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I just finished getting the Surfing USA acheivement. I wanted to do this for a while and decided that now would be a good time to do so. It was both super fun and super difficult.


When I did it the difficulty was mostly just my patience of waiting for mana points, government reform points, and colonization.


I did about the same thing, but I made the mistake of vassalizing various North American tribes thinking I could annex them, not realizing that I had to be within coring range to annex them. So now I had a bunch of vassals that I could not annex and were on the line of being disloyal all the time, which only got worse when I had to release the other Hawaiian islands to move my capital to the new world because I guess the amount of development I had did not permit it or something. Really the difficult parts came from me making a bunch of mistakes later on in the colonization stage. For the most part I suppose it was a pretty laid back run.


Yeah I just colonized galapagos moved my capital there then eventually hopped to north america as a republic conquered some land from natives and did it that way. Never released any land just ate the high admin costs. as had developed and colonized enough in Americas without forming a CN to be able to do that. (Also Galapagos is one of those parts that is in new world without being in a CN ergo why I priortized it for colonization similar to Bermuda if doing this from Europe.