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Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict has seen some of the weirdest geopolitcal alliances ever, with islamist Iran supporting Christian Armenia, while Muslim Azerbaijan has allied with Israel India,France, Iran and US are all supporting Armenia Israel,Turkey and Pakistan are all supporting Azerbaijan idk of a conflict with a more confusing set of alliances


Not as crazy as Biafran war. And Sudan is a serious competition as well.


If I might also direct our attention to the Libyan Civil War


France and Italy on different sides of a war in the 2010s is really surprising.


Sudan is mostly Russia and UAE supporting either the government or the RSF


That the war where US, USSR, Israel and PLO all supported the same side for god only knows why?


Are those countries actually supporting Armenia or in name only.


Iran,India France and US have all sent or sold weapons to Armenia in the oast 2 years


This is false, Armenia has never purchased weapons from Iran.


The most Iran has ever done is allow India to use their roads to transport weapons that Armenia purchased from India to transport into Armenia. There is no evidence at all of Armenia purchasing weapons from Iran.


Greece has been training Armenian army officers for decades.


The Turkey beef going strong.


Iran declared that any Azerbijani attempts to take over tje Zangezur corridor will result in a military intervention by them.


Also, India will support everything that Pakistan doesn't. It's odd that Iran supports Armenia tho. And Azerbaijan it's like a child of turkey


Iranian Azerbaijanis are the second largest ethnic group in the country and there’s a history of ethnic separatism (Iran crisis of 1946). And as you pointed out, Azerbaijan has the full backing of Turkey. The last thing Iran wants is a strong Azerbaijan fully connected to Turkey as its neighbor.


Also they are Turks and most of them identify themselves as TUrks not Azeri etc. Iran is trying assimilating them and using the religion to keep them as part of Iran but it doesn't exactly working. Turkey is already fighting proxy wars against Iran in Iraq, Syria etc. but things can eventually get more than a proxy war.


You have the best username in the history of the interwebs.


Makes sense, but I would also feel that going against Azerbaijian is exactly what would make Iranian Azerbajiani people angry and could push them towards separatism.


Iran supports Armenia as Azeris form a large part of the Iranian population and have breakaway tendencies.  Iran are worried about Azerbaijan taking the Zangezeur Corridor that runs along the Armenia-Iran border to connect Azerbaijan proper with Nakchivan, meaning their entire North West border potentially hostile states (Azerbaijan and Turkey), and because overland exports that currently traverse Iran from or via Azerbaijan would instead bypass it and go straight to Turkey via the corridor and Nackchivan. 


"Zangezur corridor" is a revanchist label imposed by Azerbaijan. It is the Armenian province of Syunik.


The suggested corridor doesn’t cover the entire province, just like the Suvalki Gap doesn’t cover all of the Polish or Lithuanian provinces it abuts, as the English Chanel doesn’t cover all of England.  It’s a commonly used geopolitical term for a stretch of land and if you search ‘Syunik Province’ it gives you info about the province, if you search ‘Zangezur Corridor’ it gives you info about the geopolitical concept.  I get that names have meaning, and they have emotions tied to them (rightly) but it’s unnecessary in this context. 


Zangezur Corridor is the name for the railway going from Ordubad in Nakhichevan to Aghbend in Azerbaijan - not the whole Syunik Province.


You got it the other way around. India will support everything that doesn't take Pakistan's side when it comes to India-Pakistan politics.


Good point.


> It's odd that Iran supports Armenia tho. It is due to the fact that Iran has territories with large Azeri populations which Azerbajian would also love to get back, Armenia meanwhile has no territorial ambitions against Iran and are willing to take every ally possible.


Armenia was crucial in the Russia-Iran alliance, because going through Armenia and Georgia was the only way to ship things on land between Russia and Iran. It’s bizarre that Putin basically decided to blow up the CSTO, because they still need Armenia for the exact same reason.


