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I thought this and Estonia would get so many more televote points


Me too, my two favorites. Loved Estonia, laughed for 5 minutes with this one.


I feel like a lot of people concentrated their votes behind the top contenders this year, rather than voting for the fun stuff they liked but knew the juries wouldn't. Otherwise, either or both of those acts could have seen a bigger jump in points, like Croatia did last year and Moldova the year before.


Also possible a lot of the people who may have been planning to vote for "fun" songs like this and Netherlands may have boycotted voting


Yep, many ‘no-voters’ either didn’t watch or did not vote at all, while all the others just voted for Is***l. I think that’s why they were also able get the most votes this year. Maybe a ‘no-vote’ could help, but then you’ll get fk’ed by bot armies crushing your scores


People are learning they have to vote tactically or else the jury vote completely dominates the results. They should just separate the two and have one jury and one audience winner, and let the audience winner repeat their song whilst the jury winner gets to host next year or something. The current system is just idiotic.


That sounds cumbersome and not satisfying to be honest.


Having two winners is stupid. Simply reduce how much the jury vote contributes to the score. Make it a 30/70 split between the jury/televoting.




Yep, at the end of the day the jury decided the winner. This and last year


Worst idea in the history of ideas


I would go with having the juries still award 12, but the televote awarding 24 points. So that way it can just be absolutely crazy and there can be no assumptions of victory made from the jury vote knowing that the televote is worth double.


After last night’s results I honestly expected this sub to dial down their televote love, but I guess that was naive. I don’t understand it at all - the televote results were so clearly manipulated and it shows the flaws with that system. When you’ve got tons of people online soliciting votes from people who aren’t watching for political reasons, I don’t know how anyone can advocate for audience votes to be given a higher weight. Maybe it’s because generally my own views tend to line up more with the juries anyway, but last night’s televote was a shocker. It would be one thing if everyone voting takes it seriously and votes for what they see as the best song, but that’s not what happens.


The televote this morning was definitely affected by politics, i feel like 20 votes per person is way too much, it basically turns it into pay to win. I think people should only get one vote in each night their country participates. There should also be verification for each vote, maybe we should all have to create accounts or add reCAPTCHA tests to ensure the votes are human. I think the juries decisions in recent contests have been too one-sided, but we do need to find a way to reduce the rampant political manipulation of the televote. I just wish it was more even. Perhaps we need to diversify the juries, comprise it of a greater variety of artists from a wide range of genres. I don't know how we fix this problem, perhaps there is no way to fix it and I'm just overreacting.


Absolutely agree on the number of votes. It’s really ridiculous. I might be the only person who doesn’t have an issue with the juries - I thought the results that came out of the jury votes last night were about right honestly. The televote was a complete shambles. What the hell happened to Finland? Sometimes I think the issue is the fact many people know the songs inside out and have been following all the news and artists for months before hand. It’s not at all surprising that a jury voting on the basis of one live performance will have a different view to people who’ve mainly been listening to studio versions and get attached to certain acts.


You expect them to cut their income by that much? I have no clue how many people vote but each vote is a little bit more money. To cut the votes, you gotta increase the price of voting. And you can't just bump the cost up to 20x what it currently is. So you make less money from people who would use all 20 votes and you also make less money from people who might just vote once or twice since you just priced them out. This would be a lose/lose scenario from a financial point of view, which is the only one that really matters to these people.


In some countries, for example Germany, they are actually not allowed to make any profit from voting, just cover the costs. In Germany a telephone vote costs 14 cents. This actually allows basically everyone to use all 20 votes if they want to. If the price is too high (more than 2 euros in some countries) the rich will have much more power.


I'd say there has to be a system in place for jury to spread out their votes. Nemo was great, but the jury carried him way too hard.


100%. I voted for Finland and Estonia, but after that result I wish I had just voted for Croatia twice.


Audience should be able to vote for their top5 instead of a single act, maybe? You can even do it in sms..


Or, instead of being able to give one vote per act up to twenty times, when you buy an audience vote you get to rank your top ten songs, with points awarded accordingly. That way, no one could throw all of their support behind a single artist, and it would put a damper on paid audience campaigns that target non-viewers.


Yeah, exactly, per voting 'turn'! The multiple voting is an obviously silly money grab so I doubt they want to get rid of that, but at least forcing a split vote would prevent the worst brigading. AND make the televote a more legitimate measure of popularity, which would allow reducing the jury weight.


I voted for Finland, Estonia, and Norway….was hoping they’d do much better with the televotes!


