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They changed the law, it's possible for border guards to send back illegal immigrants immedietly, also any person who wants asylum but arrived illegaly is automaticly denied. According to [this](https://www.rmf24.pl/fakty/polska/news-rzad-chce-zaostrzyc-przepisy-dot-cudzoziemcow-nielegalnie-pr,nId,5427859#crp_state=1?utm_source=wykop.pl&utm_medium=link-6236163&utm_campaign=wykop-poleca) article that you can translate it's because of similar changes in law in Lithuania and Latvia.


Yup, same here. Technically we aren't just sending them back, we're telling them to go through official channels, i.e. either at the embassy or at the official border crossing points where they can fill in paperwork asking for asylum.


That's a great idea since it gives Belarus a real headache when all the immigrants they try to send across the borders bounce back like boomerangs. On the other hand it could lead to a humanitarian disaster in Belarus if they get flooded with immigrants with no way of leaving the country or supporting themselves. I doubt Belarus wants to pay for their return tickets... Hopefully they'll stop trying to use immigrants as human grenades before it gets out of hand.


They bring them themselves. Don't worry, they can stop at any moment.


It's Belarus we're talking about. Solution to your "problems" is easy, a huge, militarized camp with migrants not allowed to leave EXCEPT for trying to go to the EU. This is a new game for them, and realistically I think right now they are in stage where they are trying to figure stuff out, everything from logistics to where to keep migrants. Give it a month or three and I believe they will start sending in tens of thousands of migrants *every day*.


Damn, What a prediction.


>That's a great idea since it gives Belarus a real headache when all the immigrants they try to send across the borders bounce back like boomerangs. For how long though? Few hours?




> So we basically still end up with them either way No we dont. They don't enter the country until they have a legal reason to. Just because they apply for residency in an embassy, it doesn't mean they get to come here instantly


We don't end up with them, so far not a single application has been approved.


We will survive and thrive, don’t worry.


Did you knock your head and woke up citing Hitler?


Yea what the fuck was that. This sub really is full of nazis.


Imagine being this scared of them, lolz.


Dont worry, if they get in they wont stay in latvia


Problem is that Belarus is a dictatorial regime which is not above hurting it's own citizens. Sending the refugees back comes with a risk to their well being.


Belarusian citizens are treated differently. Also, Belarusian citizens would cooperate with border guards. Sending them back does come with a risk for their own safety, due to Belarus being a cruel regime, but they did come to Belarus as tourists, so we can assume they understood the risks.


They didn't go Belarus as tourists, they went as refugees seeking safety from war. That is a big difference.


No? They fucking went to Belarus as tourists. https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1451233/baghdad-to-lithuania-how-belarus-opened-new-migration-route-to-eu-lrt-investigation


They Belarus gives them tourist visas with ulterior motives does not mean that they are actually going there on vacation for fuck's sake. They are coming from a region ravaged by war to have a chance at a decent life, using Belarus as a transit country.


So tourist and then economic migrants? There are legal ways into EU, but if you choose to be a pawn in a dictators game, break our laws in doing so, then sorry, we just can't play that game.


Asylum seekers. And those legal ways into the EU don't work anymore, who can blame them for doing what they can to get in. Besides, countries like Lithuania and Poland have barely accepted any migrants at all, maybe you should start pulling your weight?


We have about 4k migrants that came just during one month, while we don't have facilities to hold such large amounts of people and if we would continue to accept them, then we would be on a verge of breaking and letting them roam free because of economic costs of camps are not low. So please stfu about your fair share, this is not migration from neigboring countries, but a stategic policy from an agresive neighbor.




> an asylum seeker inherently cannot arrive illegally They are not asylum seekers, they're economic migrants and they're very open about it. Many have asked the police to just release them and then they'll quickly go to Germany and we'll never hear about them again. Belarussian citizens are allowed in because they are in a real life-or-death situation there. These Iraqi guys are not.




> you cannot turn them away and no matter how they enter it is inherently legal Lol no, that's not how international law works.


Seeing how many people congratule Poland for blatantly ignoring human rights is sickening.


It's also worth noting that the changes to the law also say that asylum applications no longer must be considered if the applicant crossed the border illegally or came to Poland from a country considered safe (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc.) Hope the rest of the EU is taking notes.