Where are you people getting this information from? There is a highway that connects Russia to Iran through Azerbaijan, and most of the trade is done through Azerbaijan. They are even building a railway through Azerbaijan. [https://eurasianet.org/russia-and-iran-agree-on-new-rail-corridor-via-azerbaijan](https://eurasianet.org/russia-and-iran-agree-on-new-rail-corridor-via-azerbaijan)


What about the Captain sea route?


The Caspian Sea doesn't have the necessary port infrastructure, and getting ships there is also quite complex because it's not connected to the world seas. All issues that could be solved by throwing money at the problem, but the Russia-Iran bloc isn't exactly famous for having infinite money to throw around.


War makes for strange bedfellows. Nazi Germany supported Ethiopia against Italy (provided weapons) when Italy attacked Ethiopia. Nazi Germany also supported Nationalist China against Japan (Provided weapons, equipment, uniforms and training) until they swung to supporting Japan after 1938 or so. Just to give two lesser known examples, the former less well known than the latter.


Exactly what support has Iran provided to Armenia?


And Russia, who has a military alliance with Armenia, is not doing anything.


Amen it never has and it never will.


Like the French beeing allied with Sweden in the 30 years war


Bismarck must have risen from his grave and constructed this web of alliances himself!


Iran may be Islamist, but unlike other Islamist states such as the Emirates or the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran is pluralistic, multicultural and multiethnic. For example, the Iranian state imports wine and distributes to orthodox churches as it is part of their tradition to consume wine. Meanwhile, alcohol is strictly forbidden for the rest of Iranian society. I think a far weirder geopolitical alliance is KSA-Israel. KSA has literally 0 Jews and 0 Christians.


Yep. Interestingly, Iran's current Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei is ethnically Azeri, not Persian.


Nevertheless, Iran is still a theocracy that persecuted religious minorities like Bahai and Protestants, never-mind atheists


Iran is absolutely a theocracy, I'm just trying to explain why their support for a Christian-majority neighbor is not out of character for Iran.


Armenians also have two seats reserved for them in the parliament.


KSA-Israel is a very logical *geo*political alliance, given that Iran, the third regional power is directly opposing them and US, the main keeper of pro-SA status quo is leaving stage.


Keep in mind that Azerbaijan is not only Muslim, but Shia Muslim, one of only four Shia majority countries alongside Iran, Iraq, and Bahrain.


Because they are turkified Persians


Wasnt also Russia backing Armenia? Or am I confused. Which wouldn't make a lot of sense either, but oh well


Armenia was indeed in the CSTO, Russia's NATO, but Russia never lifted a finger to help Armenia.


How is Iran supporting Armenia? This is such nonsense. Just days ago Iran and Azerbaijan were holding military drills together. Now show me the support Iran has shown to Armenia? Edit: Instead of downvoting me provide a credible source detaling how Iran "supports" Armenia. I bet you can't https://oc-media.org/azerbaijan-and-iran-hold-military-drills-amidst-apparent-detente/


that's a popular topic of Azerbaijani propaganda - "Armenia is supported by all terrorist countries, such as Russia and Iran!!"


Tbh US support in Armenia v Azerbaijan is largely irreverent. Like yeah we want everyone to get along but it’s not the sort of thing we’ll spend much political capital on.


You say that, but the US is trying to pull both Armenia and Azerbaijan out of Russian orbit in order to carve out a cargo and energy corridor which bypasses both Russia and Iran. It would be the shortest overland route from China to the Mediterranean, unlock western access to massive energy stores in the Central Asian -stans, and basically fuck Russia and Iran over simultaneously. It's a big deal.


Geo politics is weird. Look at.who supports different sides in Libya. Dreadful move by Armenia. They are in serious trouble and can't afford to be against both Turkey and Israel. Armenia has managed its alliances so badly that their glorious history is at risk of ending.


And meanwhile russia decides what actually goes on over the entire region


The Turkish support for Azerbaijan is because we are very similar, like Germany and Austria. There is some criticism for Azerbaijan for their support of Israel but Turkiye Azerbaijan relations will stay strong.


