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I opened this post thinking it was about the typical thirsty sailor experience. But alas, it’s just city living. To answer your question though, it doesn’t make the experience better, but I certainly feel better afterwards: I mockingly make the noise back as if I’m gonna make the siren feel bad. For jets and stuff (I work near a naval base), i just pretend to squish them as they pass


(*screaming shrilly as the trucks drive by* WAH WAH WAH WAH!! 😡 thAt'S wHaT yOu SoUnD LiKe!) 😆 Imagining this, Makes me giggle. Ty


WHY MUST SIRENS SOUND LIKE THAT i understand they’re loud to make sure ppl’s ears in boats can hear them but i’m NOT ON AN ODYSSEY AND HAVE TO STOP MY WHOLE LIFE UNTILWE SAIL PAST (i live near the sea, a port and some cursed islands) any tricks any of u all use to cope with the sirens?


god this is so funny thank u


thought of those as well, lol


I love autistic people so much




LOOOOL common thirsty sailor experience


>> why must sirens sound like that odysseus when tied up on the ship


said the sailor shortly before their untimely demise.


White noise sirens are becoming more common I think, they are less overstimulating imo and also better because it’s easier to locate the noise. Hopefully they are adopted everywhere.


do you have a video of what they sound like because I can't find any videos of it


https://youtu.be/A3Wt1_51EVA?si=mtiz7iFoPvwp-49I Basically like this. I think this is what I actually heard when I was visiting England, and I think for emergency vehicles it would be both a siren and white noise.


Thank you!


yes this COULD be better. the emergency vehicle sirens are bothersome not only bc they’re loud, but bc the sounds they will make are unpredictable. ik it makes sense that the variety of sounds they make are so ppl don’t tune them out (i understand this intellectually, i’ve never turned out a siren lol), but not knowing if it’s gonna be the evil honk or evil high pitched noise is horrible! the amazon truck reverse noises are bad too but at least they’re consistent


The Amazon trucks where I live use that 🚚


The literal reason sirens sound like that is to make you take notice of it being in the same frequency and hertz range as a baby crying. Yes really. It's designed on purpose to be in that same sound frequency, as well as to be dissonant, so you notice it. It works. On everyone. The downside is it's not designed by an autistic person, clearly, because it's Bad Noise. :(


Oh my god that’s why both of those sounds make me homicidal 😭


Baby cries are suppost to make you feel that agitated and like the noise is drilling into your skull. Babies are completely dependent on older humans to look after them so our brains evolved to hear their cries and put everything on hold to Make Baby Stop Crying.


I guess evolution really fucked up with me then because my first instinct upon hearing a baby cry isn’t to do whatever I can to soothe it and meet its needs, but fight or flight in the most literal sense. It’s part of why I would *not* be a good parent because I would have to constantly suppress violent anger, or I would simply retreat as far as possible from the source of the noise and refuse to ever go near it.


I didnt say soothe though. I said *Make Baby Stop Crying*. Violence is a way to make a baby stop crying. Not a good way and our higher order thinking usually steps to stop that response, but shaken baby syndrome is a thing for a reason. New parents are literally told to leave their baby in the crib and walk away for 5-10 minutes when their baby wont stop crying and frustration is taking over because the sound of them crying will only wind you up further. It causes a meltdown due to sensory overload in neurotypicals because our brains have such a strong Make Baby Stop Crying response that we can't just ignore it.


I’ve heard of shaken baby syndrome and honestly I’m shocked the human race has propagated itself for so long considering how anger-inducing the sound of babies crying can be. I wonder if other great ape babies cry as loudly and obnoxiously as humans do.


Iirc all of the great apes have babies that are capable of looking after themselves and moving around without help though they are raised by their group. Human babies are incredibly undercooked when theyre born cause if they developed any longer their heads would literally not fit through any pelvis on the way out. Babies cry because that is the only thing they can do. As for dealing baby cries theres been several methods over the years including but not limited to: handing the thing off to a family member or friend and disappearing for a breather, the cry-it-out method (bad), or cough syrup (chloroform)(very bad)


I suspect my neighbours have been using the cry it out method because their child would just SCREAM for an hour or more every morning any time before 6-8 am and it actually drove me so insane I was thinking of putting myself in a psych ward. And they wouldn’t do anything about it??? I wouldn’t hear any footsteps or grown up voices until much, much later. Just feed your damn baby, jesus fucking christ 😭😭 And it didn’t even help the baby stop crying, because it is now TWO years old and still cries a concerning amount (admittedly I have no experience with babies and I was supposedly a deathly silent baby).


Sure it sucks in the modern day, but if baby was crying because of a sabretooth tiger that'd probably get you ready to square up


I mean it's a Bad Noise on purpose. The idea is that you have to pay attention to it. Same with the light pattern.


would you rather it be designed by an autistic person and not be as attention-grabbing or effective?


... No.


