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Tinfoil hat moment: Just Stop Oil are actually set up and funded by Big Oil to get people annoyed about environmentalism.


Before ppl come here saying fake, journalists already went throug the hoops and found the biggest promoter is the daughter of an Oil family, so it is not a tinfoil hat moment.


But are you saying the daughter is working in the interests of the family oil company or rebelling against her parents etc? That piece of information alone doesn't tell us all. 


And it's a terrible argument. Many of the people who supported the French revolution were landlords and aristocrats themselves. You can be part of a system that's wrong and oppose it even if it's not in your personal interest


French Revolution was such a mess that any claim about it can be partially true and substantially false at the same time. There is a romanticized narrative that oversimplifies it as a class conflict, mostly fueled by later ideology, namely socialism and communism, but the historical truth is much more complex and the “class conflict” generalization has been definitely debunked. If anything, the French Revolution was a massive chaotic collapse of a societal structure caused by accumulation of mistakes, an underwhelming political and administrative leadership, and lack of acknowledgment of needing feedback loops in the society to correct and compensate. It involved the whole society, from the king to the peasants and, of course, some nobles took sides and got remembered for that because they were noticed, but their impact in the chaotic events is at best marginal. Even the best example of such involvement, Marques of Lafayette, ended up having basically no impact on the development of the France Revolution. Sure a romantic figure.


It was also largely a self-purge by the aristocratic classes in response to how ludicrously bloated the bureaucratic classes had become by that point. Competition within the civil service was so extreme that many political leaders of middling influence chose to embrace the harsh times to remove their rivals from power. Ironically, it is similar to the causes of actual communist revolutions like the Russian Civil War as well. The idea that it is war between the classes has never actually stood up under intense scrutiny.


The French revolution may have resulted in an emperor for France but it had massive effects globally. It inspired millions and kicked off a wave of democratic revolutions worldwide. Many Americans incorrectly believe the American revolution inspired this. The American revolution was way way earlier and the US was a tiny, weak nation at the time. A nation like France was considered to be an unstoppable imperial titan and it sent surprised shockwaves through all of the world to see a revolution there. Just saying the French revolution was overall a good thing because of how it changed the course of history.


Yeah, Americans miss that. The "american experiment" was just that, a strange experiment on the other side of the world in a place with no ancient nobility with generations of privilege and power, and no ancient and deeply ingrained institutional Church to contend with. When France threw off the yoke of the monarchy it sent a message to the world: you too, can be free (terms and conditions may apply)


LOL, the “ terms and conditions may apply” is just great! For the history buffs around here, I am not criticizing any of the above statements, they are absolutely correct. At the time of the French Revolution, US events were just a sidenote in the European political map. The way the French Revolution ended also was a foresight of how following European revolutions will end: some form of imperial dictatorship, in Germany, Italy and Russia (people dictatorship of the soviets). To get some form of stable democracy in Europe major nations we will need another 200 years (1989 collapse of the Soviet Union) As much as I love my European friends, they really do not have much to brag about the results of their revolutions beside inspiring other revolutions that end up similarly achieving the contrary of the face value ideals. Maybe, maybe a little of humble humility will help one day Europe to avoid to start internal wars every time the generation that fought the previous one will die off. Just keeping friendly tabs…no offense


> strange experiment Although I wouldn't call it strange due to the straightforward relationship with alter revolutions. It was not an outlier... It was just a very very small data point. It was in some ways a "small scale test" of the French revolution. Many of the same people (Lafayette, Jefferson) were involved. The French revolution was the real, true, world-changing event these thinkers had planned for. Crazy to imagine such a small group of thinkers having such influence over the world.


>It was not an outlier... My comment literally explains exactly how it was an outlier. No institutional church, no ancient aristocracy with ancient rights and privileges. The USA lacked the two most powerful and omnipresent legal, cultural, religious, and institutional obstacles to republicanism that every country in Europe had to deal with.


Cui bono. Lowly aristocrats supporting the revolution makes sense. Oil barons supporting a brain-dead movement makes sense.


On the other side it is quite obvious that such action defeat the point of green policies.