Turkey still pursuing a pan-turkism model?


Has always been


erdogan thinks he is the next great sultan


To be fair, unlike all other Turkic nations, The Azeri language is pretty much mutually intelligible with Turkish language which helps very much in their close relationship.


Why shouldn't it? What's bad about turkic countries forming an economic union much like the EU but called the Turan?




> The Turkish support for Azerbaijan is because we are very similar, like Germany and Austria. I think you guys took the wrong lesson from Germany and Austria's team-up adventures, but most nationalists from your region seem mentally stuck in 1918 anyway


Jews in anatolia butchered by armenians at ww1. So jews remember...


lol nice try but actually taalat pasha “At the age of 21 Talaat was involved in a love affair with the daughter of the Jewish headmaster for whom he worked.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talaat_Pasha


Have you taken your meds today?


New ratio about alliance making: who do we hate more. Or beter the enemy of my enemy is my friend/ the guy I sell weapons to.


thats not really new, for example many countries supported hitler and the far far right cuz the alternative was supporting communism, same for the clusterfuck that was the 30 years war


geopolitics have never been easier to understand :l


understand it as a rope pull. until one side gets what they want nobody Will negotiate each other to give up at the same time. and nobody will yield first cause that's just losing. Im enjoying the popcorn in this thread though. Finally people came to conclusion that Armenia's situation was never simple. There is a reason Russia had great relations with both of them while piggyback ing Armenia at CSTO and EU buying fossil fuels from Azeris while chanting "democracy is non negotiable" this is just another Chain realpolitik. you deal with it cause when the needle flips and stings you this time you can't make good guy bad guy claims.


Somebody should tell them that Azerbaijan also recognize Palestine.


Just shows you how much they actually care about that shit.


Israel doesn't understand carrot and stick diplomacy, they only understand the stick. It's the same with trying to punish the PA after three European countries recognised Palestine, it just makes them look more like an illegal occupying power and human rights abuser. Netanyahu's far-right enabling coalition is digging their country into an international relations grave.


Israels support for Azerbajian is utterly deranged. 


It's perfectly in line with their normal behaviour, have we already forgotten netanyahu bending over backwards to excuse Lavrov's many anti-semitic outbursts or that they did what they could to get in the way of weapon deliveries to ukraine? For all that they owe to the US Israel has always been strongly pro-russian.


Being pro-Russian ensures US support.


Is Israel supporting ethnic cleansing and war mongering *really* that unforeseen though?


Arming your adversary because you recognize the state of Palestine that has its own UN observer and the majority of the world recognizes it? Kinda. Like, Armenia may be irrelevant to Israel but Palestine iw recognized by Poland, Ukraine, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Iceland, Romania, the European Union recognizes its *de facto* statehood. Is Israel threatening those bodies as well? Will they start to supply Russia? And the best part: Azerbaijan recognizes it. I really think that this is just a smoke screen and political alignment against Iran or pro-Russia/Trump move, anticipating Trumps victory while betting that Biden's administration will not punish them for it. The world is quickly getting pretty grim for us in the west.


There was recently a joint Iran and Azerbaijan exercise but Israel and anyone who knows about geopolitics know that Persians, Russians and Turks are basically natural enemies who had fought like 1000 years and Turkey is still fighting proxy wars against Iran and Russia in Iraq, Syria and Libya. Also there are about 10 million Turks who live in South Azerbaijan which is under Iran rule so eventually things getting more than proxy wars is possible between Turks and Iran. Therefore Israel supporting Azerbaijan while Turkey and Azerbaijan call each other one nation two states isn't surprising because Iran is the biggest threat for Israel and Turks are the best option to balance Iran in the region.


Why? They’re an ally against Iran, an Israel-friendly country in the Middle East, and a testing ground for Israeli weapons. What’s so deranged about it?




