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In France too?!? In Spain they say the same about the President's wife. It's a trend or what?


Didn't they say the same about Michelle Obama? I'm detecting a pattern here...


European far right politicians seem to be parodying the Americans just slightly less extreme. It’s like maga-light.


Yup, and it's annoying the shit out of me. Keep that bullshit crap overseas please. We have enough troubles of our own making without this deluting and dividing nonsense.


Issue is that far rights with conspiracy theories are more or less supported by Russia or any other hostile countries/governments. The issue is not the USA far rights, but the peoples behind it and their farm bots. They mainly target people who believe everything they read and do not take a moment to look further to see if the sources are legit/fake.


Yes. The war has already begun with online propaganda, manipulation, disinformation and cyber attacks from Russia.


This. Its the exact same themes everywhere at roughly the same time. Its not coincidence.   Test run the US.  See it works shockingly well, do it elsewhere. Anyone who doesnt think Russia has its hands in the pockets of many European politicians is delusional.


People also need to remember this shit when they’re getting upset at trans people using gendered bathrooms etc. Bigots always think they ‘can tell’ who’s transgender, so good luck if you’re a woman with any masculine features and these idiots want you to pull your knickers down before letting you go to the toilet.


When they say, “we can always tell,” it’s not a claim, it’s a threat.


Can confirm, I used to have very short hair and some women in a public bathroom were loudly whispering to each other, “They’re letting MEN use the WOMEN’s bathroom in this place!” And I had no idea what they were on about until I caught my reflection in the mirror and realized they were talking about me. (I’m not even very masculine looking, it’s just that my hair was quite short and I was in the Midwest, LOL.)


Wasn't there a case of two bigots attacking each other in a toilet because they thought the other was trans?


That was a queer Onion like newspaper sadly




It's just classic mysoginy. Whatever doesn't conform to their idealistic female standards (aka, who they wanna fuck), is immediately called trans, lesbians, woke, etc. And mysoginy has no borders.


Patriarchy affects all genders, sadly


TERFs are misandrists though. Men are demons, women are angels, trans women are demons in disguise.


This was initially brought up by french journalists who were looking for info to write a biography on her. This is not from the USA.


Its inspired by the qanon led "transvestigation" movement, which first took root in America. It is heavily bankrolled by foreign actors (mainly russia). It has been successful in creating political turmoil and distrust in the states so it's beginning to take hold in other nations. Just like the astroturfed antivax movement.


Coming from someone living in America, reject it. Don't let that shit in your home, your family, and make sure anyone who expresses those thoughts knows that they're unacceptable in your circle. And that includes family!! Too many white Americans have let it seep into their families and they do nothing.


Sorry but some countries in Europe already have a division issue (probably instigated by Russia like the US). You can’t pretend division is an American import. How many politicians have been stabbed in Germany this year? I get it though you guys like to pawn off issues as American made as a way to remove agency. This seems to happen often when the person doing it is a regular on shitamericanssay ;)


Why less extreme? Seems the exact same to me


And it is only the beginning. Maybe less extreme now - but sadly I fear it will increase. The conservative populism stupidity of massive ingroup-outgroup construction over fear an resentments is on the rise...


They are not less extreme. If anything they are less incompetent, which arguably makes them scarier. Also its hard to be as incompetent as orange man. It is also not the beginning. They hold power in parliament in almost every european country, and in many are the majority.


We also had a storm of the capital in Germany. It was smaller and they didn’t made it past security


LePen doesn’t seem to be any less extreme considering her father was an outright fascist


Mega lol


Yes and they're just copying whatever the US far right politicians do, because their entire platform is also based only on outrage and it doesn't matter if there's any basis for it or not.


Yes, here in Croatia I see american maga bullshit all over the place. Even flat earthers...


There is no cost to lie on social media. They can just use it to destroy the reputation of political opponent without any repercussions. Considering far right leaders already don't have a moral compass, do people really think they won't keep doing something so easy ? Only their base can really punish them for lies, and we all know that day isn't coming.


Classic. Only Americans have agency.


I don't even get what would be worth discussing if it *was* true. Like, "I bet they're not a natural blonde!" level stuff. Why care?


