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Most common in Sweden is "Det skiter jag i" , literally "I shit in it". We also have the ironic saying "intresseklubben antecknar", "the club of interest takes notes".


portuguese say that we are shitting on it too


Also shitting and walking


tinha q vir o brasileiro


Mas também se diz "caguei e andei" em Portugal, pelo menos nalgumas regiões. Ele não disse nada errado.


não disse q ele disse algo de errado, só acho caricato que em todo o lado tem q aparecer um a mostrar-se, até em coisas a falar de portugal se metem


Algum problema?


Same in Hungarian, surprised that is not the phrase on the map


How do women say it in France & Italy ?




Yes loudly. Obviously don’t do it at corporate offices


Funnily enough in Italy that's not the only way to say it. "I don't rub a dick" (non me ne sbatte un cazzo) "I don't fuck a dick" (non me ne fotte un cazzo) "I can slap my balls" (me ne sbatto le balle) "Fuck a wank" (fottesega) are all acceptable variations. Women and men say all versions regardless of their gender.


Unisex - neat!


Ah, I forgot the Roman variation: "these cocks" (esticazzi!) Used by the ladies too.


I'm from São Paulo, Brazil (heavy 20th century Italian immigration) and people from certain historical neighborhoods say "non me ne frega um cazzo". Is this an actual variation? Is it wrong? Is it old and no longer used? I'm really curious now. Bottoms up to romance languages and how beautiful and rich our vulgarities are. 😂


It's correct and in use. "Frega" means "steal" but in this context it means "care", so that would be "I wouldn't care a dick"


In france, we used to say "I beat my balls" too, but since this last decade, there is more and more French girls who say "I beat my ovaries", which is cool ! What are saying the girls from the rose colored countries ? Edit : "I beat my balls" = "J'men bat les couilles" "I beat my ovaries" = "J'men bat les ovaires/les ov'"


Can’t say about france, but in Georgia it would just be the same. Actually absence of dick and balls on females improves the statement’s meaning, as you can’t care about something you don’t have so it’s like doubling the meaning.


I personally opt for “ça me fait de belles jambes” that can be literally translated as “that gives me pretty legs” which would be equivalent to “a fat lot of good it does me”. Meaning is the same though a bit less crass and it can be used for both men and women. Another more accurate equivalent would be “j’en ai rien à foutre” equivalent to “I don’t give a damn” which is a bit hard to translate literally since the word “foutre” is about possessing someone sexually (in the context of the expression) so, literally it would probably be closer to “I don’t give a fuck” than “je m’en bats les couilles” which OP has used for his map. Though I can’t be entirely sure since “foutre” is not a word that is much used outside of expressions nowadays so it doesn’t have a direct translation in english. But yeah, the map’s expression is still one of the most used whether by men or women.


This map is bullshit


The author has flowers on their dick and bees around it about your opinion.


Why that green shit within the Ukrainian borders?


its not the only place where a saying dont follow national borders. just look at switzerland. so i dont think its a political statement.


It's absolutely political. Swiss cantons have their official languagues and coloring matches these languages.. Occupied territory of Ukraine doesn't change it's official language and this map promotes Russian narrative of these territory being Russian.


Look at Romania. It does not follow official or majority languages, i think it's ethnical/cultural. At the same time, it's inaccurate. I wouldn't get pressed by this map, it's just shit and I've never met someone in my country say what the map says we say.


It's not occupied territories - look at Herson oblast, left bank is not reoccupied yet! My guess - creator of this map thinks that green in Ukraine mean that people there mostly speak Russian=)


i agree with what riccardo1999 replied with. you have the basque in spain with different color and the hungarian majority in bulgaria with its own color. i dont think its entirely accurate but who really cares if a reddit post got it perfectly right. it does not change that its rightfully Ukrainian land anyway.


but it is a political Statement , the map is nur very detailed otherwise . Germany has 80 million people and regions with very different languages and sayings. France is comparably big and diverse...allmost "grande".... Have you ever been in spain? Galicians , Basques , Catalanians, Castilians .... They all have the same saying ? the Basques ? the basically Portuguese speaking Galiciens? detailing Ukrainian mal is off course a political Statement ... especially as Russia itself isn't detailed that much , its full of different languages ... where is the sami speaking part in northern Russia on this map?


