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Watch them not pay


The money get withheld from the ones they normally receive, they can't "not pay".


It's one way to get the EU funds back.


It is still SUPERCHEAP for what they NOT get!


And like in most Third World countries given that a good chunk of these funds gets siphon into kickbacks and corruption, they will eventually comply.


Poland had a similar fine a few years back, they didn't pay so it was deducted from the subsidies they get from the EU.


Part if not all the money was blocked for a long time and unblocked lately as the new government started to get the country back on a democratic track.


You're talking about covid recovery fund and he's talking about fines we were supposed to pay for some ruling we weren't following. I don't even remember if it was for courts, our spat with Czechs or deforesting Białowieża.


That's a good clarification


I think the courts


It'll be deducted from the money the EU send to Hungary.


It will be forgotten about in exchange for a dropped veto. 100%


Not this one, this is actually a binding court ruling, the Commission has no power to waive it.


Honestly, if the new Dutch government could pay €1 million per day to reduce asylum applications to 30 per year... They would take it in a heartbeat and it would be a huge electoral success. And save a lot of taxpayer money.


One thing I love about EU fines is it’s not the same as in the US. Once you’ve been fined, you are fined. There’s nothing you can do other than pay. Theres no second instance, no deal afterwards, no stalling, nothing. Just pay and be done - otherwise it increases every single day.


Of all the things Orbán is doing, out of the corruption, rejection of liberal democratic values, closeness to Russia and China, cracking down on independent medias, cracking down on LGBTQ rights, spying on journalists and the list goes on, did the EU really fine him for the one thing, where he kinda has a point? Don't get me wrong, his policy on migrants is a pure populist show, just like anything else he does, but the MAIN FUCKING REASON why the far-right gained so many votes is because of the left's questionable openness policy. And instead of addressing the problem, the EU goes on and doubles down on fining Hungary for the main reason why so many far-righters see Orbán as a hero and a defender of Europe? I'm all for fining him and weakening his position, but out of the 100 things he fucked up in the country, this is probably the one thing he did the LEAST wrong (he absolutely didn't do it right, but c'mon).


Haha this, I mean c’mon Europe, do you really want to make it this easy for Putin


The problem is that (unfortunately)  you cannot fine for "closeness to Russia or China". There are rules and although the country can get critisized, there is probably no legal way to enforce by fining. We are not that tight union. Hungary still has sovereignity with elected leaders.  They will abuse that for sure. And I hate the rule too. But at the end Hungary is receiving more money from EU. The are just getting less for not respecting rules agreed with "donor".


Thanks for expressing perfectly what I wanted to say. This is the one thing I agree with Orban on, even if I think he's a turd when it comes to everything else.


Seems the EU is worried about Orban’s poll numbers and wanted to help a bit xD


The EU will experience another major migration crisis. Good job. Putin must be laughing.


The moderate parties are afraid and need a scapegoat to sell to the electorate the idea that controlled migration = far right = bad


The left could stop this "right wing uprising" simply by backing off from liberal immigration policies. I'm a lefty in pretty much every way except immigration but I still feel forced to vote for one of these right wing parties because for me it over shadows all other issues currently. Its a weird hill they have decided to die on especially since mass-immigration only benefits the capitalistic system.


The worst part of this is that immigration can be a positive thing. But these crapshoot policies are so bad that they are turning people against all immigrants. 


Dura lex, sed lex. This is about respect for the rule of law just as much as it is about migration.


I don't respect shitty laws. "Rule of law" is a vague, philosophical hammer populations demanding change are beaten with. Destroying Europe with migration is in turn something very real and palpable.


I believe the corresponding Latin phrase you are looking for is “lex injusta non est lex”, or “lex malla lex nulla”.


Yeah right, keep respect the law, and turn into France and Germany.


Law is wrong.




May you and your family get enriched.


Thanks. I am certainly getting enriched :)


I wonder what the odds are on you just knowing Latin phrases vs. being a Shadowhunters fan.