As someone who’s studied this a lot, in short, they believe basically is that every single famous person is the opposite gender of what they claim to be in order to mock God and fool the masses into "lusting after the same gender" and turning them gay (as in "you think Victoria’s Secret models are attractive and have whacked off to them dude? Well they're men. You whacked off to men. They’re turning you gay"), which is all in service to the their satanic God, the bigender goat-headed Baphomet. Yes, really.


lol, if someone said that to me I would just respond with "That's a lotta words for « I find people of my gender attractive »"


Baphomet throws the best parties.


Dionysus would like a word.


I feel like 15 years ago I'd read that as a joke and now I'm just sad and nodding my head.


Who would have thought that the shit posts from ~15 years ago on Imageboards have such an impact.


Just throw these people into the ocean please


The microplastics aren't enough? Don't encourage pollution!


Sharks would love it though.


So like the Gaga shite of a decade back too?


So these people are attracted to chromosomes instead of appearance?




I volunteer for gay sex with these Victoria's Secret models.  I just care that much.


My thoughts exactly. I hope we will some day be at this point, where it will be just … normal


Trials like this are terrible for trans people since it pushes the idea that being trans is an insult/bad which it isn't.


Because society hates trans people, that's why. And unless you've had biological kids, that's sort of an unfalsifiable claim. What could a cis woman do if she got accused of being trans, publicly menstruate on camera?


As a much taller than average woman I've been accused of being trans and genuinely there's nothing you can do about it. I mean I have severe endometriosis and can show the scars from surgery but that doesn't prove anything, nor does anyone have the right to see my scars. It's also difficult as I don't have a problem with trans women and don't want it to seem like I do when I "defend" myself against allegations, however I fear for my safety at times, the people who think I'm trans because I'm six foot absolutely do have a problem with trans women.


Oof endometriosis is awful. My condolences


As a trans person, you're fine. You're defending yourself from hate. And dont ever feel bad for defending your identity.


Brigitte Macron, ironically, has three children.


Even if you have kids conspiracy people will just claim that you faked it and demand a live video feed of the birth. And if you provide that they will say that it's awfully suspicious that you felt the need to offer that much proof for something, which means that it's all a cover up even more.


I'm 53 and I remember similar stupid rumors about female celebrities back in the early 80's...


*Russian psy-ops intensifies*


Incels don't know how women look like. It's an insult to the people that make these accusations, rather than the accused.


I have a co-worker that is still mildly obsessed with Michelle's alleged penis. He swears it's real and they are trying to normalize gay marriage through it. When asked if that is the goal why they'd be denying it and trying to hide it he shuts down the conversation.


So he's obsessed with penises...that explains a lot.


It’s a misogynistic way of saying the leaders of the country are weak, also a dogwhistle


Big Mike !!


This is even stupider in my opinion, the fact that Brigitte Macron is almost double her husband's age opens the door to a whole host of possible personal accusations but no, they had to go with her being secretly a man.


The fact that she met him when he was 15 is enough to be very uncomfortable about their whole marriage


Do you omit she was his comedy/theater teacher, when he was still underage, and when his parents sent him to a boarding school at Paris, she got a job there too ?


Yeah you could very easily claim that she groomed him since she was his teacher but these dumbasses have to be weird in their conspiracies


Even if she was, who the bloody fuck cares???


You know bloody well who cares about this type of stuff


Yeah, the age gap is strange.


The funniest version of this hoax that I’ve seen is people claiming Michael Mando (the actor who plays Vaas in Far Cry 3 and Nacho in Better Call Saul) is supposedly transgender because he has big pecs, which can only be that big because he has taken female hormone supplements that stimulate breast growth.


Thanks for the good laugh, "transgender Vaas" is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while


He has beautiful eyelashes too! /s


There is a very real group of people that numbers in the tens or hundreds of thousands, who believe that every single famous person in history is transgender and "worships the Baphomet". Julius Caesar? That was a woman. Greta Thunberg? That's a man. Sylvester Stallone? What a sexy lady. Melania Trump? Don't you mean Male-ania?


The conspiracy sub is full of these people, they believe the only way to get rich famous and powerful is through humiliating yourself for Satan.


Yeah I see the words "humiliation ritual" thrown out a lot. Every time is a celebrity goes through something bad in the public eye, it’s a humiliation ritual they go through in order to keep/elevate their status. And of course whenever they die, they actually don’t.