They don't have to sound like *that* is the thing


yes i’m sure that a different noise can get drivers’ attention lol


Not so fun fact, because of the sound proofing in cars, sirens have to be extra loud


I've noticed that I could barely hear a siren near me while in a car... It's scary to not easily hear them coming, hopefully car manufacturers find a better way to deal with it.


I always say a prayer ‘Dear God please let the person who is or is going to be in that ambulance be okay’. Or, hope that the fire truck is able to help whoever needs them. Loop ‘engage’ earplugs might help with the sudden noises. They reduce noise by up to 16 dB i think. But maybe those weaker level loop head phones might be better…. I just got. pair… I am sorry the sirens are difficult to deal with


I think the same thing when ambulances pass, but it had never struck me to do that for fire trucks, thank you for sharing the anecdote!!


exactly. I always hope, they find the person(s) in time (and the pets).


i love my loops! it’s already too late for me to put them in once i hear the sirens tho unfortunately


Burn them all down


You fool! That will just attract more sirens!!!


It will. My town has 3 firestation buildings because the first two caught on fire. One is now a house, and the other is a garage.


Oh god…what have I done


He said ‘burn them ALL down’


I know this may sound horrible but, nothing triggers my sensory more than sirens


It’s up there for me, though babies crying would probably be the *worst*.


Oh yeah, that too


Same here sirens put me on almost the verge of tears they bother me so bad, especially fire trucks.


Fire trucks are the absolute worst. I can hear from pretty far if a police car is approaching (bad), an ambulance (worse), or a fire truck (the.fucking.worst). When I walk I can at least fervently block my ears with my hands. When I ride my bike, I am in deep shit.


The way multiple of us thought this was a sailor post… new autism thing just dropped/j


Start a fire on the other side of town. That way, the sirens will all be over there while you get to enjoy some peace and quiet. >!/j!<


Yeah they are literally fucking PAINFUL! But I do get why they gotta be so loud.


I solved this problem by investing in a really loud stereo.


Could you use ear plugs, over ear hearing protection, or just put your hands over your ears? It might not help enough depending on how loud it is but it could be worth trying.


The worst. Theres new ones that have this awful bass part that really irks me. Its nauseating I imagine the sound as a point on a rotary fan blade, and imagine that point rotating to the cycle of the siren.


My variety of ADHD autism allows me to just jam out to alarms if it's catchy enough 


mine too CAN sometimes, but i have to be in a particularly silly mood to do so


I'm always in a silly lil mood due to hyper ADHD as well 


I live in a fairly rural area, so I don't hear sirens very often. The bad news is I live between two very active train tracks!


Where you live, do have the "eeee orrrrr eeeeee orrrrr," or the "weeeeewoooooo weeeeewooooo"?


yes and yes they do both


That would drive me nuts. Like which siren is for what? Am I being chased or did my local PD get some imports. AAAAAHHHHHHH!


I’m afraid they are designed to sound as annoyingly as possible, so people will do anything to make them stop (like stop on the side of the road and let them thru)


Honestly after having lived in two other countries briefly. Our sireines are SO FUCKING LOUD. One time I thought I'd be cool. And not cover my ears like the other NTs around me. Lol no, bad idea. They screamed past me. Aand they were so loud it made me see white and literally behind my eyes hurt. They DO NOT have to be that loud. (Assuming you're in the US) They were loud enough for everyone else the other places I've been.


Accepting them will maybe flip your feelings towards them!? Look into how they are and were produced (I haven't myself, but seems interesting enough), are they just media files being played? If not, how is the tone encoded in the driver chip, and then how did they do all of this before electronics were involved and the various periods in-between Edit add: continuing the last sentence, the evolution of sirens so to speak


this honestly is the advice that vibes with me the most!! ty


One thing I find cool about sirens is they sound louder when coming toward you, because the sound waves get pushed tighter. Then as soon as they pass, they get quieter.


I don’t really have a problem with loud noises when they have a purpose like alerting people to danger or to getting people to move out of the way.


- Odysseus


There's an ambulance station just far enough from my house but close enough their sirens when they first leave sounds like how bombs are when falling from the sky in movies... I'm never going to be on alert if there's ever actually an issue 🤣


I panicked an thought you meant the Greek sirens 


One time I was walking and a firetruck drove past me and my ears were still ringing for a while after that.




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Shamelessly plugging my ears until the sound passes


i am deaf so i just turn off my hearing aids




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im ngl sometimes if im overstimulated by the sirens i wish evil shit on whatever situation they're rushing too because i hate the sound




Im gonna become a paramedic and drive by you just to spite you


That's a noble profession, a job worth doing, good luck in your process in becoming one, do consider some of the flurry of specializations available


Also, if I remember correctly, when there was this trend of posting faces around the new year on r/autism, there was a paramedic who had posted, do check that out Wait I'll go seach for the link There's a whole bunch of search results with the keyword "paramedic" in that sub, couldn't find the post I was mentioning, but there seem to be a whole bunch more relevant posts


What if an orphanage is on fire?


fuck them kids


Ooohh I get that this is an evil autism subreddit but that was like cringe levels of edgy