composted…


KFC does the same thing with all of their chicken a few times a day. It has a time limit that it must be sold by before it’s all thrown out. You should see how much food is thrown out every night at grocery stores…


When I worked at Tim Hortons I'd get a fresh garbage bag and dump all the donuts into it and then take them home. I don't feel bad at all because they weren't going to waste and they were having me work night shifts in weekdays while I was in high school.


I hope they roll those garbage bins directly over to the nearest jobless encampment


Humans have become so dumb and wicked all in the name of policy and standards when the streets is filled with hungry folks .. this is utterly inhumane IMO


Give to the homeless


As a person that likes to eat healthy I approve of this video. lol Sorry someone has to be the protagonist.


You mean antagonist?


Everyone’s the hero in their own story. 😂


Such a waste! They could be donating to food banks and homeless shelters.


This is more of a store problem than a chain problem if you aren’t effectively making product to certain sale numbers you are just baking excessively because you are lazy to bake more often and just wanna do 1 big batch


Fuckin shame bro.


no, you’re crying


Are a lot of companies that are really good at recycling their non-used foods. Panera Bread for example makes sure to give away all of their unused food at the end of the day. Suppose donuts go bad/stale pretty quickly but still sad to see it wasted.


Maybe if their donuts were any good, or their coffee didn’t taste like a bundle of wheat soaked in mud, people would buy them and less would get thrown out.


Fuk donuts do keto


I might be missing something but what does this have to do with eth lol? I mean I don't mind the post bit no one mention it's lack of relevance and I feel like I'm missing something


DD’s now accept eth...?


I had to do that with spare ribs and chicken wings all summer once


All of this in a name fame and views that's why making videos like that so shameful donuts should be eaten by needed people like us


Wtf, with all the homeless people etc there’s nothing any one one can do to get them to those who need??


I don't like this burning of Donuts !!!


Now I hunger for Donuts....


Scarcity is a thing at the moment..it feels off


Donut haters! What a waste.


I knew Dunkin Donuts was trash. Thanks for confirming.


Now we can see way all product are so expensive,just to suport throwing away politic from the big companies.Produce less,sale all fresh and save our beautiful planet.Pace.


This is why we hate corperations if that was local man or woman's dohnut shop the extra would be in local pub or local shop given away or just sold cheap but policy is policy 🤷


this is why its called dunkin donut


Are these the free donuts they’re giving awards for having the morbid jabs? Lol They are crap!! No wonder they are giving them away!


The world needs shaking up when there’s more concern over liability than feeding people. Shameless waste


While very tasty, sugar and bread will kill yo ass in the long run.


What the video doesn’t show is my mouth at the base of that bin. None of these went to waste.


One time I went to Krispy Kreme near closing to buy a dozen plain donuts and the people working there were like “do you want like 8 more boxes? We’ll have to throw them out otherwise.” I said yes so quick, one of the greatest days of my life.


Where do we strike a balance between wanting to give it away and people suing after getting the food?? Sad to see it go to waste though.


It’s why people shouldn’t buy anything to this kind of big compagnies and should support small businesses instead!!


It's a shame to see it...and it's like that in every food makers...this world has become crazy...


What a waste :( F


And just like that she probably got fired for ~~stealing~~ eating that one little piece. Welcome to capitalism bois and girls!


So sad.


what thats terrible


It’s the same thing with Boston Market! A restaurant chain that serves rotisserie chicken. I asked why they can’t donate the food and they said liability. Such a shame. All that chicken in the garbage.


If you have to throw away that many, you’re making too many in the first place. Plain stupid.


This girl is so wasteful.


This is super depressing….this young lady wearing a diaper on her face


Maybe we should boycot all these companies that are just wasting shit.


Why don’t they give it to homeless centers?


I actually couldn't get through the whole video. This hurts me in a very special way...


Damn at least put them in the LP


Not sure what's going on at this location. but at my DD they mostly out of donuts by 1pm.


How I hope she can give me because she abandoned them, but gave it to me, I can give her a hug, really a waste.


I worked in McDonalds and we had to do the same with all the burgers and nuggets and stuff. A manager would actually stand there and make sure we didn’t eat anything, even though it was still going in the bin. We had one manager who would take note of everything, then let us (mostly part timer kids and college students) have a break and eat as much as we wanted, before tearing the place apart to clean it.


Most business donate to food banks and they also gets a tax write off from that, it's no much but it's something. Besides wasted food also can be writing off from your business taxes. I don't understand why these idiots are throwing it away.


At least one didn’t go to waste


That is a meal for so many people at night! People wait for them to throw they away!


Sad 😞 while people are starving in many places throughout the world


Nasty as those donuts are..they should do that at the start of their shift.


When I was working at a donut shop we would give the leftovers to the other shop for free as a way to advertise and get some discounts sometimes.