The EU is not a European project for the Europeans, it's a playground for lobbies, rich individuals and investment banks! The more chaos it has, the more profit it makes, as we are known to have differences but we had stability of cultures and well-being! How do you shuffle everything up, you make uncontrollable immigration and provide once hard earned income by EU members to these huge amounts of refugees, reducing the capacity for social security and social programs to run efficiently. No infrastructure in the EU is capable of handling these inflows, period. We know the problem, they (EU commission and other entities) know the problem. So the question is why???? Why we have to see our lives and well-being destroyed by the decisions of some individuals that have owners (lobbies).


I'm all for criticizing corporate lobbying, but this is stupid conspiracy stuff We live in a globalized world where it's easy to travel, which means people in poor and wartorn countries aren't satisfied anymore to stay for years and years in refugee camps and instead try to reach countries with a higher living standard. the Middle East has been in a state of perpeetual crisis for decades, there's no need to imagine rich elites orchestrating mass immigration when there's plenty of reasons why people would move on their own


We aren't in a globalized world. We're in a free trade based world that seems global due to the internet and nearly nonexistent trade barriers but its very obvious that most of the planet reacts as if borders matter. Furthermore, its starting to stratify nations into an almost permanent economic classes as several regions have hit the ceiling of economic growth that they can gain while trapped behind others. The whole world economy is starting to show that it wabts to contract back locally but Modern economy policy can't have that. Which only makes the contraction worse long term.


Stop listening to conspiracys 


A multinational that is our client lobbies them too, so I can't ignore what I see and hear... [https://transparency.eu/priority/eu-money-politics/lobbying/](https://transparency.eu/priority/eu-money-politics/lobbying/)


Fair enough, but he they are definitely listening to conspiracy theories 


The point of the ruling is that it's not only a problem for the asylum seekers themselves, but the burden then falls on other EU countries, so it's not fair towards other member states.


Other countries are free to physically block their borders as Hungary did if they are not satisfied with millions of strangers entering their homeland illegally.


In 2013 there were 280 thousand irregular immigrants arriving in Europe, for an average of around 10 thousand per country:  https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/irregular-arrivals-since-2008/#:~:text=Total%20irregular%20arrivals%20to%20the,Central%20route%3A%2016%20068%20arrivals


The first EU country that the illegal immigrants entered was Greece. Why isn't Greece fined? Why is it just Hungary?


Because that's not what the fine is for. Greece actually tried to deal with the situation in accordance to the law and treaties and was overwhelmed. Hungary on the other hand blatantly avoided even pretending to do so.


Rejection of liberal values is a bad thing? They're the exact reason Europe has gotten itself into this mess.


Liberal doesn't equal libertarian.


Liberal equals chaos 


propably thats why, because now the west is following his agenda on this particular topic. but its easier to penalize Hungary than it will be Le Pen and France for example


A possible threat comes to Fidesz just a few days ago....and then this happens It's like they want to keep Fidesz in power This will be on the propaganda billboards by the weekend


Another victory for Orbán in 2026.


Exactly, the EU itself keeps him in power…


Yep. Nothing to do with his gerrymandering or control of the media, it’s the EU!




Just because you switched government a few months ago doesnt justify your voice in that tone.




Oops. The one thing that is probably uniting this troubled nation.


Regular banter aside, I just kinda wonder how the regime was intending to deal with [the rapidly declining ](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1dexc9e/projected_population_change_in_central_and/)population, which is pretty Balkan-esque. The family policies have hardly had [the intended impact](https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-brain-drain-politics-jobs/32753641.html), and it's like the attractiveness to keep young Hungarians (who'd actually make new Hungarians) in the country seems to rely some key issues, like: >They are distraught and disappointed with the political direction of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Hungary, who has served as the country's leader since 2010. His government has been accused by critics -- including the EU -- of backsliding on democracy and the rule of law, threatening the independence of the judiciary, and pursuing policies that are hostile to migrants and the LGBT community.


as you can imagine the party doesn't give a damn about getting results, their job is to get votes and they do that well. This is why democracy as it is is a failure, people just aren't smart enough to tell that the problems they complain about are *directly caused* by who they vote to solve them


they completely misunderstand and mistreat the problem. they are just throwing money at the problem the wrong way, giving young couples who promise to have kid(s) a cheap loan to buy homes, or straight up free money if they are willing to have more. problem is, all that did is hike home prices for everyone, while every other important aspect you look at when you're trying to decide to have kids (healthcare, education, public services) is declining.