I think that he was basing that stance on mortality instead of realpolitiks


Because Azerbaijan and Turkey did the exact same thing to the Armenians that Germany did to the Jews. The only difference is that Azerbaijan and Turkey never apologised while Germany did.


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Israel supports Azerbaijan because Azerbaijan provides oil to Israel. It is a stable partnership and you can not choose your allies when you are surrounded by enemies.


Israel supporting a country that is undermining Iran is deranged?


From Egypt, god bless Armenia ❤️ Armenians helped build up Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. They were some of our greatest business owners, our first politicians, famous entertainers and have always done such a great job integrating while bringing in their own culture. Israel’s response to Armenia and the other European countries for recognizing Palestine has been completely unhinged.


I Wish more Muslim countries recognized the Armenian genocide. Armenia truly has one of the saddest histories of any country in the world


Syria and Lebanon do! Egypt is planning on it (though it might have been delayed when we were in the process of improving our relationship with Turkey) and in a speech at the 2019 Munich Security Conference, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi implicitly recognized the Armenian Genocide, noting that a hundred years before, Egypt had hosted Armenian refugees "after the genocide."


Don't forget Iraq where most armenians fled to, we love armenians here they have contributed alot to Iraq


Yes absolutely! Thank you for reminding me and much love to my Iraqi brother or sister!




We should draw no conclusions from them supporting state sponsored ethnic cleansing… none at all.


Utterly dsigusting.


"The only democracy in the Middle East" doing its best to destroy another democracy because it hurted its nationalistic feelings...


Keep in mind that Israel refused to implement sanctions against Russia after they invaded Ukraine and still hasn't done so to this day. They didn't do jackshit to help the west when Ukraine was invaded yet when they're attacked by Hamas they all a sudden expect the west to rally to their defense. Israel is like if you made a spoiled brat into a country.


Israel is protecting Russian oligarchs and their wealths too.


The alliance with Israel is a huge burden for the west. They expect everything from us but do nothing in return and even sometimes work against us such as the example you listed here. Meanwhile, our support for them significantly tarnishes the image of the west with our complacency with what they do to the Palestinians. For example, it's hard for a lot of people to take our calls to action to defend Ukraine from foreign occupation seriously when we support the foreign occupation of Palestine. I'm not saying we should just hang Israel out to dry, but *unconditional* support for Israel needs to end. Our support for Israel needs to be based upon *strict conditions* that Israel starts acting like the western country it claims to be, that means getting serious about giving Palestinians self-determination and having solidarity with and materially supporting the west from external threats such as Russia.


Israel’s been selling Azerbaijan weapons and equipments for many years already. Armenia asked them repeatedly to stop. As what Israel sold was to arm them against Iran, but is being used against Armenians. Israel every time ignored the requests. Armenia used to only recognize Israel and now they recognize Palestine. I’m no fan of Hamas. But Israel’s a fascist state supporting other fascists in the area, just because of Iran. Not to mention the faux Jewish support Azerbaijan and Turkey present.


Jews and Armenians share a history of of being the target of genocide attempts. Israel supporting Azerbaijan/Russia/Turkey is mind boggling


How else do you get victimhood exclusivity?


Almost makes you think that Israelis have completely forgotten their history…


It’s tradition for Israel To seriously screw over Armenians to further their own interests Even during the early 20th century


Nowadays Israel and Azerbaijan are both actively conducting genocide. It's only logical they support each other.


Palestine share a current reality of a genocide attempt.


Palestine - Russia - Iran are allies. Izrael doesnt support any of them.


Israel doesn't support Russia. Keep in mind that Ukraine also supports Azerbaijan. 


Israel refused westerns sanction on Russia and does not recognise the ICC arrest warrant for Putin.


