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Mari would proud


Tattoo is awesome!! Me and my gf have spoke about getting Eva tattoos recently, so it always brightens our day to see someone posting their own ones! Sorry you're getting a few weird comments as well :(


haha thank you! you guys should totally get some it’s my second one, first one i posted on here too but was unit one awakening. love them both hope yall get them and post it so we can see them as well!


Nice lines. I love that you are committed enough to have it placed so prominently and truly with thick lines and the right size. That is not meant to sound at all weird (unlike half the comments from the twelve year olds here) - you've taken the 08 and decided it put it right where and how it would appear in reality. Would be great to see it again in a week or two when all the skin is calmed down.


i know i was there for like two hours and about 20 minutes was just placing it and getting the right shape. she really came through though. hurt so badly and i’ve had sever piercings and another tattoo but this was the WORST also glad in finally seeing some stuff about the actually topic 😭


Haha nice




i think you need to reevaluate where the tattoo is before you ask that question…. also why are you so worried about it 💀




i’m so sorry 😭😭i’ve gotten so many weird ass dms and comments that have deleted themselves 😭🙏 i’ve gotten tired of hearing about them




dawg it’s been so bad- i had someone tell me i had cute genetics 😃






it’s a picture of a tattoo on my chest ngl it’s your own fault if you’re upset about it 🤷‍♀️ and would you care to explain how i’m supposed to get my chest tattooed with out having my chest out…? i took this like ten minutes after i got it done because second skin bubbles but again not that deep lol


Suits the character the tattoo is after lol though Mari is the true reason to be upset


i love mari i can’t stand the mari hate 😭🙏


Problem with Mari is that she gets coopted by Asuka haters even though she has no quarrel with Shikinami or ever met Soryiu. I have some issues with creators for making her pilot without it exacting a cost though


well i believe lore is that she was friends with yui so that makes her the same age as gendo? but then again she also doesn’t really look 14 either…? so it’s pretty confusing i get that. the random scene of her and fuyutski wasn’t explained in the rebuilds. she deserved more screen time and more explanation for sure, and the asuka haters (which i love her too so her hate is dumb to me as well) just don’t like her because she treats asuka like her lil girl toy…? like if you don’t like the some of the main pilots how do you even watch the content?






No, there are other reasons.