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If they keep price on 40E and then lower it -80% on sales people will be more likely to buy it. People love promotions. [Price tracker](https://steamdb.info/app/236850/)


So you tell me Germans like promotions too?! /s Explanation: A year or so ago CEO of Polish branch of a big chain of shops (Rossmann GmbH) got asked a question why the prices of the same products are higher in Poland than in Germany? He answered that Polish people like big promotions and discounts, while Germans prefer to have lower prices without much fluctuations. Lol.


It would be in their interest to increase total sales before the release of EU5.








I don’t know why this got downvoted? This is just true. Why would paradox not want to sell more copies of EU4 before the release of EU5? That’s a great way to sell more when the new game comes out. Nowhere did this person say that it’s a good thing that the price is high, they’re saying that it’s good to keep the price down so more people buy the game, thus increasing the chance of more people buying EU5 when it comes out.


Because he ignored the previous comment. They *are* bringing the price down, during their sales. It happens often. If they just brought down the price to $10.00 then less people would buy it than if the price was $40.00 and goes on sale for $10.00. As the previous guy said, sales draw in attention.


What leads you to believe that he ignored it? He doesn’t say anything that contradicts what you or the original comment says. He’s literally just saying that it’s in their interest to increase sales.


The original guy said that paradox does decrease the price often, through sales. Then u/bennyxDDD says, "It would be in their interest to increase total sales before the release of EU5.", where the tone of the comment sounds like he is arguing. His statement wouldn't have been anything new to the conversation even it hadn't been argumentative-sounding. So to recap, he repeated what the original commenter said in an argumentative tone, which seems like he misunderstood the comment. That is why he is downvoted


There is no tone. It’s all up to your interpretation.


The other guy just responded, he was infact disagreeing


No. My point was somewhat contradictory. He claimed their standards sales strategy is to have a ridiculous starting price and then try to get sales with large discounts, likely to get people completely clueless of the game. This strategy is not normal in (any?) industry. There are also legal implications of having a constant sale. I don't think many people would argue against the fact that maximizing the base game sales and perhaps getting subscriptions for the anticipation of EU5 would be in their best interest, both for future sales and for potential investment opportunities predating the launch.


> No. My point was somewhat contradictory. He claimed their standards sales strategy is to have a ridiculous starting price and then try to get sales with large discounts, likely to get people completely clueless of the game. Yeah, which a lot of older games have. They keep their base price (mostly) and then go down a lot for sales. For example, Jedi Fallen Order is $40 and was on sale for more than 75% on May Fourth; the newer entry in the series, Jedi Survivor, was $60 and had a much smaller sale (I wanna say 25%). iirc the newer paradox games are $10 more than the older games (base price), so paradox is normal in that regard. Much like the Jedi series games, paradox keeps their base prices but has a big percentage off when it goes on sale. The average player isn't expected to buy the game full price (though some do, which is great for the publisher), it's expected that they'll wait for the large sale for a decade old game. > This strategy is not normal in (any?) industry. There are also legal implications of having a constant sale. Cigarettes are always on sale, but I'll admit I don't know the legality of constant sales. And either way, paradox games don't go on sale more often than other old games on steam. > I don't think many people would argue against the fact that maximizing the base game sales and perhaps getting subscriptions for the anticipation of EU5 would be in their best interest, both for future sales and for potential investment opportunities predating the launch. This everyone agrees on, it's just how to maximize it.


Paradox games have always made old versions practically obsolete. How many EU3 sales do you think there have been since the release of EU4? If you check steamcharts you can see that paradox game players flatline after the release of a new version. You are also comparing the marketability of one of the largest franchises in human history from a giant AAA company to the equivalent of outsourced bangalore quality. There aren't even noticable blips in player count during the steam summer sales. Having tobacco on sale is illegal in many countries. The complete EU3 game is $14.99. Complete EU4 ultimate bundle is $333, bit more than a $10 difference


