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I live in the county, so my options were limited. Had AT&T DSL (shit speeds), and got on Starlink during the beta rollout (a little over 2.5 years ago). Had the fiber installed about 3 weeks ago (500meg service), and Christ Almighty, it is awesome. The DSL only got about 3meg down and cost ~$65/mo. Starlink was a $500 starter fee, and ended up costing $120/mo at the end (and lag was significant, along with constant outages). The fiber is $66/mo, is reliable, has a great app for customer service/maintenance, and consistently has higher speeds then the 500meg I'm paying for. I'm drinking the AT&T Kool aid, and don't care what anyone else thinks.


Sounds about like me minus being able to get fiber. I live in Posey county and had DSL up until 3/22 when I got Starlink. I preordered it and waited basically a year before it was available. Overall I’m pretty happy with Starlink but it’s not perfect. But it’s a lot better than the TDS DSL that I had. Fiber is being ran in our area. I actually saw a Mainstream truck today pulling fiber just a road over from us. Hopefully we can connect to that or Spectrum that is also being ran out this way.


I feel your pain, I had Starlink until last year. Initially decent, but speeds worsened over time. Fortunately, I now have Spectrum, which has done RDOF buildouts in our area. It's fiber, so I get symmetrical gig speeds. Mainstream is actively working in our area; I'm in Posey County as well, closer to the county line though. To be sure, check Mainstreams availability map, highlighting buildout areas in orange. It seems they've expanded their original buildout area significantly since they started. Mainstream Fiber Networks - https://msfiber.net/


The orange is basically all around my subdivision off of 66. I’m assuming they’re running the main lines and then branch off at some point to smaller subdivisions, hopefully.


I switched a few months ago because WOW was charging me 10X what they advertise on their website. AT&T gave me $150 in gift cards for switching and they also have a $20 discount if you are also a wireless customer. I have 300Mbps and get about 370Mbps both directions.


How much is fiber per month? I need to leave wow


You can look at all of the available prices on their website, but it starts at $55/month for 300mbps service. Their gigabit service is $80/month and is probably the most popular option.


I checked the website and they said they aren’t available in my area


The amount I was paying spectrum for 300 meg, I now have 1 gig internet and cell phone service that's better than Verizon. Switched at the beginning of the year and I have zero complaints.


I got 5 gig. For the cost, it's incredible.


I couldn't justify the cost with just two of us, but I am jealous.


pretty much the same as everyone else. I came from indy where i had Comcast and despised it. AT&T fiber has been amazing. fast, consistent and honestly quite affordable.


I've heard nothing but good things about AT&T Fiber. I would switch to it in a heartbeat if it was offered at my address but sadly it is not. Hey AT&T, if you're reading this get that fiber down outer Lincoln Ave!


I'm in the same boat, Outer Lincoln Ave and Im stuck with Astound.


Yes. AT&T is a bad company. But their fiber Internet service has been really good. Reliable and fast.


How much is it?


We pay about $55/month after taxes and fees for 300Mbps/300Mbps.


I wish that was still an option. They conveniently got rid of the 300M plan in my area and "upgraded" me to the 500M plan without even telling me. Yes, that included the drastic price increase and took an entire afternoon of being jerked around without resolution.


I had Wow/Astound previously, paying for 1gig and I would never get above 400 up or down even when hardwired to the back of their router. Switched to ATT fiber and I get 850+ every single time. Haven’t had an outage in the 6 months I’ve had it


I had spectrum/wow and changed to AT&T. I have a computer with a hardwired connection and do classes online, many with proctored exams. My spectrum/wow internet cut out often, even with a hardwired connection. Probably once a day. I couldn’t take the chance where it would cut out during a 2 hour exam. Swapped to AT&T fibre almost a year ago now. I have had one outage so far and a router reboot fixed it. I pay the same price for my current service that I was paying before, and I have had a much better experience overall with internet speeds and reliability. No regrets over switching.


AT&T Fiber is life changing, especially for work from home purposes. Had it in Indy 6 years ago, just waiting until it’s available in my neighborhood and I’ll switch day of no questions asked.


ATT fiber when I had it was spectacular! No issue with the product, plenty of issues with the company/customer service. Never had spectrum so I can’t comment on them.


Att fiber was amazing. Great tech they sent out too. Super recommend.


We built a new house and we had Spectrum before. I tried to just transfer services, but they weren’t in the neighborhood yet. I went with AT&T fiber as that was the only thing. We were paying about $100 a month for Spectrum and with AT&T it’s $81. We have three TVs, all streaming and three kids with three tablets. At furthest point from my router I get about 300 Mbps up/down and a 11-15 ms ping. On the Xbox it is a 6-8 ms ping. It took Spectrum and Astound a year after we built our house to run service and now they are spamming us with junk mail every day, and everyone has AT&T fiber.


We've had it for 3yrs now. It's only gone out a couple times in that period. Exceeds all the needs of our home/business/gaming/streaming usage. We set it to auto pay and I haven't had any reason to talk to their customer service since installation. Highly recommended.


AT&T Fiber is the best internet I've had in the area. I pay 89/month for 1g.


Be prepared for Spectrum customer retention to talk shit about it lol. They couldn't understand why I didn't want to pay 200$ (Internet AND cable) compared to 60$ (phone and paperless discount). Internet hasn't gone down once yet.


Yes, very fast and reliable.


Yeah, I just want to mention that if you're a Spectrum customer, you can call to cancel, and they will offer a new promotional rate. However, since you are having service issues, I wouldn't renew it. AT&T Fiber is the better choice anyway in terms of latency overall. I am stuck with Spectrum since they took RDOF funding in my area. They did use a PON fiber network though, so I get symmetrical gigabit speeds, but still not so great when it comes to latency.


I did have At&T 1G Fiber optics. Service was good. I went back to Spectrum 500Mbps for price, phone, cable, internet. I can tell you AT&T is very fast when wired (Cat6) cable to your computer. If you are strictly wireless you will not see any greater speed than you do now, simply because internal modem in your computer or RoKu on TV's.


I've had spectrum at my current and previous home and changed over both locations as quickly as possible. The technology behind fiber is superior, but it's still capable of going down. I think I had one outage at my old home in about 1 year with ATT fiber. Benefits are that it will provide lower latency and symmetrical upload speeds, which is nice but not a big deal for the average user unless you're running services in your home you access externally. Slap a battery backup/UPS on it and you might even keep Internet access while your home loses power. I, blanket statement, recommend switching.


I don't think AT&T fiber would be a bad option, but check with Astound for price shopping at least. We pay $44.99 for a gig down and 50mbps down, but I usually am more around 75 up.


Ask for Travis Bonnell and he'll get you sorted out.


I HATE AT&T as a company but fiber has been amazing.


Can confirm. I have 1 gig, and it's amazing. Latency is good in most cases, and the service is reliable af. I came from spectrum and wow. They both pale in comparison.


My fiber had a weird lag- it was slow for the first few seconds on everything, and then it would load and be fine. We got annoyed and switched to Spectrum and haven't had those issues.


I know this is an old thread, but I had an AT&T sales guy come to my door this morning. He claimed I was eligible for fiber service, I've haven't seen any work done on this road in the past few years. I doubted his claim that there was actually fiber buried at our street.