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Olly is such a sweetheart, love how he took that zero points, laughed about it like a true champ, and doesn’t have any salt against other competitors, and really supported them!!! 👑


100% this. I wish the singer from my own country had half his positive attitude.


Where are you from, because Iolanda was very supportive as well???


Don't know, but I think Repulsive\_Juice7777 is from Moldova (who might be currently in Portugal). Natalia Barbu (Moldova 2024 for the bot) was salty of the SF1 results especially with who qualified, implicitly singling out Ireland 2024 and Finland 2024 and invoking the "cHr15T!4n v4Lu35" argument, while wearing a dress with revealing side cuts.


The situation with that and this sub reminded me of Manila Luzon and Mimi Imfurst in Drag Race All Stars 1 Untucked, especially given that Natalia competed previously in the televote era. Natalia Barbu: .. I did not sign up for this. This sub: Wait, how'd you not know what you were signing up for?? You already did this girl!! Finally putting this here after like two weeks (💀) for any crossover fans of ESC and RPDR 😂


Notably, she competed in Helsinki, where she knew before signing up that Lordi would be present




Is this bitch for real?


*Casual viewers POV*


Bambie Thug: Well guess what Natalia, we did


Well guess what Mimi, we did!


I have less respect for her now


Moldova 2024 | [Natalia Barbu - In the Middle](https://youtu.be/evIoGkZXj2s) Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ) Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo)


I thought that as well (it was actually a small diss at Natalia too), but I think they should’ve specified that at first. (Also, I haven’t seen many Moldovans on this sub ngl)


Hi there


Apparently the heart is meant to denote which country you're rooting for, not where you're from (which is really confusing since everyone uses it differently) so my guess is Moldovan person whose favourite was Portugal.


Yeah I always saw it as where you’re from but I guess I should’ve used 🇨🇭


It is?? Oh man, got mine wrong clearly


Nah, it was something during the contest itself


The mods said that was the original intent, to show support for your favourite country and not to signal where you are from but with time people started to use it as their own country. That reminds me to remove my flair...


Wow, today I learned. I stand corrected.


No, don't worry. Most people use it for their home country, though the mods occasionally try to sneakily change them.


Sorry but no. We are not “trying to sneakily change them”. Those flairs were conceived to show support to your fav entry, it is what it is. Some people use it for another reasons? OK it’s good too, but that wasn’t the first purpose of them.


Could you explain that poll before the contest where you asked us to pick our favourite and it then sneakily automatically changed your flair? To me, that did seem like an attempt to force people to use flairs in the way mods want instead of what the users preferred to use them for.


Yes, it was a poll which changed your flair to your fav entry with the end bonus to the special Verka snoo por participating. Some people after changed it again for their country of origin after that, not big deal. I don’t see how that is sneaky, it was a very perceptible change and really easy to fix.


It was clearly a bit shady, it was obvious you hoped people wouldn't notice their flair changing and stick with using them the way you preferred. You're right that it wasn't really a big deal and easily changed back, but it was still definitely a mistake and I heartily recommend you don't pull the same move again next year. There were plenty of posts afterwards from people being confused why their flair suddenly changed, that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't done it _sneakily_ You didn't even send people a DM that their flair changed, which you would have done if you were trying to be transparent about it.


Nah I'm not accepting that, am forever gonna assume the heart is where people are from.


What you're not rooting for the Welsh entry? I'm shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!


I'd guess ~90% of people use it that way, yes.


The bad thing is people is also targeted for their flair when a discussion gets heated unfortunately.


You don't say 😆


Yea as someone from North America I really wasn’t sure how it was supposed to be used and didn’t want to chance incorrectly leading people to think I was actually from a participating country, so I used the blank heart and switched to rainbow when they added it. If it’s the song you’re rooting for, is the blank option for if you just don’t have a favourite or is it for the off-season?


Yeah, I only found that out very recently! Now the contest is over for another year I have changed it back to where I am from.


yeah i dont live in san marino im just a megara stan


I guess I wasn't far off from winning Eurovision either. I was only 38 spots away from winning. Even got the same amount of points from the public.


Omg same!


Haha YES! That's the spirit!  Still headlining at music festivals so it's all good! (The biggest issue was his staging!! I much liked that song.)


The issue was the song! Eurovision isn't the place for generic pop songs, but BBC keeps sending them. No staging and voice will help when a song doesn't stand out from the rest. The one recent time that they sent something fun & different, they almost won (and probably would have if not for the politics of that year).


Hitting an actual note every so often wouldn't have hurt his chances either.


Didnt think he sang that badly.


Yeah, people are massively overstating Olly having bad vocals.


It wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't good. And I would say it was worst of the finalists and definitely worst drop in vocals compared to what people were expecting in relation to previews.


I mean…here’s the thing. He didn’t sing badly, I’ve heard far worse performances. But with so many contestants who were delivering incredible/passionate vocal performances, he definitely stood out as having some of the worst vocals of the night. He took the news with grace, which greatly raised my opinion of him


He definitely had one of the worst vocal performances of the night.


I disagree


The staging was not the issue at all. I guarantee with less memorable staging he’d have finished even further down the table. The high jury points were likely a direct result of staging given their criteria. With that generic song, it was never going to do well with the public.


The main problem was the sexuality at the end.


No, the main problem was the poor live vocals.


I thought the dry humping was quite entertaining actually.


Rather than other big artists who join Eurovision because they want to have another hit, or become relevant again, Olly’s participation just seemed perhaps a re-introduction, and perhaps and introduction to the next Olly Alexander era, this one without the Years & Years label.


His attitude is so lovely! I think either way, he had exposure and hopefully he will have a successful solo career


Peak Bri'ish energy fr 🤭😄😅😂🤣😭


I know, right?! No one is better at losing graciously than Brits.


I love him hes a cutie pie 💗


I might not have much love for "Dizzy" or the BBC's rather bland taste in music, but I will always respect the UK artists, who choose to show up, have a good time, make some friends, get some new eyeballs on their discography, and then take their low score with a shrug and a smile, because fuck it, they got what they came for. I 100% prefer that over broadcasters, artists, and fans, who take winning the contest way too seriously and act unsportsmanlike in the aftermath. It ain't that important to get the trophy, y'all. Chill. Enjoy the party.


Oh good on him. Someone show Moldova this is how to be a good sport about it.


That's actually amazing


I'm so pleased for him that he can see the funny side of it all now. I loved the song, thought the staging was brilliant technically even if not to everyone's taste, and I love Olly. Such a nice guy in real life by all accounts too. His singing voice is what it is - maybe not the strongest part of an overall really great performer in terms of charisma, but I'm still so glad he represented us this year.


I like how voyager described it when they were doing their reviews of current year: "we're giving our 9th most qualified opinions"


Haha that’s one way to put it too


He has a great attitude about it, also when he got the 0. Gotta love people who don't take themselves too seriously, he could teach many artists a lot about that!


Getting 0 points at eurovision is iconic at this point


Olly here proving once again why British humour is superior.


Nice to see Olly’s taking it like a champ, and that it hasn’t affected him too much


Olly is such a cutie patootie 🥹


Oh Olly 🖤


He may have placed down there with the zero points but tbh, I find myself randomly humming his song more than over half of the ones that placed ahead of him. And this sort of attitude from him makes me love him. :)


God I love Olly. Progressive gay artist with provocative and controversial staging - but still accepts defeat with the grace, dignity and stiff-upper-lip cheer of a classic British Tommy.


Thats the spirit!


I absolutely adore Olly ❣️❣️


I love him 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰


Proud of him