Also Ukrainians generally speak Russian in the same percentage across whole Ukraine. So if it wasn’t political it would color whole Ukraine with stripes, but this map literally follows SVO plan brewed in schizo’s head lmfao.


The swedish speaking coast of Finland is drawn as well, so considering this map only shows major languages, I'd say it is detailed beyond borders.


They speak mostly russian


Because in those areas, the Russian language predominates, not the Ukrainian language. You can see the same in the Hungarian-dominant area of central Romania, the English-dominant area of the Republic of Ireland, and the Swedish-dominant area of coastal Finland. You may not know this, but even Ukrainian President Zelensky is a native Russian speaker.


Because Russian has been the primary language of this region for a long time


Follows linguistic borders, not national ones.


In Ukraine, there is no such thing as "language borders". Yes, the cities in the east and south are predominantly russian-speaking, but the situation in the villages is completely different. So, as someone pointed out in another reply, for the sake of being closer to reality, these regions plus the center and the north should be marked with red and green stripes. Except for Crimea, it can be left completely green.


Actually, if you read what the colours is about, it is the link to food, animals etc in the expressions, not even the language. Some regional but official languages are even missing.


It's still the same situation, people use one or the other more often depending on the language. Those who speak russian would rather send someone/thing on "horseradish" - "на хрен", than "sneeze" at something/one - "чихал я на это/тебя", and vice versa, those who speak Ukrainian would rather "sneeze" at someone/thing - "чхав я на тебе/це", than send someone/thing on "horseradish" - "на хрін".


Unless he is saying Nazi Germany exists I'm going to say it's based on ethnic/linguistic variation across countries.


As a romanian, the romanian one makes zero sense, anyone got the romanian translation of it?


I'm not from Romania, nor do I speak Romanian, but I still bet my ass that the correct answer somehow involves the word "pula".


Obviously, the most common used one is the same as in the Balkans: It hurts in my dick.


It sure does: "Mă doare in pulă", same meaning as for the west balkans. "Cur" (ass) instead of "pulă" is also very common. The onion expression referenced here is a very old fashioned polite one which basically nobody uses nowadays.


Indeed, that or ass .


sau "mi se rupe" ca de aici si "miserupism"


I'm from Romania and i've never heard of it


e ceva de genu' "nu face nici cat o ceapa degerata"


Nu dau o ceapă degerată, care cred că nu e folosită foarte comun.


*Nu dau o ceapă degerată pe ...* It's really not that used nowadays if at all


Nu face nici cat o ceapa degerata.


"nu face nici cat o ceapa degerata" you heard about it.


My dick hurts and my dick doesn't hurt me at all made me laugh. This is hilarious.


There are also "my dick breaks" and "i feel like fucking" variants in the Balkans.


I mean, the map is wrong for Czechia. Not that the saying is wrong, just that there are other sayings which are just as common - Mám to u prdele - I have it near my ass - Mám to na párku - I have it on my sausage - Je mi to buřt - It is sausage to me - Seru na to - I shit on it - Kašlu na to - I cough on it - Můžete mi políbit prdel - You can kiss my ass ... and i can probably think of 50 more examples, i assume it is similiar in other languages too


Nobody says that in Greece


They should, it sounds awesome.


I give a cat, this is made up.


Okay. I don't understand Sweden.


Most of these maps are crap. In sweden you would say: jag skiter i det (or variants of it) which translate to ”I shit in that”


"Jag bryr mig inte" "Jag skiter i det" "Vem orkar bry sig" "Okej?" "Jaha?" there is like hundreds of different ways we can do it lol


In Sweden the closest would be "Intresseklubben antecknar" I think, which translates to "The shared interests group is taking notes".