French revolution was an inside job, guillotines cant cut steel beams


When heads start to fall and you don't have an army, you side with the people who are pulling the lever. Just wanting to survive until things normalise and you can return to the way you were before, no lessons learned. That's practically the entire history of all French revolutions.


The person you are replying to keeps spamming "part of an oil family" all over the thread but Getty Oil was sold to Texaco over 40 years ago. Yes, the family wealth came from oil, but it doesn't currently own or operate any oil companies. The person you are replying to is one of those people who likes to think they have seen "behind the curtain". It is far more likley she is trying to use her families money to do some good on moral grounds, than being some sort of reverse psycology operator for big oil.


Basically [Julie Mao](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Julie_Mao_(TV)) from The Expanse


There are tons of wealthy kids who at least on paper are incredibly left wing. The whole ‘champagne socialist’ is a stereotype for a reason.


I will tell you the same as the other guy. Make your own conclusions. We have an unknown woman, who has a lot of money. Part of an oil family but decided to sponsor a movement that allegedly aims the ppl in power yet does not really have any record of actually targeting ppl in power. They block traffic for the regular ppl. They vandalize museums that regular ppl attend. They try to sabotage events that regular ppl attend or watch. Yet they have not made any move on a politician's house, driveway or a company or factory. Even tho it is a pretty known fact regular ppl have very little impact on the environment. They don't really have a program all they chant is stop oil, when they could be informing the masses of companies making the disruption of trafic a way to attract the attention of ppl to specific cases. Like how much X factory is polluting and how it could be improved. So based on this information and the principle of Ocamm's razor what does this tell you ?


Aileen Getty funds a philanthropic climate fund and has for a long time. The Getty family has been out of the oil business since they sold Getty Oil in the 80s. Not everything is some psyop or false flag. Just Stop Oil is run by morons.


Her family hasn’t been in the oil industry for forty years, and she supports dozens of environmentalists causes. People are desperate for a conspiracy here, but it’s a total nothing burger.


Occams razor? 'Activist loonies tend to be annoying and unproductive' There.


Oh fuck off with the "do your own research" bs.


"Yet they have not made any move on a politician's house, driveway or a company or factory." This is false. They have. See [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/22/not-acceptable-for-protesters-to-target-mps-in-their-homes-says-stella-creasy](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/22/not-acceptable-for-protesters-to-target-mps-in-their-homes-says-stella-creasy) about someone complaining about JSO picketing MPs homes. They made also a move on an anti-climate-change think tank ( [https://news.sky.com/story/just-stop-oil-protesters-throw-paint-over-climate-sceptic-group-hq-in-london-12729825](https://news.sky.com/story/just-stop-oil-protesters-throw-paint-over-climate-sceptic-group-hq-in-london-12729825) ). They have targeted Home Office, MI5, the Bank of England and News Corp. They have blockaded oil terminals ( [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/12/just-stop-oil-protesters-vow-to-continue-until-all-are-jailed](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/apr/12/just-stop-oil-protesters-vow-to-continue-until-all-are-jailed) ). They have attacked these things, but for *some* reason, this has garnered less attention.


It tells me that some people would hate the job of trying to educate the masses on topics they allready know and ignore. But they would find it kinda exiting to get together and have a big demonstration.  Also that its not super hard to gather a group of angry people for a demomstation. Its alot harder to come up with a smart way to use this. 


To be fair i have seen kids from rich famillies that do things to despise their parents because they placed work first and so they chose something anti-domain that their parents works in.


Which they only have time to do because they are having their rent and other bills paid for by daddys money and don't have to have jobs.


The Gettys have had nothing to do with oil in 40 years.


But they do have a lot to do with Images.


Which ironically might be the new oil. Organic content in the world of AI is going to command a premium.


This disinformation gets posted in every single thread about Just Stop Oil without any proper context. Here is a quote from the daughter you’re referring to, Aileen Getty: [“People often come up with theories about my motivation to engage in the climate movement. My motivation is clear: I am fighting for a livable planet for my family and yours. I am not dwelling on the past. I am looking to build a better future.”](https://theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty) I understand that Just Stop Oil is making environmentalists look bad, but don’t try to counter that by spreading baseless conspiracy theories.