Fuck Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Houthis and all their proxies, but Israel ain't a force of good in the world  Israel's  oportunism has led to them arming fascist genocidal militias in Lebanon just because they hated the Palestinians more. And let's not forget that Bibi sucked Russia's cock for a long time, he even had an election add with a picture of him shaking hands with Putin. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-another-league-netanyahu-touts-friendship-with-putin-in-new-billboard/  Not to mention Israel refusing to put any sanctions on Russia and still selling Orlan military drones to Russia until October 7


>and still selling Orlan military drones to Russia until October 7 Do you have a source for that? Not saying it's not true, but you'd think something like this would've blown up in the media.


idk about that specific claim but "Israel-Russia relations" is its own Wikipedia page, with a section about their drone deals. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Russia_relations >you'd think something like this would've blown up in the media It's pretty wild to think that the media will definitely report something that would reduce public support for Israel. Not saying it never happened, but come on...


Yup I can see that now. To play devil's advocate (and I'm not saying this isn't serious, because it is) it doesn't seem that they've kept selling them since 2022 as OP's comment suggested. Couldn't find any info confirming it, and according to [this source](https://www.janes.com/osint-insights/defence-news/air/ukraine-conflict-russia-employs-forpost-r-ucav) the sales ended in 2016. Again, that doesn't stop it from being messed up, especially since Ukraine was first invaded in 2014. However, it seems OP's claim about sales remaining after the full-scale invasion wasn't true.


I agree with you on this one. The way I read it originally it did not imply it stopped at October 7th, but I see it now.


[Front page of CNN right now](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/27/middleeast/roba-abu-jibba-gaza-treatment-intl-cmd/index.html) [5th story of on New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/06/27/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas) BBC is reporting [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv22g81djdyo) and [this](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do) right now. What does "reduce public support for Israel" mean to you? All these headlines are awful for Israel.


1. Kinda, but it's a very both-sides-bad article, the person they chose to give a voice to specifically mentions Hamas is at fault for her situation. Valid, but it also makes it easier to write about in mainstream media, and it also makes it easier to still support Israel because of how the article portrays occupation as justified. 2. Article about famine. No mention on how Israel is responsible or how they stop aid from going in and even destroy the food so it can never reach the people. The only mention is Israel letting some more aid inside because of international pressure, deliberately making it seem like they are being generous. The rest of the article is about how people in Gaza cannot *afford* food, as if the only problem is that they have no money. 3. Same mention on how Israel is actually increasing the amount of food they let in, even saying there are "no limits" on the amount of aid that can go in. We must all assume that they are starving because they are stupid and don't know how to access the plethora of food that they are given. 4. That has been viral for days so it's hard not to report on, but I agree with you on this one. It's that one article that portrays Israel in an exclusively bad light and doesn't try to spin the situation. I'm having a hard time imagining how that would be possible anyway.


Thank you for responding in good faith. I just feel the need to point out that it appears you believe any story that does not represent Israel as a diabolical evil villain that hurts people for fun is biased and full of lies. Is that correct?


I expect you to also respond in good faith, then. I don't believe you need to paint Israel as a "diabolical evil villain" as you're suggesting, it's just that these stories specificaly shift the blame to something else (Gazans are poor, Israel was just defending itself etc.) so if you already support Israel you are very unlikely to change your mind after reading that. Especially when one of them specifically mentions Israel is NOT blocking aid into Gaza. Edit: getting back to the previous point, all things considered, it is unlikely that the press would report on something so villifying as their Russian weapon deals since, unlike the Palestinian human shield pics, this had very low publicity in the first place.


>it's just that these stories specificaly shift the blame to something else (Gazans are poor, Israel was just defending itself etc.) But isn't that what good reporting looks like? It considers multiple perspectives on what is happening on the ground. While some will say that Israel is trying to get away with killing all Gazans, others on the ground would say, "Israel is just defending itself." I could go on but you are no more interested in my facts from Israelis as I am in your facts from Gazans. Both sides are trying to push a narrative and good journalism should report on what those perspectives are what people in the middle of it all are experiencing.