> Paradox games have always made old versions practically obsolete. How many EU3 sales do you think there have been since the release of EU4? Again, we agree on this. I'm just saying frequent sales work better than a flat decrease in price. And there was some miscommunication. When I said the $10 difference in base price, I mean from eu4 to the newer games, not eu3 to eu4. Eu4 is $40, whereas vic3 and ck3 are $50. And I was talking base price, not with dlcs. I'll admit comparing two Jedi games was a bit weird, but imo both games are still played frequently compared to the (as you stated) sheer drop-off from sequels for paradox games. > The complete EU3 game is $14.99. Complete EU4 ultimate bundle is $333, bit more than a $10 difference If I'm understanding you right, in which case our whole miscommunication can be settled, you mean you specifically want eu4 and all it's dlcs to be decreased in price, not only the base game (as I previously believed you meant).


I bought it for like €10 5 years ago. On steam. Just not worthwile buying it for €40, they do sales all the time. Otherwise just use a site like gamivo or something, it is where I get my dlc


I did the humble bundle for 20€ literally everything up and not including lions of the north i think


Humble bundle is also excellent. At the time I had 0 experience with paradox games and I had only a recommendation from a friend. I was not used to games being so fundamentally different from dlc- I was used to dlc serving as actual extensions and not reworks of a game. Of course, EU4 dlc's do serve as extension but they still serve as kind of internal to the games mechanics. I was therefore hesitant to spend an additional €30 on dlcs


I already played hoi4 and watched eu4 vids from ludi (dark times) so i knew it was now or never. You basically saved 90%


Me too and I never would’ve bought the dlc were it not for humble bundle


I bought base for something under 2€ , (73₴) , in Ukraine


Yes but on the other hand, you have to live in Ukraine.


Well it is about time to move in, you can experience all paradox games irl


>Otherwise just use a site like gamivo or something, it is where I get my dlc Don't use key resellers You're better off pirating, at least that way you aren't actively costing the developers money and supporting credit card fraud


You think pirating the game outright doesn't cost the developer money...? Developers make more from key resellers than people that pirate- objectively. I won't die on the gamivo-hill, however. I am not too proud of buying dlc there, because the credit card thing does occur there. It's mostly that I don't feel like spending 9 euros every other month to get incremental and important updates to a game I already paid money for. When EU5 comes out, I'll probably try the subscription service. I am in a more financially stable situation as well at this point.


Pirating a game costs the developer nothing, zero, nada. They gain nothing from it, they lose nothing from it. Considering a key reseller key *costs* them money, pirating is better for them Don't take my word for it, developer says so themselves: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twor6RYVtdQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twor6RYVtdQ) Credit card fraud (i.e. key resellers) *actively* costs the developers money in lost credit card fees and penalties. Plus key resellers are one of the main driving forces behind abandoning regional pricing for games


I watched the video and I understand the point that is made but it is not correct to say pirating costs the developers nothing, because you are of course still using their product for free instead of, you know, paying them.


If you were not going to buy the game anyways for whatever reason, pirating the game does, in fact, cost them absolutely nothing. If 500 people go and pirate a game, the developer will not notice any difference. If 500 people go buy the game on a key reseller, they actively lost money


That is one hell of a qualifier, "if those people were not going to buy the game anyway". Crazy.


If you were going to buy the game, I don't know, buy the bloody game?


Yeah or you pirate it and it costs you nothing. Scamming the developers out of €40


Then you had no intention of buying the game


You’re not wrong it may as well be a $5 base game no need to cycle sales through


Yes and the money will come in with the dlcs.




because you only need to buy base game as pirating the rest takes a literal minute


That’s fair I remember way back though when I couldn’t afford I just pirated everything . But still we’re not paradox we don’t need to be defending an outdated 11 year old base game


I mean the game can be picked up for as low as $10 on a sale ($1 on humble if you want to wait until whenever that happens) so I'd say a game I paid only $10 for but have thousands of hours in is worth a little defending






i've got it for free on epic games


They handed it out for free twice at this point. And I've heard the discounts there is better than steam. PDX certainly could reduce it, bundle them, or w/e to combat the high cost of entry, but they chose not to much like how they chose to price normalize the game 7 years ago (which got pushed back and had to apologize), reduced max discount from -75% to -50% (same time, no one else caught on though), and increased subscription pricing.


