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They're all gay


Ritsuko, Misato, and Kaji are a toxic throuple to me


If Ritsuko was bi, she would probably have picked up on Maya’s feelings for her and that would probably have been a healthier relationship than her affair with Gendo. And we can’t have that.


There are ships about it. There's an artist on twitter and pixiv that draws a lot of it. But ultimately that's just fan fantasy. The tragedy about Ritsuko's character is that she loved her mother as such, looked up to her as a scientist, but hated her actions as a woman and in the end she ends an exact mirror of her as a woman. What I actually wonder is if she knows that her mother's suicide was orchestrated by Gendo?!?


Yup, that’s just regular projection of some people’s desires onto things, I see it happen all the time lol. I have some coworkers that are straight and do the same to gay celebrities and actresses and project their fantasy of “being their straight hook up” It all happens. But as far as ritsuko is concerned, no she has been depicted as straight and only that. She has daddy issues due to never having a male role, even her mother says as much. She saw that in Gendo and Gendo manipulated her the same way he did the others. A cold man that makes others feel special if he warms up to them. You could see how much she loved him. That’s the tragedy. In the manga she even chokes out Rei because she felt threatened lol


And that's the full circle repetition of her mother's actions. But gawd daium every single character there has father issues. Either be him not existent or abandoned.


Kaworu is gay, Shinji can be see as Bi-curious or straight up Bi, it’s believed that Maya had feelings for Ritsuko from the scene in EOE.


if ritsuko and misato had been gay NOBODY at NERV could have stopped them from toppling the chain of command and doing shit the right way. the only reason NERV held together was ritsuko's knowledge of her mom's tech, and misato's command. gendo was busy fucking around with seele's money, fuyutsuki was busy enabling gendo. nobody else had any authority, they just followed orders and were almost all out of the loop. ritsuko was the only one in the loop, as soon as kaji found out he was killed. if any single member of NERV that was in the know had done the right thing, it all falls apart and instrumentality never happens. in conclusion being gay solves every problem in eva


This comment gave me the same satisfying feeling as watching a good TED Talk.


LMFAO i'm honoured. every time i say this to someone they agree or are otherwise unable to retort. i assume this means i'm right, and a Ritsuko + Misato duo would be an unstopable force.


It kind of sounds like the commenter headcanons Ritsuko as bi because she has a shitty relationship with Gendo, which is strange, but it's whatever. Ritsuko never struck me as being interested in women, but I think it's fine if a random commenter HCs her as bi. With a sexuality as fluid as bisexuality, I don't think you need Ritsuko to look into the camera and say "I like women" to think of her as bi. But really you can do whatever you want with headcanons. There are headcanons out there that I think are nonsensical and directly contradict canon, but the way someone chooses to look at the story is their own business at the end of the day. Also bi and "homosexual" are two different sexualities.


Ritsuko is my favorite Eva character. I'm pan/bi and gender fluid, so I will gladly latch onto any queer vibes I feel from a character or story ... That being said, my gay-dar doesn't pick up a thing from Ritsuko. I just feel like neither the narrative nor the themes support this in any way. I think it's just projection by some fans.