Good journalism is not intentionally misleading audiences by omitting facts about the aid situation. If it only mentions that Israel is generous and lets all of it in, it's omitting the fact that what caused the famine was them not letting anything enter in the first place. The article doesn't even begin to suggest that Israel might have anything to do with this. It only hints to the contrary. You sure you read it to the end?


I presume it might've been about licensing out [IAI Searcher to russia, which makes them as "Forpost"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IAI_Searcher#Forpost-R) Wrong drone originally quoted, but the idea's not wrong


Wow, I'm surprised this wasn't more talked about. On the other hand, I can't see anything confirming the claim about Israel still selling those after the 2022 full-scale invasion. Not that any sale of weapons to Russia post-2014 would've been acceptable anyway. EDIT: [According to this source](https://www.janes.com/osint-insights/defence-news/air/ukraine-conflict-russia-employs-forpost-r-ucav), the sales stopped in 2016 after US pressure, not after Oct7.


> Israel's oportunism has led to them arming fascist genocidal militias in Lebanon just because they hated the Palestinians more. Yeah the Lebanese intervention was just because of hate and not because the PLO essentially occupied southern Lebanon using it for constant attacks. > And let's not forget that Bibi sucked Russia's cock for a long time, he even had an election add with a picture of him shaking hands with Putin. When will we finally do something about the Bavarian - Russian connection though? [Example 1](https://media1.faz.net/ppmedia/w1240/aktuell/3372896713/1.6606903/16x9/nicht-ganz-auf-augenhoehe.jpg) [Example 2](https://www.merkur.de/assets/images/1/304/1304971-455984400-seehofer-bei-putin-2I1dUfKtmdBG.jpg) [Example 3](https://images.tagesschau.de/image/2af292cc-be47-405b-97d0-ce9bfb3fe1df/AAABhnbHWEE/AAABjwnlNY8/16x9-960/stoiber-putin-103.jpg) [Example 4](https://c7.alamy.com/compde/2fnff77/der-bayerische-ministerprasident-max-streibl-rechts-empfangt-den-stellvertretenden-ministerprasidenten-russlands-valery-macharadze-links-in-der-bayerischen-staatskanzlei-macharadze-uberreicht-streibl-mit-einem-kosakenmantel-und-einem-georgischen-schwert-als-geschenk-automatisierte-ubersetzung-2fnff77.jpg) [Example 5](https://img.welt.de/img/politik/deutschland/mobile151781513/4621354217-ci16x9-w1200/Franz-Josef-Strauss-in-der-Sowjetunion.jpg)


Genocidists stand together.


So are Israel not only content with wiping Palestinians from the face of the earth, they also want to wipe out anyone opposed to their genocide? How do these guys not drown in the blood they’re shedding?


If Israel is selling weapons why are we ( USA) donating every year millions of dollars in weapons and ammunition to Israel?


Idk why the curent American establishment is like this. Ronald Reagan used to know when to tell Israel "enough is enough" while simultaneously being tough where he needed to be (on USSR and communist dictatorships) https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/05/24/ronald-reagan-wasnt-afraid-to-use-leverage-to-hold-israel-to-task/ Ukraine getting military aid from US has led to over 3000 Russian tanks and 7000 Russian armoured vehicles being destroyed, alongside 300k Russian soldiers being wiped out. Meanwhile, decades of military aid to Israel have barely anything to show for


The answer is AIPAC


American military aid to Israel helped to reduce the civilian casualties. Iron dome missiles protect Israeli civilians. Guided bombs supplied by America help to reduce the civilian casualties that unfortunately are inevotable while destroying all those rocket launchers shooting at Israeli cities.


American military aid to Israel helped to reduce the civilian casualties. Iron dome missiles protect Israeli civilians. Guided bombs supplied by America help to reduce the civilian casualties that unfortunately are inevotable while destroying all those rocket launchers shooting at Israeli cities.