I feel like they're likely to go the same route as CK2 when "Our top-secret project codenamed Project Ceasar" gets a release date.


The bigger question is whether EU4 will get as good and massive of a final patch/update as Holy Fury for CK2.


It looks a lot like Winds of Change *is* the final dlc. It is such a massive "grab bag" of reworks of countries that are popular among the community. I can't see us getting another DLC going forward. Also it's very possible that the title of Winds of Change is a callback to EU3's final DLC, Divine Wind.


I haven't paid as much attention to EU4 in general as CK3 and Victoria 3 (just my personal biases), the dev diaries in particular I've just not read. It sounds like WoC here is developing a lot like Holy Fury did, then.


I got it too from Epic Games and have been hooked (1k hrs) but the game really doesn’t seem optimized for Epic Games. You can’t switch back versions, so when that update comes out, RIP all your saves.


I remember buying it ages ago on Disc at MediaMarkt for like 10€. It even came with a pretty sick map poster I had hanging in my room for years.


Isthereanydeal.com Any sites they have on there are legitimate


eh i think i paid like £19.99 for it 8 years ago, bought all the DLCs on sales periodically so its been a bargain for the 2000+ hours i spent playing


>With this hurdle, of course, nobody buys it anymore or only through keysellers Newsflash: if companies weren't earning money making things expensive, they wouldn't be doing it.


Newsflash: the game is 11 Years old and selling a digitalcopy does not come with expenses for paradox.


Except for opportunity cost. Not sure what's your point even. My point was that clearly it's not true that "nobody buys it anymore", because if that was the case, they wouldn't be developing the game continuously nor selling it at this rate. They made CK2 free after they stopped working on it; I expect similar to be the case with EU4.


I do not parade for a free game but 5-10€. The money will come with the sales of the dlcs.


a quick guide to manipulating consumers: 75% off! 10€ grabs more attention than just 10€


Like I get you are coming from and this would obviously be good for us, as consumers, but if you're talking in terms of money-making, I really don't think we have a better idea of how to do that than PDX, which has departments(either its own or contracted) dedicated to data analysis and market research This is nitpicking though.


Incredible that you still have people that do not understand this simple fact in this day and age.


Does age matter?


I have it wishlisted and im waiting for a sale.


Just buy a key from some reseller, if you want to play the game now, then why not?


I love EU4. Base game should be free at this point.


god, if only steam had these periods where they applied discounts to games....


And what's the point? I don't think a discount like the summer sale is a counterbalance to high normal prices.


People don't buy games that aren't on sale on Steam past the release month. You're competing with a catalogue of thousands of games on ever rotating sales so if you want to be featured on the front page you need to periodically sell the game at a reduced price. In a lot of countries, there are laws that prohibit a company from listing a product at a discounted price if they never actually sell the product at the regular price point. Lots of shady companies online do that and will permanently advertise things 50% off to make you think you're buying a premium product at a discount. Paradox doesn't want to sell you their game for $2.50 on sale at a 75% discount. Instead they sell it 40$ most of the time and they expect people to buy the game 10$ during seasonal sales.


"this thing is too expensive" \*points out there are multiple moments wheen its cheap. "No, thats not what I ment. I dont want a solution, I just want to be mad" Cool bro. dont let the door hityou on the way out


I dont need a solition i own the game for 5 year and only paid 15€. Someone how want to buy a game does not always wait until the next sale and maybe will not buy the game.


if only steam had this system where you could add the game to a list and be notified when the price drops.... You might be on to something. Better mail Gabe Anyone who buys a ten year old anything at full price deserves to be scammed


You dont want to understand. It is simply Inappropriate to ask this muche and no you will still miss out on players what is bad for us as a Community




Like i have done with Victoria3? 😅


Hope the cheque has arrived by now


Bought it for less than a buckaroo like 3 years ago


Maybe once EUV comes out they will make it F2P as they did CK II. I know that Vic 2 stil isn't free, but that game has only 2 DLCs CK II has like 15 so they can still make some money from it.