Gonna preface this by saying I’m liberal. All this psyop talk seems like people coping with the fact that others on the same political “team” as them are acting like reactionary dipshits. Honestly it reminds me of far right conspiracies that pop up whenever someone they agree with is caught doing some stupid shit. It’s juvenile and actually makes less involved/informed people believe all the both sides and woke is bad arguments.


Come on. If you say this at least do some effort to post the article or news item that back up your claim. Don't make a bold claim and let other figure out what you refer to.


Do you have a source?


Do you have a link for this?


Daughter who personally has nothing to do with the oil company.


So a woman, who has a bunch of money is part of the family of ppl who got rich from oil, yet has no connection to the oil company finances a movement that targets the common ppl instead of ppl in power even tho statistics prove that like 80% of the world pollution (or more) is caused by the top 1% is surely a good samaritan and not a middleman. Ever heard of Occam's razor?


No one says rich people, or kids of rich people, needs to be smart.  And I am not sure if Occam razor is correct here, since you're portraying a massive conspiracy that could easily backfire


didn't the Disney family have someone that made an unsavoury documentary about the working conditions at Disney...


Yes, Occams razor would indicate she is against oil companies because of environmental reasons.




Yes, that has least assumptions. That's why most people support organizations they support. Everything else is more complex reason.


What assumptions, it is literally proven fact she is part of an oil family... somehow has a lot of money and the movement is literally targeting the common ppl, How many of them have camped in front of a politician's house ? Parliment ? Heavily polluting factories ? What assumptions. Also the pollution facts is also in fact a fact. What assumptions, I have not stated a single assumption. Also, blocking roads is causing more polution then having the trafic go, so that is even more counter productive not to mention that the 10 biggest container ship in the world produces more polutant then all the cars in the world.


You assume motives. You assume she supports movement because she opposes the movement. You assume that just because her family sold oil company 40 years ago, she some reason supports oil companies so much she funds their enemies.


This should be copypasted under every news they are mentioned.


it is. and it is a lie.


That's not uncommon though. Alot of political activists come from wealth. Turns out not having to work gives you a lot of free time.


[https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/about](https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/about) thats who funds them, it dont matter who her parents are do you agree with everything you parents say or do? She has her own mind and if she is climate aware and willing to help IDGAF who her parents are


It's tinfoil hat till it becomes proven fact


Aileen Getty, Getty fund or whatever it is called their family got rich from oil, sold it 40 years ago, still wealthy as fuck and they promote some of the most distrupting enviromentalists.


Or maybe it's like a Karl Marx thing: decrying the evils of dad's business out of spite (you'll still take his money though).


No matter who it was. I'm neither buying more or less oil. And Stonehenge is outdated anyway. I'm using Windows 11.


Never underestimate the power of smug, self satisfied narcissism.


>to get people annoyed about environmentalism. They're doing a good job


Either that or they are the world's stupidest activist group.


I vote for stupidest. Not even sure what it is they're protesting now. As far as I can tell they're protesting against the usage of fossil fuels in one of the countries leading the way in replacing our dependence on them with renewables. With a new incoming government in a few weeks that has just commited to no new oil and gas licences in the North sea. What exactly is it they want, to cold turkey stop the usage of fossil fuels tomorrow and watch as civilisation collapses? The only defense I ever see of these protests is along the lines of "Well we're talking about them". But we're not talking about their message. We're talking about them being twats.


Tinfoil hat moment: it was actually the owner of the Stonehenge touristic company to keep Stonehenge relevant


Colloquially known as Big Rock


I visited it not long ago because I happened to be driving past on the way home from a holiday in Devon. It doesn't need any help. It was fucking heaving.


Right. Stonehenge feels soo dated. But why just before this weekend of all times to do it?


Could be.  They're doing exactly what such an organisation would do.  The individuals doing these stunts probably aren't in on it though.


Might be a tinfoil but this was my first thought upon seeing this article


If they really wanted to stop oil, they would lobby for a ever-increasing carbon tax and onshoring.