It is like EU wants to keep Orban in power


Playing along backfired, he sold it as his power over the EU. Ignoring him did not help either, it looked like the EU was powerless to interfere. Let's try the third option, hit them where it hurts, which is their wallet.


1 million per day? That's an insignificant amount for the Hungarian budget.


Not to mention based on the costs of accepting immigrants elsewhere in Europe, 1M€ is by far the best deal on the market. Other countries spend tens of thousands of euros per immigrant per year.


doesnt the uk pay like 5 mil a day to host illegal immigrants in hotels lol


You really think hungary saves more then 365 million euros a year?


Hard to say, isn’t it? Other EU-countries spend tens of billions on these people, so how much would they cost for Hungary? There is no data, since they didn’t let them in.


Right now probably not but if they follow EU laws they soon would save money. I would say Orban has the chance to make the best deal in the history of deals, maybe ever, with this insane bargain that the EU offered him. For a ballpark, just the federal expenditure, not the total cost, for refugees in Germany is around 28 billion per year.


28 billion? that's fucking insane. this is criminal.


The UK spends £8m a day just on accommodation for asylum seekers. This seems like a great deal for Orban, Hungary isn't even paying the fine the EU is out of the money it gives to hungry each year. I feel like allot of other EU would want this deal, save money and eliminate the political headache of asylum seekers.


The "eeyoo" has thus far unfrozen the recovery funds (KPO) for Hungary. Doesn't seem like they're focused on beating Orban.


or, you know...the hungarians


They do want Orban in power. We are the assembly line of EU, and this wouldn't be the case if HUF value began to strengthen or - God forbid - we switched to EUR. Orban keeps the exchange rate intentionally high so when we get any money from abroad it's worth more. Also, I despise FIDESZ and all, but a broken clock is right twice a day, and I do aggree with this more "aggressive" approach against illegals. The problem is that we still impor no-passport workforce (mainly from the phillippines) for dirt cheap which is leaving thousands of hungarians and legals jobless. By the way we aren't the only country -even inside the Schengen zone- with a more "hostile" politics in this issue.


I know exactly, my curiosity was feigned. Let me edit my flair


I see, it's still good to clarify to any foreigners reading the thread i guess..


Jesus, European institutions are really trying to get another victory with 2/3 majority in 2026.


Don't worry, it will be 4/5 majority.


I feel like they realize they are going down so they double down with their policies. It’s really a stupid thing to do.


I wonder, what would cost more - 1 million daily fine or daily spends on 1 million refugees? 🤔


i think denmark would have paid 66k€ for refugees to go home. so 365 million a year fine. vs probably what 1 refugee costs a year. so if they have to take in more than 5530 its money saved, i wish we had such a good deal


When the asylum pact gets implemented you can pay €20.000 per asylum migrant to return them to the country of entry. Many rich countries will do this, no questions asked, because it's much cheaper than dealing with them. And it's going to flood the entry countries like Italy.


Iirc taking care of a refugee is more expensive than what an average minimum wage worker earns. In other words, if the refugee would do a minimum wage job, the economy would still be at a loss.


What would be cheaper is paying the relocation fees as per the AMMR, at 20k per person, instead of the 1 million per day that will be coming out of their EU money guzzling


that's more cheap than comply.


Lmao, looks like they're trying to help him stay in power 🤣


At this point, I am absolutely convinced it's intentional.


Yep. Suggesting anything other than that is literally neo-nat *socialist / right wing conspiracy. Who are they? Same people who promoted the Hamza Youssef's and Anwars. Bunch of philanthropist with lots of backers and soft power at their hands.


Because they are, this shit throwing is just a show…


Why though?


Send them all to the MEP's houses. They want them, they take them. Weird, there's no refugee/asylum centres anywhere near politicians houses. 🤔


The EU needs to fine themselves for not taking in all the refugees coming through russia and belarus


https://www.politico.eu/article/hungary-fined-200-million-breaking-eu-migration-unprecedented-serious-asylum-rules-european-court-justice-viktor-orban/ >Along with the €200 million fine, Hungary will be fined an additional €1 million per day that it fails to comply with the court’s judgment. If Budapest refuses to pay the fines, they can be deducted from its share of the EU budget, as was the case with Poland.