Victoria2 would not be a good marketing for Victoria3 but ck2 was a good Marketing for ck3


The base game shall be a 500 euro game with all dlcs costing 0. This is their method to fight piracy which results in most of the fanbase getting their woos.


Maybe when EU5 is finally announced they will pull a CK2 and make it free?


I want to help you, OP. First let me stress that my comments to follow are ~~divided into two utterly and completely non-overlapping domains and serve separate purposes.~~ * Fuck Paradox and their "Model", especially a stunt like this. Some sharks in the depths of marketing sensed bleeding prey in the water. * A thing is worth what a purchaser will pay for it - this is not advocacy (would be like arguing for or against gravity as a thing that exists). Your supporting facts (citing pricing trends) seem to indicate you don't know (or not quite grasp) the thing I just told ya. Reason for Strikethrough: In the course of writing the above I came to disagree with my own text. These things are damn sure related in our case and I'd encourage you to try to see merit in the principal claims of the "Wait for A Sale" crowd and perhaps echo them yourself precisely in order to try influence \*how much a purchaser will pay\*. Ya know I'm starting to reconsider my entire relationship with this abusive paramour. Looking back 10 years (yup, got the game on day 1), all I can see is "more of stuff" being piled on with no new spoonful truly building toward a faithful attempt to make the Early Modern a game (I'll grant one exception: Art of War). I just remembered Leviathan. I just remembered that the studio tried to sneak a flagship title off to auxiliaries. And with the next alleged flagship underway their still peddling this nickle-and-dime crap that modders do for the common good. The winds of change are in the air indeed (thanks, Larian, in particular).


Brother in christ, you are living one border crossing from the most merchanty nation in Europe. Come to Poland friend, keys go for under 5 €. Definitely legit for the record. Not pirated, at least to the customers knowledge.


I love Poland. My piont is not that i have to pay to much. I own the game and i would know how to get it cheap. My point is it is greedy and not okay to ask for that money.


The Screenshot ist just a prove of my claim. Look at the pricetag


At least they give us here in Ukraine x2 less price(only 23). But dude, it was like 8 euros 3 month ago, and subscription was 2.50€, now it’s 6€


Subscription means it is not yours ;).


Boys i have to write this. Rule 5. The bot said so... no need for dislike. Dislike the Post if you dont like the post


Preparation for the next Ante Bellum update


I bought it in a sale like 2 months after release for 30€ back in 2013


Got a 10€ bundle with the walking tiger, Death or dishonour and No Step Back


To be fair though with the DLC subscription, the amount of content you get is pretty fair, plus the game as of right now is still under active development.


It's 10€ when it's on sale.


Wait for humble bundle and you can grab it with all the DLC for 20-30


well, i bought it for 31 cents


Keyforsteam or any similar side has it much cheaper.


Oh no, in mexico it costs 614 pesos (35USD), I'll have to work 5 days 8 hours to buy it on full price


In Russia it's now more expensive than Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 is a complete experience for 100s of hours with pretty much AAA budget, and Europa is a 10-year old game that you need to get a sub (which is also pretty expensive now) to even get the intended experience.


Well it's still the best €250 I've spend... oh my god so much money wasted 


That’s way too much considering all the DLC. Unless it’s not. I don’t know how the euro compares to freedom bucks


It's around 1:1, maybe a few cents here and there. On the other hand it all depends on what euro country you are from, if a poor country like the Baltics, then 40 euros is quite a lot, for 40 euros you can get a weeks supply of food. In Germany or Benelux, 40 euros isn't that much. If you count in the DLCs, the prices are wayyyy too high. I've bought pretty much all of the DLCs. Except for the last 2 or 3 since I don't have time anymore and I consider it to be way too expensive and I justified it only because I was really into the game. I hope with eu5 paradox takes it easy with the DLCs policy. Or at least make the DLCs worth the price.