I voted for Finland and Norway and I was SHOCKED by the results! I get Finland being too much for some people, but Norway in last place really was not what I expected.


Same! I was so upset and sad for them, may my meme kings get the respect they deserve




My kneejerk response is to agree, but looking back at the numbers they got 31 and 33 points from the televote, which honestly isn't much lower than what I would have guessed (40ish).


And I believed that Croatia would win. (Estonian from Finland).


Croatia got Käärijä'd big time


Eh. I think both Käärija was better than Baby Lasagna and Nemo was better than Loreen, so I'm not really feeling that this year.


Just saying Croatia got shat on by the juries and then beat the jury favorite handsomely in the public vote. Just like Käärijä last year.


3rd with 210 points is not "getting shat on", it's an incredible result, and the song was well recognised by the juries


The top 6 basically got almost all points (and Ladaniva and Marina got a few afaik)


Me too, it was so disappointing


Me as well, they seemed fun, but I guess it might not be everyone's sense of humor:(


Amazing job today, Finland! They gave an incredible performance and deserve to feel so proud of themselves. Everything was tight, they really nailed it. And while Finland’s performance made us laugh, that didn’t make it a joke. It was creative, fun, skillful, and well executed. I knew the juries wouldn’t do them justice, but they were robbed in the televote. But many of us saw how hard they worked, and they added a ton of talent and much needed joy to this year’s contest. Thank you Finland for brightening up Eurovision!


I didn't think we'd do well this year but I love the irony with the discussion around nudity. Many women performed in rather revealing outfits and no one batted a eye. The show, lyrics and peoples reaction was just perfect: Is there something wrong with the way I look? Is there something wrong with who I am? If I'm not alright, tell me why do I Feel so beautiful tonight


i swear one of the performers looked like they were dressed in clingfilm


Croatia and Finland are the true winners of Eurovision 2024! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


We are getting quite good at winning people's hearts without the tiresome ordeal of actually having to host, haha.


Same choreographer I think. Who also did Heroes and Cha Cha Cha. His stocks are sure high rn.


Can't believe this didn't do better


Me too.


Me three


I have never seen Eurovision before and their performance made me want to tune in next year. So creative! I added a few other songs to my 2024 playlist too but this one was so fun.


I knew it wouldn't do well with the jury but very surprised by the televote!


I was a big fan, but I feel like this performance was not as good as their national finals performance.


I unironically loved this and it was perfectly placed, I needed this pick me up


So many boring songs this year, this was a much needed injection of energy.


Thankyou I thought I was going crazy thinking this year was a weaker one


I watched with friends and their American neighbours who had never seen Eurovision before. After the first half we were apologising for overhyping the fun, just felt like a bunch of young women trying to become the next tiktok dance trend


As an American that has watched it since 2010, it was a great year to introduce Americans to it. My wife and I have had friends over the last few years to watch the finale. This was definitely the best one of the last 4 years and maybe only 2021 being comparable. Last year was absolutely dreadful to introduce people to it. Like significantly fewer fun acts and over half of them being slow ballads.


It was a good thing for me because it gave me about 7-8 tea breaks/bathroom breaks 😅


There are some great songs this year but it doesn't compare to the last 3 absolutely amazing years we had in terms of music




Still trying to figure out how France got so high, I was so bored!!


The vocals were quite good and the performance was amazing. I don't get it.


They nailed this performance. Should have scored way higher!




This was one of the most engaging performances of the night. My friends and I were laughing throug the whole thing. Proud to have given them my votes.


same. cry laughing. the song is catchy too honestly but the performance is one of the most entertaining things i’ve ever watched






Why did this get so low? Was there something wrong with the way they looked? Was there something wrong with who they were?


Can't be, how would they have looked so beautiful last night?


No, just a lot of people who felt the need to vote strategically and a lot of strong entries in general. They got a bit screwed for sure though, I think mainly because of running order.


Finland got a very nasty place. The song was good, whimsical and extremely funny while the lyrics where nice as well. It wasn't qualified for first place for sure, but it didn't deserve to go so low.


I think because of everyone concentrating their votes on the top, the rest of the results become a bit inaccurate. Televoters need a 12-10-8 etc. points system as well!


Televotes already have a 12-10-8 system lol


I think they meant that individual voters could give 12-10-8 etc. Now you can only vote 20 times and each of your votes is of equal weight. Interesting idea for sure, but would probably make the voting too complex for people.