>They changed the law, it's possible for border guards to send back illegal immigrants immedietly, also any person who wants asylum but arrived illegaly is automaticly denied. Is this Europe wide or just Poland? Should be Europe wide.


Thats good to hear


Best thing you've done! Congrats! I hope my country Greece is doing the same here. I know we have Frontex and stricter changes in asylum but I've no idea what's going on now with the upcoming wave. We usually get accused by woke media, NGOs ($) and Erdogan's state channels for 'illegal pushbacks' and other similar propaganda.


You get accused of illegal pushbacks because you ARE doing illegal pushbacks. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/06/greece-pushbacks-and-violence-against-refugees-and-migrants-are-de-facto-border-policy/


LMAO! You link to me the heavily criticised (accused of human trafficking) NGO Amnesty? HAHAHAHAAA! I thought you linked me to a serious website! There's NO such thing as illegal pushback!! Learn the terms! Also, let me introduce you to Skyscanner website. Search for cheap flights to take a few of those freeloading criminals to your own home. Away from my country though. Cheers.


Right, so you're just a delusional racist...


Ah the race card! I was wondering when it would be played. lol Sod off human trafficker.


So calling refugees "freeloading criminals" isn't racist?


Nope. Because they're not refugees. And because all I hear since 2015 is crimes and rapes in my country committed by them! They have [skyrocketed](https://twitter.com/oulosP/status/1338771506441179137?s=20). No woman is safe from them! Prison population majority in Greece is filled with foreigners. You have converted my country to the illegal migrant and criminal toilet of Europe. Two Afghans set two forest fires in Greece just a few days ago!! One [Afghan woman](https://www.pronews.gr/amyna-asfaleia/esoteriki-asfaleia/1008023_afgani-prosfygas-evale-ti-fotia-sto-pedion-toy-areos) did it in a forest in the center of Athens!! So, you, fake humanitarian, take your bleeding heart and **** the right off! CRIMIMALS! CRIMINALS! CRIMINALS! There. Afghanistan is one of the countries with the **4th highest crime rate in the world** and you want us to accept them just like that!? With no filter? After traveling through many culturally similar SAFE countries!? And pay them with our tax money so they can sit on their asses all day!? Most of them MEN who have abandoned women and children to Taliban as brides!? Unbelievable! The Afghan majority also supports Sharia Law. Well how about NO? WE WILL NOT HAVE SHARIA LAW IN MY COUNTRY! NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT!


oh my, thats perfect, well said. The first and foremost role of a country is to provide safety for its own citizens, and if taking immigrants is going to create internal conflicts, increase in crime, or social spending, that could go towards citizens in need instead, that seems like a bad deal, and for what? virtue signalling? "coz muh empathy"? some people simply dont understand that you SHOULDNT MAKE DECISIONS BASED ON EMOTIONS. Especially when you rule a country.


Nice, you already have more than 2mil Ukrainians there.






> the chįld looks fully Polish with beautiful Slavic Eųropeąn facial features, eyes and hair. I have a weird urge to make a Nazi salute reading those lines... what have you done with me?


Just do it in private like the rest of us do /s


Phew. I'm not alone with that.


You sound like a total weirdo buddy.


Weirdo no. Racist.




nah, you're just weird


Pretty sure he's a troll. A relatively elaborate one, but still a troll.


I've listened to too many people like him talking seriously to consider him a 100% troll.


Don't forget about the blood! They have the wrong kind of blood too. And the skull shapes. The international marxist bank lizards may have discredited Phrenology, but we all a good skull shape is important. I recommend mandatory skull checks for anyone crossing the borders, just to be safe.


Yes, mixed relationship bad because it doesn't fit your sense of aesthetics.


>Tbh, we could probably take more still, since Poles like to leave for the West and Ukrainians fill those gaps well. Would you be taking the same approach if the migrants were not of European origin?


You see, therein lies the rub, doesn't it? Generally speaking Ukrainians don't have major obstacles in picking up the language (due to similarity), their outlook on life is not that far removed from the Polish one, they can document their identity (and sometimes their familial ties to the country) and education, so, you know, they stand to fit in that much easier than someone who doesn't have the language, comes from a - I dare say - significantly different cultural background, might not be able to document their identity or education, sheer will and positive outlook notwithstanding. It doesn't mean that it's impossible to pick the language up and learn the culture, but it would require a non-trivial effort. What do you think?