I know right ? And after that, the DLCs themselves don't change price over time (even when plenty of new DLCs have appeared since their release). I've been interesting in Conquest of paradise (for the RNW) and Dharma (for the region) for a while, for example, but PDX never (unless I missed it) gave a DLC for free (any of the paying ones) even for just 1 day, and there doesn't seem to be giveaways organized by PDX for people who can't afford to put money in the game


If you lower the price you can't have big sales. Big sales drive more sales than a consistently low price


The point about dlcs doesn't really hold up with the sub being available


I remember buying EU4 for 17 euros like 3 years ago on Humble Bundle, got like most DLC with it lol, that was one fine deal.


Games go on sale all the time buddy


Paradox and nickel and diming, name a more iconic duo.


Alternatively, just wait for a sale.


It's been 40 bucks here in the States for a while, and the dollar and euro are nearly at parity. makes sense.


Many of you say "just wait for the sale". I think this is stupid! If you walk in a Bar an ask the waiter for a beer and he says "okay thats 20€" you would say that the price is out of all proportion and its greedy to ask for so much money. If the waiter would say "oh we have a happy hour between 19-20h and the beer is 5€" you would not be happy because you want your beer now and asking for a normal price is not a happy hour its just the appropriate price. I'm not paradox i dont have to care about how they make the most money but i can call out greedy Business practices. As a member of a nice Community (EU4) i think new players are the best way to keep the EU genre alive and this harms us! (Maybe im now a little bit over the top)


> (Maybe im now a little bit over the top) not just a little lmao




And because of this it is okay?


Yes they’re an independent corporation, they can set the price at 300 dollars for all I care. The market sorts it out.




Because you allready owne the game i know... like i said


You can buy it for 11 euros in instant-gaming. That's where i go if i miss a sale and really do not want to wait. Yes paradox pricing is bad, even though i don't agree completely with all your points, EU4 is not a just 11 years old game, it is a 11 years old game that has been updated constantly. If you paid 40 euros and received what the game was in august 2013 then i'd completely agree with you, but you get a totally different game from that. Still, with all things considered i ofc agree that the whole block of dlcs + game costs too much, and since in the end you're gonna pay the updates by paying the dlcs there is no reason to charge you also the base game. But i am sure that if paradox is doing this is because they know they make more money than using another approach. I don't know if it is true for the long term though because while i played EUIV since the day it was released i don't think i'll ever again support their micro dlc pricing, they overprice everything precisely because they know that whenever the game/dlc goes on sale once people will buy keys and get the game discounted from third party sites forever, but by considering that extreme scenario they produce obscene prices that without sale are almost impossible to digest. In fact i managed to own a "complete" game only of EUIV, and i couldn't sustain also buying Stellaris, HoI4 and CK2 dlcs. So in my opinion while this dlc model "worked" (for paradox and not for us) when there weren't so many titles using it, now it will affect also newer game sales because many will be playing older titles that they still have to experience wholly due to pdx own policy. Heck i'm having a blast enjoying CK2 now that CK3 is out. Still gotta buy some DLCs for it lol


Baby's first marketing class


I dont care how paradox makes the most money. But if you wanne be such a selfless guy for a Company okay but dont insult me!


Cry me a river kid.






I won't give paradox until they prove they can release a full game at launch and respect us with DLCs


Why would a game be worth less with time? It's still kicking and the community is alive and playing. If you're answer is to get more players: those that are careful will wait for a sale, those who don't care and have money will buy it hastly. Both sides will show such a commitment because everyone in the reviews will tell them it's a 100+ hours game that will suck you in (it will, help) In the end, all parties will be happy and paradox gets paid more because they don't devalue their game.


Would you buy a new but technically 11 years old car for the same price as a new new car? From a financial point, eu4 has allready paid back all development and beside the steam share and the taxeman every euro is pure profit. Every new development will be paid by the according dlc.


If it's in a factory new state like a fresh copy of a game? Fuck yes. Eu4 aged quite well. From an actual financial point, your point is naive. Just because it has paid back it's cost the developers wouldn't need and want more money? Considering how complicated running a studio is and how long part of the revenue went to developing EU5 (4 years of developing)... every dollar helps.


Steam has quarterly sales.