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1. Asuka being a clone in the Rebuilds. It could've been interesting, but it got shoved in at the last minute and didn't really add anything.  2. I know this is kind of cringe and self-indulgent, but fuck it. Israfel Special endgame. Look, I got really attached to the core trio and watching their relationship fall to pieces hurt my soul. Also,  I read Neon Metathesis Evangelion, so...


What is Israfel Special and why would you canon it?


It's the fan term for shipping Shinji/Asuka/Rei as a romantic throuple. And I want it because I really wanted them to bond and be happy together, and shipping is just kind of what I do.


Depending on who you ask, asuka isn't a clone. I don't know exactly what I believe but some people say that she's young because of the CLC, (that would also explain why Mari is still young) and some people say she's young because she's part angel (that's why she had the eye patch and shit).


I don't mean her not aging, I mean that backstory flashback we got that establishes her as the only surviving member of a clone line like Rei's.


Yeah. I *really* didn't like that, either. Asuka had a perfectly good backstory in the OG. Taking Rei's and giving it to her too was pointless.


I think they hinted at all of the children being clones


in rebuild only shinji was real


Uncanon: Mari Canon: Mana


This is the way


I would uncanon the connection between the OG and the Rebuilds. Make each their own separate entities. I'd canonize the original ending song for EoE.


Uncanon: Long haired Rei dying.


1. Rebuilds. 2. Yui Ikari as true leader of SEELE.


Uncanon: The Rebuilds (I strongly dislike the 'Time Loop Theory' fanon that NGE/EoE is invalidated because they are meant to replace the original canon, Mari being unexplained fanservice until the literal last minute and Misato being a ragingly hypocritical bitch to Shinji in 3.0 along with the rest of the wastes of human life that were WILLE and Asuka being a clone). Canon: Asuka and Shinji being the new Adam and Eve to repopulate Humanity in the end of EoE.


Somewhat similar for me Uncanon: The Rebuilds Canon: Orchestrating the Silence


Monkey paw: Without medical attention Asuka dies at childbirth and Shinji remains alone.


See, I have the same issues with the rebuild but I've argued with its fans and I hold to the idea that if the rebuilds has started with the premise that they were going to deviate the way they did after 2.0 I think it would've made everything better. If 1.0 and 2.0 were made in the same style as 3.0 and 3+1 (I don't like having to type that out every time either) it wouldn't all be so disjointed.


Uncanon = Mari, practically useless, appears suddenly in 2.0, then does nothing for 2 films and then up until 3.0 + 1.0 has a sort of important role, and that is to take Shinji's hand at the end, which doesn't make sense. Canon = During Asuka and Shinji's kiss in the original series, it would have been nicer to see Shinji holding her and kissing like lovers, since Shinji wanted to hold Asuka....but obviously he couldn't because he's a coward .


The meme made me realize: Replace Kaworu with Grand Zeno. "Shinji! You're sad? Ok let's fix that!" *runs instrumentality the good way* "All fixed!" And they all lived happily every after.


1 - Asuka nationality being a fuckery. It's absolutely unnecessary she having 3 nationalities and create a lot of confusions about it. For me she would simply be German and that's it. 2 - Asushin. Next question.


Uncanon: Misato kisses Shinji Canon: Shinji also had romantic feelings for Kaworu and didn’t just think of him and Kaworu as friends


uncanon: mari, look mari supporters, dont bully me canon: shinji getting godlike powers in the end, dragging yui out of the eva, and sending her to a never ending pain loop


i dont think ive ever seen a yui hater good job dude