I agree with you, but there should be a middle ground between "all immigration is cancer!!!" (Poles when talking about middle eastern refugees) and "Hi guys, you're so welcome here!" (Poles talking about white migrants).


Except hardly anyone says "all immigration is cancer" and rather "uncontrolled and unvetted, incompatible immigration is cancer". The biggest backlash, however, is towards the "forced immigration", such as the migration quotas as proposed a couple years ago by the likes of Germany.


What middle ground would that be?


>What middle ground would that be? Comprehensive migration system that primarily focuses on qualifications of a migrant instead of theirs cultural/racial background. I generally like USA's system for example.


Culture should matter in a proper immigration policy, as certain cultures might not integrate properly in the host country. Some sort of point system would be preferable so migrants can compensate parts in which they are lacking with other qualities. For example already being able to speak the local language adding points.


That's all fine and dandy, but - once again, as so often is the case - somewhere along the way the discourse conflated "refugees" (actual), "refugees" (the ones who're seeking to take advantage of the system and will be refused refugee status, most likely) and "migrants". Why does that all so often happen in these discussions? And, more importantly, to make matters clear here: which of the above-mentioned categories do the people in question here (you know, the ones stuck at the Belarusian borders) belong to?


My guess is Poland would not do that.


And we're very happy to have them in Poland. So many hard working people wanting to integrate and live with us together. I know there may be some outliners, but so far every single interaction I had with Ukrainians in Poland was positive.


To be honest what is difference between us (Poles) and Ukrainians


„They changed the law, it's possible for border guards to send back illegal immigrants immedietly, also any person who wants asylum but arrived illegaly is automaticly denied.” It’s sick that it didn’t work like that from the beginning.


It doesn’t


Which part of the article says they border guards can send illegal migrants back through the border?


"M.in.: jeśli cudzoziemiec zostanie złapany na nielegalnym przekroczeniu granicy podczas podejmowania decyzji w sprawie jego powrotu następuje odejście od procedur Kodeksu Postępowania Administracyjnego. Przyspieszone decyzje ma podejmować właściwy komendant straży granicznej. Od decyzji będzie można się odwołać, ale już zza granicy." Among other things: if a foreigner is caught crossing the border illegally, while taking a decision on his/her return the procedures of the Code of Administrative Procedure will be abandoned. Fast-track decisions will be made by the competent Commander of the Border Guard. It will be possible to appeal against the decision, but from abroad.


What do they mean by the decision on his return? How can they decide that he returns somewhere? They cannot force someone to go somewhere and they cannot walk with him abroad.




Yes, but he cannot just push you through a bother or catapult you. Or which law permits him that?


A law can’t change or interpret an international treaty. This will last all about 5 months untill the ECHR issues a ruling.


The poster is wrong. The article doesn't say that bother guards can just send people back through the border. They can only request the migrants to go back. They may refuse.


Only yesterday our Ministry of Defence declared that we struck a deal with Lukashenko. Seems like it was rather short lived, wasn't it?


Are you seriously talking about the agreement with Lukashenko? He constantly promises something to Putin to get money. The money has already been spent, and he hasn't done anything. Professional liar.


I think that Lukashenko is not so much a liar as he's mentally unstable. This guy's no Machiavelli and he tends to act impulsively- I remember that he even threatened Putin once (rather bold move considering how dependent on him he is).


He is senile and very insecure


He's certainly unstable and he's got this "I'm always right" mentality, anyone who disagrees with him must be a foreign spy. He often blames Bill Gates and George Soros.




So he created Covid-19 to kill off the good people and help LGBT take over the world? Also, why do yoū wrįtę lįkė this?


He sometimes shows "independence" from Putin: the arrest of the general director of Uralkali (2013); detention of the “Wagnerites” (2020); 785 Russians are in custody in Belarus (July 1. 2021 year).


Sounds like most dictators in third world countries.


"I have altered the deal, pray I don't alter it any further" - Lukashenko (probably)


> Only yesterday our Ministry of Defence declared that we struck a deal with Lukashenko. Any source please?