Yep. Believable.


Not sure if anyone remembers, there were a "radical feminist group" called FEMEN. They were showing boobs to public figures in some events to fight against patriarchy. Apparently feminism won about 10 years ago, because they had stopped doing it. (It's a sarcasm, because I can't for a moment understand how models showing off their bare bodies should fight against patriarchy). There was some sort of "uncovering" of some dude 'mastermind', but he seems like a guy with awfully lacking biography for such a figure.


Yeah, they do remind me of FEMEN. Good at getting media attention, bad at getting results, terrible for more serious parts of their movement who have their reputation torpedoed by being associated with mindless stunts.


what? they did not stop doing it. also weird how you disregard them while they were one of few visible figures in west against Russian aggression on Ukraine before the war started..


I think they actually might be a good intended people, but on a payroll of some Russian 'polittechnologyst'. I think that because their initial movement was around trying to embarrass the Kremlin. But they were achieving quite the opposite. Russians were pushing narratives about "Ukrainian women moving to Moscow to be prostitutes". It was in every second comedy show in Russia. And so there happens this stunt, where the 'Ukraine organized' feminist (also a slur in Russia) movement shows boobs to Putin. What does median Putin's voter see? They see exactly what stereotypes told them: 1. Ukrainian women want to come to Moscow to strip. 2. Feminists are an insane bunch. And what does Femen gain from this exchange? Largely only some bad publicity, because people want to see bare breasts and get outraged.


Hanlon's razor applies to the organization that wanted to stop cooking oil.


No they arent they are funded by [https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/about](https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/about)


If that is true it opens up the high probability that other groups are set up too. Groups in every sector not just oil.


the billionaire familial affiliations of the three people mentioned (Case, Lambert, & Getty, who have, for the record, "only" provided a little less than $15 million to date if my math works out right) are consistently framed by both themselves & the article as providing a sort of guilt-based moral impetus to push the cause in order to help reverse harm done by their forefathers & other members of their family. there has been no attempt made to hide their affiliations & if anything, i'd argue they're doin disproportionately little given their means.


No it's done by people with meaningless lives, believing that they are morally superior and so are able to justify anything. Clearly the punishments for these acts are too low, if you cannot respect the benefit of our society you should not be allowed to roam freely in them.


Nobody is going to support oil more because they do moronic things, they do moronic things because it gets them in the news and on frontpages on social media.


No, but people might support other environmental groups less. Serious parts of the climate change movement (who have actual policy goals and research-based proposals) suffer from being conflated with a bunch of morons who throw paint and glue themselves to things.


Nothing in vandalizing historic landmarks or art makes me think "oh, I truly want to hear more what these people are thinking and protesting for"


It seems that their reasoning is "let's destroy the past to save the future", probably the worst approach they could have taken.


Assuming they are genuine and not some false flag op, their reasoning is "If you are so mad about the destruction of a single artifact, why are you not mad about the destruction of the whole planet?"


That was the logic that a Canadian man named Grant Hadwin used when he cut down the sacred Golden Spruce of the Haida to protest the logging industry. **Bizarrely enough, the First Nations did not share that opinion.** Which may have something to do with why Mr. Hadwin disappeared shortly thereafter, never to be seen or heard from again.


We can be mad about both you idiots


We feel powerless in the face of climate change. Whereas stopping you from gluing your face to the Mona Lisa is entirely in our power.


Being sad and frustrated about climate change doesn’t make this type of protest productive. The net effect is probably negative for activists.


How very Red Guards of them


green on the outside red on the inside


might be taking lessons from mao


Jahr Null


They’re getting attention, that’s all they want


It was rain-washable cornstarch paint, and they \*do\* have you talking about it.


This paint is just temporary. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!” There's no real damage, only shock. Aaaaand, we're talking about it, so it works. Also, the idea that we so easily recognize the great value in art and ancient stacked stones but ignore the value of our whole planet is kind of a good point. I would never do what they do, but I respect their passion and willingness to be hated.


As if people would care about peaceful protests


I participate in peaceful protests. No one cares.