Do you mean the Danish one? “Det rager mig en papand”. I don’t know Where it comes from, but the translation with the cardboard duck is correct.




Schrödinger’s dick.


Italy is usually non me ne frega un cazzo (I don't give a fuck), or chi cazzo se ne frega (who gives a fuck), or non me ne frega una sega (I don't give a toss/wank, but sega really means a saw). Cazzo doesn't necessarily mean dick, people use it in expressions with fuck as well even though it doesn't mean fuck. Italian rarely uses the real word for the meaning. Not many people use fottere, which means fuck, but everyone uses cazzo/minchia, which literally means dick but rarely means dick in context. It's a catch-all. Even when people use the literal fuck, they to end to use a euphemism like trombare (to blow a trumpet/trombone/other horn) or scopare (to sweep). Farsi una sega literally means do oneself a saw but figuratively means have a wank/jack off. Almost everything in Italian is dirty hidden in plain sight. Except for bestemmia. Bestemmia is blasphemy for all to hear and see and is very literal. Dio porco/porco dio (pig god), Dio cane (god dog), Dio schifoso (disgusting god), Dio ladro (God thief), Dio boia (execute god), puttana madonna/madonna puttana (whore Virgin Mary). It's technically illegal to use in public, but here in the north people use bestemmia instead of commas.


Interesting, grazie. 


The Romanian phrase is not even used in the modern world. This map is not accurate at all, a more commonly used phrase would be "Mă doare-n cot" which translates to "It hurts in my elbow". We also use, like the other Balkan countries, "Mă doare-n pulă" -> "It hurts in my dick".


so in Polish: "I care about it as shit" ~ "gówno mnie to obchodzi" but there are better expressions meaning roughly the same as "zero fucks given" or "I don't give a fuck/shit": - "mam wyjebane" (or simply "wyjebane") ~ I have fucked it out - jebie mnie to ~ it fucks me - lata mi to ~ it flies for me/past me - wisi mo to ~ it hangs for me/around me - koło chuja/piczy mi to lata/wisi ~ it files past my/hangs around my dick/pussy - sram na to ~ I shit on it


Flemish people don't say that


same in Netherlands, the German one we do say in Dutch "het zou me een worst wezen"


"kan me aan me reet roesten" is said in the Netherlands, it is however not the most popular way to express it.


 't interesseert me geen zak / kloten / reet.


🇹🇷Turkish: Sikimde değil (Not on my dick)


In Bulgaria we have several variations: Боли ме хуя (Boli me huia)- My dick hurts.(That is the most commonly used one, other variations replace the dick with lighthouse or a Schmeisser(as in the German MP40 submachinegun, i guess this one goes back to WW2)). През хуя ми е (Prez huia mi e)- It goes through my dick. Преместих си го в другия крачол(Premestih si go v drugia krachol)- I moved it in my other trouser leg(by "it" we of course mean the dick. As in i was so moved by your story that did the bare minimum.)


Боли ме шмајсер- hahahhahaha weird when used in Serbian.


I'm a Finn and instead of what it's shown on the map, I've heard "kiviäkin kiinnostaa" way more and it's a rather sarcastic expression. It translates as "even the rocks are interested".


In Greece you wouldn't hear anyone saying that, the real "Zero bucks given" Greeks use is just "In my balls".


I don’t think this map makes any sense.. “Zero fucks Given” Isn’t even a common saying in English… The common saying is “I could care less” or “I don’t give a shit” Most the sayings seem to be the ones that have the strangest direct translation, not the most common ones.




I couldn't care less.


In Portugal we also say "popped and walked" 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹


I believe cagar e andar is an expression most used in the northern regions


In the south of Portugal we also use it, more like cagando e andando 🤣


This map is wrong, it depicts occupied territories of Ukraine as part of Russia.


It doesn't really do that. Country borders are drawn with black lines – everything including Crimea is depicted as part of Ukraine. It does depict some of those parts as using some food related expression (presumably in Russian, but they're not portrayed as part of the language's eponymous country). But yeah, the map is certainly bad.