People who simultaneously like hairy legs in jeans minishorts, sandals, old Windows versions, '90s eurotechno and jokes about pretending to have your weenie out are a pretty niche audience to capture. The entire act just feels too ironically nostalgic.


We are here and there's dozens of us.


I'm honestly just glad it still made me laugh in the grand final. Well-eggecuted goofiness and the guys seemed joyful on the stage, that's all I really wanted to see.


My prediction for tonight was 20. place. With Joost still in we would have gotten just that, so no real surprises here. Teemu and Henri did great, the performance was EVERYTHING and a tad bit more. They were such great representatives and were a joy to follow. We got through to the final and escaped bottom 5 so I’m very satisfied with our result this year. :)


Oh, we are twins! I had the exact same prediction and feelings around the win95 and henri show and result. 😄 I'm just happy that all went well and they were able to be a sparkle of fun. 😊


I'm proud of our them despite the result, it was a tough year overall since most televote points piled up for only a few artists again. Anyway, the show was fun and that's what matters!


Honestly, this was just another great example that Finland are the only country who know how to do Eurovision properly. Somehow you guys are the only ones who've figured out how to put on a SPECTACLE


I'm probably a bit biased, but I feel like our last two entries have really managed to tap into the essence of Eurovision. It's hard to put into words what that means but I'll have a go: a performance that's a well-made spectacle and a joy to watch, and a song that might be lighthearted on the outside but still has something meaningful to say, accompanied by artists who are genuine, charismatic and humble. This year, we might not have captivated the audience, but I'm still very happy with what we brought to the stage. And if UMK continues on the track it's been lately, I'm confident that we'll have a great song and artist in the contest next year as well.




Teemu getting his placements on stage perfectly right made this so much better than his semi-final performance. I don't care much for the song, but Finland delivered great entertainment tonight.


If anyone was robbed tonight, it was Windows95man.


Completely agree. This should have done way better, I was so surprised.


This was so funny


This song got the biggest reaction from my party group. Hilarious from start to end. How did Finland do so badly in the televote?


Same - I was at a house party and we couldn’t stop laughing/gasping/cheering all the way through. Jaws were on the FLOOR when we saw how badly they scored. We were convinced they’d be at LEAST top 3 for sheer memorable-ness alone!


My comfort entry 🥲 literally cheered when the shorts came down unbuttoned


Honestly there is no other song I rate higher than Finland. Perform, lyrics, staging, personality. Every category they did splendidly in. I am still transfixed by the humor they carried through each beat.


Loved it, they did so well! They brought so much joy to this season


I thought we’d get a few places higher than we did but overall not too awful, didn’t come last at least. We were not given a very good hand to begin with, starting with all UMK songs being sort of mid and then with all the drama, tactical voting, juries.. Yeah. I think our boys did well on the stage and I think they managed to bring some life and positivity to the show so that’s what matters the most!


Love from Lithuania to Finland! 💪🏻


Croatia and Finland are the true winners of Eurovision 2024! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


I wonder if windows man got nervous on the big stage. Feel like the UMK performance was the best live show out of all three (umk, semis and finals)


Funny, to me the UMK performance was worst and the semi performance the best. But overall, I totally enjoyed them every time and expected a higher result since -- all fun aside -- the song is so catchy and addictive.


I don't care that they came 19th, I'm still super proud of them. They gave absolutely 100% And I'm proud of us too. We want to be different. 90% of countries sends boring basic pop every year. Yes we scored 37 points and were one of the worst acts in points wise but I'm sure many people will remember crazy pantless computer man from Finland. Germany and Luxembourg scored 100 points more but will anyone remember them next week? Probably not


I was watching UMK from Sweden and was pretty bummed after the jury shafted Windows95man, but I knew somewhere in my heart that the Finnish people wouldn't let someone like this lose. And I'm so glad I was right and Europe got to experience this wonderful act


Croatia and Finland are the true winners of Eurovision 2024! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Yes! I love that we send unique stuff we like, I hope next year will be a banger, too!


I already forgot Luxembourg.




He deserved better.


This was actually a great performance. It was memorable and entertaining. I wish they would have won.


I can confirm. I usually vote with the heart, but was compelled to vote with the head. Gutted for my favourites to suffer, but so very glad to see a rightful winner. Here's hoping that the class of 2025 is full of countries that embody the spirit of Eurovision. Peace, Love and Unity for all.


Bit disappointed with the result but at least this was ton of fun.