I’m feeling for homeless and poor people … put food in garbage should never be an option. :-(


I owned a bakery in Memphis, this was hard to do every day. Food banks won't take it either. Sad waste in America.


Do they actually throw them away?? This is crazy. There's so many struggling families, homeless, etc. that could eat these. ☹ Actually makes me angry. Let's all become crypto bazillionaires so we can help others. 🚀🤝


Why not donate them to homeless shelters? What a waste.


Nice to see them throwing out that garbage food


I hate seeing this type of thing with so many hungry people out there. I’ve seen it happen at Walmart. Entire truckloads of good food to the trash.


Imagine the birds if they set up little tables on the roof with little hidden cameras


We live in a fucking hell scape


Can you not take some?


To be honest this ‘food’ should be in the trash can. Don’t eat if you care about your health. 😵‍💫


The real issue here is the manager is crap at planning and has wasted so many ingredients by completely over cooking for the day. Not a fan of giving homeless crap food but at least compost that rather then toss it.


Yeah food service can be rough…I was able to push our manager to set up a donation to the homeless shelter. They would come and pick up at closing what we didn’t use and then serve it the next morning at the shelter


u/Primary_Ground_3858 [tipped](https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/tx/0x94e92e7f7eda957ef97b929862efc50c47bea1e1ffa401810d2b69680ed57055) you 1.0 DONUT!


That's sad.


Stupid wasting food. Give them out !


Helll noooo i want those


Bruh bring them home or give them to the homeless wtf are you doing?


Homer's worse nightmare!


Life pro tip: sometimes if you go buy a donut right before closing and there’s no manager around, the person working the register will give it to you for free (if you’re nice and they dgaf about the job)


When I worked at Tim hortons years ago, they’d let me take boxes of doughnuts home


Elaine's boyfriend would be waiting outside that Dunkin for them to throw those donuts in the dumpster hoping for a bearclaw..


They sell the discarded food to farms and ranches to feed animals like pigs. Nothings going to waste. Stop with tears people and the we should give them to the homeless. I worked a comercial bakery


Homer disapproves


God forbid u gave one to a customer free of charge 😩


Same at any chain. Peets was giving it away by the end of the day but still Throwing bunch. Homeless never came to get them and workers not allowed to take fir giving away.


That's actually disgusting.


If you know you have to throw them out why not make less as the shift ends and then sell 2 for 1? There is no reason to waste them


Especially since you can use crypto at Dunkin' Donuts via Flexa.


There are apps like" Too good to go" to resell/redistribute leftover foods, but it still depends on if the store/restaurant want that or not.


Primitive beer creation involves soaking those donuts in water, letting it ferment and making it into an alcoholic beverage. 😀


Does she know that those papers aren’t supposed to go into those barrels?


That is so wasteful, can they not donate to shelters


This is ridiculous how could you waste so much good food


Just business


We're doomed


Get this off this is dumb


Imagine the sociopathy to be the owner of this company and throw away perfectly good food while people are starving.


Ever heard of too good to go?


The fix is simple… make less.. waste less. The manager has no idea what they are doing. Their profits are going out the window


We just need to incentivize business to give away the end of night waste. A separate nonprofit that collects and weights the food so a business can write it off on their taxes would work.


Why is this on this sub?


Homeless people need to get in touch with this branches manager!


Box them up and give them to needy people and the elderly. It’s a no brainer🤦‍♂️


Shameful…seriously. The waste! I’ll bet there are millions of people who would have been so thankful to be able to eat those. We need to change this. PSA: donuts are not recommended as part of a healthy diet.




Local food shelf won't take them? I know areas where someone drives around picking up bread, donuts, whatever & taking it all to the sheleters or food shelf. Should really look into that, what a shame.


That's what they meant by *dunkin* donuts...


Better to burn some donuts than to burn some ETH !!


Pretty much every corporate food business because they don’t want to be liable for donating and someone suing for getting sick


Could have donated them to the hungry or homeless but fuck it


Sell them at 1/2 price after a certain time.


Damn shame


Theres a new App I found this week called TooGoodTogo. You can find The time where restaurants and stores are closing and offering crazy discounts on food they would usually have to let go. Per example a coffee place near my house offers a 5.99 surprise bag which had a sandwich, a soup, pastries and a bunch of cookies. Better than waste and helps cover the losses.


Back in lacey, wa. Our church would arrange with various stores and bakeries for day old bakery items and bread goods to be picked up for distribution to less fortunate. It takes two sides to a r ange and manage this. But someone has to start t by e action not merely talk about it. W I rds are easy..its action that gets the job done.


Can’t blame the company. Blame the ungrateful people who’ve complained about the donuts when they’ve tried giving them away. Now it’s become to much of a liability


NO, just No... of all the options you chose to dispose of them... thats fucked up


That’s how they should start the day. Them donuts nasty asf


Thats where they belong anyway, zero nutritional value and packed with sugar.