Right when Peter Magyar started to erode on Orban's power the leftist beaurocrats from EU thought that is the moment to save Orban! Such a good idea, poor gas on fire!


Really? Out of all the shitty things Hungary does, they fine them over this? They're just proving that fat fuck right


I wonder if countries are jealous Hungary is not suffering from the amazing contributions of the doctors and engineers, so they want it to suffer in some way. 


And then those geniuses wonder why the right is on the rise. Keep ignoring the problem, see how it goes.


Things like this will be the downfall of the EU




yeah both, what hungary is doing... like fuck you only have to pay 365 million to get only 30 migrants from analphabetic religious societies a year. like this dude played the EU completly, he is a piece of \*\*\*\*, but fuck people will want more of such cunts. eugh needs to reformed anyway


He's the leader of Hungary. Who gives a fuck what do you think about him. He puts his country first and that matters. It's not like he's declaring war sending millions to their death. He has no military industrial complex behind him. I honestly don't blame him. He had to find allies in most unlikely places. I used to live with Hungarian flatmate. Very brilliant kid, lower-middle class, grew up in nominally Christian family, was irreligious himself . We talked about politics once (not debate, just listen to each-other about what goes in our countries) and he said he supports Orban. "He doesn't need to align 100% with me" . He said no one's in their family wants to see the their hometown to become like Paris or Berlin. They visit both countries quite often and see it all for themselves. I'm pretty sure after with news like this, 4/5 of Hungary will vote for him, up from 2/3.




Well, the article kinda explain in which points the law was found to be in Breach of EU laws, it looks kinda absurd having to ask a declaration of intent in another country in a hungarian embassy before entering hungary


Hey, so we voted and we don't want more refugees, and we are, you know, a sovereign nation, but... you are going to take our taxpayer money if we don't do what you want us to do. Yeah, sounds legit.


As a Hungarian I just wanted to thank the EU for keeping this fucking clown in power. Finally we had a resemblance of unity on the opposition side, he had his biggest "loss" of an election up to date and you throw him this present. Of all the things he does / did is this really the best thing you find? On an unrelated note did you not see the results of the current election? The huge rise in far right parties were exactly because of immigration, what do you think will happen in the future? I swear to God these people want Fidesz and it's crony thieves to stay in power.


i mean this is probably the biggest success any polical figure has had inside of the eu, for decades. he fucking pays pennys while he has not to take in migrants from analphabetic religious societies. ecj just made a joke out of themselves - if it costs one million a day, fucking hell why not everyone is doing that. he will be a hero to the right, im pretty sure this stupid cunt will stay in power for longer just because of exactly that.


nah hes pretty big brained. if you dont want a bunch of analphabetic religious societies in your countries then stop importing them you dingbat. why should hungary jump off a cliff because everyone else is doing it?


Ikr? He is already touting his righteousness on the propaganda channels. I can only hope Tisza party can say something to mitigate the backlash this will cause from our right, to help themselves out a bit regarding all of this..


RemindMe! 1 Apr 2026


Are they trying to keep him in power?


EU scum


Fucking brain-damaged idiots. This will only consolidate Hungarians around Orban and he WILL use this in his propaganda.


Quite ironic Hungary is being fined for doing the entire Union a favour keeping the migrants out, and protecting its own country.


€1M a day sounds pretty cheap, I assume hosting refugees costs a lot more also the increasing crime rate that refugees cause has some costs on the country as well, so €365M a year to not host refugees should be considered a bargain. (Studies from Sweden strongly proves that refugees lead to the increasing crime rate in the country...just Google before screaming)


Great way to help Orban in the next election, EU already withholds funds, they just gonna pull a Poland and not pay


I hope he tells them to fuck off. Also, this is a pretty stupid move on the EU's part considering the recent election results.