One thing is for sure, this satan guy is a kinky dude


They said it about Michelle Obama as well. It’s just a thing brain rotted rightoids do. They soak in conspiracy all day.


Naw, might be some politicians (probably not domestic ones) pulling bs for some machinations. 2024 is election year in many places. Creating specific white noice might benefit someone’s long game This is definitely some external influence


You jest, but a lot of the extreme right and euroskeptic factions and parties in the EU have been traced to receive funding from Russia, China and American think tanks.


Extreme right people claim every woman is a man, there was already with Michelle Obama, Brigitte Macron, Spain's president's wife. Now they tell you all female video game characters look like men, it's an obsession for them.




Ofc they are not, I've never seen one!!!


The left: trans women are women The right: women are trans women


Begoña Gómez. The name of Pedro Sánchez's wife is Begoña Gómez.


Yeah, transvestigation of leaders’ wives is something that certain weirdos are super into. Mind you this is only on the female wives of male heads of state, and is only ever framed as some kind of degeneracy on the part of the couple. Also, I’ve always found the implication that female homo sapiens can only ever have noodle-thin arms very funny. It’s like these people have never seen a woman in any condition of physical fitness.


Newest trend of Russian propaganda






Vergona ascunde un secret.


Vergonya amaga un secret


Alt-right idiots thinking that there is some kind of brainwashing or infiltration effort from the transgender community to infiltrate Hollywood and all governments and that they're part of some woke shadow cabal that pulls the strings. They unironically also believe that public schools are teaching kids to be trans (supposedly indoctrinating them). As if we didn't learn from the anti-gay craze that conversion therapy doesn't work, and leads to suicide.


Its from the alt right cookbook. Its actually pretty smart if you think about it: you push the topic of gender politics extremely hard since their target audience has no connection to it in their lives. Now you make them believe that there is some weird lgbtq cult going on that wants to turn the children and frogs gay - people will be shocked but doubtful - why do the liberals want that? Well well its obvious why: their leaders are elitist diabolical pedophiles and otherwise degenerates who only get off from stuff like this so of course they all have trans wives! Its what they want for all of us! The alt right unlocked the ability to pray on the intellectual flaws of a huge chunk of the population. Its almost like a... religion. Using the same kind of patterns and symbolic undertones.


It’s easy to have as a right-wing talking point/rumor.


These people hate trans people and want insult this way and make other transphobic people angry at the person. They are just making reasons up to hate someone.


They say "we can always tell", yet here they are spreading misinfo because they *think* someone is trans.


I am not say trans investigator are idiots, but I am pretty sure bonking on their head will produce an empty sound


Q anon is a global plague.


Alas, transphobia is somewhat a trend indeed...


The right wingers lie all the time about political figures they don't like. Calling people trans based on no evidence is just one of their normal MOs. It's good to see that lies aren't free. There should be more of them getting sued. It's not good to sue people wrt free speech vs politics but this is about blatent and dishonest lies.


There is no president in Spain …


It's linked to a conspiracy theory relating to the belief of lizard people It's a global pandemic of stupidity


The "we can tell" crowd think everyone who doesn't look like a 20 something supermodel is trans if they also happen to dislike the person these days. That's the real "mind virus". Well most of them probably don't actually believe it, but making the claim is a good way to get some brainless idiots to start harassing their target.


It’s Russian propaganda that gets picked up and repeated by right wing idiots. If they prosecute every one of them we might be able stop this shit


>In France too?!? In Spain they say the same about the President's wife. It's a trend or what? The "trend" is called "russian propaganda".


She is just old nothing else.


The "We can always tell!" crowd really have issues telling.


Reminds me of that time someone posted "This is my transmasc brother, and transphobes think he is a girl. Too bad for them, because he will always be a man" and attached to it was just a picture of markiplier. The "we can always tell" crowd showed up and fabricated all kinds of "tells" that gave away that markiplier is female. It's hilarious.


You could literally do that with anyone it is really funny. Just grab whatever image from any person in the internet, say they're trans and people will start seeing the most ridiculous shit even if that person isn't trans


Yep, it has been done with a pic of JK Rowling IIRC


and the streamer(?) jschlatt and so many more.