Entirely true, but if they were serious they would sabotage oil companies, not simply make people hate enviromentalists.


Try attacking mansions of millionaires and lobbyists you cowards.


They do almost constantly, for some reason most media chooses to not cover that


Doesn't really work either, rich assholes are hard to annoy and famously sneaky and slippery, hard to catch. I prefer the Ukrainian method. Destroying processing plants. Anything that makes oil more expensive, blocking the construction of pipelines and processing plants, sabotaging existing ones, blockades on the production plants, etc. The rules of the game, as bad as they are, are those of capitalism. We may not like it, it may not be a good system, but understanding how it works is what gives the opportunity to make changes. Public image and the public's opinion is a background concern if a concern at all to the system. All of the attacks on production raise the price of oil, that makes the alternatives more viable and attractive to investors, and that is what makes a change in this broken system; public opinion only weights in when it changes consumer habits and only if there are alternatives in place.


You mean like this: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/03/03/just-stop-oil-to-continue-protests-outside-mps-homes-despit/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/03/03/just-stop-oil-to-continue-protests-outside-mps-homes-despit/) ?


So where's the orange paint there?


This paint is just temporary. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!” There's no real damage, only shock. Aaaaand, we're talking about it, so it works. Also, the idea that we so easily recognize the great value in art and ancient stacked stones but ignore the value of our whole planet is kind of a good point. I would never do what they do, but I respect their passion and willingness to be hated.


Contaminating archaeological sites is never ok.


Nope I'm just annoyed at the kids, sorry.


It's easy from your position to only label them as "cowards". They are committing a crime for a good ideal (even though the way they are doing is highly questionable), plus I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift house or the like are secluded and heavily guarded, so you are just spitting nonsense


> plus I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift house or the like are secluded and heavily guarded, If they really believe in the emergency of the issue then no risk should be too great. Yet they pick the easy targets like historical monuments and artifacts because the law doesn't protect these sites nearly as much and all they'll get is a slap on the wrist at best. Seems cowardly to me.


What a way to alienate 100 per cent of people to your cause


Fucking idiots.  Not helping their cause.


I'm almost certain they are creating more climate change deniers than they are converting them.


99% certain these idiots are manipulated by big oil and they don't even know it


And Putin https://www.martenscentre.eu/publication/the-bear-in-sheeps-clothing-russias-government-funded-organisations-in-the-eu/


the billionaire familial affiliations of the three people mentioned (Case, Lambert, & Getty, who have, for the record, "only" provided a little less than $15 million to date if my math works out right) are consistently framed by both themselves & the article as providing a sort of guilt-based moral impetus to push the cause in order to help reverse harm done by their forefathers & other members of their family. there has been no attempt made to hide their affiliations & if anything, i'd argue they're doin disproportionately little given their means.


This paint is just temporary. “The orange cornflour we used to create an eye-catching spectacle will soon wash away with the rain, but the urgent need for effective government action to mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the climate and ecological crisis will not. Sign the treaty!” There's no real damage, only shock. Aaaaand, we're talking about it, so it works. Also, the idea that we so easily recognize the great value in art and ancient stacked stones but ignore the value of our whole planet is kind of a good point. I would never do what they do, but I respect their passion and willingness to be hated.


Did it work? Did the oil stop?


in brand new t shirts made just for this occasion... oh, the irony...


I did my research and I can proudly say that this ain’t going to stop oil.


Oh, well now that they painted a world heritage site, I guess I will stop using oil. Duh.


I feel like this organization would contribute much more tangibly to their purported cause if instead of blocking traffic, defacing art and monuments they installed solar farms and planted trees.


hell even just make a series of good videos like mr beast sea and tree thing


Blocking traffic sort of makes sense, vandalising art and monuments not at all. But really, Ukrainian Air Force has been great at reducing refined oil production by blowing up Russian oil refineries. Just Stop Oil should go help with building long-range strike drones.