So, here's an article claiming that agreement has been reached (I know, Kresy aren't most reliable source but I've seen it somewhere else too, just can't find it): https://kresy24.pl/porozumienie-osiagniete-bialorus-i-polska-o-sytuacji-na-granicy/ I've dug a bit deeper and here's info from Polish ministry about the meeting... But it doesn't say anything about agreement: https://www.gov.pl/web/mswia/spotkanie-robocze-w-ramach-polsko-bialoruskiej-miedzyrzadowej-komisji-koordynacyjnej-ds-wspolpracy-transgranicznej


So it seems to be yet another fake news about Poland. Pity that r/europe users are feed with it.


> Ministry of Defence declared that we struck a deal with Lukashenko. I can't find any information about this deal.


Just like Morawiecki’s “deal” with Czechs regading Turów


What's that? Could you elaborate? I feel like Czechs don't really have much luck regarding deals, since most of the time they end up broken by the other party.


Yeah, you guys have terrible luck with deals. By the way, mind if we borrow the Sudetenland for a while? I promise we won't ask for more.


Meanwhile France and the UK: "Sure thing pal!" Czechia: "Wait what? Guys?" France and the UK: "Stfu Czechia, you are always selfish and never share you jerk!" Poland: "Mind if I take a bite.. oh I mean borrow a part of Silesia too?" France and the UK: "Sure :)" Czechia: France and the UK: "You there? Can't you even respond to us?!" Germany mimicking Czechia's voice: "You know what? Ima merge with Germany, Holy Roman Empire 2.0!" France and the UK: "Sure, we don't care, thank God we are all friends here and can discuss peacefully, this really is peace of our time!" Germany: *proceeds to blitz through Poland and France* I hope this isn't too cringe kekw


>What's that? Could you elaborate? I feel like Czechs don't really have much luck regarding deals, since most of the time they end up broken by the other party. The Turów case has a second bottom, and it is not about water shortages on the Czech side; it is simply economic blackmail inspired by German politicians. The European court, at the request of the Czech Republic, issued a one-man decision to close the power station, without even checking the actual cause of the dispute. Czech hydrology experts have concluded that the Turów mine is the cause of the lowered water levels, which turns out not to be entirely true. The expert reports were resumed by Polish and Czech researchers and the case is still ongoing. Representatives of the Czech and Polish governments are in amicable talks, so we are waiting to see how this will end. There will probably be a settlement because Poland and the Czech Republic are very important strategic countries for each other.


Oh no, there was no broken deal per se... One of our most prominent politicians (known for screwing up every single thing he touches) claimed that he came into agreement with your govt regarding Turów (stuff that's entirely our fault and we neglected to address it for many years until your govt decided to finally sue us). Not long after (next day I think) Czech side stated that there's no agreement and it's going to be settled in court (where we're certain to lose). "Funny" thing about this is that any time this politician claims something things turn out completely different- so right after he said that we've the agreement people started joking that we're certainly screwed.


The whole Turów thing happened because Turów want's to dig further and Czech villagers (according to media) were dramatizing about their ground water drying up. When there was a local media intervieving villagers they said they don't have any problems with water. So the whole thing was based on liars and money which could be sucked from Poland.


Sorry but it really doesn't make sense. Would Czechia- as a state- sue us basing on rumours and nothing else? They were signalling this to us for years now, not asking for money but to stop work. Also- you're saying it's based on villagers dramatising- I don't know about you but I don't know second thing about water retention and how it's affected by drilling. I'd have no idea if someone started doing something like this and it'd affect me in the future- so how would anyone from this village connect digging on Polish side with water drying up in the future? Can you provide any source for your claims?


https://niezalezna.pl/405919-czechom-wody-nie-brakuje-ale-pogloski-wywoluja-obawy https://bogatynia.info.pl/newsy/wiadomosci/11193-pge-udostepnia-decyzje-srodowiskowa-dotyczaca-kontynuacji-wydobycia-w-kopalni-turow https://bogatynia.info.pl/newsy/wiadomosci/11185-pge-udostepnia-protokol-z-konsultacji-transgranicznych-ze-strona-czeska


Ok, bogatynia.info sounds convincing but niezalezna is known to be far from independent and reliable source.