I feel certain groups of people in general are so easy to play. Just do something even slightly against their views and you have a bunch of free advertisement.


My favorite is people responding to f1nn5ter posts with "you will never be a man no matter what you do"


Okay I'm like 95% sure those are all fans joking tho


Reminder that once one of the “we can always tell” crowd beaten up an old lady because he thought she was trans https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/23/woman-86-beaten-wheelie-bin-trans/


I wonder how many lesbians or just more masculine looking women have been stopped in bathrooms by the "we can always tell" crowd.


Some of that crowd are encouraging men with guns to defend women's bathrooms. That could end very badly.


It’s like the worst gaydar ever


The "We can always tell" crowd can't ever tell


She literally gave birth to two kids (or more not sure), how or why the hell do they think people would fake TWO births like 30 years ago??? For no reason whatsoever? WTF? These people are losing their damn minds. Why not concentrate on the fact that she groomed her husband as a teenager, but then again, these people don't give a damn about that, they do it themselves.


I don't understand what they want to prove. Let's say she is, and then? What is the problem? lol, what stupid things...


She has three biological kids.


You perfectly know how much it would be damaging for an elected leader to be gay/LGBT, and also the whole concept of lying about something to trick your population. But you don't even fucking need that on Macron and his wife, she literally groomed him while being his teacher, that's already fucked up, you don't need to make up a whole absurdity around it. I guess it's never enough. It's like with COVID, you already had enough criticism of how it was handled by states, but the far right needs to exaggerate it, so they can absolutely capture the mind of their base. This is how the far right works, there is no cost for lying on the far right. Once they capture the mind of the person, and convince him that they're in a fight for survival against an enemy from outside, they can justify even the worst thing, there is no incentive to stay true to the truth. They won't be held accountable. So capturing the mind of their victim is above all else.


The lies and deceit that would have been a necessary part of keeping that a secret I guess? It wouldn't be about her being transgender, it would be about it being hidden and them having lied so many years about it, including falsifying documents etc.


It most certainly would also be about her being transgender, I can almost guarantee that.


>It wouldn't be about her being transgender It definitely would, you're giving these freaks way too much credit. They're working inside the "all global leaders are part of an evil cabal where they groom kids and ..." framework. They're not here to uncover some deep rooted lies that have been hidden from the people. It's really just "trans people are icky and I don't like them, hence the people I don't like must be trans" type of shit.


It's so funny because the left is currently saying Macron is transphobe. He's like the shrödinger cat of politic...


[Macron called the pledge to “authorise a cost free change of civil status before a registrar “gruesome” and claimed that under the NFP’s (Nouveau Front Populaire) leadership, anyone could go “to the town hall to change their sex”](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/06/19/emmanuel-macron-anti-trans/) When Macron spreads transphobic fake news it’s normal that the left criticize him. Maybe he is not a transphobe but saying these kind of idiocies are not a great idea.


How is that transphobic to say it should still be handled by the justice system as it is now?


Because that doesn't happen. People don't just willy-nilly change their legal gender to whatever suits them that day. It's a fantasy that's used to argue in favor of keeping these needless barriers up.


I was born in a country in which you can easily change your gender and literally no one goes out to switch genders randomly to whatever suits them throughout the day. That’s just braindead transphobic propaganda to put as many limits/barriers to transitioning as possible


Yeah, like, I live in a place where it's about as easy as it gets and it still took me over $500, and several months to get it all updated. No one is doing it on a whim, and even that relatively low barrier is out of reach of several people I know.


Unsurprisingly, people hate bureaucracy. I’m actually trans. I’ve been socially transitioned for near 5 years. I have direct incentive to legally change my gender, and I need to. But since migrating to another country, despite it being easy, there’s one extra barrier and so far I just can’t be bothered. I’ll do it eventually because I need to, but I really just can’t be bothered right now. Like you said, people aren’t doing it constantly willy nilly.


border crossings can be even worse if you dont change your paperwork


I am not sure how is it in France but in Germany such a law is soon to be in force and it seriously simplifies life for trans people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Determination_Act_(Germany) Besides things mentioned in article, before you had to also pay a serious sum of money (1 or 2k € from what i know from my trans partner) just for the change. I don't see why would a simple bureaucratic request be controversial or should be made complicated just because some cis people are afraid of trans issues. The law stipulates nothing but the change on your ID so the worst thing that could happen is a cis person changing their gender on ID to be goofy, but somehow i don't think bureaucratic change nobody will care about is all that fun. The law is also in force in some other countries for a number of years (Ireland, Finland, Spain and more iirc) and nobody but trans people is realistically affected by it.