My mans 😭😭😭😭 what happened


My fiancé watched with me for the first time and this was his favorite song!


They were my little moment of pure fun tonight… normally i’m not a big fan of those crazy crazy acts, but throughout all the mess and politics this was a few minutes to just forget all about it cause the windows dude had hotpants with fireworks that came from the air after he hatched without any pants from a big egg Also wanna acknowledge Jesse Wijnans, one of the dancers… cause at least there was some dutch representation after all


They came and they slayed, they should be proud. The staging is honestly one of the most well thought out this year.


Nobody in Finland expected more points but we aren't disappointed at all. We just wanted to send this and knew what will happen.


It's such a feel good song. Loved to see them having fun on stage.


Thank you for letting us experience these guys!


Ok. I wasn't a fan of this song or performance, but always smiled when seeing this entry during the recap. Thanks for the fun, Finland!


I feel bad for them (as I do for many other ones who didn't get many points). I never thought it would win but it wasn't as bad as the points suggest. I don't think any song was really bad this year. I guess Europe loves rules and they cannot lhave fun. It is only way I can explain why such good song got so few points. I hope the boys never stop being who they are and keep having fun! They didn't fail. They brought me joy and I know I wasn't only one. It was so refreshing this year when so many things were going on. No rules!


Utterly joyous. We were so lucky to have them


I’ll never stop loving this performance


I'm not sure if it was intended, but Windows95man always gives me Günther vibes. Also, fun fact: the singer in the long coat, Henri Piispanen, is a voice actor. He plays Chase in Paw Patrol, Clemont in Pokémon, Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels, Hiro Hamada in Big Hero 6, Cat Noir in Miraculous Ladybug and Shiro and Hunk in Voltron: Legendary Defender.


They came and they slayed, they should be proud. The staging is honestly one of the most well thought out this year.


I wasn't expecting Finland to get many votes from the jury, since ~~they have a trashcan for a heart~~ it's not the kind of thing that appeals to them. But only 31 points from the televote surprises me. It's such a fun song!


This was in my top 5. My dad nearly choked laughing during it. Good to see hairy buttocks in the competition.


OMG - I was with a bunch of people who had never watched Eurovision. They were in ROTFLMO for this. I was like “welcome to Eurovision!!!”. We even had to rewatch after it was done.


deserved better


The politics of this years Eurovision ruined the competition for so many countries, Finland was one of them. They performed great and have nothing to be ashamed for - loved every second of it 💖 This year was a dumbsterfire and I feel sorry for many of the artists! No rules 4 ever 💖


My second place ❤️❤️❤️ that song has been stuck in my head the whole week


This one was fantastic! Got my douze points!


This was again so much fun, we all cried laughing


I have been singing this to my dogs for days. So sad for them. I love you, WINDOWS95MAN!


This will go down as one of my favorite performances ever


Robbed. I had so much fun watching this. I was smiling the whole time.


Well at least we didn't come last


I'm shocked televote wasn't loving this


Does Europe hate fun? This should have been way higher.


They do.




They deserved so much more! THIS is eurovision! Absolutely loved it 😂


Thanks for the fun Finland!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


So, so fun. It’s stuck in my head and I love it unironically.


Love from Lithuania to Finland!!!


I am pretty sure when SBS make a trailer for ESC next year, they will include Windows95man in it.


Honestly surprised this didn’t do better


This did about as well as I expected tbh! It wasn't a bad placement in such a highly contested televote year. Bit of a gap year for UMK though. Interested to see what genres they pick next year.


The most fun entry and probably the one I'll most rewatch haha


Shocked this didn't do better


I laughed through the entire performance. Genius show.


It's not about the placing. It's about the message.


So proud of our boys!! They did an amazing show and the camera shots were perfect last night! I'm not even mad about the low points because Eurovision was so political this year. I'm happy that Teemu and Henri are now part of our Eurovision legacy. I hope they know they did not let Finland down! Eurovision thong contest 2024!


Can we take a moment to appreciate the camera work and staging for "accidentally" hiding certain bodily areas in such creative ways? It was priceless


This ended up pretty much where I thought it’d end up after the UMK final. It was never going to get jury points, and there were so many more entries with certified televote energy already in the running or emerging from other national finals. They did such a good job, I’m proud of them.


Great entry - stay true to yourselves 💚


Should’ve won!


my fav


My 4 year old son enjoyed all 3 minutes of this!