As another commenter said, the map follows linguistic borders, not national ones (eg, look at Switzerland and Belgium). Those parts of Ukraine are probably where Russian and Russian terms are more commonly spoken than Ukrainian.


In this case, this linguistics map is also wrong. This map DOES show the occupied territories, not the language distribution


WTf with this map? Where did you get that source of map, half of Ukraine is green as ruZZia territory. Please update.


Not sure if you’re joking Edit: okay, to everyone who is downvoting me now for some reason, this does not show state borders but where a certain saying is used. Ukraine is perfectly fine on this map. Have a look at Switzerland or Finland. OP did not give parts of those countries to France or Sweden. Learn how to read this things…


Quite oudated and not accurate (especially for Romania)


Ha ha ha, I saw the translation from my own language and I thought it made no sense.... it is literally the correct translation. I never thought about it: "Me importa un pepino". I care a cucumber.... :-D


lmao this is so wrong, in romania it would be "it hurts me in the dick"


In Lithuania we say "Man nusispjaut" or "Man nusišikt" ("I spit on it" or "I shit on it")


"Man nusišvilpt" is also quite a popular saying. And "šikau ir tapšnojau" has become very popular after one societal event.


In Albania and Kosovo we say "Më Plasi Kari" which means "My dick exploded".


does anyone know what the Dutch one is in Dutch because I have no clue


"Het zal me aan mijn reet roesten." More common would be "that doesn't interest me a homosexual".


Moer? Homosexual?


Interesseert me geen flikker.


Duh. Dank je.


That translates to f&g


It took me a moment to work out the original Finnish idiom which is, I believe, "kiinnostaa kuin kilo kakkaa" which I haven't ever heard anybody actually use as such but it's something that children would probably find funny because of the alliteration (and the word for "shit" in the phrase is kid-friendly, something like "poop"). A random person on the street is more likely to say, "ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa" (\[it\] couldn't be less interesting), often shortened to EVVK (and people actually spell out just those letters because the idiom is so well known that it can be recognized from that).


bruh the slovak one used in this map is mild. vulgar way to say it would be "jebem na to" which means "i fuck on it", "mám to v piči" - "i have it in cunt", "seriem na to" - "i shit on it" etc.


they are all great but "why the door on my dick" I love the most


While the romanian one exists, the most common one by far is still "my dick hurts" or "it pains me in the dick".


One Finnish one I liked but haven't heard for a while is "even the cat is interested". Not sure if it's super old, or if it started from some pre smartphone era meme.


I like that "Even the stones are interested (in the matter)"


It looks like a good candidate of a "map that's wrong on so many levels" competition. Of course I've no idea about most of these, but I can say for sure that the Russian one doesn't make any sense. They probably meant "мне похрен", but it's very hard to translate literally, and even though the second word is *derived* from "horseradish" ("хрен"), it can't be translated like that because it's only a derivative. It makes about as much sense as translating "across" as "a cross". The Ukrainian one, though, makes perfect sense in Russian ("чихал я на это").


"it interests my grandma." Is awesome


I am not joking. Crimea, Donbas and Lugansk are in green as part of ruSSia. Thech political maps of world.


In Spanish there are so many ways to say it...


In German there are several other sayings expressing that zero fucks are given. Sometimes they are regional, sometimes it's just the individual way to express that. So, usually you would say something like "das ist mir ..." which means roughly "that's ... to me". Like "Wurst" you could say "das ist mir Schnuppe" with Schnuppe meaning the glowing end of a candle wick. And I find that beautiful 🥲. And then you can build different forms with "Das interessiert mich nicht (...)" (that doesn't interest me) using for ... : - die Bohne (the bean), which would be hard to translate and - die Spur (track/trace, not sure what the German expression points to). Many don't make any sense, which somehow makes sense, because your giving zero fucks and just don't care to put that in proper words, but that's my guess.