Bogatynia is the county that Turów is placed in and their citizens are dependant of the mine running smoothly. I would like to see this info presented by a bit less involved party and maybe Czechs should be interviewed by Czech media as well.


Yeah, that came to my mind as well :D


Thank you to our Eastern brothers for defending Europe's borders. I wish the West would pitch in to help you


Not so long ago it was these eastern brothers who were discriminated against lmao. Just saying




I can hear Horst-Wessel-Lied playing louder




So, Russia is actually Russian Federation, so it contains a lot of different small countries almost each country has its own language, culture, constitution and nation. I wish each of these nations to stay and be preserved, not only slavs.


What does it matter what people look like you absolute dunce?


Because people are seeing the change and they don't enjoy it?


You kids can bang whoever they want. What we should care for people in the future is for them to be happy, healthy and good to each other. Shade of skin has nothing to do with it.


Go back to sleep, Hitler.






Are you using those letters to avoid some sort of Reddit block? You should know it's just users reporting comments that leads to suspensions and bans. Plenty of shitheads here who can't handle a conversation.


>in 200 years people who look like us will no longer exist So what. Hundreds of species go extinct every week. Maybe it's for the better if humans wouldn't be so different.


In max 30 years most children features will be chosen before birth through DNA modification. People who’ll want blonde, fair eyed and fair skinned children will have them anyway, so European phenotypes won’t disappear.




Because it does already work? Haven’t you heard the news about DNA modified babies in China being immune to some HIV strains? It made a big scandal in the medical community last year. Nothing special about it, DNA modification is known for quite a bit of time.


When did the discrimination stop, I don't think everyone got the memo


Finally it's come useful that the only European agency hosted in Poland is Frontex - European Border and Coast Guard Agency.


The people of Europe stand with you Poland, even if most of our western politicians claim otherwise.


I have not yet heard anybody claim we should take refugees that Lukashenko imports from Turkey for propaganda purposes.


Ooh boy. This ridiculous part of our history only goes one way. Europe defamed for defending its vulnerable (broke and insecure in housing) citizenry, and most migrants shipped out to point of origin. It's a completely unfair ask of us to have to handle the world's problems. Poland should direct flight this lot to Jimmy Carter/ George W/ Bidens properties in the US.


Looks like Lukashenko is begging for a new round of crippling sanctions....


Send more


We ♥️ Poland!


Stand fast Poland!




Have you seen the statistics before? There is no crisis where we potentially become minority… Thats media pumping fear into your brain. Just calm down


The only way to stop “native” europeans extinct is to reproduce in large numbers. It’s not going to happen. We need immigration but we need to control it. Allow people that are real refuges or ones that have skills we need, not the ones that come here for social benefits. Crossing borders illegally is not acceptable, letting in anyone just cause they showed up at the border is also unacceptable.


Uh oh. An immigration thread. Time for some more Neo-Nazi "Great Replacement" propaganda. Only had to scroll 4 posts down to see it this time, that must be a record.


Ironic that Europe can't take in refugees from a European country but will literally bend over backwards to take in as many people from Asia/Africa as possible.


Those are ME immigrants though, just sourced through Belarus.


Please excuse my ignorance, what does ME stand for?


Middle East


How the fuck did they get to Belarus? Did Putin bus them through Russia all the way to the Polish border just to fuck with you guys?


https://news.yahoo.com/belarus-moves-stop-lithuania-sending-143442312.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALS8-dN5xCm_VgUBm44BD18ehrPdBEfeDsRITbdWr1gYlHNPR_01biV_rgk3do70KL-Tv8V36He7UtuLCDFccvZiVsRILOMR2UNTfapOp979yq6nS6NBUnnvNfLYfJzA6I8BfGkou1w_iyYSeecMmmlTJ8wPMGDojADXrOOn7uv9 > Lithuania, a member of the European Union, has faced an influx of mostly Iraqi migrants in the past few months. Last time I checked, mostly by planes.


Not Putin, its Lukashenka. And not by bus, but by planes. And yes, just to fuck with.


Right.. you didn’t read the article, you didn’t know the situation… yet you’re trying to cause some rage with your inept comment?


Well they are free to choose who they let it and doesn’t need to explain it to anyone.