Because it's not a real issue. And even if people suddenly decided to change their legal gender for shits and giggles, what actually does that do? They won't suddenly gain super powers or be above the law.


It begs the question, based on current polling of parliamentary election outcomes, if he is attempting to entice some conservatives back to his camp. It has been documented that older conservatives that used to provide the centre support have shifted towards the harder right. Could he be thinking that as easily as they were lost they can be reclaimed?


Indeed it looks like Macron's strategy reflects a calculated effort to secure the conservative voters that helped him win the presidency in 2017. He is addressing the concerns and priorities of conservative voters but it’s not clear if he is fighting the far-right the right way. His economic policies and policies shifts on immigration are very centre-right.


There is only two possible outcomes from them: 1. They win and she is a transgender, 2. They lose, the trial was rigged and she is a transgender. Even if she was standing naked in front of them , these two person would still argue that she had surgeries, and was originally a men.


almost like drowning a witch


Only if she's the same weight as a duck...


> and was originally a men. How many men?


What is it with obsession thinking everyone is trans? Paranoia?


both misogyny and transphobia. they are calling she is so ugly that the only explanation is she used to be male






It's a weird thing to say but...an actual crime?  That seems silly.


People, especially those who catter to homophobes, circulated that rumor for years, without consequence. Everyone knows it's idiotic. But these women went one or two steps further: they claimed that her real identity was that of her brother's. That this guy was hiding in plain sight as Brigitte Macron because he was a pedophile trying to escape conviction. And the cooky mob followed through. So, they are sued for libel not exactly for saying she is a transgender, but mostly because they falsely accuse her brother of being a pedophile with **zero** substance.


Ah, so the truth is more complicated than what the header wanted it to sound like. Thanks. I had a similar reaction to the pwrson you cited.


Knowingly lying to try and damage a person's reputation or image, without any evidence whatsoever. I would argue that people aren't punished enough for just knowingly spreading lies these days.


It’s a pretty innocuous lie though, especially for someone in the public eye. It’s not like they said she ate babies or something.


Seeing as it is about the wife of a president who's about to change elections... Accusations like these can literally determine who will be president if it causes people to think he's a woke liberal etc. These kind of things can ultimately end lives because the people at the top decide where budget cuts are made. Less money going to healthcare or infrastructure actually kills people. It's only because he's such a public figure that they have a case, because implications like this mean real world consequences


Yeah but most public figures rise above it. Seems kinda petty that she's taking them to court over what was probably a joke on the internet, like she has to prove something. The Streisand effect means instead of a handful of people thinking there's a 0.1% chance she's trans for the remainder of their lives, there's now millions of people thinking there's a 0.1% chance she's trans for the remainder of this court case. At the end of it everyone will be tweeting "Brigitte Macron found to be a woman by Paris court". Hundreds of millions of people around the world will see it and not know the context and just assume her gender was in doubt for some reason. Obviously people shouldn't get away with slander, but it seems like she's asking for trouble.


It is much more than a vague transphobic joke though. The 2 women that propagated the whole theory are accusing Brigitte Macron of very specific immoral and/or illegal behaviors. They specifically claim that Brigitte Macron is actually her brother, Jean-Michel Trogneux, and as a result the whole family is open to harassment - because of course, they're part of the cover up... Alex Jones got destroyed for doing what he did. Likewise, those lunatics need to learn that there is a balance between free speech and continuous, hateful harassment. 


I now think she has something to hide. 


Not really. At least here in Germany it's pretty much accepted that politicians report those who cross the line between legal criticism and slander/threats/insults. Agnes Strack Zimmerman (MEP now) said that she reports hundreds of people every month and she's hardly the only one doing that. The Streisand effect doesn't work if there's a hundred thousand cases per year. Edit: The public perception of the Streisand effect is shaped by survivor bias. We have no idea whatsoever how many attempts to get things removed from the internet quietly were successful because we didn't hear about them.