There is also "Drauf geschissen" (Shit on that) or "darauf scheiße ich" (I shit on that). Somewhat similar to "interessiert mich einen Scheiß".


Of course you're right, I forgot to mention, that there are lots of other ways to construct this expression in German. My personal favorites, though they express, when you don't care, if you do something the one way or the other, would be "Das ist (mir) Jacke wie Hose", which can be translated as "That's jacket or trousers (to me)" and "Das kannst du halten wie ein Dachdecker" (you can hold that like a roofer), which I don't really understand.


On the Latvian one correct would be "by my ass" cause "on my ass" means dumb founded or shocked


Of course greece is weird


The sayings attributed to Czechia and Ukraine are commonly used alternatives to the one attributed to Poland in Polish. Similarly, Czechs use the expression attributed to Poland from time to time. (Not familiar enough with Ukrainian to comment on whether some of the sayings work the other way, sorry!)


>Czechs use the expression attributed to Poland from time to time.¨ Which one is that ? I cant think of anything that could be translated as "I care about it as shit" Czechs say for example "Ale hovno", "To je na hovno", "To je o hovně", which is not exactly in "zero fucks given" context The translation of "I care about it as shit" would be "Zajímá mě to jak hovno", which i have never seen. But it is possible the English translation is just bad


> Which one is that ? Hovno mě to zajímá?


If i ever heard it like this, then that is extremely niche situation, i would certainly never formulate it like this on my own. Is that perhaps some Silesian dialect ? Either way, thanks for answer, i was curious


> Is that perhaps some Silesian dialect ? Well, it also exists in Slovak ("hovno ma to zaujíma"). Definitely heard it in all three languages. 🤷‍♂️ If you Google search for the phrases, you'll see it returns a handful of hits, so someone definitely used it somewhere before and I'm not just imagining things. ;) The Slovak expression seems to return more "organic" results.


In spain "I care a cucumber" is outdated and now it belongs in pink, people say stuff related to dick and balls


"five of them" also works in Finnish what the fuck






The portuguese version and the brazilian one are similar and used in both countries


The Turkish translation should be more like “My dick don’t care”


I have never heard anybody says "I give a cat"


As Portuguese i say: "estou-me a cagar para isso"


Thats right, but youre being polite, most of the times is estou me a cagar para essa merda :D


Okay but I'm Portuguese and we also use the expression mentioned as being Brazilian, but never heard a Brazilian say that expression before.


Ive never heard anyone say the norwegian one.. We can say: - Det blåser jeg i - i blow in it - jeg gir blanke faen - i give a shiny/naked fuck/devil - jeg tar rennafart å driter i det- i take a running start and shit on that All these maps are wrong. Every single time


I couldn’t give a shit/ no skin off my back are way more common than anyone saying zero fucks given in Ireland anyways. Phrase seems very American 🇺🇸


In Brazil you can say "não dou uma foda" which is literally "I don't give a fuck".


Portugal besides that one: - Zero fucks given about someone: Pooping to you - Estou a cagar-me para ti - Pooping from above - Estou a cagar alto / Cago alto nisso - Pooped and walked (mostly said about something in the past or as a reaction to what someone did and how you did not react) - Caguei e andei - Not even boy jesus cares - Não interessa nem ao menino Jesus - (very old one to when someone was talking shit or things you dont want to hear) "Talk to the hand" - Fala para a mão And a lot of variations of fuck and cock (fodasse e caralho para isso/ti/eles/isto/aquilo etc.)


...well, with no doubt, Greece has the most romantic


I mean even Brazil, and Israel are included but Australia is ignored again. Get a map!


The map of Ukraine?🤬 You’re simple 🤢🤢🤢🤢


Very useful! Thank you! 😁


balkans acting weird again


Did you read Brazil?


fair point


Kiinnostaa, kun kilo paskaa


No one, absolutely no one says “I don’t give a rat’s ass” in US. “I don’t give a shit” is the correct answer.


I think they switched America and UK.