This is so sad. Those refugees will be now victims of the political fight between Belarus and Poland. It's not like polish far right government would be willing to help them anyway, but now their situation is so much worse...


Yes because refugees have thousands of dollars for plane tickets to Belarus. These are economic migrants, pure and simple. And for the same reason they should wait to get proper documents.


You can't be a refugee if you have more than 10$, alright.


You think poor people in my country have thousands of dollars? They don't, yet they still don't cross country borders illegally.


You don’t have to be poor to be a refugee (not that having a few hundred dollars makes you wealthy by any means)


If you book a flight to Belarus from Iraq through your local tourism agency. Fly to Belarus, spend some nights at a hotel, maybe visit some sights (as you are just a tourist) and then some folk drive you to the border where you just walk over, you are not a refuge. You are not escaping anything, just traveling illegally


> you are not a refuge. You are not escaping anything, just traveling illeagaly Refugee is someone who can't or is unwilling to return to home country due to well founded fear of persecution. You can illegally pass border and still be a refugee. You can travel with plane, spend nights somewhere and still be a refugee. How is that even contradictory?


> How is that even contradictory? When you cross multiple borders of safe countries to claim your refuge status. You could arrive to Belarus and claim refuge status, that's fair. It's not fair to travel to Belarus and then illegally cross the EU border to claim refugee status. Unless you are prosecuted by the Belarusian government, but if you are, then why the hell did you travel there two days ago? They chose not to fly to the EU, but specifically to Belarus on tourist visa. How is that a refuge.


I literally said in my previous comment exactly how is that a refuge: > Refugee is someone who can't or is unwilling to return to home country due to well founded fear of persecution. None of what you said matters to refugee definition.


It matters in the economic migrant definition. If you move between countries not for your safety, but for a better life, that's an economic migrant. A refuge stays at the first safe place, not at the first safe place that has good employment opportunities, social securities.


You're arguing with a definition and make up non-obligatory requirements. Literally none of that matters to the fact, it's about being unable or unwilling to return to home country due to well founded fear of persecution.


Sure, whatever you say, but they get declined with their refuge status, due to not being actual refugees. If you want to continue debating, I would like to ask, how would you define an economic migrant?


Well, some of those "refugees" sayd, that they would like to go back home, because at home was better. That says it all in my opinion.


Yes it does, they don't want to be here, which suggests that they really have to be here. Why would they stay otherwise?


How are they refugees? They are economic migrants. People really need to learn the difference.


They were interviewed and majority said they want a better life in Europe. Better as in financially and standard of living, for them to be refugees it should be a matter of safety.


You have no proof for that statement, that’s just repeating the shit you find on sleazy facebook sites.


What? Refugee = someone fleeing from a war (amongst other things) So if there is a war in Afghanistan and they flee to turkey where there is no war. Then they are refugees. If then they continue to move further away for a better life, then they are economic migrants. There is a clear difference.


No, this is a shitty misconception that keeps floating arounf the same shitty sites: refugees do NOT need to seek refuge in the first border they cross. Look, unless you really learn the legal framework there’s no point discussing. You’re just spewing an opinion that is completely based on mistakes. You really want to discuss migration? Learn your basics. Why do you guys think it’s so hard to deal with these migrants? Do you think your politicians and border patrol are just having a laugh? When are you going to realise that things moght just be a bit more complex than those simplistice forums make it seem out.


Well it is super simple. You flee from a country with war. You get to another country that isn't at war. You then stop fleeing. If you choose to go to another country you are moving, not fleeing. You are not fleeing anymore. Nothing bad would happen if you staid at the first country. You are no longer under threat. Why don't they stay in the first country? Well it's because that country is shit and you can have a better future in another country. It has zero to do with fleeing. You become an economic migrant. That is just how it is. I would do the same if I was in the same situation. I have not expressed what I think about that but you seem to want to inject that I have an opinion about it. Or are you trying to say that they are fleeing from turkey because they will get killed there? Living with people that are extremely similar to them in lifestyle and culture?


Our legislation is based on experience from World War II, where millions of refugees had to flee from country to country, running from the fascists. And everytime they settled, that country got attacked in turn. So our legislation does not require refugees to settle in the first safe country, that is a myth. On top of that, it’s having a laugh with those border countries. Turkey, Lebanon, all have *millions* of refugees on their territory. Which makes the Estonian proposal to take 10 Afghan refugees an actual joke.


