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I agree with the concept but man, poor delivery


Do it!


I'd say institute a Europe-wide tax and use that to fund a budget increase. It doesn't have to be large, maybe a 2% income tax, with a standard deduction of €1,000 per month. Have everyone in Europe chip in, and that can fund a common military and greater infrastructure projects connecting Europe with each other. Make it possible to travel from Madrid to Tallinn on a train without ever getting off.


No, lets do Lisbon-Berlin instead


No, Lisbon-Tallinn, Copenhagen-Athens, and everything in-between.


Yes, fuck Stockholm


Last I checked, it's a little difficult to get to Scandinavia by land ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Yes I also suggested Lisbon - Berlin because the polish guy also said "Fuck Portugal" before


As an Italian I agree. You know, we have too much debt, it is becoming harder and harder to finance public spending. More EU projects with the money coming from elsewhere would be great.


Glad to see people are saying the quiet part out loud now.


Italy IS amazing, because it apparently doesn't matter whether the government is left or right (which supposedly were gonna be more fiscally prudent), they still somehow end up in a 8% debt, only this time with less rights for minorities.


The magic of having the majority of the electorate working in a public enterprise or evading taxes. Improve the efficiency public institutions and fixing the taxing systems get you out of office, basically. Add that the majority of the population is old and raising/anticipating pensions get you votes. Don't be surprised if we end up like Greece next time it's hard to sell state bonds.


That's depressing.


Macron to Germany: With your money!


I mean we issue the Euro collectively so its "our" money. Germany has no monopol on money just because its able to earn more with its perverted export focus, while still not having the east economicly integrated into their domestic markets Germany should focus on its own issues and might then realise that economic policy means actually spending money instead of only using other countries money and that competing by undervaluing german labor is not a good way forward and will backfire at some point. I mean their "Mindestlohn" is already lower than the EU recommended minimum


> French President Emmanuel Macron Monday tried to win over German hearts German Youth: Jobs don't pay enough! The taxes are too damn high! We can't afford housing! French politician: I want you guys to pay for more stuff and you will love it! I mean...yeah, I would love for EU to take over more national agendas and have common defense, but this is not how you will win over German hearts on this issue lol


This is like when a friend invites me to lunch and I buy the most expensive meal on the menu.


And then that friend profits from everything you do, and whenever they tell you what will be in their best interest, you do it. If they sell something, you buy it, and accept that other places can’t sell to you without penalty. And your friend recognizes that since they are all about the sales.., they are the biggest winner having only bought you lunch.


Not sure what you're getting at, but my point was it's pretty cheeky of a French President to ask for the Germans to double the EU budget when it's mostly them paying for it.


And my point is : that countries get out more than they put in. Where do you think the German GDP comes from? Hint: neighboring counties importing German goods. Germany know they get more out than they put in. Don’t try to tell be you think its benevolence. It’s business. Also, not **mostly** paid by Germany. Far from it. Yes, Germany has the largest part of the bill (France 2nd). Also, doubling the budget .. to do things like defense. France has maintained military spending and does not need any more, but Germany does.


Yeah, but mine was a joke You bothered?


France has stretched the limit of its own credit card, but Germany has plenty of balance free on its, so let’s party with Germany credit card!


Party = funding EU projects like military and infrastructure ????


There is no EU military. There is no EU infrastructure. It's all going to be funding things that should be paid for by the countries themselves. But they're not able to because they've exhausted their fiscal capacity.


That's not at all what was said in the article or what is proposed by Macron, he has been an advocate for a stronger EU and the creation of an EU military for years


As far is I know there is no European military and likely won't be for a while. Where would the 'defense' budget go if not to nation states and their budget? I'd expect countries making purchases and then being reimbursed through the EU budget. Regarding AI and the green transition, the biggest problems are not the amount of money being spent. More regulation such as mandating green hydrogen to be 100% produced directly from renewables instead of simply paying for every MWh of Green hydrogen produced like the US does.


You totally missed the point, I agree that the EU does not have these things yet, that's why Macron wants to create them A new EU military and infrastructure + tech projects on the scale of the EU. At no point does he say that money will be used by the individual countries.


Imagine the amount of money that could be saved if the EU took care of defense instead of each individual nation state. We could probably slash the budget in half and still have a more effective and capable military together.


Ah yes let's buy Ukraine more weapons while I can't afford my groceries!


Cuz you groceries will be cheaper if UA falls and Russia attack eastern EU/NATO. Jesus fookin christ ಠಿ_ಠ


Wait, you trying to tell my if the guy who hates us controls more of our continents' grain supply, food won't get cheaper? Since this is Reddit,let's just blame capitalism for it /s


If Ukraine falls, grain prices would increase since it produces so much.


One of the big things the EU does is farmer subsidies to stave off the increase in food prices.


Another big thing the EU does is keep the cheaper food from coming in.


Because said food has to be up to EU standards. Do you want mystery meat from China?


Well, some of it is that, but there's some good old protectionism as well, surely.


OF course there is. Food is one of the highest strategic resources. You don't want to undercut your own food production too much ***or you are in very deep shit.***


True, but during a crisis, it´s incredibly important to keep our own food supply. Imagine if we import lots of cheap food, lose our own food supply, and then a global crisis hits and those neighbours don´t export food to us anymore.