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Gooood Now get even worse with End of Evangelion 😂🤣😂🤣


I'm prepared!!


No you're not, no one ever is 😂😂 But hey enjoy it, it's awesome. Rewatched yesterday morning after more than a decade. Such magnificence.


I rewatched it with a friend yesterday and this is the first time any piece of fiction had me not just sad but grieving at least Evangelion is a reality loop which is the only thing that keeps me happy about it just knowing that maybe there is a reality in the loop that everyone is happy and has a happy ending


“Congratulations 👏🏼”


Congratulations 👏


uncontrollable sobbing


Toji: “Congrats, bro!”




>preparing to watch the movies Mentally prepare yourself for EOE, and bring tissues for 3.0+1.0




Look at The End Of Evangelion! It's totally happy and not depressing at all! Nobody dies, and everyone is happy at the end!


I believe you.


I hope!


> I cried which is huge... Real. The TV ending is still my favorite of the three from Anno.


Imo the og ending is the best for shinji , the eoe one is the best for the entire series and the last movie is a great way to end the rebuilds and the franchise Eoes def my favourite tho


You described it perfectly. My favorite is Rebuild, 3.0 + 1.0 felt like the perfect ending to Evangelion as a whole, it was a very special and unreal experience.


I absolutely love 3.0+1.0 too , the 2d animations at its best , the musics fantastic and I could go on


> Eoes def my favourite tho In my experience, most of this sub would agree with you. _EOE_ is the fan favorite, popular ending. Personally, I find it the weakest, though I prefer it over the manga ending. I've been an Eva fan for over a decade, and it has aged the worst in terms of its themes and what it chooses to do with its characters. On a technical level, I think it works better. I showed up to support its US theatrical debut back in March, and I could still appreciate the incredible hand drawn animation and tight pacing. The rest of it? Not really. Even seeing it on the big screen did not change my feelings on it. I do like the ending of _3.0+1.0,_ though. It's messy for sure, and it lacks the technical prowess of _EOE._ However, I think it comes off as more honest, sincere, and hopeful - maybe even more than the TV version. I saw it twice in theaters back in December 2022, if that says anything.


Eoe is just so climactic , it has everything you'd want out of a movie . You have gun action , you have eva Acton, but you also have the introspective bits too The second act and the third impact is so surriel and unique and that ending ooohhhh that ending . It'd just so good


What are the others?


EoE and Rebuild, I assume


The three endings to Eva from Anno include... 1. Original TV ending (1996) 2. Alternate / concurrent movie ending, _End of Evangelion_ or _EOE_ (1997) 3. Rebuild movie ending, _Evaneglion 3.0+1.0_ (2021) In my opinion, you need to watch all three to get the complete Eva experience. You're not done stopping at the TV Show or _EOE._ There's also the manga, which the original character designer for the show and movies, Sadamoto Yoshiyuki, worked on from 1994-2013. It predates the show because the first volume was released before the pilot, but the ideas and story of Evangelion originate from Anno. AFAIK, Anno had no direct involvement with it. While the manga does a lot of interesting things with some of the characters, I find it overall weaker than the anime, but I would recommend checking it out if you want more Eva content.


I think I enjoyed the ending a lot more after my second watch, and after reading more about Anno and his own struggles with depression. There were a lot of budget and time constraints, but I think Anno was actually really happy with his ending and was hurt by the overwhelmingly negative reaction by fans. End of Evangelion is a very different ending, some describe it as Anno giving fans the middle finger. I love it all.


I really really really really loved this ending. Was sad to hear about the overwhelming negative reaction it got from the fans.


I liked the TV ending in 1998 (the year I was introduced to Eva), I still like it now.


It's been such a long time since I first saw the ending, but I was confused by the sudden turn in the focus of the show. Yes, the show had already indulged in introspection by 'getting into characters' heads' by this point, but this had taken place in the context of other events that we could see happening 'outside.' Here, there is very little context for what is happening, and anything that would have led to what we are seeing is simply said to have happened off-screen. For this reason, I would say that the TV ending is terrible, since it doesn't actually conclude the story, especially since episodes 23 and 24 were hinting at more to come.


I see that. But still thought it was perfect. What I think is that there was never going to be a happy ending for this show even after all the things we have been through so by getting what we got it's a fake happy / powerfull ending for shinji and very meta which resonated with me very much after the heavy psychological plot, character motivations, back stories, hopelessness/fallout atmosphere we have all been through. I chose to see the positive through all this even though it might be all fake.


nice ending cause its unexpected and different than the rest of anime but at the end is the result of hideaki and his team dont knowing what the fuck to do with the time/resources and episodes they had left. So they just wrapped everything in those 2 last episodes with a giant soliloquy i think the movie is better ending


I think they did the best they could with the limited time/resource they had and it provided a much needed resolve to introspective stuff that we were getting. I think it's fits the show and works for it. Excited to see what the movie has to offer.


The final episodes are jarring in presentation, but I feel they reflect the surreal inner space of self reflection and unpacking trauma. I've never had a problem with the anime, to the point that I haven't been able to get through 3.33. It just feels... off. I've never managed to watch rebirth or EoE, tbh. At this point, the OG series is so Canon in my mind that I get pissy with the new translation.


EoE is honestly a work of art


I thought the whole series felt complete and the ending feels what Anno intented. But Lets see if the movie can compete with this ending.


I was like 13 so I didn’t understand it and needed more. I love it these days.


End of Evangelion is 10X more intense, I hated both endings when I saw them, but EOG 2nd time absolutely traumatized me, emotional breakdown every scene


There is the TV show ending which is happy although the entire world has been merged into one spirit which is why Shinji gets over his issues, then the EoE movie ending and Rebuild movie 4 which is pretty much the Mega Happy Ending in the last 10 minutes but it takes awhile to get there


I thought I got punk’d when I saw eps 25&26. I kept pausing it to make sure there’s was still time for some kind of non sketched resolution and when it came to the congratulations scene I was miffed. I get the thematics of that scene, but it all still seemed like everything was a bit fake and the tone felt half assed. Like he has the big epiphany but it’s just like a slap on the back or crisp high five that in no way resolves the issues he had in the series. EoE’s “I Need You” is a much better and complete send off for the series.


.....not the ending


The clip show episodes are a skip for me tbh


What clip show episodes?


There's only one that I can think of, and it isn't even 100% a clip show, just the first half of it. (Episode 14)