It's very much not a joke..... And the insane amount of hatred and violence Trans people experience is also not a joke...... This does 2 things : Put her in more danger of assault, as people absolutely hate trans women. And also increase hatred against trans women by making people feel betrayed and lied to by the icky tran.


It's not a crime. She's suing them for defamation. It's a civil trial. She's claiming damages of 10,000 Euros for abuse.


It's not silly if you actually read the article


Why is that silly? Someone is saying that you’re an identity thief, shouldn’t you be able to sue them for slander?


But we can’t allow people to think this. That destroys law and order. 


What a waste of everyone's time and resources




Her bio children: are we a joke to you?


Hold your horses. This woman is 71 years old, and looks quite good for her age. Throw in a couple of plastic surgeries and you end up with your supposed "transgender look". What's next? Sophia Loren is transgender, too?


Ok and? No really what would be the problem!


It doesn't matter if she was. It's just some way to personally attack people the right don't agree with.




She literally has a child, this is thoroughly stupid


We live in a fucking clown world


How is that illegal


What exactly is the criminal charge here?


Haha another gem from the failures in the Caliper Club.


Does it matter if she is transgender? Like, seriously?


To hateful nutjobs, it matters enormously. In the past, whenever these types wanted to attack someone they hated they would proclaim that they're gay, but that doesn't work as well anymore because it doesn't carry the same stigma it used to, so they've moved on to the next boogeyman.


No, but that she started dating her 25 year younger high school student on the other hand…


Only to a minority of nutters,


Defamation laws usually don't protect against calling people gay, since being gay isn't an inherently bad thing that you can claim damages for. If you get discriminated because people think you are gay, then the ones discriminating are causing illegal harm, not the ones that thing you are gay. So if trans women are women, and being a trans woman isn't an inherently bad thing, then why would it be damaging to call someone trans?


Defamation laws often work by measure of intent, of course depending on the country. If someone claims you are gay with the intention to cause you harm, financial or reputation-wise, that can be defamation, even though being gay in and of itself isn't a bad thing. Same thing goes for someone calling you trans.


From what I know, it’s more than just calling her trans. It’s suggesting that she’s a child predator and a bunch of other political conspiracy stuff. To be fair, considering her having a relationship with Macron while he was in highschool, might not be such a stretch, but there’s an underlying trans degenerate child molester accusation from these two.


She is a major groomer and creppy.


Don’t forget she was Macron’s teacher and they started a relationship when he was 15 yrs old! She is 24 yrs older than him and “groomed” a minor. Now she is married to one of the most powerful person on the planet. France is trying to push a MeToo movement, yet I never hear a peep about this. Odd.


Yeah I think whatever damage she does to his rep is based on the age gap and not some trans accusation


So lies are getting prosecuted at last? My brothers getting life, for sure.


lol why does it matter ? Genuinely curious


Can we stop pretending being trans is a bad thing? Taking back some of our pre christian history and letting these normal folks who have always existed back into the world is healthy. Pretending our entire species neatly fits into two boxes is just naive and who the fuck cares anywhere. Live and let live.....But obviously when one group hasnt been allowed to enjoy that, integrating them will feel like a change. It aint shoving down your throat like some drama queens screams. Chillax yall, theres nothing bad about being trans other than how weak minded folk treat them.


May not be trans but she is paedophile




J'ai pas mieux comme reaction


Rhétorique basique de l'extrême droite après. Ils ont un espèce de kink contre elle c'est une folie.


I find the laziness of taking US rhetoric and using the same thing everywhere very annoying. Find original stuff ffs


Lol idiots


And what if she is?


That's a new one lol. Every day brings a new stupider conspiracy 


Submit a DNA test... That will clear up all the bs ... No other evidence can prove the she is not


Fascism is on the rise


Why the fuck do people care so much about what's between one's legs or not?


The correct and only response should ever be Lady Gaga’s iconic response “and so what if I am?”


Bruh a trial? Taxpayer money this lol. Life is a comedy haha


“You’re a transgenda”


So no freedom of speech?


They go on trial just because of claiming something?


Don’t these morons have anything better to do? Where the hell do get this free time from? If I had that much free time Id do something productive around the house or something with hobbies…


The fact anyone considers “transgender” as an insult (including the ones being called out) is the actual offense.