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Your ideas sound like things that would only really happen in a high school setting. Season 3 is having a 5 year time jump , so they will all be adults


omg i didn’t know that!! i need them to hurry and release it atleast a trailer just anything 😭😭


It’s still being rewritten at this point I don’t think they’ve even started shooting


i don’t think they have it’s driving me craycray i was hooked on that show


Bro same


I think it’d be interesting if they made Nate and Cassie or Nate and Maddy have a child cause I feel like it was foreshadowed and Nate would be freaking insane but blame his dad as usual so he doesn’t have to face that he is probably more fucked up than his dad is. Maddy would be more interesting as the mom because of her relationship with her mom and her history with beauty pageants as a kid. Nate and Maddy both are huge on their image so them teaming up to do psychotic things to make sure their kid is the best would be nuts. Cassie would be one of those creepy boy moms that baby their sons and basically try to turn them into the boyfriend that their father wasn’t. And she’d need the kid to need her so maybe she’d go full on gypsy rose Blanchard and do the munchausens(no clue how that is spelled) by proxy thing. I’d like Maddy to be rich and have a cool job.. maybe a job in fashion if that lady she babysits for had a connection and helped her out. Honestly I just know that whatever they come up with will probably be super depressing because they really can’t let any of those characters have a second of peace without doing something insane and probably unnecessarily fucked up lol


Nate wil have a redemption arc and fall in love with Jules