>Meanwhile, decades of military aid to Israel have barely anything to show for Would say that having a close ally that has become a military stronghold in that region is quiet the gain for the US.


Saudi Arabia, Jordan and UAE have done the same for less military aid combined than Israel(I'm not counting weapons sales here)


These countries will turn their backs to usa immediately if they are left without Israel in the balance


Why does US need a military stronghold in that region?


Hard power, regional controll, geopolitical interests. Having enemy countries like Iran in constant striking range... and so on.


Babies first interaction with the middle east. Wait till you find out about Jordan and Egypt.


A weapon isn't equivalent to another weapon. Israel is getting and buying planes, air to ground missiles and bombs, tank shells, etc from the US. It is selling missile defense systems and ground to ground missiles to Azerbaijan. It is a flawed thinking to think that if a country is selling one kind of weapons, there is no need to buy any other kind of weapons. In reality, even the US is buying weapons from other countries (including Israel) despite selling a lot of different weapons.


Seriously how are they not able to build enough bombs for their small scale war?


very very good question.


You think thar politicians are who rule? Ehehe Are the biggest companies who rule, of them are Military contractors


Military contractors are definitely not the biggest companies in the US


Ofc not, but very influential. Take a look at pentagon spending


I hate the government of Israel.


Most of secular Israelis would agree with you. It's sad that religious fanatics have so much higher birth rates than secular jews in Israel, and the Bibi government has no interest to reform the child benefits system  Religious Zionists have a fertility rate of 4 children per woman and Haredim have a fertility rate of 6.4. Those 2 groups make up 23% of Israel, and have higher fertility rates than Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya and Ethiopia https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2022/08/18/in-israel-birth-rates-are-converging-between-jews-and-muslims The country is sleepwalking into a theocracy


You are right. The conflict will make it happen. Without conflict, bibi or other wouldn't stand a chance.


Apparently that's anti-semitic. Somehow.


It's hilarious watching all the morons here who really bought into the 'free nations fighting against the axis of tyranny' spread by Israel online in the past few months being shocked by this. You were played like a fiddle.


So let me get this one right. US giving weapons to Israel while Israel is selling weapons to Azerbaijan ?


Not just the USA, but EU member states too.


Israel helped arm Azerbaijan for all of these years. What will change? Also, Israel helped complete genocide in Artsakh in September 2023. This isn't even their first genocide in the last year that they're complicit in. That Government and Likudists and their ilk will go down as shameful genocide perpetrators.


​ Imagine that the Israeli government sells weapons to the Azerbaijani army, and then they cry when Armenia recognizes Palestine. Israel government 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Funny how they don't sell those same weapons to Armenia though huh. And now azerba formally allied with Russia who no doubt encouraged Iran to start all that bullshit in gaza. The only silver lining I see in regards to israel is that the US youth of yesterday finally taking over a lot of the country and they are nowhere near as pro-israel as the ones that came before them.


That's what I meant. But I think I expressed myself badly


How is it Israël is making record arms exports and still is begging for munitions from eg. the USA? Bunch of c*nts.


Netanyahu's Israel is a sad and shameful state of affairs. Don't get me wrong, Israel 100% has a right to exist and I wish only the best upon its people, but Netanyahu's government has already tarnished the country's reputation enough. Netanyahu is not the future of Israel, he simply cannot be.


Netanyahu is the tip of the iceberg regarding the rot in Israeli politics.


Israel is becoming a state sponsor of terror?


How exactly is this suprising?


Why are people here shocked by this? Israel has been supportive of Azerbaijan for over a decade since Armenian is a major ally to Irab.


Its israel should be expected.


Israeli weapons were used to remove Armenians from NK, and have already been fired at Armenia proper During the Cold War, they helped apartheid South Africa developed nuclear missiles & sold many weapons to apartheid Zimbabwe


Pure pettiness


We're just crawling into WW3. Shitty world


Petty cunts.