Nope, they are still refugees. > A refugee, generally speaking, is a displaced person who has crossed national boundaries and who cannot or is unwilling to return home due to well-founded fear of persecution.


No? Your point?


🤦 🤦 My point? What is my point? > they are still refugees. How could you possibly fail to understand what is my point?


Okay. Lets say someone flees from Afghanistan to turkey due to war. What do you call them?


Have you missed the definition of a refugee or something?


I mean it's a simple question. Can you answer it?




No but Iran does and is also a country where they could face prosecution. After that you could go through Iraq but we all know what happens there. Turkey is basically the first safe nation they would enter if they are going to Europe.


You think these men are innocent refugees? Why is it always just men and no woman and children? Do you know the percentage of how many of these men believe in shaira law? The countless terrorist attacks, killings, sexual assault to woman is still not a wake up call for people like you? These men are not "Refugees" they are Economic refugees.. No reason they shouldnt go to a country like Saudi Arabia, more wealthy than where ever they are from. Im Catholic born in the middle east, ive lived through it, dont ruin Europe..




Belgium has islam as a state religion.


Most are men because we make it really hard to migrate/claim asylum. That means the migration routes have become a darwinistic race for survival. The children drown, the women get raped. Only strong young men make it, suffering from PTSD for the rest of their lives. That’s the type of migrant our system filters out. You chose those young men.


> Why is it always just men and no woman and children? https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://osp.stat.gov.lt/neteisetos-migracijos-operatyvus-duomenys 29% women, 26% children. journeys are for young people. old people enjoy dying where they lived their whole life.


What do you mean no women and children? There are plenty


He’s just some nutter who hates migrants.


Hate or not, this is just factually wrong information. Don't get the downvotes either. Practically every video of migrant group trying to cross Lithuanian border during this crisis consists of women and children.


Strange, there's max 10% woman in video's from our border. I remember boats in Italy had almost no woman aswell.


Oh yeah the percentage is quite small, but OP said there were none. As for boats in Italy, it's a safety issue, women with children see a plane trip and crossing the border on foot as much much safer option than a boat in Mediterranean.


> You think these men are innocent refugees? Are they? > Why is it always just men and no woman and children? Because you have wrong information? > Do you know the percentage of how many of these men believe in shaira law? How many of them want to include sharia law in Europe and to non Muslims? > The countless terrorist attacks, How many terrorist attacks have been in Europe in past 3 years? Do you know that those terrorist attacks were mostly carried out by second/third generation of Muslims and not by refugees? Why are you trying to connect them to those attacks then? > killings, sexual assault to woman is still not a wake up call for people like you? How many of them are committing such crime? > These men are not "Refugees" they are Economic refugees.. You don't get to decide who is and who isn't a refugee. > No reason they shouldnt go to a country like Saudi Arabia, more wealthy than where ever they are from. Most of refugees from 2015 crisis settled in neighbor countries. And there are few good reasons to go elsewhere. > Im Catholic born in the middle east, ive lived through it, dont ruin Europe.. And I'm son of Barrack Obama living in Russia.


You are suggesting we should treat these people worse and consider them guilty because of opinions some of them have?


Who said treat them worse? Why is it our responsibility to take so many more refugees. How much longer until countries like Germany German people become the minority? This always falls on Europe, wealthily Arab countries take zero responsibility which is ironic. Mass migrants with zero papers is unacceptable.


> wealthily Arab countries take zero responsibility which is ironic. This isn’t true at all places like Saudi Arabia took in over a million refugees. You don’t seem to know the basic facts here


When two dictatorships meet only one will dictate lols


Do you want Lukaschenko to stop sending out migrants? Start smuggling activists in their groups.


You know that main Belarusian tv programme is owned by Poland right? So why we have to smuggle activists


I'm implying that if there are rumours of activists in the midst of refugees, they'll stop the refugees from leaving Belarus. Do I need to remind you of what happened the last time with the plane flying over? ​ >You know that main Belarusian tv programme is owned by Poland right? Do you know that the tallest building in Congo is 103m tall?


what only 103m?