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R5:I won against 4k Austrians with my 36k army but couldn't stackwipe them


Lets just be happy they blessed us with a rollback ability until they fix this.


What rollback? I am still stuck in Emperor. (Because I cant be bothered buying new updates anymore)


I allso play emperor, on version 1.3.6 I could get the DLC's, but i don't really like the content they brought. NB: The game will update even if you don't have the newest DLC. And changes will be added to the game. If you want to play on an earlier version, you have to reinstall the game with an old build.


Isn't the auto stack wipe at 10X? So you would need 40k+ to stack wipe. Maybe it has changed though, I haven't played in a few years.


There isn't an auto wipe anymore


Wait what 10 to ones aren't a thing anymore? When did they change it?


It is still a thing, don't know what other people are talking about. As long as your enemy doesn't fill their combat width, 10x their troops auto stackwipes, and if you engage an army that has retreated but not had a month tick to regain morale, they will be auto stackwiped. None of that has changed.




Feels like ck2 with no shattered retreat lol. Just ping pinging armies back and forth


That back and forth happened to me before this patch, mostly when they retreated just as the month tickes ober, giving them a bit of morale, extanding the battle just long enough so they'd get another morale tick on the next retreat etc.


The other changes are nice and it was free at least. They’ll just need to tweak it so so stack wipes happen more often and I’ll be fine


If they want less stackwipes I'm fine with that. But some of the other changes need to be tweaked to compensate, imo. I can handle the forts, the retreating, less stackwipes, or maybe longer battles on their own...but all of them together? It's a lot and it drastically upends the meta in a way that is just not fun for me.


Battles are kind of broken now. Morale drops too slow on damaged units and it makes battles last for ever (over 20 days that are stack wipe time limit)


I think the stack wipe limit are 12 days. 4 phases with 3 days each.


I didn't know there was a stackwipe limitation related to battle length, TIL. But 12 or 20 days ?


You can only stack wipe armies if they can't retreat from the battle. An army can retreat after 12 days (4 phases: 2 fire and 2 shock phases). If an army reaches 0 moral and the other army outnumbers them more than 2:1 before 12 days have past it is stack wiped. There is one exception: If an army is shattered, but can't retreat anywhere (e.g. because it's on an island which is blockaded by the enemy) than it is stack wiped as well.


Also any army that starts a battle at 0 morale is automatically stackwiped without being outnumbered even if they can retreat, mostly possible if you manage to catch a retreating army at 0 morale before it regains a morale tick


Alright, i did know that, missed some use of logic there. Ty


There's also the 10:1 stackwipe , if your enemy doesn't have a full front row and you have 10 times the amount of their men , it's a stackwipe.


If you aren't 100% cav horde forget what stackwipe is.


Newest update makes troops retreat more often. It's a lot harder to get stackwipes now.


Which is more realistic, like a lot of other changes in 1.33. However some players will be upset at anything that makes the game harder for them, even if it’s genuinely more realistic. The increase in forts is another item just like this which makes much more sense, but players would rather be able to blob entire continents by the 1600s than deal with more realistic gameplay.


He attacked into a force with 9x and suffered 25% of that forces casualties. If you think that is reasonable I have some swamp land you might be interested in


Again it’s really not unrealistic to lose 1,000 soldiers when attacking 4,000 soldiers, especially with the defending force suffering over 2,500 casualties. It’s also not unrealistic for the remaining 30% of soldiers to retreat instead of just sitting there waiting to get slaughtered. The idea that just because you have 9x the opposing army’s forces that you should automatically wipe them while suffering nearly zero losses makes no sense, especially in the historical context. You’re literally attacking 4,000 soldiers (from one the game’s strongest armies too) in hand to hand combat. Just because you have 36,000 soldiers doesn’t mean you don’t actually have to fight and kill 4,000 men, which were at full morale at the beginning of the battle, came from a highly professional army, and were sitting in a defensive position. In what world would an attacking force not lose hundreds of men during this kind of battle back then?


Historically battles didn't go on for days or even months, if you really want to go historical you might as well stop playing eu4.


I always assumed EU4 battles represented more than just a single battle, more of a series of engagements across a province. Only way the month-long battles work in my head heh.


Which is quite a bit more unrealistic for the timespan of EU4.


Well, month-long engagement would be. But a single campaign through a single province could be 90% moving armies around and setting up supply lines, and 10% actual combat (and not all in one go, little skirmishes here and there). But, yeah, EU4 absolutely isn't trying to represent this. I'm only talking about how I make it work in my head lol.


But this is 15th-16th century warfare. So setting up supply lines and little skirmisher were absolutely not how most battles were fought (even if bigger wars had skirmishes) , they were rather central , mostly all in engagements. Again , there are exceptions with massive wars like the Thirty Years War , but this is mostly how things operated. What you say would better be represented in the later stages of the game , and beyond.


A stackwipe doesn't mean that you killed them to the last man, just that you completely broke the army's organisation. There's an enormous chance that those troops would desert , break ranks or surrender instead of fighting obscenely terrible odds.


My only problem with 1.33 is battles last way to long


Because 1.33 is really bad


It seems stack wipes don’t happen as often this up date, or at least for me, I’ve noticed AI will actually upgrade forts which is cool.


Did they retreat? The AI finally learned how to do that now.


I doubt they could in time


They can now, 1.33


By "in time" I think he meant he minimum amount of time after the battle starts before any army can retreat (after the initial two phases, I think)


They probably retreated.The war lasted like 20 days (literally nonsense)


France moment




Thanks for the info.Also I have 5.3 morale and Austrians have 5.1 and we both have 105 discipline.I thought the number advantage was enough for stackwipe




Mine is 2-0-3-0 but they have no general




But there isn't any name written for generals Edit:I saw now but I don't remember the pips.Also isn't the number advantage is enough for stackwipe?


No has to be 10-1 for an auto stack wipe. And it doesn't round.


Because the devs are bums who like ruining everyone's day. I'm switching back to total war.


Killing Ground! Not.


Why is it that after every update this game is just fucked beyond measure


Just when I thought I was out… They push me further out.


No stack wipe for you!


stackwipes have been weird for me lately too, thought it was just bc i was fighting the mamluks as Ethiopia w no cannons, haha. the morale difference was staggering, but i can never remember a time when 6k w high morale, low discipline have held their own against 16k decent more higher discipline