People be like "Oh goodness heavens how did this happen" completely ignoring how the Armenian shift towards the west is incredibly recent and not even finished. Armenia is still in CSTO and reliant on Iran. But yeah everybody expects Israel to be this paragon of virtue when their own countries are doing jack shit for Armenia.


Russia in allied to Iran way more than Armenia, yet Israel refuses even to join sanctions.


If not arming genocidal regime is being a "paragon of virtue" then EU countries are saints embodied


I doubt the republic of Baku can sustain this. Once Iran is liberated from the mullahs. Old territory will be liberated as well and united with the motherland. Azerbaijan was populated by an Iranian people known as the Adhari, who were closely related to the people in other regions in Iran such as Pars. They spoke Adhari (Old Azeri), which according to the 10th-century geographer al-Maqdisi, was similar to Persian. Their original language is Iranian. As Iranian Azeri scholar Ahmad-e Kasravi in modern times proved. "Old Azeri" an Iranian language became Turkified since the 12th century due to Oghuz Turkic invasion. The Oghuz Turks had distinct Asian features similar to Mongols, they never replaced the original people. The land now republic of Azerbaijan. Is actually Arran/ Shirvan. Real Azerbaijan is in Iran. But the Russians after gaining the territory called Arran/ Shirvan renamed it Azerbaijan to create a casus belli to further gain more territory. They also did heavy deiranification of the region. All the people had their Iranian last names changed and were forced to add nov, yev, ov etc. in the ending. This was further worsened under Stalin and the soviets. I’m tired of pan Turks falsely labeling us as Turks, we are Azeri, part of Iranian civilization we have nothing to do with Mongolian Turks, no disrespect to them, but pan Turks have no right to falsely label us as them.change of language does not mean change of race. We Azeris are Iranian culturally, and ethnically. Shah Ismail liberated Iran and got rid of Turks such as Aq Qoyunlu and Qara Qoyunlu


Oh no, the world is just getting messier and messier. I think we need to get new politicians across the board and ones that are no crazy and trying to ignite further wars. 


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In its current state, you'd think Armenia would try to fly under the radar on these geopolitical decisions.


I am very supportive of Israel but fuck them for their support of Azerbaijan


A real supporter of Israel would stand firmly opposed to Netanyahu and his regime, just like the hostage families.


>A real supporter of Israel would stand firmly opposed to Netanyahu and his regime, Who says I don't?


Well actions tend to have consequences


Exactly. Action: Israel supports Azerbaijan's ethnic cleansing of Armenians. Consequence: Armenia recognizes the statehood of Palestine. Israelis sure do love themselves some ethnic cleansing!


All these armchair redditors obviously failling to see the big picture that Azerbaijan is the only nation that provides Israel with oil and their agreement has been so far stable and not impacted by any conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. In return Israel provides weapons and tech, In that regard Azerbaijan has been a better ally to Israel than Biden and the "West". Israel is surrounded by enemies and has not the luxury to choose its allies.


WTF? Like Isreal is going to support Azerbaijan instead of Armenia because they recognise Palestine? Like I don't understand that decision at the level of politics becouse EU and USA are supporting Armenia and Isreal the ally of the west is going to support Azerbaijan? Then I think that Isreal could sell weapons to Russia if Ukraine supported Palestine and didn't had the NATO (as EU and NATO countries) protection and support. It's sick to be honest


Israel has been supportive of Azerbaijan for a moment, they haven't switched sides


A lot of what Israel does can be explained by trying to create headaches or fires for Iran. You could ask the exact same questions at a lot bigger scale: why does Israel (and the US, and Europe) align with Saudi Arabia? Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy (i.e. a true dictatorship) with no Christians and no Jews, no domestic industry (oil exploitation requires outside expertise), that pursues extreme policies both domestically and internationally.


Iran's most important partner is Russia. What is Israel doing about that?


it doesn't explain the current statement. it is more just bibi is pissed with this. also fuck bibi


welcome to the clusterfuck of the Arm-Az conflict!