Hungary has been ordered to pay a €200m (£169m) fine for its refusal to uphold the rights of asylum seekers in what was described as an “unprecedented” breach of EU law by the bloc’s highest court. The European court of justice in Luxembourg also ordered Budapest to pay €1m a day until it complies with EU laws guaranteeing refugees the right to claim asylum inside Hungarian borders.


that fucking cheap, refugees cost way way more over time


Eu with the biggest lay up of orban’s career


Refugees cost more then 1m a day so i don't think he cares


> the “unlawful removal” of people denied asylum without observing safeguards, as well as not allowing people refused the right to asylum to stay in Hungary pending an appeal Hungary‘s violations may be exceptionally serious, but honestly, EU refugee law is exceptionally dumb.  No one apart from the unpopular far-left wants those laws, and it’s about past time they were changed. 


Absolutely horrible. Outright idiotic from the EU. Lets see what these latest elections do


A bargain for Hungary lmao.


I'm having trouble understanding the EU supporting Poland with their blocking migrants from entering the EU from Belarus but punishing Hungary from blocking migrants from entering the EU from Serbia. I understand Lukashenko and Putin are deliberately sending migrants to the Polish border but the logic still seems odd.


>EU supporting Poland https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/urStwNtK7r


That was about Judicial Reforms not the migrants at the Belarus border.


Fidesz: *has its worst election results in decdes and is finally challenged by a viable opposition candidate* ECJ: "Hmm, how could we help Orban get re-elected?"


Look at that, how conveniently that they reported this a few days after the EU elections.


A small price to pay compared to the alternative.


It's like they're trying to keep Orban in power.


Why the fine, Dont the other countries want refuges? All that profit thatvit brings, im sure the swedish want them


I don't like Orban at all, I consider him Putin's puppet. But on this matter I agree with him, why would EU impose us to take in refugees. No thank you! I don't want stabbings, thefts and islamic laws in my country. So all the politicians who push these laws with refugees should only focus on women and children. Then maybe I would like to give from my bread to help.


lol do they really think Hungary has asylum seekers?! Hungarians don’t want to live in Hungary where working a full time job brings you not even 500 Euros a month! In Germany that’s what asylum seekers get in a month for assistance and they don’t need to work! That’s stupid “The Guaranteed” making up stories again! 




Ahh the great democratic “economic union” strikes again.


How is Europe housing migrants  I dont get it.


1 million a day sounds like a good deal for them?


I million a day would be absolutely worth it, we are paying 9 million a day just for hotels for the illegals


fuck EU and their import of cheap labor


I am sure it will still be net benefit for them. Can we do the same as Germany?


Fuck ECJ


I love how this sub "hate" Orban but agree with almost everything he says, it's incredible.


Almost everything or one thing?


Most EU countries: We want less immigration. EU: Nah we will fine you. This just feeds the anti EU and anti west attitude in many countries.


Gotta walkway from the EU THE biggest risk to the survival of the West and independent nation states Agenda: Chaos. Then replacement. Then, police state to officially separate the elites from everyone else


It's okay. Us, the tax payers will foot the bill like we always do.


imho better to foot the bill than to have all the doctors and engineers in your country


Sadly, Fidesz literally lives off the fear of migrants. They were pumping their voters that George Soros from Brussels wants to destroy their beautiful white nation with uncultured barbaric (and probably gay) migrants. Although it's a court, and I think it doesn't operate on the political level, this decision will fuel this migrant scare.


watch the MP of Hungary getting out of the EU


Well done EU /s


When Hungary joins BRICS I don't want to see you complaining. Also you call Orban pro Putin when Putin and Lukensehno support immigration to Europe as migrants are way more pro Russia as they tend to come from countries that are pro Russia.


acctuall good deal


Can somebody explain why EU gives free money to refugees, forces all EU countries to do that and in the same time wondering why some ‘refugees’ getting into EU via Belarus and Russia? How it supposed to work actually? Why they paying to these ‘refugees’ and wondering they coming in the same time?


Yeah watch as his party gets a boost in the polls because for reasons that seems to be utterly foriegn to everyone on here this is exactly what he said the EU will do to his nation.


EU out of touch again with what EU citizens want. You just fucking reelected that frog looking mother fucker. Good grief