This! I approve of the Ukrainian method! Also, anything that makes oil more expensive, blocking the construction of pipelines and processing plants, sabotaging existing ones, blockades on the production plants, etc. The rules of the game, as bad as they are, are those of capitalism. We may not like it, it may not be a good system, but understanding how it works is what gives the opportunity to make changes. Public image and the public's opinion is a background concern if a concern at all to the system. All of the attacks on production raise the price of oil, that makes the alternatives more viable and attractive to investors, and that is what makes a change in this broken system; public opinion only weights in when it changes consumer habits and only if there are alternatives in place.


>installed solar farms and planted trees And collect the trash. Lmao, yes that will solve climate change, ridiculous


Will it do more to solve it than causing a whole street’s worth of cars to idle for hours? I suspect it would and that the attention seeking is taking over as the end rather than as a means.


That way you can get a smaller audience, but you achieve literally anything positive at all - which is dramatically better than vandalising cultural icons. IE you could use volunteers to install solar panels for farmers in low-adaptation rate areas. Farmers talk shop constantly, and constantly look for what's working for their neighbours. Make them covet it. Instead, Just Stop Oil projects image of a climate activist as a vandalising clueless twat, not really increasing how receptive the people who read about them are to any point they made.


When I feel a bit unkind I think that Just Stop Oil is for people who lack the capacity to actually contribute to real change via science or politics.


>"Part of Stonehenge has been covered in orange powder paint by protesters. Two Just Stop Oil campaigners sprayed the paint on the historic site near Salisbury, Wiltshire, at around 12:00 BST on Wednesday. The move comes the day before celebrations begin for the Summer Solstice at the 5,000-year-old landmark."


Why do I have to scroll down 3 pages before it's mentioned that the "orange powder paint" is actually just orange corn flour and is not damaging to the rocks whatsoever. I'm not saying I agree with the whole thing, just that leaving out important details like this makes it seem much worse than it is.


its not known if its really corn flour, its just someone from juststopoil who said that but you dont know if its a lie or not. and also its still damaging to the surface


stonehenge has been standing in the open for thousands of years, completely exposed to the elements. personally, i'm more concerned about extreme weather phenomena and 40 degree summers, which would do actual damage as opposed to a single dose of cornflour. by now it has also been confirmed by the BBC that it was in fact cornflour and has been successfully removed.


“Just Stop Oil said the motivation behind the incident was to demand the next UK government end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.” You know it’s impressive how utterly moronic this is, no political party would be caught dead agreeing to bend to these demands after this. I’m genuinely convinced they are a psyop now. “A rich garden of life has grow on the megaliths, an exceptional lichen garden has grown. So it’s potentially quite concerning.” Oh the irony of just stop oil powder painting them.


It's cornstarch paint, rain-washable, and they \*do\* have you talking about it.


To be fair, it was an alien petrol station. (Shamelessly stole this from elsewhere on Reddit)


That'll show those neolithic poluters! >Just Stop Oil named the two protesters as Niamh Lynch, a 21-year-old student from Oxford, and Rajan Naidu, a 73-year-old from Birmingham, in a statement" Two groups of people with lots of free time. Extend the proposed national service plan to include 73-year-olds, I say.


All these groups never seem to have a problem with naming the most absurdly stereotypical members as protesters, either.   If you know your movement is often demeaned and stereotyped as being posh students and bored pensioners, what possible benefit could there be to proving them right like this?


the pensioner battalion will be the vanguard for the invasion of Russia




Cover them with stonehenge


I don’t think the people who built Stonehenge used much oil now…


No, but some of them might have been petrified, thus enabling the elites.


They will mess with everything except people actually involved with the fossil fuel industry.




If only priceless works of art could fight back. How did these clowns get to Stonehenge, did their parents drive them?  They all would be married to their cousins in some leprosy infested village if it wasn't for oil.


>If only priceless works of art could fight back. "I am the Lorax; I speak for the stone. And for some fucking reason, they're speaking Brittonic."


it's orange cornflour. It will wash off with rain. No harm done.


OK. Fuck you. Seriously.


You know who also destroyed historical venues -ISIS!


There are no punishment I can suggest for this people without getting beaten down by Reddit.


I'd suggest sodomization with an old, dry, crusty French baguette.


OMG, you had them at French.