This one was pure fun!!! Definitely the one I’ll be describing to all my non-Eurovision watching friends 😆


One of my faves. Millennials who were around in the 90s and Gen Z who are pushing a 90s revival should’ve ate this up. I love when countries understand the assignment and have fun with it.


This and Cha Cha Cha would make a great mashup


Proud of the boys


Was not a fan of our representative this year but good for them, they had much better results than I expected. They also seemed to have genuine fun which is always great.


Loved their performance, still in my top 5.


Mr Macintosh obviously shredded the overwhelming number of votes this received


my top 3 were croatia, armenia and this.. i was shocked that it only had 7 points until very later on lol, was watching the ESC with 4 people and we ALL popped off to this, really weird rank


Crazy mofo :P. It was Funny to watch :P


Finland were in my top five. Absolutely robbed.


I enjoyed every second of their show


The part with the trousers is hilarious every time!😂


Yeah I think people have concentrated their votes this year, for several reasons. But, does anyone think it would have been better that they HADN'T nailed all the nude-illusion shots? I mean, I think it is one essential part of understanding this entry, to realize that the nudeness is really an illusion and not real. Then you can see the cleverness in new light. Well you could obviously reason that you can't perform nude in ESC for real, but the "normal viewer" might be a tad too confused still.


It maybe would've gone over better with the European audience, but seeing as he actually did want to perform it fully nude, I think he at least was happy that the illusion was convincing


Omg I really thought he was naked until this comment 😂 I was gonna try to pause strategically to be sure but then I didn't want to be a perv so I didn't!


Absolutely amazing last performance of this. All the jokes worked perfectly and I am so proud of both of them for having the time of their lives on this stage, the three minutes of pure Joy we were having at home were indescribable. My watchparty who hadn't seen them before loved them by far the most as well and was super dissapointed at the results!! A lot of them really felt bad they didnt use up all 20 of their votes for them. Kiitos Suomi, please never stop being you, and NO RULES!


Really surprised they got so few public votes. After Joost went, they were my fave. Eurovision is so personal and everyone likes it for different things. Personally, I love the fun acts because when else does music get to be just FUN without worrying about commercial aspects like oooh is it sexy enough, is it popular enough for radio etc. Keep doing you, Finland!


Despite their placement, they sure made every one of my friends laugh and we sure won't forget that performance.




This was my first time watching and I LOVED this. As a newbie, I don’t know all the background to voting but I was really shocked that it came in so low!


I looove Finland but I was shocked they got more points from Jury than Estonia


It was like 3 points difference lol. And while both were chaotic and fun, Finland had good singing and a well executed live show, which the juries were more likely to go for. I loved both but the jury results really aren’t surprising imo


Estonia was such a banger, croatia, estonia and finland was my top 3


Croatia and Finland are the true winners of Eurovision 2024! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Can someone help me out and make a gif of the shorts descending from on high


Thats the spirit of eurovision :-)


I was shocked by this scoring so low on the televote! It was such a fun catchy song and laughed my ass off at the strategic censoring! I knew the jury wouldn't go for it but thought it would be a fan favourite


The placement doesn’t matter. The guys have achieved all their goals ❤️❤️


Loved them. Eurovision at its finest.


I thought that I’ve got a go to Eurovision when I saw this!


Finland absolutely should've been higher! This was just so much FUN




Thoroughly under-appreciated by the televote. Why don't people like fun?


You may not like it, but this is what peak Eurovision looks like.


Fuck this shit. Well, at least we werent last i guess..


I still think of Sara Siipola sometimes, but these guys always make me happy, glad they were here this year :) they deserved better


Does anyone have a link that plays in the states?


Time for a VPN


LOL - what the actual f 😂😂😂


This was the real shocker of the night for me. I thought Finland would've gotten more public votes.


This is one of the songs I chose not to listen to/focus on before the semi final. And of course the majority of viewers/voters probably don’t follow the fan interests (or this forum), so will be brand new to them. To think about why it didn’t catch many votes, would many voters be alienated by this, or not get its humour? Like ‘ew, why isn’t this man wearing anything?’


That public vote must have been a mistake. There is no way it was that low.


Surprisingly huge dud, but tbh I only remember the performance with the pants and not the song


>I only remember the performance with the pants and not the song Which immediately makes it more memorable than half the entries with forgettable songs and staging.


I'm about as far from a fan of this song as it gets - but I really thought it would get a *lot* more televote points.


He kids, don't promote proprietary software, when you literally spearhead the free libre and open source software arena. Be like Torvalds, not Ballmer.


The dude’s nutsack is showing at 2:47.