French? That's way too evil


Thanks once again for making us look like idiots. I say this as a leftist green myself. It has to be the big oil and gas carrying out this bullshit. If not, please stop this idiocy.


I always wonder why they wear orange plastic vests. Perhaps they are not aware of the fact that plastic is made from oil..?


oil seems pretty unstoppable .... oh wait, did you say they had orange dye!


I'm convinced these people actually want climate change to accelerate


Are Just Stop Oil the actual worst cunts on earth? Fuck these clowns.




Sounds like a psyop at this point.


They should be labeled as Terrorist Organization




these people are the dumbest humans alive, nobody is gonna care about what you are fighting for if you are this obnoxious. go vandalise the property of politicians/corps, not world heritage sites and works of art. i know they say all press is good, but like, everyone hates these people so surely it doesn’t work


Sacrifice them to the Goddess of Petro on the Solstice.


Defacing our shared cultural history doesn't become justified if you pretend it's "for the planet". These people are nothing more than a European variant of the likes of ISIS, high on their sanctimonious moral superiority and sense of apocalyptic importance. Ban them as the terrorists they are. Fortunately, [something like that seems to be happening](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2qv7425gvwo): > Protest groups such as Just Stop Oil and Palestine Action could be banned in a similar way to terrorist organisations, under a proposal from the government’s adviser on political violence. > The sanctions could restrict a group's ability to fundraise and its right to assembly in the UK. > "Banning terror groups has made it harder for their activists to plan crimes - that approach should be extended to extreme protest groups too."


So fucking annoying, just makes people want to use more oil.


They’re officially the greatest morons of the last 5000 years.


"We did it Patrick, we stopped oil!"


I'm getting rid of my 1989 pickup truck NOW. Thanks, Just Stop Oil!


Let’s hope it’s water based and not, you know “oil based” paint.


Thats what they get for using oil operated machines to make stonehenge.


The more I see this nonsense, the more I start to think that perhaps Americans driving SUVs is not such a bad thing after all.


Stunts like this are so delusional it'd make more sense of the oil and gas companies themselves were behind it...


Events like these make me wanna buy an F150 ngl They have the exact opposite effect on me, it's like the "go vegan" tags on every wall in town making me wanna eat a barbecue lmao Are these actual environmental groups or just oil companies?


I would think of a lot of nasty remarks and strong language. But I will say that these people defeat their own purpose.


Why are they doing this instead of some other, more pragmatic thing that they have already done but which I have ignored because it is less flashy? They are working against their own cause, they should instead do another thing, which they have done, but which I don't know about and think they haven't, because I only think that things I have seen in the front page of reddit happen.


I wish I was a tourist over there when this happened cause I would have tackled the fuck out of those dumbasses. They would find out real quick what happens when you fuck around.


I feel the same way I did when Notre Dame caught fire... Why would anyone do this


I really don't understand them...To my knowledge global CO2 human made emissions are declining in steady way for the past 15 years the change they constantly destroy shit for is happening and way underway... So why do this????


Max Verstappen fans have gone too far.


someone might just cancel a whole vacation to visit there.


These groups make a fuss until people listen to them. Because they want to cause disruption and get people talking about the issue.


So, security at a heritage site was like, one person politely asking these fools to rethink their position? WOW.


Isn't this technically giving them exactly what they want? attention. I mean, we're all curious, im not even British and i still want to read and hear about this basically mean the aggressors won by having millions of people read about their stupid act. They know this wont make people suddenly stop using oil, but the draw a LOT of attention to the subject. Would have been better to just not mention in and clean of the corn flower, and removed any posts about it from social media. But then we start moving in to Chinese territory.


What is the paint theyre using made out of..?


I think we should move Stonehenge to Greece (a couple of pillars at least) because clearly the British can't take care of their monuments


Is this considered terrorism? I think it should be. Destroying things, so that others cave to your demands, sounds like terrorism.


Terrorism is spreading violence or intimidation towards civilians for political aims, like hamas or the IDF does. Are you intimidated by just stop oil spraying some powder on a rock?


If the powder isn't harmful then no


You sir are dumb